Dont listen to these flagles fags.
Blood is the essence of your being and writing a ritual parchment in blood has been done by pagans for mileniums.
Witing in your own blood binds your own soul into the blood itself and causes the writing to have your soul/blood ingraned into it. Thereby causing the coded ink language to resonate not with symbols of your unconcious mind that when read will produce sounds in your unconcious (lunar brain) and have a fast path to magick work through the resonance of the vowel/cpnsanant of each word.
By using blood writing you are effectivly using your own soul and being imbuning it in your wirting and empowering it with your blood
It really depends on what youre writing and why, not that your simply using blood magick.
And no, blood magick is not for the 'desparate' like this unexperienced asian/gnostic twit is telling you.
If you enjoy blood magick you can use yourself as fuel for your spell, and as an apprentice or adept do things masters of other principles do. They fear and hate the power in their own bodies because they worship slavecults like gnosticism/judaism/bhuddism/hinduism instead of understanding their power they shun it.
Come over to the blood magick thread and learn some of what you can do.