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Forgive me, as I am not native from an anglophonic country, and spelling and concordance errors may occur during my posts.

Magical artifacts, my friends. Why I have never seen one thread about them here?

In my native language chans and forums, I've seen formulas to craft lots of them, from the Hand of Glory to magical wands, but in English, all I see looks completely fake and stupid.

Do you know something about this subject? Have something to share?

I made a kind of wand (or short stick) that somehow crossed my path on a rainy day. I felt something unique about it, and upon close inspection, I noticed it was a branch with 9 knots perfectly spaced. With that, I decided to carve 1/9 of it as I find one new magic lesson.

So far, I carved only part of it, and somehow, I feel it connected to the rain. Or maybe I'm just autistic. Always a possibility.

So… What are your toughts on Magical Arthefacts?


I went into a couple of different forests before, knowing that I would find the right stick to use for a magical staff eventually. I had found a few that could have been workable but they didn't speak to me, if you get my meaning. Then, among a pile of branches, one stood out. It was clear to me that this was my staff. I pulled it from the dirt, dragged the fucker home and got straight into making it more appropriate. I still intend to tailor it to suit me further but for now, the clean up, carving of some runes and so on will do.

It channels my focused will quite well. It has come in handy already, I imagine it will only get better as I complete the customisation of it.


I was thinking about such thread, and here it is. Bump for more.


I've been looking into Filipino charms called Agimats some are traditional others are tainted by Spanish forced Catholicism.



This gives me an idea.

Lots of people talk about thought forms in the case of animate wilful creatures but what about objects or places as thought forms?

For example, even if Excalibur probably never really existed does Excalibur itself (and its hilt) exist as a Platonic object in the minds of men? Could one summon the essence of Excalibur into an object or create one's own Excalibur?

I suppose religious iconography relates to this concept as well. Crosses are not the actual cross (also no the eucharist does not transubstiate you stupid Catholics, it is clearly only symbolic) but represent the cross. On the other hand, Jewish and Abrahamic teachings prohibit graven images. Maybe they are right about making thought-forms of objects being a bad idea?


I guess that a servitor could be bound to an object, then charged with any way one would find the most fitting, creation of more powerful and lasting arthifacts would surely need massive amounts of energy.

The goal is creating an object which would be useful to anyone, and could work for a longer period of time, keeping its abilities at almost fully-charged state.

Such object could consume its users or surrounding energies, or be charged once only, the possibilities are great indeed.

just some thoughts on the topic.

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