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I went into the astral and meditated trying to come up with a magickal solution for an anon desiring to change his gender and I have as a result of this deep meditation while in the astral come up the following that I believe will allow him to exploit his own nature to achieve the objectives he desires to realize and crush that which is holding him back (such as doubts that undermine all magickal workings). One technique is feminine the other is masculine, both can and should be used, however depending upon your elemental imbalances one will be stronger than the other.

Total Unreserved Submission Technique (TrUST)

This is the feminine or water method. It operates in a passive way and involves surrendering your will absolutely to another entity, human or astral, it is very powerful and it requires absolute trust.

For this to work you must achieve a singularity of mind in which no resistance is possible. You will submit to the active agent without any reservations at all concerning what might happen if they exploit you or if they command you to do "the impossible". You must be in a state of mind in which disobedience to the will of the other is absolutely impossible and his word is absolute truth. The mantra of "there is only his way, there is only submission, whatever he commands me will be so" should be yours when using this technique.

You must practise total unreserved submission. If they were to ask you to kill yourself, to masturbate, to eat your hand off, to kill someone else, IT WOULD HAPPEN AND IT COULD NOT BE ANY OTHER WAY. Likewise if they asked you to jump 10 feet high, to see the whole world only in shades of blue, told you that you could not feel, see, or even collide with a wall, or that you were to channel an all-knowing intelligence it would happen and it could not be any other way. If they ask you to delete a memory, to feel like you are having an intense orgasm, or to suddenly shit your pants these things too would all happen on his command.

You should be very careful in selecting who you submit to in this way. In the case of the anon I am trying to help, your goal is to switch genders and become a woman, so you obviously need someone or something that is going to give you the correct commands once you're in the state of total unreserved submission. If you have successfully applied the technique, you will not feel that you control your body or mind (at least so far as your own control over your body and mind conflicts with a command given you) at all while you are in the state of submission, it will be entirely under their command. (You can test by having the active agent give commands to move your arms, if they do this and you feel your arm moved completely on its own as if you didn't control it, you're doing it right.) You will only regain control under three conditions:

1. A certain amount of time has passed since you entered the state of total unreserved submission. (this is assuming you built-in a timer for it, otherwise it could go on indefinitely… you probably should put a timer in just in case of some accident like say the person that is to command you suddenly died or lost contact with you.

2. You are dismissed by the active will, thus you are given back control over your body and mind.


In training yourself for this you must repeat mantras and feel that you absolutely can not resist. It must be akin to learned helplessness or whatever… it is as far as you are concerned ''completely impossible to resist". If you are submissive and strong in the water element this is easy to do. If you've been bossed around your whole life, used to following orders, had really strict parents that never let you get away with anything, etc. these kinds of experiences can train you for this although it doesn't have to be so negative you know. Submission can be trained positively too, such as when your desire to submit to someone is a product of intense love. Doesn't matter how you attain or strengthen your water nature though, you still intensify this power through both the negative experiences and the positive ones.

You can be very passive and weak-willed and this technique will work just fine. The active will may be a limiting factor to some extent but it depends on just how submissive you are. A very strong will can force anyone to submit to it, and someone who is very masculine and strong in the fire element will be the best to give you commands.


There are four things which can give the commands necessary for you to obey:

1. You may create a simple thoughtform which issues the commands. Create and program a simple thoughtform for the soul purpose of issuing you a series of commands that you will follow when in the state of total unreserved submission (with the last command giving you back control over yourself / ordering you out of the trance, issued at the end, after a certain period of time has elapsed or you've already carried out the previous commands). If the thoughtform develops too much intelligence and connects to the akashic sphere (source of desires) or a complex astral matrix in which it indirectly picks up desires from others that then are infused into its aura OR it picks up hidden or unintentionally parted desires from YOU it could behave unpredictably and give commands other than the ones you intended… which could put you at risk. As long as you program it right it will do exactly what it was meant to do. If you do this, it's best you spend a fair bit of time honing your thoughtforming beforehand and testing out your thoughtforms, so you can get a good idea for yourself if your new thoughtform is going to perform exactly as intended. The risk of mental contagion is actually pretty high especially as your thoughtform must achieve a certain minimum level of stability and persistence that it can last long enough to give the commands and as the energy invested increases so does it complexity and astral connections/influences. You should develop the astral vision beforehand so you can see the auric colours (which are in fact, the colours of emotion/desire-force/astral-energy/loosh/etc. as we call it) and examine your thoughtform in this way to get a very good idea of what desires are animating it, in this way you can know that you can trust it to perform as intended.

2. You can submit to a human. Find a human who you trust to give you the exact and proper commands needed to test you are in the right state and then carry out the objective you had in mind beforehand when you decided to use this technique for becoming a woman (or for the rest of us, whatever). As with the thoughtform, it's best you develop the auric / astral vision beforehand, so you can see the aura of the person and determine from their aura that you can trust and rely on them to perform as intended. If you have this ability as well, you can look at the auras of any random people you meet in person (physically or via projection), and know before you even talk or interact with them everything about their character. You will know who to avoid, who to share secrets with, who is kind, who is depressed, who is spiritually advanced, who is actually an organic portal, who is sick, who has strong faith and religious feelings, etc. it will all be revealed to you by a careful examination of the colours of their auras and noting the correspondences.

3. You can submit to a spirit/entity. Same shit as with a human, they can be deceptive and manipulative and untrustworthy, or they can be quite suitable to put your trust in. They will have auras as well, everything does, for all things are animated by desire from most basic "matter"/substance to the most complex forms of biological life to the highest intelligences of the astral.

I will have to write either in this thread or another the techniques I've been experimenting with that let you see the desire-force / auras. I have tested it with another person and it worked for them perfectly and objectively.

Note: if you are in complete submission to someone else's will, their desire-force animates you while your own desire-force is absent or suppressed, so it looks like the colours jumping off of the other entities aura animates you for as long as that condition persists.


Active Applied Will Method

This is the masculine or fire method. It operates in an active way and involves training your will to be like iron.

Life here in our native realm on Earth presents plenty of opportunities to train the will. You should practise various forms of meditation and fight your own mind to bring it under control as it tries to shift its attention away from the object of your meditation. You should set tasks for yourself to do and go about them with a determination that not even death will stop you. You can also apply your will to achieving objectives set by others such as your parents or your employer, this is submissive only if you don't decide it is your own will that you follow through. Something as simple as willing yourself to get up from bed when you'd rather lay there in a depressive state not wanting to face the world can be a great test of the will, so could be cleaning up a room, or reading through a large text, or running a marathon. We train the magickal will by use of the imagination in assisting us through all of these things. A magickal act is performed simply by engaging the higher mental and astral selves in a process.

It is also possible to apply the will not just in moving your own body and mind to get things done but you can apply it to others. Whenever you have an opportunity to influence someone you can train your will; from the mundane to the exceptional. Develop an authoritative tone, make a thoughtform and practise ordering it around like a general, let your passions influence and override the desires of others, directly psycho-kinetically control others, insert thoughts into their minds, etc. you can make others submit to your will without so much as saying a word or even being physically present.

An extremely strong will transcends time and space, and all doubts and obstacles, in achieving its objective.


Akashic Method

If you think about it long enough it's hard to tell how the two techniques I've described are any different from each other. I suppose it's a matter of internal and external or what your perspective of Self is. The passive water method still sort of has an active fire element to in that you will yourself to submit. The active fire method can be considered passive and submissive in that will is moved by desire.

If you want to truly combine both of the above methods you must complete the circle by becoming the cause of your own actions. If you resonate with the akashic sphere you can go right to the source and program from that level. Reaching this level requires a very high level of spiritual development though before you have the "permissions" to be able to do this.

Practise creating and strengthening desires and fulfilling them as well as extinguishing them. The typical way of doing this is:

1. to find something you have no passion at all for, go into a state of gnosis, and develop a deep passion for it.

2. to find something you have an intense passion for, go into a state of gnosis, and erase the passion by either dismissing or fulfilling it.

3. to keep doing the above, until you can create, fulfil, extinguish, and intensify desires to great extremes on a whim.

The sexual drive of most humans presents a great training method along these lines in that it can become extremely powerful and gain massive momentum of its own when exercised in the right way (through thoughts and physical actions both) which you can then find extremely hard to fight. Complete mastery over one's own sexual desire such that you completely erase it and then recreate it gives you control.


Now, for the anon that wants to change his gender…

First I would have you achieve the state of total unreserved submission. Then I would command you to channel your "higher self" or more specifically "that hidden part of you or God which knows absolutely" to write down or type out a large text which would detail all of the principles and bodies which define your gender and then the most effective methods that would be specific to you necessary to transform those bodies. I would then have you read what you wrote and I would read it myself as well. I would then (probably, depending on what exactly the instructions you channelled are) have you follow through in transforming your present body into a female one (or alternatively coming into possession of a female body). I'm not sure exactly what would be written but I imagine it would be a basic explanation of your three bodies, the connections between them, how to gather the required energy, and how to tramsmute protomatter into physical matter and restructure your whole physical body and rewrite your chromsomes and DNA, and also how to select the new model for your body (to then transform into or for you to create and then transfer your essence into or for you to take possession over.) Of course it doesn't have to be hyper-detailed, we do lots of things without knowing exactly how (other than we gave the impulse for it to be done and the subconscious took care of the rest), so some nuances might not even be covered as it will "happen automatically" as long as we take care of the rest.


Now you can stop bothering me about this and I can stop chastizing myself for putting off on writing this and worry about how I still need to write down my new thoughtforming experiments for The Protagonist to do in order to achieve thought detection, dowsing, etc. and reveal to him some more of the principles of Radio-Mentalism.




Not that anon, and I don't want to change anything, but how do you get more clearer answers from your higer self? I've done the technique in the book of knowledge, and when I ask something I only get vague thoughts in my head, the chance of being correct predictions is like 2/3



First you need to know your higher self. I'd just stick to trying to channel stuff from wise entities and developing trusting and productive magickal relations with them. Maybe do a certain secret something I am working on myself and don't really want to post until I'm done testing the efficacy of my technique… [redacted]


There is more than one anon wishing for this. Thanks.


this is disgusting don't disrespect yourselves this way people please



Fuck off, pseudo-occultist.



This thread isn't about changing your gender. So no need to get all butt hurt.

The techniques OP was explaining were already touched upon in the Arcane Teachings. (If you even read the books, mundane.)



I think Franz Bardon also wrote about this shit.




You're both the mundanes, when you relinquish to forces like this you put yourself at a huge risk. You are basically spreading your asshole far and wide for that inter-dimensional rape



Oh, it's a samefag




shut the fuck up, you idiot



I encourage you to go ahead and try this sort of magic



>muh reverse psychology



>I want to believe


Thanks a lot for writing this. I enjoyed reading the submissive and dominant practices.

I should definitely work on strengthening my will. I've never seen it described in the magickal and fiery perspective in which you write about it though. Is there any similar material I can find on strengthening the will? Books, articles, videos, or anything more you want to impart, etc



What is with all this trap fetishism being forced onto every board?

Have you considered using magik to fix your brain and accept the fact that you are biologically male or female?

I don't see the sense in trying to further unbalance your self.



You don't get it.



This isn't about becoming a trap, it's about actually shifting gender, or in my case I don't actually want to shift gender to become the other gender but rather for the sake of being a shapeshifter.

I want to shift genders just to be a master over gender.

The rest of the people here probably want to be a woman because they are more beautiful and soft and society caters to women more.



most people here don't even want to change genders, just minor features




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That aside, you shouldn't aim to shift between male and female, but to balance the best qualities of both.

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