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You have 5 minutes to explain why you haven't turned into a girl yet now that even Greenpill Guy has shapeshifted into the superior gender.


Good god, how can people know the truth about the universe and still believe in this tumblr tier bs. You do realize that "female is superior" nonsense is programming being implemented to dis-empower masculinity for the sake of removing personal power, making people become submissive, removing warrior spirit and alienating men everywhere to conform and feel insecure about themselves instead of fighting against tyranny. Why don't you spend your time trying to become who you really are instead of indulging in your obvious childhood trauma damaged ego and forced ass raping societal programming that makes you think what reproductive organs you have actually makes a difference. The entire universe is infinite and filled with alien life, magick, and mysteries. All humans are gods that have been lied to and deceived by lizard cock guzzling pedophiles who see all of us a bacteria and have caused directly and indirectly literally ALL suffering in history as well as all your defects as a living human being. Now go do something with your life that actually matters please. Thank you


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>being a pussified bitch


Because I'm not a pleb. Rather I grew a pair and decided to embrace the slings and arrows of being a man. Learn to love the struggle, or be one in the sea of androgynous manboys.


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>warrior spirit

>fighting against tyranny

tfw esoteric people still believe in "us vs them"


If I knew definitely how I'd do it instantly.

I like how the cucks can't grasp the truth and get all mad about this thread.


welp it's more than evident that /fringe/ has been infiltrated.. this is like the nth thread about this garbage lol



/fringe/ is our operational base.


If you can give me a real reason, I'll consider it. They're more emotional, mostly rely on weak ambiguous answers rather than find true ones (tarot, horoscopes), they're not androgynous because they have 2 X chromosomes, nor do they excel in anything.

And I still have no proof that changing your physical sex is not counted as attempting to reverse the cosmic law of sex polarity.

I'd rather become a muscular giant.



You're a fag though.



Of course it isn't. The law goes, all has gender, a masculine and a feminine part.

You would not be taking away the masculline part, merely manifesting the feminine physically instead of the male.



>wants to be a girl

>i'm the fag


That's true. I also did not think that changing your physical body would not affect your mind from it's original state.

I'm still unsure why anybody would do it, though. There's no benefits besides easier manipulation or satisfying the fake "gender dysphoria" that's being pushed on men.



>be me



That's why, anon.



Only women are androgynous.



>blah blah blah muh conspiracies

Just shut the fuck up. Some people here are actually very in tune with regeneration are naturally drawn towards their perfect self.


This thread is just sad


Each time similar thread pops up and all you fucks start arguing about gender superiority I want to remind you that we already had this thread and this discussion.

A wise anon once said:


>Also ignore dumb 'redpill' /fringe/ types who denigrate feminine power. They're just traditionless plebs with no real knowledge of what they're talking about. Human women may not be the best hosts of it, perhaps, but femininity as a principle of nature is extremely powerful, and anybody with real knowledge of alchemy would never call women unmagical.

Also, from personal experience, femininity is far more powerful than masculinity (even though the best results are experienced when these two forces are combined).



Androgynity is superior and a female vessel is best suited for the androgyne mind.



>Also, from personal experience, femininity is far more powerful than masculinity (even though the best results are experienced when these two forces are combined)

nice for not giving any examples




Why do people respond to threads like this? People will say any asinine thing to keep the thread alive for the lulz sake. I don't understand the point of something like this on fringe. It's like all the good posters just up and left somewhere else.



1,2,3 you won't bait me. Try again and your world will end. Amen. Try again.




He's talking shit for no reason. It's not true. There is no gender preference for androgyny. It's in the God blessed name.



tranny wizards, yo


Thread #34 about insecure faggot shit.

Listen up, you can keep chasing your delusional shapeshifting fantasies and tulpa fetishes for all i care,

but these threads are just shit. Post something practical or post some results ffs.


>>58777 (Lucky)

Very nice.



>New age tard

>Obsessing over the oneness of everything

>Not realizing the godhead was divided to create this world of movement

>Not realizing we live in the world of division in which us vs. them is built-in to its very nature




Proof is found when you actually look into things that are being literally presented all the time here on /fringe/. Hilton Hotema should be in the recommended books list.


A tard using the Adept flag should be banned.




Caitlyn Jenner was recently named woman of the year, proving that men are better at everything, including being women.

Your point is invalid.



Men are more intelligent,stronger, they make more meaningful bonds with their fellow man, why wouldn't I want to be a man? Women may be more privileged in society but privilige breeds stupidity and weakness. Stop being so disgusting.


looks like a swede



That dude has bitch hips, brah. Low test


Because I'm androgynous which is better.


fag and tranny wizards oh my.



I'm not baiting or trolling



Ya know, there's a part of me that feels that would be easier and can relax into that, since my masculinity was suppressed/undeveloped for so long, but.

It feels nice to match with my birth sex/gender. I like the sexual feeling of being a man. I'm not sure if there's more, really, since I don't identify with too many of the manlier ambitions I've had, in terms of business.

Meeting my twin flame certainly makes me feel like keeping my identity though. Maybe she'd switch if I did. I dunno.



The Primal nature in me love this response.


Hmm, right…


Hm! Right.

I dunno. I think avoiding the struggle for the most part and focusing on personal advancement and transcendence of duality is the first thing to do initially.

I was caught up in the duality before I read about transcending it in Osho's The Book of Secrets.



fag enabler


Why are wasting time on these discussions?

Don't you have practice to be attending to?



No ;-;


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Fucking hell, what happened to this place? 6 months ago it was interesting and informative, now it's a bunch of wannabee trannies. Loser retards.


Because I want to deadlift 400 pounds one day.

Also I like my beard.


Oh, but I have!



HRT doesn't count. :P

You're stil a cutie though. <3


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>he thinks girls are the superior gender



What do you think marriage is for?



A man and woman. What's your point?

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