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Esoteric Wizardry


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Hey /fringe/ i just cut my wrist for 1/2 pint of blood to write my promises and dreams with. Its psychologically helping but is there any good information on the power of blood writing?



>Coming to /fringe/ to get people to sympathize for you.

Get out faggot.


Why would you perform a ritual and then ask? Don't do things unless you know what you're doing. Best i can tell you to do is sigil that shit or burn your sacrificial message with fire. Also, stop playing with blood.



I think he is trying to solidify his goals/dreams etc but I don't really know about this. Anything involving real blood is usually best avoided.





>cutting yourself without knowing what you're doing

>cutting yourself at all

That leaves scars which make people think you're unstable, which you probably are.

Instead of cutting yourself you should get your ass over to /fit/ and get your life together.


You don't need blood, you can create symbols to give meaning to your writing in some other fashion.

Go find a river, wait until temperatures are cold, then get naked, swim into the river and bring pen and paper. While you're there freezing your balls off, start writing your intentions on the paper. If you feel like getting out because it's too cold, stay and suffer. Tell your body that it's more important to finish your writing than it is to get out and feel warm.



>has a body full of blood

>cuts to use the blood



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Blood works best when it's inside the body, getting the prana you inhale to every cell. When you let it out, you sacrifice a big amount of power for something to happen. You used it for bondage, to become the slave of your (?) dreams.

I'll make myself clear: Your goal is to become the master of your will, not the slave of your current ambitions. The path towards it is getting your body as strong as you can, not weakening it.

Blood magic takes more than give, one uses it when he is desperate and knows what he's doing.

If you haven't given the blood a purpose yet, make it give you a serene mind.

For strenghening your will, do as >>58313 says but only when you're sure you aren't going to die from that. Being sure is the goal, anything else is exercise.


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Dont listen to these flagles fags.

Blood is the essence of your being and writing a ritual parchment in blood has been done by pagans for mileniums.

Witing in your own blood binds your own soul into the blood itself and causes the writing to have your soul/blood ingraned into it. Thereby causing the coded ink language to resonate not with symbols of your unconcious mind that when read will produce sounds in your unconcious (lunar brain) and have a fast path to magick work through the resonance of the vowel/cpnsanant of each word.

By using blood writing you are effectivly using your own soul and being imbuning it in your wirting and empowering it with your blood

It really depends on what youre writing and why, not that your simply using blood magick.

And no, blood magick is not for the 'desparate' like this unexperienced asian/gnostic twit is telling you.

If you enjoy blood magick you can use yourself as fuel for your spell, and as an apprentice or adept do things masters of other principles do. They fear and hate the power in their own bodies because they worship slavecults like gnosticism/judaism/bhuddism/hinduism instead of understanding their power they shun it.

Come over to the blood magick thread and learn some of what you can do.




Kid, I'm Christian and there's no lack of power here. It's not that Christianity is weak, it's that a lot of Christians don't use their spiritual giftings because they think that people can't do that stuff anymore.


Dont take up cutting faglord

it's bad habit that is hard to get out of

only use it in magic if a reliable source tells you to explicitly and says why



>be slave religon

>literally a giant loosh farm for jews

>pagans are the origin of all learning (magick/astonimy/civilization)

>christians ruin it st the jews behest, being the goodest goyim ever

yeah lots of "power" there.

If you ever free yourself from slave morality, you can find us.



I dont consider myself christian but I do believe in Jesus, although Im finding myself at odd with this faggot yahweh, I'm just calling upon god and jesus, why ask for demons

wheres the power from god in blood magick lel



>power of blood magick from god

There isnt a jewish god. The whole thing is a giant egregore. Duh.

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