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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
1. No duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit.
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/edgy/ has recently been fixed for all you indigopills out there

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We need to find a way to greenpill these faggots.


I bet you think tulpas aren't schizophrenia either, huh?


/Polacks should be banned from fringe




>Earth is flat


>center of the Universe

You should be banned from living.


>Christard/Mudslime flat earth shit

You people should be banned from existence



the bible never said the earth was flat





hello goldberg



More like flatpill, or, as I like to call it, cookie.


>literally no evidence

>the "conspiracy" had a ridiculous increase in popularity in the past year because it's disinfo



spotted the Jew



> everyone I disagree with is a jew

Well you know what? I think I found the real jew here



Mad because you can't prove your ball?


I would have banned you too,, mainly because in the flat world model the edges of our earth our encased in a circle of ice,, what we know as Antarctica… the picture you posted is in itself disinfo…. classic move jewberg


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Flat Earth is horrible topic to start.

If you see our flat Earth thread, you will see the the opinion is divided.

It's just a waste of time to dicuss it.

Start with Hitler being the incarnation of Wotan or meme magick and see what happens.

I am too lazy to start a thread there.

And why the need to greenpill them? All pills can become conditioning. Wich is bad. They have their purposes, but spreading to those who are not intrested could potentially be a waste of time.



(It took me some time to notice the thread was old but bumped with spam.

Sorry everyone.)



Im a fucking greenpill and this jew is making us look bad. the longer we stay on 8chan the worse fringe will get



/pol/ has been getting greenpilled since the the Ebola-chan fiasco, if not earlier.

There are always threads about occult shit popping up there. It's practically on its way to being a fucking thulean mystery school at this point.

Lurk moar


>Flat earth

Gas thyself


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

If you don't want to look at the evidence for the flat earth, at least look into the bullshit that NASA peddles.



Look into the holographic world view as opposed to the flat one. /pol/ is already into meme magick. Just tell them that meditating on shitposts gives it more power. You'll improve a lot of their lives by getting them to meditate a bit at a time.


Shill for Evola's works. His works act as a bridge for the far right and occultism.



I've actually thought about whether that would wok. After some time on bmw and dod I wondered on how we could meme without 8chan. Manifestation through visualisation. Is there any proof to this?



Typical flat earth fallacy.

Just because NASA may be bullshit doesn't mean the earth is flat.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


NASA is not the only BTFO thing m8. Check vid related.


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>muh flat Earth

Please tell me you are not so mundane as to believe in something so retarded /fringe/?

Surely some of you have astral traveled into space, and seen our gorgeous planet from afar, the delicate and precious blue marble it is?



you never had an OOBE in space


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No I haven't have you?

Has anyone here had an OBE or AP and traveled above the Earth's atmosphere, have they seen the Earth from a distance, the wonderful sphere it is

Or are have only astronauts ever been afforded that privilege, oh how I would like to know.



I attempted it but the further I got away the more it became dimensional travel. I never saw Antarctica or the sphere as much as I tried.


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Why would NASA hide the fact that the Earth is flat?

What would that change if anything if we found out it was flat?


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>Gas thyself

>Age of Aquarius

>unironically believing in the Holohoax




Is this guy out of jail yet, or the iron pill guy, that Swede that was arrested for making these glorious comics by the totalitarian state polis.



I'm not sure what you're wanting. Are you wanting to meme in your head and hope it happens? Really pointless when we can just get tons of people on /pol/ to visualize and do.


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Hello /fringe/!

I'm a relative newcomer here, this is my first post though I have been lurking here for a while. I really like this Chan. One of the most interesting thing I've found here by lurking here, is the whole flat earth theory thing, and I've been looking into it quite a bit.

It is really starting to make sense to me, there are so many arguments for it which make sense and I am truly becoming a believer. Now, what strikes me the most, is how well it fits with the whole hermetic way of thinking. Like how the sun and moon are equal in size, and how the sun is male while the moon is female for instance. It is also said that the sun radiates warm, antiseptic light while the moon emits cool septic light. Apparently the moonlight is cooler than a shady spot at night, at least according to a YouTube video filming it and thus apparently proving it. I have not tested it in real life, but still. Anyway, this makes sense in accordance with the principle of gender and the principle of duality.

Another thing which I think speaks for this theory, is the whole no Gravity / electric universe. (lol, auto correct made Gravity type out with a capital G). I mean of course the "atmosphere" is in fact the electric ether, it makes perfect sense! So again, this leads me to believe that the flat earth theory is correct.

What do you guys think and don't you think that if this is true, then it must be essential to know in order to understand the nature of the universe, Magick, spirituality etc?

Also, in regards to Astral projection… I have Astral projected and seen earth. But I also saw it as a flat checker board plane, and saw my brother walking across it with five steps. And I was amongst the planets talking to them, but they were not round, they were more like essences inside picture frames. I also saw some type of crystals which the universe was built out of, and everything was red and blue and electrical and magnetic. This was years ago so I can't remember it in detail but still. The only round planet I saw was earth, and it was basically like a micro cosmos. Just mean that for me personally people having seen Planets in ap doesn't seem like proof to me of a globe earth.


Oops, that was supposed to be a whole new thread.


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It's a local colloquialism, shitheel.

I know there are some pretty far out there beliefs floating around this board, but c'mon.



Fuck off.

We already have enough flat earth retard threads.


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File: 1454992608898.webm (7.96 MB, 600x464, 75:58, Cosmos - Eratosthenes.webm)


>believing in a flat Earth

>believing something that not even people 2200 years ago believed


File: 1454993176143.webm (2.56 MB, 600x464, 75:58, Cosmos - Pythagoras.webm)


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You may not believe me but I made that comic, and I also made this one. But that's it. The other comics are done by other /fringe/ artists, and I believe the flouride one is done by some master ruseman.




cringed tbh





>Age of Aquarius

>using local colloquialisms

>implying implications




Can I get all of these somewhere? They make my day.


How about hollow earth, or at least some parts of Earth being hollow enough for underground cities, like Agarttha?


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This is one of the first images that comes up when you google Kabuki Nigger.

Just thought you'd like to know.


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>Kabuki Nigger

Mr.Feldsparberg CULTURAL ENRICHMENT program is working after all


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If the Earth was hollow we would have no geothermic activity, no magnetic field aided by the spinning core of molten nickel and iron at the center, no volcanoes, no Continental drift etc.

Earth would basically be like Mars or the other terrestrial moons of the solar system, geologically dead.


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The magnetic field is not possible to generate without a strong, active core of liquid iron, which throws the hollow Earth theory into hot air.

Mars for instance has a solid, inactive core and thus a non-existent magnetic field, the same would be true for Earth if the Earth was hollow.

Hollow Earth theory holds up just as well as flat Earth theory, or Geocentrism does when applied to the outer celestial bodies around us in our Solar System.



Flat and round are contingent and relative perspectives. From a transcendent vantage, there is no difference.



literally retarded


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Too bad those pretty pictures are just that: pictures. They are pure theory, zero evidence. The deepest hole into Earth doesn't even reach all of what in the current paradigm is termed the crust.



I think you mean discinfo


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The universe is concave have you not heard the Truth as it is spoken the Lord Steven Christ https://www.youtube.com/user/TheFoxStevie

Time to wake up!


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I had this crazy idea.

What if the earth is actually warping?



Hell of a lot more reasonable and plausible than hollow Earth theory.

Seeing as how there is tons of geologic evidence for the movement of continental plates, EARTHQUAKES and VOLCANOES for one, that require movement to be be happening in the form of continental plates drifting over magma, subduction ocurring etc, and volcanoes erupting because they connect deep down into the mantle, all this leaves very little room for a hollow Earth. Not to mention our magnetic field which protects us from cosmic rays and during solar flares.

You talk as if these pictures are theories in and of themselves, they are not, they are visual diagrams of confirmed facts, facts acquired by the scientific method, facts that arose out of curiosity for our world and attempts to discover what lies beneath us. Facts that align to the experience and evidence present in the world (formation/movement of continents, volcanoes, earthquakes etc) not theories that try to propose scenarios entirely inconsistent with the geological functions of our planet (hollow earth).


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>Hell of a lot more reasonable and plausible

What is "reasonable" is "plausible" is a function of culture and institutional power, not of Nature or abstract human cognition. Read yourself some Thomas Kuhn or Alan Cromer and stop tipping your fedora.

All the sort of arguments you make in that post were made against continental drift by academic scientists.

It was considered ridiculous, absurd, idiotic to believe in continental drift. Guess what? It was factually true.

The following facts remain that

1) no one found what those "scientific" drawings show there and

2) there are alternative explanations for what we empirically observe about Earth's magnetism, atmosphere and the rest.


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I'll post what I have


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>It was considered ridiculous, absurd, idiotic to believe in continental drift. Guess what? It was factually true.

Gee, its almost like thats how science works, old ideas are questioned and evidence acquired to create new theories and tested emperically against the best of our knowledge and available data, or new data is generated with better tools. The scientific establishment did not decide as a whole at once that the Earth contains these features inside it, it was knowledge acquired and obtained through experimentation, observation and questioning i.e. the scientific method.

Pray tell then your "alternative" explanations for geysers, earthquakes, volcanoes and other such geological activity in addition to the magnetic field emenating from our planet which is so large that parts of it reach out beyond Mars, and which would require an exceptionally large and constantly active source to generate.

Or how about your expert theories on surface geysers and deep sea geysers which litter the ocean floor and require a massive heat source beneath them to be so active, not to mention the massive caldera at Yellowstone national park which has been observed by surface penetrating radar (ie. the tools science uses to generate observations and support experimentation) to have a massive magma plume underneath.

The pictures I post are for easy digestion and visualization of these facts, this is an imageboard after all, these pictures are backed by solid science, whereas pictures of your hollow Earth theory are no more supported or backed by any evidence whatsoever, in fact the geologic record and current geological activity of Earth works actively against them and may as well be pictures of clay pots with engravings of dinosaurs and humans together like they sell for tourist money in some South American countries, so valid are they.



Also measuring instruments at Yellowstone have been recording the ground around there rising by several inches a year in addition to several thousand microquakes.

Rising ground caused by the extension of the magma chamber beneath Yellowstone caldera.

Not much room for a hollow Earth if these geologic features and events are consistent throughout our planet across all latitudes and longitudes and across all ocean depths, mountain peaks, and varying climates.



>images for ants



Leddit newfig



I believe you mean year of the fire Monkey?



That too

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