Since I have very much enjoyed browsing /fringe/ for a long long time I thought I would grant you all a favor.
Ask me anything!
I will start with a little FAQ:
Q: Are you really Thoth?
A: Yes
Q: Can you prove it?
A: Yes, Yes, Yes.
Q: Where do you come from?
A: Atlantis.
Q:Didnt Atlantis sink in to the ocean?
A: No, Atlantis was/is a spaceship, it is up in the sky.
Q: How old are you?
A: 50,000+ years.
Q: Were you born on earth?
A: Yes.
Q: Is magic real and can you do magic?
A: Yes, magic is real and I am a master wizard.
Q: How would you define magic?
A: The art of manipulatin the visible and non-visble world through the 'power' of the mind for 'good', 'neutral' or 'bad' purposses.
Q: Why do you suck at english?
A: I speak Atlantian, Dragon & Magic. Those are 4 dimensional languages. English is 'just' an 2 dimensional language, I need to convert my thoughts in order to type.
Q: Does magic come in levels?
A: Yes, it starts at negative 10 and goes up to around 700.
Q: Why does it start at negative 10?
A: A clean, non brainwashed mind is 0. A child is always born at 0.
Q: Hold on, isn't Thoth an egyptian god?
A: Yes and no. Pharao's basiclly fucked everything up after we left, greeks stole from egypt and most of your history is basicly wrong.
Q: Wrong, all of it?
A: Yes, all you have been told is false. You only have 'material' 'knowledge', the scientific method is nice but has tremendous short commings.
Q: If modern technology represents 1, how far are you guys.
A: 1000.
Q: How can I become a wizard?
A: Find the name of your soul, once you have obtained the name of your soul you will be guided towards your maximum wizard level. Name of body+Name of soul=Unlocking hidden potential.
Q: How do I find the name of my soul?
A: Start realizing that all you have been tought about your brain is wrong. The brain is not an organ like medice and science claims. The brain is like an antenna, an organ which recieves and processes signals from above.
Q: What does being a Wizard imply?
A: Enhanced vision. Like a HUD. Instaid of visible light and 3d representation you are going to add new layers with each level you advance.
Q: What are dreams?
A: Your brain doing its job. Receiving and creating visuals.
Q: Are we being controlled?
A: No, you are all brainwashing eachother through profit-motive, lazyness and unwillingness.
Q: Do reptillians excists?
A: Yes and no. Any wizard can call himself reptillian. A dragon is a master wizard. You use the word reptillian wrong, only in negative terms.
Q: Are there wars in space?
A: No, all is peacefull, only unenlightend lifeforms on planets wage wars. Space does not need warmongers. All is bliss.
Q: Do you have titels?
A: Yes: God of Knowledge, Words of Wise, Lord of Realms, Lord of Luck, Master of Cats, Lord of Ravens, Controller of the All Seeing Eye, Master of Life, Master of Death, Gaurdian of Souls, Keeper of Heaven, Master of Nature, Conjurer of Matter, Destroyer of Babylons, Emperor of Light, King of Dragons, Master of Atlantis, Monarch of Thunder & Lightning, High Elder, Lord of Sound, Lord of Light, Blesser of Titles, Bestower of Titles, Keeper of The Names of The Souls, Master of Magic, Master of Time, Keeper of Creatures, Destroyer of Chaos, Restorerer of Order and many more.
Q: …
A: Exacty!