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How about starting a thread about generating chi-like energy. To be used in any way convenient to us. Can we built it?


There's already a chigong thread. Check the catalog.

Polite sage



Check out my thread here. http://8ch.net/fringe/res/54577.html

You build up and cultivate your own internal energies within your lower dan tien. It can be discharged from here for biological energy (Anything that requires electricity and blood). Or built up and used to enhance your own health and wellbeing.


I only use the term "chi" as a description of what I mean. At least a certain freedom of form.


Is it a good idea? I could probably start meaning a habit. Though it should be in peace. That sort of thing should be fixable.


great idea.. and how about if we use said thread to store said energy like a bank, and we could borrow energy from it when needed for greater magical works. hell lets create a currency of magic, similar to our "dollar" and we could buy and sell shit based on this currency. You could even use real dollar to buy this "magical" currency which is like spiritual power basically. The more you have of it, the more power you have. But be wary for you can also deplete it and be forced to declare spiritual bankruptcy. Okay I'm going a little too far with this, but it's a great idea I tell you.


A nice fountain. It can be built. I don't think it is this exclusively technical in the end as this video may suggest. Though interesting




>maybe money is already a magic currency with rituals it can be used for

Ooooh spoooopy

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