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>What are you trying to shapeshift into?


>How? - Are you focusing on taking over a vessel, transmuting your body, are you following Morphosephram - something else?

>Have you had any success or know of anyone who has?

And any other Shapeshifting topics, questions or the likes go ITT


Does anyone have pdfs on making your body live forever?

Or should I resort to body hopping?



Nice, thought about making a thread like this

>What are you trying to shapeshift into?

Just want to make small adjustments to bone-structure


Haven't begun yet, but I'll either try by changing my astral body so that my physical body conforms to the shape, or create thoughtforms that would do it for me, I've read a bit of morphosephram and I didn't find it that helpful tbh, does it have info on anything else besides becoming a werewolf or vampire?


I was forcibly shapeshifted into a variety of beasts by Insectoid-Reptilian entities who had some kind of desire to show me the history of man via recapitulating phylogeny, I also managed to free myself and transform into an avian having previously been transformed into a reptile of some kind and failing in my attempts to become mammalian once again. I became indignant with the entities and told them I had no time for their symbolism and allegories and they would treat me as a man and tell me what they wanted to say with language. They remained silent to that but seemed amused by my sass and afterward showed me a sort of Hell.


I wish I were a bird

How are you? Fine, thank you



I have the same goal as you. I'm trying to achieve it mostly by internal energy work. A few years ago while studying greek art I had this idea that the greek standard of beauty was pretty much what happaned to humanos beings once their body was in perfect harmony, so I've been trying to do that.



>I've read a bit of morphosephram and I didn't find it that helpful tbh, does it have info on anything else besides becoming a werewolf or vampire?

Yes, in fact the only other section it really has is on becoming a shapeshifter, that can move between 1-3ish forms via biomorphic fields. There is a lot of disinfo and crap in there, but I think the underlying source material is worthwhile, though it might certainly benefit from efficiency streamlining


God I'm tired of hearing about this shit. Okay, shape shifting is basic skill number 1 of 4th density. Physicality becomes a tool as does time, so everyone can shape shift. Now legends of shapeshifters as in skinwalkers, bear cults, werewolves, wendigos, and vampires. They all shape shift, IN THE ASTRAL. The real cults at least. You go through proper initiation and receive an assortment of abilities which includes shapeshifting.


It feels like half this board is about shapeshifting/body modification.

I haven't done anything yet. First I'd like to perfect my body and then I'd take a giant like form.

Is there any information on temporary shapeshifting that doesn't involve merging with a thoughtform or similar? For example, if I was a giant, I'd need to be able to take a smaller form to keep attention off myself.



Nah it's only the faggots obsessed with their petty temporary physicalities. They are the scum of this board.



Alright m8, how do you reach 4th density?




mundane please

>It is not a necessity that a severe disharmony

of the elements must prevail in order to trigger a visible effect, which is called an

ailment. Disharmony in the form of a disease is already a vital disturbance in the

workplace of the elements in the body. Therefore, it is a prerequisite that the aspiring

initiate devote his entire attention to the body. The external visible appearance of the

body resembles a beautiful garment, and beauty with all its aspects is, by and large and

down to the smallest detail, also an aspect of divine nature. Basically, beauty is not only

that which pleases us or is sympathetic to us, because sympathy and antipathy depend

upon the reciprocal action of the elements. True health is a prerequisite for spiritual

ascent. Should we wish to live in beautiful surroundings, then we must arrange our

apartment, our house, or in this instance our body, beautifully and harmoniously.

- Franz Bardon

Moreover, many goals like becoming a giant >>58804 or an animal have practical applications for whatever higher goals they hope to achieve.



>I'm trying to achieve it mostly by internal energy work

I'm curious, what methods are you using?



I started a few years ago by paying extreme attention to my energy body, it eventually got to a point where I could recognize my own internal processes. A friend of mine showed me some basic qigong and I noticed most of it I had already figured out on my own, so I just kept paying attention till eventually I realize what kind of energy was being trapped and where in my body. It is a constant work of self remembering, but it is worth it, not just for the new body (which people are already noticing) but also for mental development since wrong thinkong always lead to wrong movement of energy and vice versa.



How can you be so weak and SMUG at the same time. It's like you're two separate people. I've sent anaconda spirit to help you.


I am interested in two things. One would be to alter my body and face…kinda general stuff, nothing unusual, everything human. Just look better. The other would be, and idk how relevant it is to this thread, but "disappearing", either becoming actually invisible or at least very inconspicuous, unnoticeable through occult means.

The first one is kind of a passing fancy, but the 2nd one feels "true" to me for some reason. Ideally I'd want to transmute my body to achieve both at the same time.


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Page 47 in this book, though I recommend you practice everything in this book, there is also later an exercise on changing DNA, through which I guess you could alter your body



shit, meant for




Hey Anon, thanks very much that exercise recommendation. Gonna give it a try and then check out the whole book. Still a neophyte so no idea how well it'll work, but it looks super interesting. Very appreciated!



>everyone can shape shift


This is thread is about shapeshifting in this realm, not in the astral. So stop being so pretentious.



Yeah guess what, it's not possible. What I'm saying is, the legends talking about shapeshifters are about astral shapeshifter cults. Real shapeshifting is a 4D technique. Of course you can try and find out how to do it, but just try and ponder such a feat in a static density such as this one. Go back to things that actually matter now.





I'm reposting this from the questions thread here

Every body has a blueprint to which the cells conform. It is called the etheric body. In alchemy, it is the mercury (physical body is salt). You can think of it as a hologram that is like your physical body but without the random bits of damage and stuff. If you made a hole in your etheric body, the cells would not heal in that spot, and would dissolve. If you make a hole in your physical body but not your etheric body, that space is filled in with blood and so on and your body repairs itself as best as it can as it strives to retake the shape of your etheric body.

Every etheric body in turn conforms to an idea/archetype/essence aka the astral body (sulphur in alchemy). This is your "energetic signature".

• Salt denotes the physical component, the seat, base, matrix, anchor, or ark of the nonphysical aspects.

• Mercury is the etheric component and represents the dynamic, vital, transmutative, vivifying energy present within the substance.

• Sulphur denotes the archetypal identity or pure vibrational essence, analogous to the human astral body and spirit because it contains the “Idea” unique to that substance.

You will want to start by experimenting on a different body than your own (maybe a plant or some animal or something) but you can change around these bodies and reprogram them.

This is the key to changing your own body ultimately. However you're also going to need much more etheric energy than you are configured with by default to power the transformation quickly… otherwise it might be very slow (on the order of, however long it takes for every cell in your body to be replaced, and that would only even happen if you had double the default energy… you're probably going to want far more than double).

You don't need a demon or other entity to change your body just your imagination and a lot of power. However I would still obtain the assistance of other entities whether they be ones you created yourself or ones you met via channeling or whatever in the operation, especially as you might pass out during part of the process of transformation, as has reportedly happened to some other people who have done/attempted it.

I would suggest that for today you get yourself a glass of water and you start creating thoughtforms of roses, smelling the roses, and seeing them in perfect detail. Let the water droplets on your roses you've thoughtformed drip into the glass of water and infuse it with its scent. Then drink the water to test it tastes like rosewater, then bottle it up in a glass container with a seal, and drink some of it again another day to test it. When you are able to do this meditation and create rosewater that retains its rose scent and taste for an indefinite period of time, the next step is to find someone else to taste your water, and if they notice it smells and taste like roses you have completed this exercise. This simple exercise will develop many faculties simultaneously which will prepare you for the transformation of bodies. When you are more adept and understand the principles well and have applied it already to many things you can then apply it to your own body. In this case, you would aim to make your sweat smell like roses. Once you're able to walk into pretty much any room and anyone notices you smell like roses you have succeeded. After that you will want to experiment with alchemically modifying and transferring all sorts of different properties to bodies… you might even change lead to gold if you want. Eventually you'll want to replace your own DNA with that of a female and you'll want to make sure you have enough power to do it completely all at once for otherwise an awkward chimera condition could take hold in which some of your cells are that of a woman and others are that of a man.

A tulpa or other being can help assist you in the whole process. Make sure if you create a tulpa you do so out of pure intentions and not just to satisfy your lust… you want to create a servant that will be very friendly and helpful and keep you on track not one that will lead you away from your main objective.




Also one more thing about tulpas they are not just purely subjective creations of your imagination they are sentient beings born out of your own auric substance and should be treated with respect you would give a living being it's not the same as a videogame character or something. If you wouldn't hurt or kill an animal or another human, don't do the same to a tulpa.

Its moral value does vary though depending on how well manifested the tulpa is and it's probably lacking the divine spark too but then again would you kill a human if you knew that human was an organic portal that doesn't actually experience / isn't aware of anything but just acts like it? Maybe you would (provided the law didn't protect them just the same as actual spirited humans.

If you treat your tulpa with the respect and consideration due a living being it'll grow faster and be more sentient than tulpas that are neglected and viewed as mere automatons.



Not only did you spell it incorrectly, you didn't even use it correctly. What are you doing on fringe? Go back to high school and try again.



thanks for the loose mundaine



Nice meme






Go back to occultforums or whatever mundane shithole your crawled from. Real magic changes reality.


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Sorry to crush your otherkin furry dreams of turning into a wolf and sniffing your own asshole. kek



Spread your disinfo elsewhere. The Book of Knowledge and Initation into Hermetics are in the recommended reading list and there is nothing you can do about it. /fringe/ is about real magic, not bullshit "occultism".



I doubt anyone here wants to transform to other creatures or some shit


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What even


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You guys look pretty confuse with what this thread is actually about.

I am not trying to be an asshole, I just want to break the chain of dis-info here.

If you want to make body modifications in your own body, is not that hard(and semantically is not shapeshifting, shapeshifters are basically humans who transform into animals, ON A PERIOD OF TIME, USING A EVOCATION OF A SPECIFIC ENTITY, OR A SHAMANIC TECHNIC ON THE ASTRAL PLANE) What you guys want, is to make PERMANENT changes on your own bodies. That's okay, you guys shouldn't be ashamed about that, to truly and help you guys, I recommend this following options:

-Evoke an intelligence(can be a goetic, an angel a planet. you decide), ask them for guidance on this process. Because is not that easy.

-Create a thoughtform to do the work for you. It's common that chaoists create thoughtform to real the body. so, following the logic that is the same sphere of action(your body) you just need to get the work done. This is dangerous if you are not experienced enough.

-Enochian magick. Enochian magick is really hard but is extremely effective (sometimes scares me). The watchtowers of the universe, are (in the john dee's dogma "vision" and interpretation) a representation of the matrix of the universe, so, even the skies are not the limit.

I just offered some options, but you guys can go beyond what I said. Magick is about being a god, not a minion (FUCK DEMIURGE!) Share the progress and the results on my thread(/fringe/res/59054.html), I eager to see the results.

Just wish the best to you guys! Good luck!




>. It's common that chaoists create thoughtform to real the body

HEAL. **

Man, I always spell something wrong.



Now that is what I call a helpful post. Thank you!




Have you ever done it yourself? Can you post some of your results?




Go back to /b/, kid.



>nothin personnel kid

I think you should change your flag to edgy fuckwad


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>no time for symbolism and allegories



Watch vids on skinwalkers.

Seems most of the info is tied into cult groups where power and dominance are the dysfunction running the show. There's a tradition of it in Native American tribes, and not speculative but actual shapeshifting. People freak out about it because "satanic".

My advice, based on info I've heard and intuition: buy a wolf pelt off the internet, construct a ritual around what you want to accomplish, wear wolf pelt, contact entities for assistance and info. You'll probably want to use some kind of mind altering drug as well.

Then just keep practicing.

But your likely to attract attention, so expect some heavy shit. The "my kungfu is better than yours!" sort of stuff, with people actually trying to off you in various ways.

Still, it could be a good path.



Like many have already said. The cult groups are astral shapeshifters not physical.



The stories I've heard were about people physically turning into animals. It isn't specific to one tribe.

It's easy to make a declaration as if you actually know what your talking about. But you really don't have a clue if you think it's purely astral.



Stop posting in this thread already.


Yes, I've heard these stories, too. From Europe…




Exactly you heard stories, my info comes from someone who was actually in a shapeshifter cult. Who was also invited to several vampire and werewolf cult ceremonies. You niggers are full of shit.






Actually my info comes from Uncle Bear Heart. A high level magician, an ACTUAL bear cult initiate, who might I add you would never become even half the occultist he is, not in this life time. Felating or not, he's got the skills. YOU have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.




You probably should of read it, cause you would realize how dumb your post is as a response to it.



hahahahahahahah, that's too long for you to read? Yeah you are retarded. You sealed any credibility you had.


Keep your petty shitflinging the fuck out of this thread.

Only post if you have something relating to the topic.


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You maaaaad, you butthurt as fuck furfag.


when did this board got overruned by roleplayers



why do you think this is a roleplay thread?



Because such threads frighten the mundane "wizards".



are you certain that stuff like this is possible though?



I know it is.





Haven't read the 51 posts and 6 images replies comprising this thread but if you're asking about if shapeshifting is possible, it definitely is, and so teleportation, bilocation, materialization, genetic engineering just by acts of consciousness, manipulation of any organ and all of the bioelectric energy in the body, manipulation of the etheric energy and body, and more.



I'm not really interested in the traditonal description of shapeshifting though, i'd be fine with just changing a few things, any tips on how to do it?



How do you know this is all possible? If it really is, then can you recommend any reading or daily routines? I'm guessing astral projection is very important



Astral Projection is literally the key to everything



Speaking from experience?





Mind is all. So yes, you can do anything you are capable of imagining.

Bumping as well




What if I shapeshift into something immortal?



And how would that work? Immortality is a skilll rather than a feature.



merge with a thoughtform that is presumed to be immortal



Sure it can be a feature. And a skill. The two aren't mutually exclusive, and there is more than one path to immortality.


Has anyone here successfully altered their body through these means?

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