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Dice rollRolled 2 + 6 (1d6)

Is there anything more than fairy tales in bible?


Hail Kane!


Yes, the bible has been altered and corrupted. But it is allegory, scripture in general was all symbolic of archetypes and concepts of evolution, development, ascension and much much more.



No, there isn't.

Unless you are talking about the Gnostic Bible.



More biblicalp gnosticism bullshit

Oh gr8



And what's your problem exactly with Nag Hammadi library?

I was never into gnostic christianity, but OP asked about bible so I replied.



My problem with christian gnosticism lies in the same issue with ascended masters. Just rebranding old christian ideas under some new belief system. Christian gnosticism lies under the realm of "YEAH, ITS BASHING CHRISTIANITY, LETS ALL BE EDGY TOGETHER"



Who cares let the kids edge



What is this, a Green Day concert?



>rebranding old christian ideas under some new belief system

Gnosticism is the original christianity, it's not new.

Those texts that gave power to individual were branded as apocryphical by priests in order to gain more power. It's not rebranding, it's getting back to the roots.




And it's the first time I've heard someone calling gnostic christianity edgy. Care to elaborate?

Also, just to be clear here, I don't give a shit about christianity, gnostic or not, but lets just stick to the facts and not spew disinfo.



None of the bible is false, untrue, or unliteral.



ru a real sshaman?



no, he's a stoner that calls himself a shaman




>anything christian

>matter is evil/prison

>do yoi really have to ask?


Depends on your interpretation of the word


Aaayyyyeeee, stoners are tiiight

I dont actually smoke much weed anymore tbh. Dabbed recently but even with a low tolerance it doesnt do much. I think Ive grown past the cannabis


The New Testament does have some layers of truth in it (such as the book of revelations), but most of it is feminine lunar jew bs.

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