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Esoteric Wizardry


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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

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Since I have very much enjoyed browsing /fringe/ for a long long time I thought I would grant you all a favor.

Ask me anything!

I will start with a little FAQ:

Q: Are you really Thoth?

A: Yes

Q: Can you prove it?

A: Yes, Yes, Yes.

Q: Where do you come from?

A: Atlantis.

Q:Didnt Atlantis sink in to the ocean?

A: No, Atlantis was/is a spaceship, it is up in the sky.

Q: How old are you?

A: 50,000+ years.

Q: Were you born on earth?

A: Yes.

Q: Is magic real and can you do magic?

A: Yes, magic is real and I am a master wizard.

Q: How would you define magic?

A: The art of manipulatin the visible and non-visble world through the 'power' of the mind for 'good', 'neutral' or 'bad' purposses.

Q: Why do you suck at english?

A: I speak Atlantian, Dragon & Magic. Those are 4 dimensional languages. English is 'just' an 2 dimensional language, I need to convert my thoughts in order to type.

Q: Does magic come in levels?

A: Yes, it starts at negative 10 and goes up to around 700.

Q: Why does it start at negative 10?

A: A clean, non brainwashed mind is 0. A child is always born at 0.

Q: Hold on, isn't Thoth an egyptian god?

A: Yes and no. Pharao's basiclly fucked everything up after we left, greeks stole from egypt and most of your history is basicly wrong.

Q: Wrong, all of it?

A: Yes, all you have been told is false. You only have 'material' 'knowledge', the scientific method is nice but has tremendous short commings.

Q: If modern technology represents 1, how far are you guys.

A: 1000.

Q: How can I become a wizard?

A: Find the name of your soul, once you have obtained the name of your soul you will be guided towards your maximum wizard level. Name of body+Name of soul=Unlocking hidden potential.

Q: How do I find the name of my soul?

A: Start realizing that all you have been tought about your brain is wrong. The brain is not an organ like medice and science claims. The brain is like an antenna, an organ which recieves and processes signals from above.

Q: What does being a Wizard imply?

A: Enhanced vision. Like a HUD. Instaid of visible light and 3d representation you are going to add new layers with each level you advance.

Q: What are dreams?

A: Your brain doing its job. Receiving and creating visuals.

Q: Are we being controlled?

A: No, you are all brainwashing eachother through profit-motive, lazyness and unwillingness.

Q: Do reptillians excists?

A: Yes and no. Any wizard can call himself reptillian. A dragon is a master wizard. You use the word reptillian wrong, only in negative terms.

Q: Are there wars in space?

A: No, all is peacefull, only unenlightend lifeforms on planets wage wars. Space does not need warmongers. All is bliss.

Q: Do you have titels?

A: Yes: God of Knowledge, Words of Wise, Lord of Realms, Lord of Luck, Master of Cats, Lord of Ravens, Controller of the All Seeing Eye, Master of Life, Master of Death, Gaurdian of Souls, Keeper of Heaven, Master of Nature, Conjurer of Matter, Destroyer of Babylons, Emperor of Light, King of Dragons, Master of Atlantis, Monarch of Thunder & Lightning, High Elder, Lord of Sound, Lord of Light, Blesser of Titles, Bestower of Titles, Keeper of The Names of The Souls, Master of Magic, Master of Time, Keeper of Creatures, Destroyer of Chaos, Restorerer of Order and many more.

Q: …

A: Exacty!



This piece of text, is basicly about Thoth, the other Gods and 'our' people:


"The Airborne division of the Great White Brotherhood"

One of the most interesting and intriguing extraterrestrial groups of them all is that of Commander Ashtar and the Ashtar Command.

Commander Ashtar is the man who is in charge of the Airborne Division of the Great White Brotherhood, or Brotherhood of Light. Commander Ashtar and His vast extraterrestrial army of workers of over twenty million, work closely and in conjunction with the Ascended Masters.

Besides the twenty million personnel under His command in our solar system, of which He is in charge, there are another four million members and workers on the physical plane. Commander Ashtar, Himself, is a great and noble being approximately seven feet in height with blue eyes.

His body type is that of the Adam Kadmon which means it is similar to ours of Earth. He evolved from the planet Ashtar, in His development as a soul. He has never had an embodiment on planet Earth. Although Commander Ashtar is in charge of the space fleet in our solar system, He is not restricted to this sector of space in terms of His service.

He represents our solar system in the council meetings of our galaxy, and universes throughout the greater omniuniverse. One of the important things to understand about Commander Ashtar and His army of workers, and fleet of extraterrestrial aircraft, is that they are etheric in nature. They do not have physical bodies like we do, however they are able to manifest physical bodies, and manifest their aircraft onto the physical plane anytime they want.

A person seeing them would not think of them any differently than you or I. Most of the life on the other planets in our solar system is etheric in nature. Sometimes for this reason these beings have been called etherians. They would not be considered disincarnate beings for they do have bodies.

They are in a state of evolution just as we are, and their life on their plane is not that much different than ours, except that they have transcended much of the lower self and astral desire that the people of Earth struggle with so frequently. Commander Ashtar also works closely with the Angelic Kingdom, most specifically with Archangel Michael.

Commander Ashtar is an extremely loving and gentle man but stern and adamant in His mission to serve, educate and protect humankind throughout the solar system.

Commander Ashtar and His crew do not wish to be seen as Gods, but rather as comrades and equals with us on paths of ascension and beyond. Two of his main missions are to spiritually educate mankind to their true mission for being here, and secondly to defend and protect the Earth and the solar system from hostile and selfish extraterrestrial groups.

People have no idea of the gratitude that is entitled to Him and His tireless crew and workers.


You all are way to negative. Bad/Evil beings do not excist. Only unenlightend lifeforms are bad/evil and project that unto others.


This board just officially died. You just killed it with your bullshit. Congratulations


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This planet is officially dieing. You are killing it with your ignorance. Congratulations Son of Babylon.


You would think at least the real Thoth would know how fake it sounds to just say "I am Thoth", and his intelligence would enable him to find better ways to share knowledge…


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

AMA is over.

Good Luck All. See you on the Battlefield.

Remember this thread. Print/Cap it & save it,

Your world is coming to an end. It has begun…


Why should Thoth share his knowledge with the ignorant, lazy, unwilling whom transformed their entire world into global Babylon?

2 strikes, I am out.


this is the kind of dumb rp bs you found in the spirit science forum every week 2-3 years ago during the 2012 hype.



Did you create that name from Dominions 3/4 randomizer?



>defend and protect the Earth and the solar system from hostile and selfish extraterrestrial groups

>Bad/Evil beings do not excist

What the fuck am I reading?

You know we could really do without RP threads with poor grammar.


oh come on man, don't sage, this is fun tell us more Thoth how do we become ebin level 1000 mage



what part of

>AMA is over.

don't you people understand?

I like good fanfiction as much as the next guy but it's all over.


Nice try, but we already know that the Earth is flat, Mr Disinfo.


Im actually interested in the soul name thing. Sucks it isn't mention anywhere when i google it and the only people who talk about it say they will reveal yours for a fee.



lol just ignore this thread if you aren't amused by it and post in the other threads



Have you heard of songs of the soul? Supposedly our DNA can be converted into an ethereal song you can listen to which is unique for just you. I founded out about this when I started hearing phantom songs for no apparent reason.



Nope im a neophyte, i haven't even started meditating it seemed kinda time wasting to me



What seems time wasting to you and what do you hope to achieve and have you seen this board's meditations thread and how much do you follow the four laws of the magus;

1. To Know (Knowledge)

2. To Dare (Courage)

3. To Will (Volition)

4. To Keep Silence (Silence)

I ask you because if you are deficient anywhere in any of these things I will have to modify what to tell you to do in order to start cultivating yourself.

Meditation is no waste of time. Maybe the meditations you've been using are but I have very exciting ones for you to do, provided you've got the absolute basics worked out.

From IIH:

Knowledge, daring, volition, silence : these are the four pillars of Solomon’s temple, i.e., the microcosm and the macrocosm upon which the sacred science of magi is built. According to the four elements, they are the fundamental qualities which must be inherent in each magician if he aspires to the highest perfection in science.

Every one can acquire magic knowledge by diligence and assiduity, and mastery of the laws will lead him, step by step, to the supreme wisdom.

Volition is the aspect of willpower that can be obtained by toughness, patience and perseverance in the holy science, and chiefly in its practical use. He who does not intend to satisfy his sheer curiosity only, but is in earnest willing to enter the path leading to the loftiest heights of wisdom, must possess an unshakeable will.

Daring : he who is not afraid of sacrifices nor hindrances, indifferent to other people’s opinions, who keeps his objective firmly in his mind, no matter whether he meet with success or with failure, will disclose the mystery.

Silence : The braggart who is talking big and exhibiting his wisdom will never be a genuine magician. The true magician will never make himself conspicuous with his authority; on the contrary, he will do anything not to give himself away. Silence is power. The more reticent he is about his knowledge and experience, without segregating himself from other people, the more he will be awarded by the Supreme Source.



1. Law of attraction seems time wasting. I mean why do you need chicks/money/cars when you realize later that those are not of importance.

2. I hope to achieve many things. Evolution, for example.

3. Yeah i've seen the meditations thread.

4. I guess i miss a little bit of Volition, i'm a lazy fuck.


I'm interested in the soul name thing too, been thinking about something similar for a while now, I don't feel that the name I have really excuses who I am. Not that I want to change my name or anything, I just don't feel identified with the name my parents gave me, and it sounds hollow to me



I found out something about the soul name, basically you have to go meditate and meet your higher self and just ask him.


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Do you have any proof that reality isn't all just a story and that we're all bound by the narrative of a 'writer'?



I've been hearing about this guy and lucid dreams and how he sometimes would ask to the dream itself certain questions, for example he would just imagine he's holding a book, then ask a question and open the book to the answer.

Perhaps it would be possible to ask one's real name this way?


Wow, I hate frauds.

And shills.

They will meet the most gruesome deaths. Now I shall petition The Gods to absolutely destroy this impostor. There are some things one cannot escape…


Do you remember a scientist named Cipher from Atlantis?


thoth is spurdo the best meme?

why my clay pot did crack on the furnace?

should I plant sweet potatoes or carrots?

should i try it?



this is a good idea and i intend to make use of it next time i go lucid



Thoth, is it not the qlippothic truth of this reality that hunger, lust, friendship and religion are illusions and false wisdoms that are mere delusions of the material body and brain?

Indeed, life itself is desire, the endless growth and consumption of energy around it and the acceleration of its use and the inevitable heat-death of the universe! It is only natural then that creatures will evolve to have false instincts and false intuitions that will prophecy only their early death.

And yet, though life is only desire and this desire leads only to suffering it is only through that process of suffering that one can obtain material knowledge! We desire to eat and reproduce, and so have eyes to hunt with and to find mates with but our own desires to eat and fuck blinds us to the possibilities of our own death and early demise. Inevitably our inmost instincts, our senses of perception themselves that we search the world with, will lead us astray and to despair.

Life is desire, desire is suffering and suffering is knowledge. You speak of peace and harmony but core to the soul of man is a clash of fire and ice and generative lightening!

As long as men have eyes to see women, men will rape.

As long as men have tongues to taste flesh, men will eat and rape the earth.

This talk of peace and endless happiness seams to me to be fundamentally contrary to man's true nature. Perhaps, for "machine men", "ideal people" that you or others construct out of metal, clay or fantasy your vision would be honest to their true selves but your vision seems to me to be throwing away a core part of man's true nature and that it would be a dishonesty to himself.



Lies, Atlantis was destroyed after it got invaded by the evil Jewish patriarchy from Mars.

Spirit science says so.


Out of these names, how many have you gone by?

Hermies, Mercury, Thoth, Jesus, Lucifer, Enki, Ea, Merlin, Tehuti, Zoroaster, Ganesha, Vishnu, Quetzalcoatl, and Loki



>4 To Keep Silence

This one is bullshit and only applies to SEGRID GLUBZ like Freemasonry.



Hurry up and reset this shit already.



What offerings do you prefer?



Keep Silence is NOT bullshit. A magician should answer any question he is asked honestly, he should help those who reach out to him with sincerity, but he should not waste time on inane banter and throwing pearls before swine. Too often the desire to share magickal knowledge with others leads to too much sharing and not enough cultivation. He who keeps his silence advances the furthest and the fastest. It's not an absolute silence, it's a matter of priorities; you need to keep pushing forward your own understanding and power.

If you talk too much, you don't get shit done, simple as that.



By that definition, I can agree. I've spent much time trying to share my knowledge with others for they where/are in a state of suffering that through an understanding which I did possess they could free themselves, however many times they where not ready. And in trying to offer the revelation they needed (and sometimes even asked for), more often that not, just resulted in creating rifts between us, and at best, resulted in an aversion to the topic, which in the overall grand scheme of things may have actually delayed their growth. The best I can usually do for these sort of people is prod their curiosity with questions, but by the same token, asking the uncomfortable questions can still result in social/egoic abreactions.

Now yes, there are occasionally true and sincerer seekers who really want to change, expand, and improve themselves, and when I share with them I feel truly great about being able aid them, however this is not the majority (yet). There are also truly open minded minded people I can discuss beliefs and philosophy with, this is always fun, as when one is willing to listen it's much easier for curiosity to take hold (on either side), sometimes they grow as a result, sometimes I do.


>10 dimensional being

So what are those 10 dimensions?

Name and provide a short explanation for each of them.


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what do you think of crowleys taro deck named after you

Also thanks for helping out in the chansonry



intresting side note: in that picture you see 2 replies. one of which was a question about astral projection. thats why thoth made this thread on an astral projection attributed board. I for one deeply apologize on behalf of the human race. please don't destroy the world. destroy babylon. destroy those who try and hide the wonders of magic. curse those whom refuse to accept whatever their calling is in life



wait this thread is old, that cap is from a few days ago.

So i guess he already started destroying the sons of babylond. praise thoth


If Thoth truly monitored this thread (and if He still does), I have questions I want to present.

Was it Your voice I heard on the night of the fourteenth (or the morning of the fifteenth), apparently in retroactive response to the question I voiced on the night of the fifteenth?

If it was not, then do You have knowledge of whose voice it was?

Alternatively, if it was Yours, then in the interest of both authentication and clarification, what was the message?

If it suits You, then answer by whatever means You will.





again with this bullshit? don't necro this shit.

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