No.593[Last 50 Posts]
Does a calcified pineal gland make astral travel impossible or just difficult?
Also, due to being to poor to afford a way to filter fluoride out of the water or to move, how can i go about decalcifying it despite being force fed the toxins that calcify it?
Snap out of it. There is no way that it is necessary for you to use the energetic resources in your life in way that creates this situation.
Buy cheap 0ppm distilled water. Steal. Start some illegal trade. Stash the money as your clean water and food money. Do whatever it takes. If you are unable to secure this kind of basic circumstance, being able to do so should be your first priority. That is, if you have any care for how your life goes.
>Does a calcified pineal gland make astral travel impossible or just difficult?
I don't know. My assumption would be that it wouldn't make it impossible. However a very advanced wizard I know that can actually manipulate matter and I've seen him doing it, he says his pineal gland is essential for this.
I guess you could focus on the pineal gland OP and use techniques from the New Energy Ways book to try to vibrate it and shake off some of that calcium.
Just exercise your pineal gland and everything will be fine. Just as flowers can be seen growing out of the cracks of cement so too can you develop your inborn faculties regardless of surrounding external material.
>>606It's kind of like constantly eating fatty food while trying to lose weight. You can still succeed if you exercise a fuckload.
OP, citric acid helps decalcify the pineal gland, and so does a whole bunch of other things. There used to be a very comprehensive guide to it on the older /fringe/ but it seems to have been lost. I should try to find it back.
>>608That's a fair analogy. My only point I wish to convey is that it does not serve OP to interpret the relationship between the pineal gland and fluoridated water in such a way that disempowers him and deters him from real inner work at any given moment.
I also have this problem.
The water around here has tons of fluoride, and all bottled water MUST have fluoride according to the laws, so no, you can't get distilled water at all.
>>612>and all bottled water MUST have fluoride according to the laws,You shitting me? What is this faggotry? Even the bottled water has to be poisoned, WOW.
>>614Old stupid laws, yes.
If you want distilled water, make it yourself or buy the one they use they would use for batteries or laboratories, which is rather silly and expensive, and would feel weird.
I just looked up online and quite recently a politician has been working on a project to get rid of these laws and prohibit the usage of fluoride, I hope he succeeds.
>>619In Europe they don't fluoridate water, only in America do the elite want to zombify their population.
>tfw my taper water comes from a well on my property
>Still can't do mad wizard shit
we're all gonna make it bros
>>630Fluoride comes to you from many other sources besides water, check out some of the links already posted in this thread.
Who here has experience with decalcifying the pineal gland, and what results did you obtain?
>>648>no fluoride in my water in my area (except years ago but they ended it)>already happen to consume foods that are good for decalcifying the pineal gland>already happen to avoid the foods that have it>one day, a spirit came into my room, and handed me toothpaste>after that, I decided never to use toothpaste again>one day, get fluoride-free toothpaste, been using that ever since…lots of paranormal experiences on a regular basis. FeelsGoodMan. Today even, I saw many beautiful orange sparks flying around me.
>>662Yes 100% serious, I think I recorded the toothpaste giving spirit incident when it happened too on /astral/ on the old fringe site.
I have several other experiences of contact with entities and all of them have been really weird. They strike me as keenly intelligent but their behaviour is rather incomprehensible at the same time. Most of the time it's involved them just looking at me like some animal or in other cases they go through my computer and other stuff and then when they realize I've spotted them (it seems they do not expect me to be able to see them) they disapparate in front of me.
OP your picture is a wonderful illustration of my daily thoughtforming practises. I actually make little coloured dots like that and have them zoom around in the void.
>>612>all bottled water MUST have fluorideahahah, what is this shit, please provide a pic of the bottle package
when I moved to a city for uni the tap water was absolutely horrible(I lived in a mountain area were the water was good). The funny thing is the locals had no problems with it while for me it was always horrible to drink. So I only drink bottled water and it doesn't say anywhere it has fluoride
>>726You can search all you like, there's no such thing as pure bottled mineral water around here, all the brands add fluoride to it.
>>835The dots are moving sequentially
>>609garlic helps a lot, i heard. i am taking garlic, turmeric, ginger, coconut oil, and onions daily. all fresh of course.
the onions have skyrocketed my testosterone levels and I'm feeling more energetic.
>>2165How much money do you spend on that? Also, I can't for the life of me peel the membranes of onions properly and the membranes are not a good thing to eat ;_;
Also, do onions REALLY help with testosterone?
>tfw brazilianI feel at home now.
>>2192well garlic and onions are cheap as fuck. you can get a large bag of turmeric for like 4 dollars. same with ginger.
just go down to fucking walmart or whatever and see the prices, i'm pretty sure garlic, onions, ginger, turmeric are all super cheap.
the coconut oil is a bit expensive and i won't be buying it anymore.
and yea, the more onions you eat, the more horny you will be. a study in iran showed that rats that were fed onion juice, it caused their testosterone to increase 300 percent
>>593lol u crazy use sand nigga
>put dat shit in a bucket>boil dat sheeet>if not u lost hope last one is pray nigga pray! No.2388
lol don't freak out bros, always pay for spring water, it's gotta be spring, transfer to glass and avoid the bpa, that shit will give you nipples, also to good brands i use are volvic and crystal geyser
>>2387boiling doesnt get rid of fluoride
>>2388>that feel when I personally have become a nipple victim of BPA;_;
My fucking mom used plastic too much to store food.
>>2165>>2192>>2382Garlic and anything from its family (onions included) is toxic to the body and crosses through the brain barrier acting as a neuro-toxin, which is why when you have too much you can start to smell of it in other parts of your body.
Many religions hesitate away from it cause it also causes brain fog.
>>2654Weird, I ate a whole bunch of onions yesterday as well as lemons, and experienced intensely increased lucidity. No brain fog.
>>2654So, some kike doesn't like Italian food and how good it is your mind, no surprise there.
Move along bluepills, nothing to see here.
>>3191Actually I was referencing more esoteric religions such as hinduism, buddhism and the like.
>>2654I've read that when ingesting garlic and onions that it becomes very difficult to attain Alpha brain wave states. Garlic is a good for medicinal purposes though, like if you have a cold or something.
>>2654i love garlic and find it extremely difficult to focus i think it has more to do with all the 'behavioral adjustment' medication i was on when i was youngern-nice try dracula!
>>2610Wtf? Please explain.
>>7334 BPA is very chemically similar, to estrogen….. connect the dots.
>>2610Oh fuck wizard bro, you hit me right in the feels with that one. I'm planning on working on getting rid of mine through magick.
>>611So I can't drink milk?
>>816What's the problem with flouride?
>hurr, it deposites in your pineal glandIn very small amounts, but so does calcium. Are you removing calcium from your diet too?
It prevents your tooth from decaying and makes them stronger. Many water-sources have flouride naturally. Why would you use articifial filters to remove important natural minerals from your water?
I'm really surprised in seeing brazillians opposed to it. Do you know how poor some regions of brazil are? Flouride in water is the only thing preventing mass dental problems in the poorer classes.
>>8091Sodium fluoride is the problem, most of it a toxic waste by-product of the aluminium industry that is very expensive to dispose of properly. The alternative is to sell it for addition to water supplies, 'toothcare' products and the like. It has another common use as rat poison. Calcium fluoride on the other hand, in limited quantites when naturally occurring, can be beneficial to bones/teeth. You will never find calcium fluoride added to the water or toothpaste though, it is always sodium fluoride, check the label. Typically it gets called 'sodium monofluorophosphate'
I never use such products, kosher dentists messed with my teeth too much when I was younger and I had problems. I have stopped visiting them and no longer have trouble with my teeth. I trust the tooth fairy to take care of them now.
>drinking liquid nectar for baby animalsWhat is wrong with you?
>>8128You just gonna let the baby animals have it all?
>>622In Europe they fluoridate kitchen salt instead.
>>8218Easier to avoid consuming salt than water. Wish I had that luxury considering I do not use salt anyway.
>I have stopped visiting them and no longer have trouble with my teeth. I trust the tooth fairy to take care of them now.
>>8227Results speak for themselves. Since I stopped letting sadistic dentists into my mouth my teeth have been much better off. I really mean it about the tooth fairy, something is looking after my teeth and it sure isn't so called dental professionals. I no longer get toothache, something which was always exacerbated by dental work meant to remedy it. Trust the tooth fairy and leave the kosher dentists to fill the cavities of good goyim.
>Not sure if br or ptBem vindos meus queridos amigos
>>622This happens in south america too, there's fluoride
even in bottled water. No.10396
>>10390I find unreal to see water without fluoride, anywhere.
>>10387Ola, irmão.
Verdepilulando muito?
>tfw your alternative medicine female doc recommended toothpaste without mint, which are the same without fluoride in my regionShe was like a mother… all along…
>lonely virgins start living in their imaginary worlds to escape reality
>start believing that magic is real in order to have some sort of accomplishment in their lives
>stop brushing their teeth, taking baths and grooming because their doctrine orders so
>can't get any human contact because they stink
>invent imaginary ghost gfs to keep the pain away
>still feel superior to actually successful people
Those pathetic mundanes with their calcified pineal glands amirite guys?
>>10418>good goyim occupy themselves with distractions in 'visible light'>start believing that seeing the same as everyone else is some sort of accomplishment to agree on a concensus reality>keep poisoning themselves with sodium fluoride because zionists have ordered them to do so>can't get any divine spiritual contact because they sink into lower densities>need physical stimulation to gain regular sexual release as a subconscious coping mechanism for the crushing meaningless of their existence>still feel superior to people actively attempting to improve this realm to the point we can all move on to higher planes No.10434
>mcq esse monte de portugas e BRsNunca teria imaginado
>>10418>using 'virgin' as an insult>on an imageboardSomeone must've linked this place to reddit I guess.
>>10418sounds like pleb 'wizard' to me.
besides, fluoride free toothpaste yo. may not be as good but it does the job. im using it. my teeth are clean and in good condition.
>>593I use boron to decalcify the pineal gland.
>>593Look into iodine
all of the halogens compete for the same receptors in the body, however some of the them displace others. iodine specifically displaces all the other halogens from the body's receptors and fortunately it's the one the body needs.
I recommend this book if you're interested in the subject. also goes into the history of iodine
You should also cut sources of halogens (other than iodine) in your life as much as possible.
- most popular sodas contain Bromide (mountain dew being one of the worst)
- most bread contains bromated flour
- from wikipedia "
Although banned for use in foods by many countries, in the USA Potassium bromate is typically used as a flour improver" (
> mfw i live in merica- Bromide is often used in furniture as a fire retardant. think about that next time you're siting on your couch (or anything else required by law to contain fire retardants)
- lots of medication uses fluoride as a part of the delivery process, all because fluoride is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier
- green tea contains fluoride because most of china has high levels of naturally occurring fluoride in it's soil
- I recommend yerba mate as alternative since it has very little fluoride, and much higher levels of antioxidants than green tea
lastly just gonna mention that nuclear power plants produce a lot of fluoride as bi-product, and well, it needs to go somewhere…
enjoy your mountain dew :)
>>10549I also wanna mention that vitamin k2 helps your body send minerals like calcium to the right places like bones, teeth, etc.
a good source of k2 is aged gouda (I like minimum of 6 months)
>>10549>yerba mateTy, here have this
>tfw fluorideless toothpaste is actually cheaper
> two thousand and fourteen> not using sodium bicarbonate to brush your teethkek
> tfw bulk baking soda is even cheaper than fluoride free toothpaste No.10614
>>10612>still brushing your teeth>not letting the tooth fairy do all your dental work No.10644
>>10612You better be just trolling because regularly using baking soda to brush your teeth is damaging as fuck.
>2014>not oil pulling No.10655
>>10644>using baking soda to brush your teeth is damaging as fuck.Source? Also, I second the oil pulling. Coconut oil is best for that IMO, due to its own antibacterial and antiviral properties.
>>10644>>10655The doubles say it, Oil Pulling is the next habit I'm implementing.
>>10612go fuck yourself. baking soda pH is too high and will erode your enamel.
>>10644aint nobody got time for oil pulling.
Oijo coco oil is the best.
> go fuck yourself. D:
>baking soda pH is too high and will erode your enamel.What the fuck are you talking about? I've been brushing my teeth ONLY with baking soda for the last 2 years and last time I went to the dentist my teeth were ok.
>>10655Anecdotal, so I guess you can feel free to call bullshit, but my mother used to brush with baking soda regularly and got permanent damage.
>>10670Just do it while browsing the internet or getting ready.
>>10658Yeah, give it a go and see if it helps. For me, it made teeth sensitiveness go away but, as always, ymmv.
>>10722Can confirm, I also use baking soda only and it has done wonders for my teeth. Not only I never had any dental problems since I started using it, my teeth now feel cleaner and even look better. It's also cheaper and doesnt obstruct your pineal gland like regular toothpastes.
I just brush my teeth with water and a toothbrush. The water already has the fluoride in it, lol.
>>10722dayyyuummmm son where'd you get those pair of dubs at?
Just brushing with a toothbrush to remove excess food and avoiding soda and other sugary crap is enough, your teeth will be fine. Even so I have some fluoride-free toothpaste that I use once in awhile to get things extra clean but usually I just brush with water. My water is well water and has no fluoride in it.
>>10722Dubs confirm it, baking soda masterrace.
Melatonin does the job.
You can totally decal it within 1 week.
>>10770read somewhere that teeth brushing is mostly the physical activity
>>11123I call shenanigans. Took me over a month with melatonin, iodine, vitamin c, and skate liver oil. Maybe your water wasn't fluoridated growing up or your getting some placebo effects.
>>11123I call shenanigans. Took me over a month with melatonin, iodine, vitamin c, and skate liver oil. Maybe your water wasn't fluoridated growing up or your getting some placebo effects.
>Took me over a monthTook you a month to get what results?
I mean, how did you know that you "did it"?
>>11206because i could hear popping and cracking in my head and I could suddenly start seeing things vividly, all the stuff i've been practicing started working and I could better 'feel' when I was working with stuff.
ugh i went to winter camp and i forgot my toothpaste and toothbrush so i had to buy new ones. short on cash, i had to get a fluoridated toothpaste which made me fucking sick. used in six times and im glad my third eye isnt dead yet.
>>8095 This.
I had a huge hole in my tooth (bitten on a seed) and didn't go to the dentist,instead I was using fluoride free toothpaste and it repaired by itself.
Funny how nature takes care of us
>The whole thing is a Psyop that was purposely put out to make people (think), “I have to decalcify my Pineal Gland or else i can't accomplish anything!” Well, guess what? You’re being motivated by fear!.
>You’re still stuck in fear. The science of fluoride is to create a crystalline structure in the fluid sac of the Pineal Gland. The crystalline structure, its purpose, is to take Scalar Wave information from Etheric Satellites, so that you would be contained in the reality they want you to stay in.
>Yeah decalcifying is good, but the notion that you have to do it to get anywhere is a psyop which originated from those aligned with dark forces. so it’s both “damned if you do – damned if you don’t”, but if you realize how the system interacts with it, there are so many ways they can get at you: the plugs in this room create an electromagnetic field.
>Those transformers, those big garbage can looking things on every light pole, at certain distance, create an omni‐directional field that interacts with the crystals in your Pineal Gland. The “old school homes” had what’s called Knob and Tube wiring, which is unshielded wiring around a ceramic tube; that created an omni‐directional field too that interacted with a different version of the Pineal Suppression Systems. No.11812
>>11791if you're not eating the tooth paste, it's not really that bad.. Just don't swallow it and be sure to rinse your mouth when you're finished.
>>11812yeah i spat so many times at the sink but sadly i must have swallowed some little bit because cleaning my mouth with the dirty beheaded tap was a hassle but i know im fine. horrible nonetheless.
honestly i should just go full wizard and not think about bad breath :[ forgive me elders
>>11812>>11816It get's absorbed through the pores, actually. You don't need to swallow the fluoride to get it's ill effects. Otherwise it would be inconsequential that you brush your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste.
>tfw kissed gf right after she brushed her teeth with fluoride laden toothpaste>tfw felt the poisonous taste and felt somewhat in pain. No.11830
>>11828>Otherwise it would be inconsequential that you brush your teeth with fluoridated toothpaste.It would.
Forget the imagined role of the pineal gland, I'd love to see the science backing up the idea that these methods of decalcifying the pineal gland work, but as usual people just believe things out of fear.
Any idea how long the decalcification process takes? I've been taking cod liver oil (500mg) and iodine (185mcg) for about 2 months now. Also about a month of vitamin K2 (180mcg) and 3000IU of vitamin D3 for most of the year. Also spirulina and fish oil
Have been drinking ultra-pure water (steam distilled, reverse osmosis and ozonation - typically 100 times purer than mineral or spring water). Have started to eat organic fruit and have been vegetarian for a few months now, but diet is not perfect yet unfortunately, so still getting sugar and jewMOs. How helpful is pineal breathing and focusing on it and such?
Also, thoughts on cannabis in order to aid the process?
"Of all the known ways to stimulate melatonin production, none is more dramatic than smoking marijuana. Marijuana stimulates production of a prostaglandin called PGE2, which may relate to its ability to stimulate melatonin production. Italian researchers discovered that when eight men smoked a cigarette containing the active ingredient in marijuana, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), they had dramatically higher melatonin levels twenty minutes later. After two hours, their melatonin levels were 4,000 percent higher than at baseline" tried vaping some a few days ago and focusing on it and got more pressure, however it is hard to say how useful it was and I would rather not take drugs
All this evidence and they still poison water with this shit.
Cleansing with iodine. Curious, I just began to eat potetoes with the whole skin and turns out that's a good source for idoine.
>>11835If you want your melatonin levels to be high, or even have ANY melatonin in your body at all… you need to be in complete and total darkness. The second your eyes register light, your whole body goes into 'get rid of the drugs!' mode. It's why you feel a strange hunger when you are awake when the sun comes up, and why stoners are always hungry, that's the withdrawal effect of all the melatonin draining out of you.
So keep this in mind, shove yourself into a closet, tape up the edges before smoking that dank shit.
I have been researching this, but don't take my word for it - google it.
>>11879Incidentally, my own limited research seemed to indicate that cannaboids actually inhibited the receptors that dealt with serotonin and thus biosynthesis of melatonin - UNLESS the subject was already a weed head, having built up a tolerance, in which case - the serotonin/melatonin production was higher because the receptors depended on the inhibition to increase their sensitivity or something..
Kind of like, you can take hotter and hotter curries if you build up your taste bud tolerances - but at what cost? the numbing and destruction of your taste buds?
>>11882Also, whoever made that marijuana/melatonin research website is an idiot. It looks like they copy pasted the whole text three times.
>>11879Thanks, I will try it with a blindfold on next time
>>11879>taking the words of a mundane who suggest Jewgle searchDDG Master Race Reporting In.
put a bucket out to catch rain water if this is rally a problem.
>>11835> iodine (185mcg)up your dose brah
at my peak I took 50mg (yes, milligrams)
beware the detox symptoms though :(
>>11970But 185 mcg is already above the tolerable upper intake level.
>>11970Okay, I will double my dosage and consider increasing it more over time
I hope I am not taking too many supplements at once (9 total at the moment, also taking iron with vitamin C, vitamin B complex and St John's Wort)
>>11966>implying that isn't a terrible idea if you live in a smog-filled super polluted cityThank fuck I now live in a place with a population of 300.
>>12040Powerful wizard here, I don't take any supplements at all, I just eat certain foods I know will give me what I want and I do magick rituals to further enhance how my body uses the nutrients provided to it, and I drink various teas and use various herbs. Only exception is melatonin and that I only use sometimes… and only because it's hard for me to get brains to eat and brains are the only way to get melatonin other then a supplement.
>>12049Teas have a high concentration of fluoride, but you are already high level, I doubt that makes any difference for you anymore.
>>12050>Teas have a high concentration of fluoride, but you are already high level, I doubt that makes any difference for you anymore.I doubt there's much fluoride in the mint and cedar leaves I pick from around my house or the rose hips and other random plants growing around me.
Likewise, the well water I'm drinking sure doesn't have fluoride.
I have a cyst on/in my pineal gland, can I still go astral traveling?
seriously, it's causing me very bad seizures.
>>12143I have heard of people who have really intense experiences with cysts/tumors on their pineal glands. Like weird entities appearing and uncontrollable voices. I'm thinking that you would still be able to project, as long as your not unconsciously suppressing astral travel because of your perceived weakness. Transmute it into a strength as you are an alchemical machine.
>unable to afford unfluoridated water
OP, you do know that a gallon of clean water is less than a dollar? You can refill those gallon jugs with more water at the grocery store for like 30 cents a piece. 3 dollars is now 10 gallons of water, which will last you for a week.
think outside the box, OP. lol
From what I've gathered from this thread and elsewhere it's fine to brush with baking soda, but another thing I'm seeing is that you shouldn't brush with baking soda every day.
Is that also people fretting about the "abrasion" mumbo jumbo or is there some other reason you shouldn't brush with baking soda daily?
>>12223It's just very abrasive and will ruin the enamel on your teeth over time. I mix some baking soda with sea salt thyme, and fluoride free water to brush with after an oil pull. It works great and the thyme makes your mouth feel clean while also protecting your teeth by providing a natural varnash.
>>593Try some meditation. Focus on the gland, and its opening. You may feel a tingly sensation in the middle of your forehead. This is how you know its working.
If you do this periodically, it will assist in allowing it to remain useful.
Anyone got any links/tips on how to get on a cost effective diet/supplement plan that promotes detoxification?
From reading this thread, I am getting the feeling a good portion of the detoxification process can be achieved by just focusing on your third eye during meditation, and all the foods and supplements are there to get your mind to a level that can achieve detoxification.
It seems a lot of these people are afraid to indulge in even the slightest food/drink/activity that might close your third eye.
It is all in the mind. The mind is the strongest asset during the detoxification process.
If your lifestyle is causing you to mentally suffer, there is no amount of alkaline based fruits/veggies, supplements, etc., etc that will help you.
You could be on the perfect system as far as external inputs go, but if your mind is constantly paranoid about even the fucking air that you breathe, you will never get where you need to be.
During the ancient times in India, yoga and meditation was taught in the middle of a battlefield, during wars between kingdoms.
Your mind is able to resist and fight off ANYTHING that comes in it's way if you let it.
I'd even go so far as to say it is entirely possible to detoxify your pineal gland while still indulging in habits that are supposed to shut you from your 3rd eye.
It all depends on how your mind feels. If you can get into a deep meditative state while still smoking cigarettes and eating mcdonalds, then you are able to open your third eye. However, if you are unable to reach these states and have found eating healthier makes you feel better physically which in turn will make you feel better and lighter mentally, then that is what you must do.
But don't get so fucked in the head that you feel everything from what you drink, eat, and breath into your body is fucking with your balance.
That is fear. That is psychological manipulation. If you enter a city that is known for dense air pollution and you're thinking every breath you breathe is harming your pineal gland in the way tar harms a smoker's lungs, you have been trolled!
Chill the fuck out on the paranoia. Enjoy what life has to offer. Joy exists on this earth in many forms. Just don't abuse them. Take steps with shit like this, and if you want a delicious burger, have at it, but maintain a balance and eat clean and do what you have to do most of the time since you're focusing on ascension.
I would go further with this, but I'm starting wax all poetic and shit and thinking philosophical.
Point is: It's all in the mind. Fear is at work here by psyops from all angles. You tell them to go fuck themselves and go out and get completely shitfaced tonight (if you feel like it) knowing one night of binge drinking isn't going to do shit to your third eye.
In fact it might just help you ascend a little bit further.
Balance. In more degrees than one.
With that being said, I am still looking for a good store/website to buy organic shit for cheap. Any good hookups would be excellent.
>>653can you describe these orange sparks more
I can also see what appear to be tiny sparks in various ways. Looking anywhere they just look like multicolored television static but sometimes for example looking up at the sky there would be green sparks that have a strange pattern of moving around.
>>15475That post you're replying to was probably something else, but you're describing this No.19115
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. I used to do this technique a bit but have just been really busy to do it lately.
One interesting thing about this is that (at least in my case) my body tempature rises rapidly, to the point of sweating; as if my body is trying to expel something out of my body.
"Who will step forward and consume Caninus Spiritus?"
"We humbly come before thee, to ask for magnificent strength and wisdoooom."
>>19115Can is slap my head like it's a an african drum to get the same effect? Do I really have to do that fingerflicking shit?
How does one tell if their pineal gland has been fully decalcified or not?
I grew up with a septic tank so I never really experienced flouridated water. However my toothpaste still does, but I never swallow so maybe it can't be much of a problem.
>>19142Substances can be absorbed through the gums however, so there may still be a degree of calcification, if minor. I would suggest doing as
>>599 points out. If while using those techniques you feel/hear any snaps or popping sensations originating from the center of your head, then that would indicate that there was some calcification. If you feel no such sensations, I guess you're clean.
>>19133I'm sure it would still work, its the vibrations that matter.
You guys might find this document of interest. No.19460
>>10434>>10387>mcq encontro tugas e brs no h8 (principalmente tugas que postam aqui em vez de no ptchan ((ainda há bom gosto))Óh magos tugas que tal formarmos uma sociedade estilo "Mente Mestra" em tugalandia?
Acho que este país podia beneficiar de uma sociedade secreta progressista e que vá contra os dogmas estabelecidos!
>>19142>However my toothpaste still does, but I never swallow so maybe it can't be much of a problem.ProTip: About 99.99% of the fluoride in your toothpaste is directly absorbed into your body, within seconds of contact with the insides of your mouth, and your body is like a porous sponge.
You may as well have swallowed it.
Don't use fluoridated toothpaste…
Oh also, if you shower, all the fluoride in the shower water gets absorbed into you too.
Fluoride should seriously be banned from being put in the water. Even in it's supposedly low concentrations, it's getting onto fucking everything. Our plates, our soups, our bodies. I think the concentrations of fluoride in the water are based on the idea of "this is enough fluoride for the body when people drink an average amount of water every day" and not on "how much fluoride they're actually absorbing constantly from exposure to this water.
If you sit in a tub of water with fluoride or you take a shower in fluoridated water, you will absorb huge quantities of fluoride, probably more than you will consume drinking water.
…and it will be way too much for your body.
[paranoia intensifies]
>>21066If we take cold showers our pores close so we do not absorb much, if any flouride
>>21081I've noticed that the skin does not dry out in cold water. You really only have to wash your body thoroughly if it gets sweaty or dirty. Dry brushing and quick washes takes care of the rest.
>>21066>Moved out of state from rural area to city to continue education>Suddenly become unable to focus on multiple ideas at once, can't learn new concepts, sudden retardation, hair thinning, skin drying, bones/joints destabilizing, fail classes>Move back home>Drink glass of dank ass reverse-osmosis home filtration system>Break down crying as psychedelic imagery and analysis of every moment and detail of the past year of retardation suddenly blows through my mind>Similar effect from showerSeems I can think now. shCity water. Never again
>BrBrBrBrBraasssssiiiill>not being spiritist>tfw Globeleza.exe