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Esoteric Wizardry


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Beginner Spirituality Thread

I thought I had to give you guys one more gift before I depart fringe for a while. My work has become very important to me right now, so much so that I need to dedicate all of my time to it and cannot be here answering questions or doing writeups. I'll come back once I'm called by the same ones who asked me to do these writeups and share the new information and experiences I've gained. I've linked ample amounts of resources and guides for you to be able to develop and progress yourself in that time. Though I've always tried to give the fundamental principles to everything so you can take it on and make it your own. That's my hope for everyone that they can take this work and make it their own, become their own master and learn to self create and source.


It's required that you start up a meditation routine and also that you source a copy of the Kyballion for study of the 7 Hermetic principles. I also suggest reading the other threads I've put out to try gain a holistic understanding. You need to understand your own energetic anatomy. The chakras, dan tiens, yin yang and chi. Most of this comes with the Hermetic laws though. I also suggest reading some basic philosophy be is Daoist, Buddhist, yogic or other. Try to keep away from what bores you.


Hello and welcome to another thread. This is a thread dedicated to initializing and starting your journey on the path. It will serve to alleviate many common pitfalls and mistakes which come with being a neophyte. Coming into spirituality or the greater esoteric can be troubling and difficult due to the scarcity of entry level information or general explanation on what the subject really is and can offer. I hope to clear up some of these problems by creating another practical style thread where you will be given write ups to read and exercises that develop fundamental occult requirements and skills. Some of the subjects to be covered here is on what the path really deals with and is, on meditation, meditational postures, breath, energetic anatomy, proper practice, pitfalls and mistakes, dealing with your newfound ego, health and how it relates to the occult and most importantly the seven Hermetic principles. I ask you to work with me by dedicating your time to understanding and developing what I give. The rewards are plentiful and well worth it. You will only get out exactly what you put in.


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""Why do we walk the path?""

Simply put it's the power of a God we desire and achieve. Magic of all forms is simply a tool to impose ones will upon the world. Like the children who play with lego blocks or in sand pits. This world becomes all the more like a dream or a game the more you walk the path. Energetic cultivation is a complementary side of the coin which deals in internal cultivation of one's own self. This helps to develop the will and spills out to development of health and wellbeing. The more energy and power you have the stronger your magic becomes. Since everything costs money or energy it means you need to build it up. Except our world runs on cycles so you must be like a farmer who plants his seeds and invests within your own talents.

Creative energy, it's what fuels your God like abilities. To be a God is to create. Those who create art control the flow of energy and attention. The simple act of creating art which could also be called a physical form of magic is what creates reality. Your own expressions influence others by the emotions and desires caused. This stirs up inside of them until they act with their own willpower. Why do you think every corporation has their own art division be it graphic or sound work. Who do you think is influencing the younger generation which could be thought of as a window into the future? Take a look at post your own video services like Youtube or reading entertainment sites like Reddit or facebook. Start to take advantage of this knowledge by becoming a creator of whatever it is you want. All consumption is a form of mind control, be it good or bad. This is why we might think of magic as a form of self or other mind control. And what is the first Hermetic law? All is mental. Reality is in the mind. Remember this as you will come to understand it experientially as you progress.

""The divine spark""

There comes a time in life where man cannot keep up his false act. He can no longer keep lying to himself and filling himself with drugs in order to dull and dilute the experiences. Dugs in this case meaning consumption of any kind. He starts to realise more parts of his inner being. He sees the world as if it were a B movie, a joke. Everyone around him appears automated as if he were living in a false world full of robots and slaves. Lies told through the media no longer effect him and food looks as if it's equivalent to plastic. Every part of the material human world starts to become dull and he seeks purpose and meaning from within. Nihilism, apathy and depression are common at these points. This may take him to such fields like philosophy and psychology at first. Having already dealt with the sciences or other intellectual fields. Or possibly he seeks meaning through art, having evolved his tastes. Through all these pursuits which seem to kindle the inner flame he still feels wonder and curiosity as to what might be one step beyond.

You're a wonderer cloaked in darkness clutching a lantern which burns away fear and shines with awe. Eye wide open being guided by the soul, the self. This is one of many "beacons of light" that you will be guided and lead towards. Think of it as a pit stop where you can stock up on esoteric snacks to get you through the journey.


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""The Higher self - The God""

The higher self, the holy guardian angel, God, call it what you will. Your objective is to cultivate your connection to this divine and subtle force. It rests within the upper Dan tien within your head. This is what you might think of as the 7th sense. A sense of self. To know thy self is to know the world. Knowledge of self is knowledge applicable to anything and everything. It's the subtle voice which gives you helpful advice throughout your entire life. A voice so quiet and calm that you may miss it all together and completely disregard it. Build up a connection with this part of your being as it will serve you throughout your entire life and beyond. Heaven is the area above and upwards which houses the upper three chakras. Focus on this area in your head any time you need to perform heavily complex intellectual/ creative work or spiritual work. It controls all of the glands which deal with our occult work.

""The self - The Man""

Within your heart and emotions are your true feelings and intentions. Learn to connect with this centre and understand your emotions. We call this part of you the solar personality or who you truly are. You could think of it as your actualized god self. What forms of expression do you take interest in? Be it of the arts, science, or other fields of development and creation. This is where your true potential waits. They call it the void, a space between worlds. In this case heaven and earth - the higher self and lower base nature. Quite simply put this is you. Not the lower you who only thinks of food and drink or the super spiritual you who desires ascension but the "you" behind the ego. Our solar plexus - the ego could be thought of as an aegis to the heart. Put yourself in this area and feel what it is like. Here's a helpful and well explained guide that another practitioner had sourced out. You will generally focus on this area when you need to become your "self" to perform "human" work. So it's good for using the emotions.


""The lower self - The beast""

This is where I would estimate around 80% of humans are stuck on. Think about what the three lower chakras represent. Survival, sexuality, desire and ego. Your Godly creative energy is pushed up to the head via the coccyx pump. As long as you're ejaculating, digesting, clogged up with waste and losing control of your anus/perineum(The root of you) due to fear then you're not going to make it. Not that I advice stopping all of these completely. But learning moderation and control. Even a drug addict who spends all his day eating and ejaculating can unlock all the powers of the higher centres through qi-gong or other occult practices. Though a building without a foundation becomes unstable and collapses sooner or later.

This dan tien is located in the lower naval. Try to locate your naval, go down a few inches and then inwards. This is where you will want to keep your focus and be centred during idle times. It allows the body to recharge and regain energy. Breathe deeply using the diaphragm (Means you will breath quietly and softly) down to this area. You will notice your digestion becoming faster and your entire body heals old problems which it could never fix if you work on cultivating this area.

*Chi* - subtopic

The short descriptions should suffice for the time being. If you wish to go on and study more work you might want to know that the upper dan tien deals with shen, your spiritual energy and force. The middle dan tien deals with chi. The lower dan tien houses what we call original force or original chi. This is the combination of yin and yang chi. It supports your life and vitality. While the kidneys also deal with a special substance called jing which is like the more yang version of chi. Fiery and quick, a force that martial artists use to break bone with their fists. Jing also heavily dictates your own life force and vitality. It can be lost through ejaculation or menstruation if no practices are upheld. I divert this topic so that you can gain exposure and have a small reference point when you read more advanced texts.


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""The Ego and Friends""

Most of you will find that once you become conscious and switched on that everyone seems to look like a robot. Automated to perform their cycles and habits, usually in a downward spiral. Materialistic and petty they may look. You also start to develop an ego which disallows interaction with your old world. You may give up hobbies and entertainment as well as friends in order to work on your occult studies and practices. Seeing the esoteric as your one and only goal and the rest of life as merely a distraction. I will pre-warn you. Don't.

Some of your friends may need to go or be distanced, but not all. Try to develop and learn humility, to understand these peoples circumstances. Don't force esoteric or occult topics onto them if they respond negatively. At first it may seem dull to interact and talk about other topics than your current new interest, but you need to understand that your interests will change or decline in cycles. Forcing consciousness on one who is not ready can be potentially dangerous, but chances are they will just ignore you and become irritated.

If you still wish to share the joys of occultism to your friends then you will simply need to show them what can be done as using yourself as an example. Show them how you've changed and improved yourself heavily. How your health has strengthened, intelligence improved, finances and business booming and creativity immense. People view the entire world through their own lenses meaning that your voice will seem as their own. What this means is that instead of telling people about the esoteric you must use questions. "Do you believe in this?" "Have you tried this?" "Why do you think that?" etc. This forces them to test their own beliefs and understandings, eventually breaking down any pre-imposed shells and defenses.

An important part of this work is not to make it your entire life. If all you do is study or practice then you will burn out sooner or later or go through cycles of insanity and apathy. Learn balance as taught in the dao. Some people call this the middle path. Esoteric work must always be balanced with mundane hobbies or entertainment to keep you grounded and stable within this world. Internal cultivation must be balanced with external cultivation. This means meditation and exercise (we'll go over that more later). Do not forsake your "old" self but instead improve upon it. If you enjoyed playing basketball as an unconscious human you can still enjoy it while being conscious. While there are some hobbies and sources of entertainment which become stale or stagnate through awakening, others can gain more interest. There's a thread up about occultism in videogames, anime and other things if you wish to know how much it's out there.


*Crazy wizard syndrome* - Subtopic

This is linked into the past topic. It's what happen when you awaken the higher centres too early. I'm sure we've all ready about someone or have experienced this for yourself. When you first enter into this work it makes you go a little crazy(especially with kundalini). All of your hidden mental illnesses and tendencies come out in full force. You simultaneously act from the third eye and root chakra. Becoming paranoid about demons or other common spiritual fear mongering. Remember folks. Being a wizard does not mean you're mentally ill or should use it as a justification for mental illness. Do as Crowley said by being almost like a scientist. You should not blindly believe and always try out everything for yourself. Your own experience is the only and final truth. Does it work? This is why journaling is extremely important (among other uses).

If you're reading this and you have crazy wizard syndrome then I heavily suggest to take regular salt baths, eat grounding vegetables and other dense heavy foods. Try to expel as much energy as you can through interacting with physical reality and ground yourself on the earth. Stop all energy work that goes beyond the heart area. Watch some show, or read some /pol/. Try to work on your lower dan tien and gain proper experience or find a teacher to help guide you if you're uncomfortable about doing it on your own.

""Thinking for yourself and proper learning""

There's a couple of items you need for proper learning. First is a mind, a will, a body and a journal. When you learn do not only mindlessly consume to later on regurgitate words which you've not digested or tried. Everything I write has a price. You must uphold the law of equal exchange by using this information. Try it all out for yourself or at least try to understand it. After every writeup, chapter, video, talk or other piece of information you consume, try to think about it. Simply pondering and trying to "understand" it will allow the information to digest. If it's a piece of practical information then try it out. Try it and see what happens. Use a journal to mark down results. You may not understand what it is you're doing while performing a ritual for example but the act of doing it means you've exposed yourself to it. And later on this will lead to true understanding. An armchair theorist is better of spending his time back on 4chans /b/, /v/ or better yet, facebook. Consuming without the intention to at least use it sooner or later is a waste of both your time and the creators.

I write this in the hopes of YOU bettering YOUR life. To advance YOURSELF. Reality is a shitty game when you're unenlightened and unawake. It's time to learn this game and take CONTROL over it.

What I also want to say is that you must become your own master. We ourselves are the only masters who we can ever follow and have. Other people simply act as teachers to help you self learn and remember. So stop looking for a guru or master because there is already one inside of you. To learn thyself is to learn the universe.

Knowledge of the Hermetic laws is knowledge of the fundamental laws of the universe. Use them for everything.The second Hermetic law is the easier to start using. You may want to look at your room or house and see how it relates to your current states or observe what people say and see how it relates to the internal. Internal - External, Macrocosm - Microcosm.


Alright here's some homework for you all. I want each and every one of you to start creating. Use that creative energy inside of you to change reality and bend it to your will. Start using it for something other than satisfying the lower three chakras.

You can create anything be it a piece of art, a song, a youtube video, 8chan thread, a cake, a poem or it can even be something basic if you don't have many art skills like a bad ms paint or photoshop picture. Make memes, entertain all of fringe or whatever homeboard you frequent with your own custom memes.

Create it and study the relations between your own creation and your self. Through creation we learn about our solar personalities. Creation is not restricted to art as well. Something like metal work, carpentry or even lifting weights is good.

Anyway I'll be back tomorrow to do more writeups. I'll probably be covering the basics of your body and mind tomorrow.


Besides the chakras and taoist stuff you put in plenty of bullshit. How typical.



What do you find is ballshit?



>Stellar Man in the reading list (I know you simply saved the image)

>no explanation for the binding elements in the sephirah, chakras and dan tiens (this is extremely crucial for any seeker of experienceable truth)

>Qabalah alone is full of nonsense and twisted truths

I can't blame you though. It is extremely hard to sip through everything and make sense of it. You're also missing crucial information, but it would be too much to go into details.



Stellar man is good. As for the sephirah, chakras and dan tien this is not the thread for them. I wrote about all of those in my western and eastern thread. The pictures have been posted simply as exposure so that people can impress them within the subconscious.

Anything that I want in the thread I've made sure to put in. Anything that does not belong or I do not want. I do not put. This is simply a thread to introduce and get complete neophytes exposure.



Stellar Man is mind poison and I highly advise not to digest anything offered there. It is worse than the writings of Miguel Serrano, a similar toxic author.



What do you find particularly bad about it?



I do not want to derail this thread. But everything that is good in this book you are better off reading someplace else (like Initiation into Hermetics). The author is arrogant, plagiarizes and plants toxic thoughtforms into the reader's mind.



My god, dude. I'm new here and I don't really know a lot about a lot of the things you are talking about, but I can see you are really putting yourself into your writings. I must say; as a mundane that wants to be a neophyte, you have my sincerest gratitude. I wish you well in your work and hope you come back soon.

Oh and, can I have a list of the threads you have created and the "ample amounts of resources" you have linked? It could become a bit troublesome finding it all in the whole board; and it seems everything you say is useful one way or the other, especially to mundanes such as I.




I respect you OP though. I'm walking a different path than yours and your tutorials wouldn't do me much good anyways as I know this stuff already, but I admire that you actually post something to better the board.



Glad to hear you're putting in the time to walk the path.

Western magic thread http://8ch.net/fringe/res/56207.html



Emotional healing




And my resources I posted in Didi's thread here



That's fine. I believe all paths lead the same way. There's a field of syncretism which combines all spiritual practices into a big picture. Since they are all just fragments from old Kemetic wisdom and teachings. Study well and develop your own systems. I seek to teach people to become their own master and think for themselves. Once that has been actualized they may become their own creators and develop their own world.




Do you have any recommendations for books/sites/videos on eastern philosophy? I definitely need this balance.


""Mindfulness meditation - The occult portal""

Mindfulness meditation is the first and most important practice for your entire occult journey. It's as if you're learning the alphabet of a new language. How can you even comprehend a book without first learning the alphabet? Meditation is any mental activity or exercise. Mindfulness is specifically like mental weight lifting or cardio training. It is simply the act of observation, of being present, conscious and aware. This exercise trains your mind to rid its self and thin out the "monkey chatter". What happens if you try to do exercise but your limbs flail around in all directions? Monkey chatter is the mind mental equivalent of this. Not only in the occult science is this a handy (required) skill but also in physical reality. Mindfulness allows you to enter a state of third person observation. Meaning you no longer have to be controlled by your body, mind and emotions. You become the driver in the vehicle. Think of a situation over social interaction where you may have become fed up and lost your head. Mindfulness will show you performing this and at higher levels you are able to make subtle adjustments or use emotional alchemy to change your current state.

First step in our practice is to pick an asana or posture. Preferably not laying down in bed. Try to think of this as your new natural seated position outside of the computer chair. With time you can spend hours in this posture as it will become more comfortable than any chair. I recommend padmasana, though this requires a daily stretching routine to achieve comfortably. If you're currently unable to perform the full lotus position I recommend taking the Zen kneeling position. Once the posture has been selected you may also select an area to meditate. I suggest the outdoors if you can manage it. If not try to find a tranquil room with an open window as fresh air is essential to practice. Begin the practice with your eyes closed, perineum pulled up lightly and anus closed and tongue touching the roof of your mouth either behind the teeth, on the hard palate or soft palate. These all act to close the microcosmic orbit and keep your energy flow proper. Start of by focusing completely on your breath. Become conscious and aware of your rhythm. Breathe using the diaphragm. This causes the breath to become light and silent. It should be drawn in from the lowest point you can - around the lower naval. Your awareness will then shift to the lower dan tien. Find your naval, travel a couple inches downward and then travel inward. You may feel a magnetic or empty void like fleshy area. Try to feel the breath travelling down into this location. As for tips, you will want to avoid feeding thoughts. Allow the thought to be, and then dissolve like a cloud floating past your awareness. If you do succumb to thoughts do not grow angry or displeased. As the art of meditation takes much time to grow accustomed to and develop.

Preferably you will want to do this during the morning for around 5 minutes to start. Eventually build up to 15 as you feel it is required. This practice is required above all others. More important than your morning coffee, cigarette, breakfast, walk, shower, clothing or other. Do it. No excuses. If you don't have the discipline to meditate 5 minutes a day then you need to develop it.



Start out by reading Mantak Chia's Awaken healing light. It's loaded with funny and entertaining pictures as well as an entire basic introduction and explanation to energy work, chi, the energetic anatomy and emotional work. It will introduce basic exercises of emotional control like the 6 healing sounds and the inner smile as well as the microcosmic orbit, an exercise to clean and clear your meridian channels and cultivate energy.

As for websites I would suggest you to check out the daobums. It should help you grow accustomed to the culture and words - the daoist egregore.

I just noticed you said philosophy. Try to find a copy of the tao te ching. Though you might want to check out notated or accompanied version or helper to better understand it.



You say daoist egregore. How to know what practices has a parasitic egregore? Does this use an egregore?


I heard the falun gong was bad…



So Khan you Shinto now? is Shinto the final stage?

Can you link to a proper stretch routine for padmasana? Would love to be able to do the lotus.



I have been using this and it's working just fine.



""Learning from within - The super consciousness""

Previously I mentioned becoming your own master and self learning - developing critical thinking. Now that we've learnt to control our mind through meditation it's time to put it to use. Through meditation we enter trance states. Beta being our conscious mind - the regular awake and every day state. Alpha being the subconscious mind - a primal, instinctive and relaxed state. After that are the deeper states of consciousness where the true magic happens. Around delta and theta you start to tap into your superconsciousness. Have you ever come up with great ideas after a night of rest, nap or other meditational like activity? Chances are you pulled it from the superconsciousness. This is where prophets, oracles, seers, shamans and other popular "holy men" get their supplies of spiritual bud from - void pusher. Anyway we're going to learn how to tap into this. It's also a method of communicating with your own internal guidance system - the higher self.

First we need to go over entering trance states for the neophytes here. Before you begin meditation you're in beta state. When you first start the meditation, close your eyes and focus on the breath to enter alpha. After around 1-5 minutes (If you're a neophyte. Around 1-5 seconds for more experienced people) you will hit the theta state. An easy test is opening your eye lids lightly to see if there is a "static rain". Like hazy tv static. Otherwise keep your eyes closed and try to visualize. Depending on how easy it is will depend on your current state. We want to go as deep as we can to get the best results. Methods to deepen a trance include total breath focus and visualizing yourself falling or climbing downwards on a ladder/elevator. Ideally you're just trying to let go of your body and conscious mind. The conscious mind is a bit of a combination between the ego and solar personality or heart. It's the mind that's reading this right now and consciously inserting ideas, thoughts and other personality quirks into this text. The subconscious mind is the one which understands internally the words, phrases and combinations - the calculations under the hood. So you're really trying to let go of and dissipate both the body and mind. Allowing yourself to fall into the void. Be careful as you may go into a meditative coma or sleep (same thing) and find yourself remembering you exist an hour or two later. Not too fun. This happens around delta level which is what we enter during non rem sleep. Rem is in theta as this allows for minor conscious interaction.

If you can successfully perform everything up to this point then congratulations, you've hit one of the master states of internal work. If not well keep trying. I would spend around two hours a day practicing trance meditation for over a month and a half to figure out and cultivate this knowledge. Learn from my mistakes. This work is easier than you think it is as long as you can trust yourself. Anyway, once you hit this state it's time to get to work. If you've read my astral tutorial then you might recall most of this as being similar practice. Once you feel you're in a deep enough trance state or have adequately tried for about 5-10 minutes then start calling up a certain piece of information or a question you may have. For example you've just read the Necronomicon and wish to further understand what exactly is required for the ritual of opening an astral gateway or summoning an ancient and crusty sand demon. Use intention and emotion to "tune" yourself like a radio frequency receiver and sender. Or maybe you wish to further understand a relationship in your life or a part of yourself that you've currently been noticing. Ask your question and feel as if you're tuning your frequency to the direct one you need to receive. Feel as if you've already received the answer or are already in that frequency. Try to be open to this and take whatever comes be it voices, words, imagery, videos or other. You may even be prompted to look up a book, resource, video, topic or other.



As for tips. Learn to realise when it is proper guidance speaking to you or when it is some astral runt trolling you. This comes with intuition and practice. Follow what your emotions or heart feels is correct as this is what your true self feels. This practice can bring answers of all kind be them metaphysical or not. This is the skill of clairvoyance that the oracle uses to understand knowledge beyond their physical grasp. Now that you have an infinite spring of resource and knowledge it's time to use it!! Become your own master by creating and pulling your own philosophies and systems of magic through your own consciousness. Integrate other people's ideas and text via the super consciousness and develop practices and techniques through meditative contemplation over what you need to do and how it should be done. If you feel it works, it works. After all, how do you think sigils, idols, talismons, ritual dances, alchemical items, mantras, shrines, altars and other ritual tools were invented?

I thought I should add some practical examples of what I've obtained and achieved through this. Well, each and every thread of mine you read has come from this work. Infact my entire set of wisdom and practices has. Intuition has guided me. For non metaphysical things - I use it to further my own hobbies. This is a virtual reality like state so I've used it to learn musical theory, compose music, perform ear training and even replicate instruments to practice. That's one of the hobbies it has been used for at least. Some of you might know a skill called shadow boxing which we use in boxing. That is fighting a virtual or imaginary opponent. Well you can do this all in your imagination if you want and take real skills back to reality. Another fun practice was to cook up food dishes to practice my visualization. This is a skill I had mastered as a child, always creating inventive devices or objects out of technology, metal, cloth and whatever else I could find. First imagining it and then bringing it into paper or straight into reality.



I'll give you a quick question to ask to find out if it's parasitic. Does it require you to follow, worship and give yourself to something outside of yourself? Like Christianity has their Jesus worship. Also observe the members and see if they have a slave mentality. Always remain a self master if you ever decide to join groups, cults, orders, forums or even fringe. Integrate teachings within yourself and make them your own.


I've been doing a bit of study into the Japanese systems recently so I figure I would externalize it. The final stage is the system you develop and cultivate internally. Ultimately everything is infinite in nature thus there is no "final stage".

These already established systems are simply a cultural dressing of ideas, philosophies and practices to stimulate that inner being. As for the stretches check out >>59874

It's a beautiful list. I'll save it.




Finally someone explained it, for fuck sake thank you. I always wondered what people meant when they say meditate on it.



seems like Khan's studied/is studying a bunch of shit

at the end of the day, same mountaintop, different paths up



>at the end of the day, same mountaintop, different paths up

That's it. Exactly. Burn this into your mind. Even simple activities like cooking or cleaning can become spiritual and teaching. I achieved a level of enlightenment from grating a carrot. I figured out that there is no difference from the state of grating it and not other than my perception hahaha.

My own teachings are just the summarizing and simplification of exactly what works and the parts that you need. I want you guys to try it and learn yourself what works and how it works. Develop your own systems from what you read, study and practice. Always create and integrate to make it your own. Your own systems and ideas will work better than another's.

Currently I'm developing my own systems of magic. Subconscious connection through idol or self archetype creation(Learning who and what is inside of you and building up a toolshed of archetypes to use) and a special flower sigil that acts as a magical circuit board(Think combining the efforts of various thoughtforms and then calling on the quantum world through nature magic). Cool stuff that I've pulled out of the void. I'll share it in writeups once I've developed it to a proper standard.



Been reading your posts for a while now my friend, and I just wanted to thank you for putting forth the time and energy to help us Neophytes.


Went 12 days and fucked up. It's never worth it guys.

Back on track. Pledging a month.



Ignore this. Posted in the wrong thread.


Excellent thread, Khan. Every success with all your future work, and safety on your travels. I hope our paths may cross again one day.


Oh this is exactly what I've been needing. Thank you.



Hey Vivian. Good to see you're still on the path. We'll have to catch up via email sometime.

Anyway more write ups coming. Just thinking of how to structure the 7 Hermetic principles .




I'm glad I could contribute with something, since this Thread is pure motivation for me!

Thank you friend Khan!


""Earth and the second hermetic principle - Definition of magic""

I feel this is an important part to mention. I'm not going to force you to do anything outside of your means, but what to expect and what you need to know to make good choices for yourself. Chances are some of you are drug addicts, people who eat poorly and don't exercise. Some of you may not have been in nature for months and awaken when the sun goes down. The rest of you may have put the foot down and dropped each and every poor habit only to relapse back again and again. Ultimately we should always seek balance. Though balance is rare and difficult to obtain on the path we walk. Swinging wildly from one pole to the other is all too familiar for some of us. Always seek to keep yourself in the best state you can as it means you will be able to make a better decision and have clearer judgement. Even if it means appeasing your lower nature with drugs like coffee and starch.

Analyse your life. Think of your diet, what kind of physical activities you do, the kind of mental activities you perform, the drugs in your life, your area, sleep and even the people around you. I'm asking you to become aware and conscious of your physical circumstances. This gives a look into the mental and etheric nature of your being since the physical mirrors the non- physical. So above as below. The mind and body are two halves of the same coin. We can take this a step further and correspond your house or room to your own subconscious. Look at your workspace and room. Are they messy? clean? are there year old objects which serve no purpose such as boxes or scraps of paper? relics of the past? All of these give clues as to your current internal state. When you internally decide to do something, or make any decision and choice at all it has already manifested as a possible future. We're constantly attacked with choice throughout the day. Have you ever thought that these choices are what builds up your life? A friend may ask you a question. The answer you give will impress your own subconscious mind so try to be truthful to yourself.

I'm not here to give a lecture on addictions (though I can link resource if people need it) but I find it makes a good practical explanation to learning the second Hermetic principle - Analogy. You'll start to find that (or you may have already experienced) with occult practice your life starts to drastically change. You clean up not only your own body in the way of addictions, diet and other but your external world like your room and house. Just like the altar is an analogy of our subconscious mind, the room or living quarters is usually a mirror of the conscious mind. I heavily recommend cultivation and energy work for those who're addicted. Start to think of anything that is a physical item which changes your state to be a drug. Food, dope, videogames and even water can all be equally a drug. The drugs you "Require" to get by are the ones which balance you so to speak. They act as a an earthing or grounding device for some kind of problem. Something to soak up your current unwanted state of being(fatigue, stress, fear, boredom, pain, loneliness, etc). Think of the addicts you may know. What was their childhood or adolescence like? This is why shadow work or emotional healing is important. It's a method of changing the internal to eventually change the external. With cultivation you build up your internal will and strength which eventually leaks out into your life, healing physical, mental and emotional problems. The best thing I can recommend is a journal. Write down and start to learn your own cycles and correspondences.



Ideally I'm aiming for this writeup to get you guys to start thinking about the second Hermetic law. Go re-read it in the Kybalion and mediate over what corresponds in our universe. 7 notes in a classical mode, 7 main colours, 7 glands, 7 plexus, 7 chakras and the 7 main planets and Gods which represent them in many systems, 7 days of creation. Everything about a person from their room, physical appearance, personality, thoughts and ideas are an expression of their internal. The astral corresponds to our collective worlds unconscious, crafted through emotions. You see where I'm going with this? This is just a little food for thought. Now you can go on and internalize the second law. Understanding that whatever effects the internal effects the external. Thus as magicians we use ritual(external reality) to influence the subconscious mind or astral(internal reality). See that duality. It's the Hermetic law of gender - Yin and yang. Analogy and gender work together well just like all of the hermetic laws. That's really the definition of magic or what it means to be a magician(To think like a magician through the Hermetic laws is also important). And then you can look at the other side of the magician which is cultivation. We cultivate our internal energies in order to have strength, power and will with the external physical world in order to perform out hobbies, work, and other tasks. The more power you have internally the more you gain externally.

*Warning, off topic, kind of* Everything you do requires energy and your current levels of energy given each day is corresponding with your Chi. This is why we seek physical health and balance as the lowest form of internal energy is known as Jing. This jing is formed at the kidneys. You lose it through physical interaction like exercise, digestion, masturbation, physical stress, strain and tension, poor health and illness caused through acidity. As long as you're not in control of the lower three chakras or lower self/nature your jing cannot transmute into chi to fuel your heart and head dan tiens. *Tangent over*

Now that you know how to meditate you should be pondering over all of this after each reading. I'm going to repeat this again. This information is not going to serve you unless you first understand it and second apply it. To understand it you first need to make it your own and understand it in your own way. Your OWN understanding and knowledge of something is more important than anyone else's.


I hope you guys are beginning to see that physical reality IS IMPORTANT! It's the other side of the coin and until we no longer are with our bodies we need to learn about them and the world around us. They're our own vessel for interacting with this playground. So I suggest everyone to find hobbies which appease and exercise each part of them. I'm talking about stuff that gets you creating. Be it physical creation like woodwork or more mental and less dense hobbies like art. Depending on your current level and atonements will depend on what kind of hobbies you gravitate towards. Personally I'm fairly martian and venusian in nature which is why I enjoy physical exercise like boxing or martial arts and more emotional arts like music.

Why am I speaking about hobbies in an esoteric thread you may ask? Well here's another second hermetic principle concept. What you create is directly a product of your own internal self and internal creative energy. What does this mean? It means that you can learn about yourself from what you enjoy and what you create. Thus developing the solar personality.

So you want to learn about who YOU are. What your heart dan tien - the song of the soul is about. Express yourself externally.

To summarize. Start thinking of everything as a mirror, what you think of other people, your body, hobbies, work, room, etc. Our physical experience is one which allows us to reach the ultimate goal - knowledge of self. And for this we need to start using the law of analogy.



I did not want to rant too hard but I needed to address the problem of people who throw balance of physical and non-physical out the window.

Anyway next writeup will probably go into the Qi-gong thread. I've been working on some new tech which I can share the fundamentals and ideas for that some of you intermediate energy cultivators will find interesting and helpful.



No pleas continue these rants freely, I personally enjoy your insight.


What's the best way to open all the chakras and what meditations can I do with thme?



It all comes down to developing your own personal technique which activates them through visualization. That and knowing the locations of them and correspondences. I suggest you checking out the qi-gong thread as I've done some detailed writeups on it. And have tons of anatomical pictures to show locations.


Another top-notch thread Khan, thank you. You have a gift for making all this stuff accessible and approachable for neophytes.

What kind of (general) daily/weekly routines would you recommend for the first year or two of practice? I have been at this for about 4 months now and this is what I currently do daily:

>Banishing (modified LBRP)


>10 minutes mindfulness (as per IIH level 1)

>10 minutes single-thought

>5-30 minutes of other meditations (sometimes just breathing, sometimes Inner Guide Meditation)


I also read /fringe/ and stuff from the Mega every day, keep a journal for dreams and IIH and practice basic Tarot.

I try something results-based about twice a week. The actual practice varies a lot as I am still experimenting.

What would you change?

Also, please consider compiling all of your posts into an ebook. I'd be happy to throw some shekels your way to have all your stuff neatly compiled.

Thanks again.



Great to hear you're finding the writeups useful. I still have a ton more stuff to add to this thread since I'm planning to cover the other Hermetic principles.

Your routine looks pretty spot on for western magic. I personally do more self cultivation or energy work so my routine is focused on that. I've written http://8ch.net/fringe/res/54577.html#q58308 a routine I would suggest for the aspiring cultivator there. Modify it however you feel if you wish.

Basically the taijipole and cleansing exercise is equivalent to both a MPR and a banishing so you can remove both of those if you decide to pick up energy work.

I'll try lay out the fundamentals of how you spiral upwards instead of down - routine wise.

Meditation is at the core of every routine no matter what system you decide to follow. I suggest 5-15 minutes depending on your level.

A form of etheric body cleansing be it a banishing, salt bath, 6 healing sounds, grounding ritual or other.

Some form of Taijipole/Middle pillar cultivation.

And most importantly a practice which focuses on cultivating the lower dan tien. This can be done through energy work or the breath.

I also suggest stretching, physical exercise and balance work if you have an extra 10 minutes in your morning or afternoon.

Know that your own routine will change as you change. Don't feel bad for dropping or changing what you do. As for what I would suggest is dropping the single point meditation as mindfulness provides the same results. Feel free to explore other systems and change around your routine to find what you feel suits you more. I do what I do because it works for me and provides results.

Reading is good. You can change it up with lectures and other forms of resource if you like. Tarot is also great fun. You can use it to scry as well. And results based magic is great to build up some experience of what this field is all about. As well as how things work.

As for an e-book I'll be working on one using all of the writeups as a base. So look forward to that.

Goodluck with your work.



Thanks Khan.

By the way, why do you tend to lean towards energy work?



It is the most raw, complete, practical, effective and results based system to controlling and cultivating your own inner being - to developing your energetic circuitry and resources. Western magic rituals are mostly watered down (this can depend on the user) energy work rituals which have been impressed with symbols to gain the help of egregores of their order(So you could say it's more for the people in an order or group). You can think of it as the more external version of the internal daoist systems. I'll suggest to everyone to learn a system of sorcery and a system of cultivation.




That said, does the taiji pole and cleansing provide the same amount of increased awareness and repair as the planetary MPR? Not to mention every planetary body. I know from just one MPR my psychic ability can tend to switch on.



>I can link resource if people need it

please do






The MPR increased awareness is from opening the glands or chakras in the head. I would suggest learning that. It is a psychic switch as you put it. What you put in the work will ultimately serve you best. I suggest for you to try what you can and see what works. Just try to know what makes things work.



If you researching shinto, you should check this out.




Very much appreciated. Looks well worth some study.


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Hey Khan I wanna ask you on what you know about psychedelics and spirituality and esoterics. Now I myself have quit them long ago. I also personally believe they are not necessary for anything in these field as well. Since I know you have experience with this I wanted to ask you about it. What uses do psychedelics have in spiritual and esoteric development as well as magick and psychic abilities in general. Also astral projection. Can using these drugs make it easier or more abstract in these fields? Is it like a temporary boost, or can you develop your abilities faster by practicing and training in the higher vibrations?

>Why no shaman flags /fringe/?



Simplest way to put it is that drugs show us what potential we've lost. They open up the mind to the possibilities of a higher reality. The reality we - the magician have access to at any moment.

They're one of the best tools available before you learn meditation to access the hidden side of your being. What we call the shadow self or unconscious. This is the "you" which you don't know exists.

They rip open those higher centres of you. The higher three chakras we activate in our energy work. You will find that in intense energy work sessions that there is no difference from the perception increasing effects of a drug and that of your qi-gong.

So drugs are great for the unconscious people who're so heavily locked into their rigid thought structures of habit and routine. But for the conscious. They become tools. It's a crutch you can use to enter the higher states before you learn to recreate it naturally through meditation. Think of it like a martial artist carrying around a gun.

If you wish to do some experimenting I suggest going back to the old psychedelics you once enjoyed and comparing them with the experiences and wisdom you've acquired now. Sadly they're not as fun as they used to be while unconscious. But this is to be expected as you don't need training wheels for the bike riding to be enjoyable.



I would hypothesize to say that the occult and spiritual systems in general are all created from psychedelic consciousness.

Psycadelic consciousness is what you might call an alien like consciousness that is different to the regular conscious "stream" or tv station we're all regularly on.

By which I mean the understanding, structuring and intellectualizing of the state you feel under psychadelics akin to that of a child like state.

Ultimately in spirituality we're just trying to enter this childlike state again. What takes us there is the "trip".

Go buy yourself some psychadelics for anyone who has not tried them. They'll take you right outside of your usual state and back into that of when you were a child.

If you already have occult knowledge they will allow you to work with it and fully integrate it.

But remember not to fall prey to the psycahadelic stream of consciousness. Ultimately you're trying to make your own stream of consciousness the master. Which is what we do as magicians.

We learn to master and understand the "rules" of this reality through any choice of system you pick. They're all the same in the end. All systems of magic are just trying to teach us how we can make our self do something. Because we are what changes reality ultimately. And most people don't want to hear or know that. They don't want that kind of power.



I'm gonna go of topic and psycho conscious rant a little. So prepare for the worst.





Thank you, please feel free to continue. This resonates well.



Don't worry. I'll get this in words eventually.


We live in an electrical universe. I now know exactly what Telsa felt. You see the use of language there "feel" feel is a word of electricity in nature. To be on the same vibration or wavelength as another person. Cause you see our bodies are electrical in nature. That's why people call us light beings.



Tesla was a true wizard. Someone should evoke him for a thread



In a parallel world Tesla's technologies were embraced and they lived happily ever after…



>You will find that in intense energy work sessions that there is no difference from the perception increasing effects of a drug and that of your qi-gong.

Please elaborate how to do it.

I smoke weed occasionally and one of it's main effects is increased body perception. When high, I can really feel my inner organs working. It's so useful, especially when eating or trying to figure out a new diet.

Without weed, I am pretty unconscious of my body. I keep falling back into this dullness.

How can I feel my body like on drugs?



Same happens to me. Without weed I feel so mentally and physically dull




You've both figured out a tool. Be grateful in that and remember to use it properly. This is how as self creators we figure out the universe. Through our own study and experimenting.

Admittedly I dulled the worthiness of spiritual drugs. In fact I tell, not say or kindly ask but demand all who have never tried them to do so as soon as possible. Though ultimately we wish to reach the childlike state through purifying and development of the body and mind. I see no harm in the use of drugs if you are using them to tap back into higher states of consciousness. But try to see it as a goal you're always working on with or without the drugs- the advancement of consciousness.



With a fair warning of course. Don't just tell people to do drugs lel. Bad trips can lead to permanent damage or serious trauma that they will eventually have to resolve…


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That reality becomes a real-ality once you tap into it through your current state. FEEL as if it already exists and so it will because everything you propagate and spread beyond that will be of this nature. That's how magic works in a nutshell.

Attune yourself to the specific frequency of the experience or state you're after and then simply do whatever it is you wish to do.

Knowing exactly what kind of frequency you're after requires knowledge of the fundamentals of the universe. What you might think of as the spectrum of light. The 7 colours - 7 plexus- 7 glands - 7 Primary Gods - 7 Chakras - 7 Archetypal forces within man, Qabalah, anything that is an analogy of the light spectrum is an analogy of you and your reality. Learn to tap into them.

Your spinal cord is a rainbow pole. Each layer is where it plugs into a chakra or plexus/gland. Essentially these are the physical manifestations of the colour spectrum. Which we can use to enter different states of being. Think of it like a big game of pretend. Except I can pretend myself into doing whatever I want in life.

This means we need to be extremely conscious of what our body or the vessel of God - you -yourself - self is doing at all moments. Check your posture. If you have poor posture then it means the elecrical energy - kundalini cannot rise from the coccyx to your brain or the blue - indigo - higher self - pineal(female)/Pituitary(male). You also need to perform correct breath so your vessel can keep proper pumping and intake enough energy to keep up this higher conscious state. Check your spinal and body position every time you make a poor decision.

If you can keep a clean vessel and clean mind through positive emotions and self work then your internal orbit - micro/macrocosmic orbit can flow continuously. This orbit is your bodies own electrical circuit. It cleans and works through the meridians to make you like a self cleaning oven.

A perfect orbit or internal flow leads to the childlike state. This is the balance between our own yin and yang or female and male sides. The balance between our own pituitary and pineal or whatever other gender categorizing idea you want to use.

It's all the same guys. Your path is equally as great as mine if you're following yourself. The true self within. The self that you personally feel comfortable as and can love. The you beyond your shielding or ego. Ultimately you're just tuning into whatever frequency is aligned with whatever you feel. You're tuning into the Khan channel - Electric Currency right now because your own self lead you to it.

I'm gonna keep spilling my mind onto this digital canvas we call an image board in the hopes that this helps you and someone else feels me.

Go analyze your entire life. Top to bottom from your house to your computer to your favourite song, videogame, movie, show, picture or whatever art piece you're always tuning into. That's exactly the "frequency" - wave - state or being - current stage in evolution that you're looking for in an external medium. Try to feel the vibration of it. The emotions behind it.

Analzye exactly what you're creating and consuming in life. Because what you create is exactly what pushes and crates your life and what you consume is the stuff that either brainwashes you either consciously or unconsciously. Someones our higher self or inner child purposefully makes us attuned to a certain piece of art in the hopes that it starts to brainwash us enough to manifest in reality.

Start thinking of the universe as electricity, frequency and vibration. We are electrical. Your body is a crystal which emits your own frequency which is your art or whatever you create in life. The 7 hermetic laws are the laws of electricity. Learn them before I eventually end up teaching you them either way through my "channel".



If their own self is telling and requesting for them to do it then they need to do it. You are the best judge of self. Your own self master who knows exactly what you need and don't unless you are acting in an unconscious or lesser state of being.

*side note*

Journals everyone. Start writing in them. Do you want to go from neophyte to electric wizard? Journal every day to learn and self analyze. To understand and write to yourself what you need. Think of your journal as a scrap piece of paper that a mathematician uses to figure out his equations on.


I know I'm saying a whole lot of stuff. But ultimately it comes down to YOU, you yourself the one who's reading this to actually try new things. To try new systems like yoga, tai-chi, marital art, meditation, qi-gong, magic, or whatever system you use to tap into your own Godhood. Either follow - tap into- align to another pre-made frequency or program that's already out there to get your own experiences or/and create your own systems. Maybe you you're a bath tub wizard who uses this as your medium to tap into higher consciousness or creative thought through the oils, salts and other analogies. Great, cultivate it and then share it to all of us.

Whatever you do in life. Whatever makes you happy. Use it to cultivate your own self - consciousness or current state - wavelength- frequency- vibration and then share it with the rest of us. That's what it is to be a creator. You're a kid in a sandbox. How're you going to spend your time playing? Will you follow the game of pretend that another emotionally, mentally and physically wounded child pushes on you or are you going to create your own game?



If anyone is a fan of watching other people like animals in a zoo cause I know I sure am - or to say that you enjoy the science of psychology then you will be happy to understand that this is how crazy people manage to create and get themselves into such a funny world view and state. They internalize the emotions and pain so much inside that it consumes them and they become that vibration. This vibration or current state of being is what attracts and crafts their reality. It crafts the chaos potential or chi - energy - fuel that we inhail through the air, sun, food, art, or whatever other state altering drug you use.


I'll start making videos cause this is probably getting ridiculous to understand through text.



>That reality becomes a real-ality once you tap into it through your current state. FEEL as if it already exists and so it will because everything you propagate and spread beyond that will be of this nature. That's how magic works in a nutshell.

Attune yourself to the specific frequency of the experience or state you're after and then simply do whatever it is you wish to do.

Knowing exactly what kind of frequency you're after requires knowledge of the fundamentals of the universe. What you might think of as the spectrum of light. The 7 colours - 7 plexus- 7 glands - 7 Primary Gods - 7 Chakras - 7 Archetypal forces within man, Qabalah, anything that is an analogy of the light spectrum is an analogy of you and your reality. Learn to tap into them.

not quite fully getting it yet, how does one guy believing something that didn't happen changes reality?



In a saturnine method of thought or more of a logical way of thinking is that the specific thing you may be thinking of never happened. But. You recreate the circumstances.

Think of it this way. You ever known someone who was tragically bad something? But they just kept pushing forward and trying until they achieved it. They kept believing until it became a reality. The belief in this case is energy. They were just using belief as an energy source to conduct them self into that preferred state of consciousness or current life state.

So as Gods we learn sorcery to give fuel to a fire. The fire or your desired reality always existed. You simply needed to tune or change your current state of consciousness long enough - Doing the "work". Long enough that it becomes a reality.



*tragically bad at something


We do ourselves a lot of harm by thinking this is all a lot more complex than it really is. All I can say is to try figuring reality out yourself. Figure out everything you can in your own way.

Ask yourself the questions. How do you think reality works?

Then go read some occult information to try understand what they're saying.

Then go put it into practice.

After that you have experience to run of. Go do the work. Whatever it is that connects you to your childlike state again.


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Wow this is amazing, this resonates so much. I can happily say you helped me realize some things today.

>tfw you realize the entire universe is just a fantasy story in which the illuminati,lizards,demiurge, etc are just the big bad monster/dragon that eats the universes children's dreams to gain power and the way to get best end and defeat the monster is to realize who you are, your dreams, your purpose and to just fucking live your dreams.



Thank you. <3



Please do, Senpai!




What about the planetary bodies? Protecting the planetary bodies with the merger ritual. Does energy work include that?



It does not. Energy work does not use western ritual like energies or spirits. Though there are exceptions.

I suggest everyone to try it all out and do what they feel works the best for them. That and or develop your own system. Essentially you're just lighting up your own spinal cord or the rainbow pole which connects to each colour - expression of light - plexus - gland - chakra -etc.



Damn so my poor planetary bodies will get raped if I don't do the planetary magick.



Well not quite. Planetary body is an analogy for yourself at the frequency that the planet represents.

I misread your terminology. Ultimately any chakra based exercise be it the MPR, microcosmic orbit, yoga or other will "protect" them. It's just up to you know you want it done.



So what exactly is terra in the chakra system? Also if the crotch area or lunar is the astral body but in the chakra system it is the root chakra what is the astral body in the chakra system?



Terra or Malkuth is the root. The Qabalah was not intended primarily to be used in energy rituals originally so they've winged it a bit. Lunar or Yesod is related to desire, sexuality and the lower self. Thus it is linked into the sacral chakra and also sits near there. The intent with MPR is to activate multiple chakra points at the same time through using large spheres. Kether Crown-third eye, Da'ath throat, Tipareth Heart- solar plexus, Yesod root-sacral. You could think of Malkuth as a grounding device.



What about the banishing? I mean to banish all bad things in each of those areas. Is there an energy work equivalent to that. It seems like the ultimate cleansing.



Lighting up the taiji pole banishes. Other rituals may be performed to banish outside once you understand the fundamentals of it.

That said banishing is really only a part of the western system of magic.



Thank you. I wonder if there is an energy work technique that can make your

astral body and aura invisible. I know some rituals or special powders can do that.



Yeah I tried one out the other day. You need to tap into your energy body and try to not only shrink or dissolve it but feel as if you no longer exist. This is not so easy to do while walking.

It's similar to entering a deep trance while in motion. Almost like you're completely powering down.



but that's pretty self explanatory, you suck at a hobby you pick up at first but you get progressively better at it, not really reality changing


How can I conquer all of my fears. Including the irrational ones. How can I conquer paranoia? Magick, aliens, demons, and psychic abilities just makes things less trustworthy.



Considering that we're all vibrational energy beings, though, it's just someone changing their vibration through practice.

Almost anything is reality changing, just not as obviously bending what normal people believe.



The way I always did it was creating a blankness in my mind reminiscent of a vacancy. Kind of imagining how I'd be if I were braindead maybe, but in a state of meditation.

Concentrating on what I was going to do helped.

Though, this is on a more mundane level where people couldn't notice me, and I don't know how far it applies to astral/aura stuff, since I haven't done that yet.



Meditation. You need to be able to become aware of yourself going into paranoid mode. Fear is red or the root chakra - the lowest state of being. Become aware that you are afraid and then simply change the state - the frequency.

Two things that you can do. If you're afraid of something like people you need to get exposure. But if you're afraid of something a little bit different like an alien you need to build up a warrior nature. Whenever you start to fear, bring out that warrior nature. A state where you would willingly fight whatever it is you fear. Pretend you are Mars or some other hero-warrior type character. This would be what we call invoking.

>Kind of imagining how I'd be if I were braindead maybe, but in a state of meditation.

Exactly this.

As for an astral level you just need to perform an astral orientated ritual. Something like throwing a cloak which has the intention of being invisible over your astral body.

But for now I'll continue to have fun doing it in the physical world.


What are the best abilities to seeing into the hearts and minds of others. Which psychic ability is the most useful for this and worth developing?


So who is this loneman pai? What is he teaching? and how should I approach it?



Since we're vibrational beings shouldn't the more obvious bending be possible?



Third eye to see "within" people and the heart to feel their emotions - compassion. Practice feeling the energy that people give of. Combine this with observation or true sight. Look at a person with your intuition or first eye. See what they're sharing through their body since the body is a reflection of the mind.


A guy who spends all his time immersed in the occult. I would suggest downloading Satoga's Rars and reading his theories and practices. There's a few decent ones that should up your knowledge and level quite a bit.



Youtube channel's up. I'll take requests on what to create videos on. It'll be going over the previous stuff I've gone over with practices and lectures.



I'm in love with your work.

Thank you so much!







Glad to hear the love. Editing a video about water at the moment. It explains a little more on the electrical model of consciousness which a lot of videos will be going over until it is fully explained and people can understand it.




Glad to hear the love. Editing a video about water at the moment. It explains a little more on the electrical model of consciousness which a lot of videos will be going over until it is fully explained and people can understand it.



These videos are pretty unique. Quite amateurish but still watchable. Could use editing. You speak clearly and with good articulation, and as such are pleasant to listen to.

My main concern is that they seem a bit haphazard; scattershot. There doesn't seem to be any particular narrative, theme or scheme. If you found a way to tie your videos together somehow, have some recurring elements, it would make them more interesting.

If you're already planning on making a more thought out series, that would be great, but all I'd really like is just a little bit of planning or scripting. Clearly stating which videos are for beginners, which are for intermediates and which are for more advanced practitioners would also help.



I'll take it on. I figure it'd take me a little bit to get it all down.

Currently they're mostly just a "turn the camera on and talk" kinda videos.




Aight guys. I'm setting up a desktop recorder so we're gonna have drawn tutorials. I'll make one for sigils to start out. It should be pretty legit.



Let the man do what he wants faggot, it's not like anyone is paying him.



Video is up.

I'll probably be combining camera and desktop recording. Depending on when I need to show to explain something in action. But for now I'll need to get the fundamentals down which means a little bit of theory/ lectures.



Your voice is pretty mellow fam nmh

But at some points the music gets louder than the voice



Yeah. All's to be worked on. As said, I'll get it eventually. I've never worked with a lot of this stuff so it's still a new field.


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So I wanted to ask.

After doing some research on world spiritual practices. There are tons of similarities all over the world, and I wonder why no one just notices this shit. One thing being is that shamanism seems to have existed anciently everywhere, yet no one wonders why shamanism was common to all lands at the same time? Same thing with mysticism and rituals. I don't understand how people can deny the metaphysical or think that a religion like Islam or Christianity is the only way when there are obvious connections to all religions.

I wanna know, how do these differ REALLY from country to country. What is similar in each countries energy work system and shaman system, what is different? Which ones are the most efficient? What really are gods, djinn, spirits, deva whatever you call them. I wonder if they were made up so then they became real or are they representations of actual divine beings that exist in a higher plane? Which plane is this anyway? I tried to look into the astral planes and the planetary spheres, apparently some of these beings actually incarnate as humans. How did the mythologies appear in the first place? Why is it some deities weren't even relevant or barely mentioned in the original scriptures, but then somehow made relevant and supreme later. What kind of effect does that have?



Alright I'm gonna answer this as much as I can piece by piece.

>One thing being is that shamanism seems to have existed anciently everywhere, yet no one wonders why shamanism was common to all lands at the same time?

Shamanism is what you could say embodies the mystic. You have a bunch of people living of the land and eventually one of them will be born with naturally strong psychic abilities. A lot of these people are medicated or too heavily doped out with pollutants nowadays to be of much power. You'll find that because we have the power to create our world(view) however we want that even if you look at all the evidence of every culture and civilization having a system of spirituality, people don't care. They wont look at the evidence. It's like putting Windows only software on a Mac. Best to forget about these people.

>I wanna know, how do these differ REALLY from country to country. What is similar in each countries energy work system and shaman system, what is different? Which ones are the most efficient?

Anything that's shamanic will be extremely mystical in nature. Earthy and natural. Relateable to the environment.

Western magic is the "scientific" version of the esoteric if you can think of how that works. Strict rules, grades and structured rituals.

Then we go into the eastern systems which feel like they've been created and kept over thousands of years. The Chinese Daoist system does not use many analogies thus it is the simplest and most efficient system. Eastern systems have a lot more focus on energy, breath, posture and movement work than the western which is primarily philosophical and ritual based.

There are also some cultures which ground their work more in meditation. But ultimately all of these systems interlink and work together.

I'm not going to go to heavily into this just because of how broad and heavy a topic it is. You'll really need to do your own study into whatever system entices you the most.

>hat really are gods, djinn, spirits, deva whatever you call them. I wonder if they were made up so then they became real or are they representations of actual divine beings that exist in a higher plane?

Yeah pretty much. They're all personifications of energy or ideas. They would personify the main archetypal, elemental, planetary or other forces of humanity and put them into stories. Eventually because whatever you give energy to grows and takes on life of its own they did become "thoughtforms" in higher planes.

>Which plane is this anyway?

Think of the universe like a radio. What station do your favourite tracks play on? Energy is like this that it sits on whatever plane/realm/ level it is most aligned to.

> I tried to look into the astral planes and the planetary spheres, apparently some of these beings actually incarnate as humans. How did the mythologies appear in the first place?

I would suggest reading Jung's work if you're interested in this. The mythological stories are ingrained into humanity. We simply tap into them and pull it out.

>Why is it some deities weren't even relevant or barely mentioned in the original scriptures, but then somehow made relevant and supreme later. What kind of effect does that have?

To be honest I have no idea.

Anyway new video out on lesser magic. I go over the nuts and bolts of how it works. You guys can build your own systems from that and start controlling reality.



Thank you. So you're saying through gnosis the mythologies were created. How very intricate. I wonder why the stories came out so different. So if I suddenly started a successful religion and just made up the diety, had people worship it. It would become a legit god because of the energy it's been given. Does that mean it will be a divine being though? Will it talk to and meet with other gods? If it represents something good or something evil will it carry out that type of intelligence? Or will it simply just chill in the planes and collect energy.



> So you're saying through gnosis the mythologies were created.

Not exactly. These stories are OUR stories - the stories of man. Except each culture has put their own cultural twist on it depending on what land they live in and what their animals are etc.

As for the rest of your question. Yes you can make your own collective God or egregore.

As for how it will manifest and influence. Think of it this way, the astral and physical world are both mirrors. Since the astral is created via the thoughts and emotions of man. You can see what a powerful egregore can do by looking at the Christian religions. What exactly does Jesus do? You could say he mentally influences the lives/reality of millions each day.


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You have a very listenable voice Khan no homo

Regarding lesser magick, what do you think about repeating rituals and replicating effort for the same intention?

Let's say I have intent A. One Monday I do a sigil aimed at achieving A. On Tuesday I do an evocation for the same thing. On Wednesday nothing has happened yet, so I decide to say verbal affirmations and "pray" my intention into my meals. On Thursday I do another sigil for the same intent and on Friday I do an evocation to another entity for the same goal. On Saturday I go to the astral and ask some beings to help me get my goal. The next week I start all over again.

Some stuff I read has stated that you need to fire off your spell and forget about it. Others say you should repeat your ritual three days in a row. What do you think?

Also, requesting a video on "why does my magick fail and what to do if it does".



Hahahah glad to hear.

As for multiple rituals. You can do it but it can sometimes complicate things(If you accidentally change your intention slightly you might manifest something you don't exactly want for example.). You can simplify this by performing one or multiple ritual types to one intention. As in for meal and water blessing you keep it related to your health. For sigils and evocation you keep it related to wealth, etc. Until you achieve the result and try another one. Don't let this stop you from experimenting as that will really give you experience to learn from.

I find as long as you "forget" or keep the intention and ritual out of your mind during the hours you're not in a ritual mode(wizard mode) then it is okay.

I'll personally do all of my work just before going to sleep as I find it works like a day planner. I'll attune myself to all that I wish to bring or start up in life and then the next day all of the "ques" to do those will be presented.

I'll suggest trial and error. I've had rituals which manifest after one ritual, after many. On the next day, next week, an hour, a few minutes. It's all relative to your current situation which brings me onto the next idea.

>Also, requesting a video on "why does my magick fail and what to do if it does".

I'll definitely go over this. It's one of the most important topics that people first experience in this work. For some reason they manage to bend reality in hilarious ways with one ritual but the next seemed to flop. There are reasons and variables which I've found through my own practice that I'll share soon.


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What is ascension in internal alchemy. Or the taoist form of ascension? Is it similar to the yogi ascension? If this is my only goal, from where should I start and to where should I end?

Unrelated question, how do hand signs work? Like with meditation or ninjutsu or some shit. In fact, where the fuck is the ninja thread? We gotta find out how those ninjas do that shit.



Ascension in the Daoist tradition is that of the alchemical process. We transmute our base Jing life forces into original chi through the lower dan tien. Then into shen through the heart dan tien and finally Wu-ji or a form of cosmic enlightenment through the head dan tien. Think of it like your own spinal cord is the divine ladder of ascension. You're slowly raising your own subtle energies up through the body. Eventually this allows you to collect up all of the energies and move beyond this plane of existence. This is why in many traditions your lower self is related to earth and your higher self or spirit is related to heaven. We're breaking through to heaven in that analogy.

As for the goal question. It's less of a goal and more of a process. You've already "started" and there never will be an end. No beginning or end, it simply is. Every day you're refining your own spirit through the lessons you're learning and experience gained. (hopefully) Gaining and growing physical energies and development. Really, developing in any area of life spills out to spiritual development. Especially a hobby which you love that challenges you.

For hand signs they act a little like this (I've done a little research into Ninjutsu and found out they have around over 100 signs I believe. Crazy stuff, especially the breathwork. Still trying to find decent resource on this stuff though) Your nervous system reaches down to the hands which connects to the vital plexus and glands in your body as well as the organs and rest of the system. So whenever you connect your hands in certain way it triggers a neurological response for your body to start producing hormones, increase circulation to certain areas, etc. Your body represents its self through each little area like the hands, feet, iris, face, ears and other. It's kind of like next level acupressure.

Hold a thumb to index finger mantra with both hands (the generic one you may see) to increase concentration in meditation. All finger tips relate to a part in your brain I believe(Or gland). There should be some resource out there to check out the nuts and bolts of it.



Thanks, so is it like constant samahdi for the taoist way? I mean they can't just be masters of energy to ascend right? Don't they have to become selfless STO as well?



You'll have to explain what samahdi means before I can answer that if you don't mind.




Yeah I guess you could relate the wuji - void state to Samahdi. As for the whole STO, STS stuff. Try not to worry about that too much. We more practice a service to the Dao or the way. To live by natural balance.




Check out info on mudras.

Those are the Indian version of that. (:




The video will be out quite soon.

Anyway I thought to ask. Would you guys be interested in a video to go over basic health and fitness for developing the body. Maintenance and development of your own vessel is key to any occult practice as. I don't know what page you're all on if you have the resources or not yet. It'd cover things like cardio, stretching, balance, muscle and core work, joint work, etc.




Someting like a comprehensive routine to lay down a solid fundamentals, for people who is a wage - slave who need to work



Great! I'll get to work on filming.


I think the idea was to give me an aneurism

bell tones triggered a synaptic collapse in the corpus callosum causing a sort of buzzing sensation throughout the body

there may have been some temporal displacement

based on previous experiences I wrapped my head in an electric blanket and put the setting on high

this still seems the only solution to the blinding headache after

putting energy into the system

these cycles seem to repeat on a consistent basis but still no explanation for purpose



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Video on "How magic manifests" is uploading at the moment. I thought I'd describe both ends of the spectrum to give you all a good view on it.

Anyway I've been doing a bit of thinking about how to structure books with keeping them medium-short and adding plenty of informative pictures. I figure textwalling 200 pages worth of lingual wankery is not helpful to nearly anyone of the current generation studying this stuff. I don't know about you guys but I think pictures really can say a thousand words.


Try to explain the situation a little more if you can. You may want to cool of and drop the work for a little while and ground yourself in physical reality. Did you push to hard with the centers in your head? What exact work are you doing to cause this effect? And how long have you been doing it?



Another great vid Khan. I was wondering though, does failing to be in a deep enough trance state or failing to properly "transmit" the energy impact results? Or do you think it is primarily related to sphere of influence? Does even a bit of "I wonder if that worked" the next day have a big effect on failure (even if instantly mentally dismissed)?

Another request: how you relate/apply Qigong etc to Western magick. What does Qigong offer to the Western magician? What are we missing out on if we don't use it? How can we start to incorporate it into our practices and rituals?

>Anyway I've been doing a bit of thinking about how to structure books with keeping them medium-short and adding plenty of informative pictures. I figure textwalling 200 pages worth of lingual wankery is not helpful to nearly anyone of the current generation studying this stuff.

Personally I think the way you have written your threads is perfect. The tone is exactly right, not flippant, not pompous, not mechanical, not vague. For some of your threads I have made notes, distilled your main points down into point form for easy reference. So a tl;dr at the start or end of each chapter might be handy.



Great to hear you're finding good use out of the resource. Think of the trance state as thinning the barrier between the three minds. If you can get into the relaxed state at night before you go to sleep then you're fine. You will find that the difficulty of "not being deep enough" is that you can't focus on the "frequency" of your intent and fuel it.

With practice you can do this stuff in your regular daily state. I've been talking to someone recently who's natural state is delta or a state 2 sleep state. Crazy stuff what meditation and development can do.

As for questioning results, again try to think of it all electrically. When you observe the frequency you're freezing it in motion temporarily. Whatever emotions you "push" is the polarity it starts to slide towards. Like a weight balancing on a needle.

You can think of Qi-gong like bringing another level to your magic. You're building up your own body or vessel and also internal energies/pressure. In magic we use these internal energies to manifest or perform our work. You may notice many rituals ask you to manipulate energy in your aura or body. Energy work enhances this. I suggest combining energy work with your daily meditation like doing naval breathing while in a mindful state.

I'm trying to push idea of developing the body. The more you cultivate and develop your body the better position your spine and core are. This means you're always receiving energy and have high internal pressure. The more internal pressure we have the more our glands secrete and organs produce.

Having the resource and connections to fulfil your dreams is great. But unless you have the body, health and energy to do it then you're not in the best position.


"Principles of electricity/other"

Balance leads to stability. Sometimes we want to push too fast and end up losing our grounding and fall further down than we ever were. Too much stability leads to stagnation so we do not wish to stay in comfort forever. Know when to attack and know when to defend. Also know when to retreat as battles can be lost but you can never lose the war. Take all losses as a learning experience as the bad is there to show the good.

All things may express in a male or female gender. This is what we know as yin or yang. Either you give energy or take in energy and create new. Ponder over the earth and try to find what is male and female about it. The soil is female as it allows seeds which are male to be planted and create a new plant. Seeds are an analogy of a plant. They contain all the information of a fully grown tree but come in miniature form. Just like the green vibration or light given off by the young plant colour is simple an analogy of prime frequency. Though just like a thermometer hot and cold are simply different manifestations of the same frequency.

The all is all and all is the all. This all is simply an analogical expression of frequency or electricity, light, sound. Your body being an expression of this all(nature) houses 7 prime plexus, 7 glands and 7 chakras. These correspond to 7 major frequencies or state of being, 7 planets and 7 Gods or archetypes. Colour or sound are simply gateways to tap into this prime frequency. This is why standing in a red or orange room puts you in a lower, primal state of the frequency attributed to the corresponding chakras.

Know that before creation happens it must first be thought up in the mind of either "God" or the analogy which we call (Womb)Man(man connects to the mind of God or the all). From the computer you're interfacing with right now to the chair you're sitting on which were thought up first. To understand the mind of God is to understand yourself. Since we live in the mind of God there is only knowledge of self- God- Electricity. Think of reality like a game and look into ways that you can "break" or "solve" this game. Look outside, what do you see? Stars, clouds, trees, the moon, the sun, water, and other such phenomena. Observation of the world brings knowledge of this all - self - electricity or prime frequency.

Now we go into cycles the body and planet experiences. The astrological world is perfect to observe to understand cycles. Look at the seasons and how it changes the sun in our sky, how this effects the body and mind. Your body is around 90% water and the moon controls the water tide. Each moon cycle you can observe and study changes which happen in your own biology. We use the word Lunar-tic to describe those who're effected by "moon sickness". The start of a new moon is the sign of a start for us. As the ending or closing of a full moon is also.



Whatever you're connecting or "doing" is what you're currently channelling or tuning into. Your entire body is a liquid radio crystal and many parts like the pineal have their own set of crystals. Think of your state electrically. Use the spinal cord with the 7 chakras or plexus as a gauge to understand which "level" or frequency you're sitting at. Frequency simply means vibratory rate. Observe the frequency of people around you and then apply your knowledge to study further. Quick or slow. Ethereal or dense. The slower you vibrate, the lower your energetic level and state = the denser you are. Your body is made up of water, mineral and carbon all electrically charged. Your blood is pure electrical wine which pulses through a system of pumps through internal pressure which we cultivate in energy work or qi-gong. The higher the pressure the more hormones your glands secrete. Gland secretion is the physical counterpart to chakras activating or "opening". This body can be blocked by mucus and hindered by poor pumping (breathing) or dehydrated parts.

Cause and effect is a vital law to understand and well understood through the body. Observe your own body and notice what you're doing to cause specific health problems or effects. All problems have a relation, only that they may be subtle to notice. As you increase your vibratory rate through meditative activities, diet and energy work (among others) you will start to notice the subtle things in life. We exist on all levels in reality as all experiences happen on all as well. Only that you begin to notice the more that has always existed in your life as you clean up. Dejavu becomes a common occurrence the more you study, learn, grown and develop. As you will find you already know all of this. You're simply remembering it again. You'll the perfect state which psychadelics, tantra, glowing health, kundalini or other intense spiritual experiences bring on is the "childlike state". The exact state of consciousness that children are in. We never grew up but simply grew down and regressed.

Magic is simply the art of manipulating the subconscious mind and energy work is the art of manipulating the subtle parts of your vessel to increase pressure for health. Health of body is health of mind. Each part of the body exists on multiple levels and improving it will have effects on those corresponding. Train the core and your entire life will change as the foundation - lower dan tien will strengthen. Seek health, seek strength, seek wisdom and knowledge. Become compassionate and loving to first yourself then express it to the world. Learn and understand who you are. Separate the signals of the body from your heart and higher guidance. Reconnect with your childhood self and the hobbies you used to do or always want to do. To achieve this perfect state of a child like creator is the indigo consciousness or wu-ji state of ultimate enlightenment. A fully developed mind, spirit and body with complete knowledge, experience and wisdom of his/her own vessel and the world around you. Which are two in the same. Polar duality.


Thought I'd write in a little bit more philosophical than practical or experiential way tonight.

That should give you guys a bit to meditate over/ unlock a few doors and plant seeds.

There's quite a bit there but really it all comes down to knowing yourself. To know the 7 Hermetic principles is to know the reality you live in and how it works. That is knowledge of yourself. Or of God which you are an analogy of.

Observe reality, create your own science and art. Ultimately your own knowledge is far more practical than that taught to you in school or in a book. Take what works, apply it and better yourself and your life.

My heart goes out to all of those struggling or in bad cycles right now. Keep riding the wave and hold on. It may even take a week or longer to recover but you'll eventually get above water.


One other little idea I wanted to try explain is that every time you're reading my writing, or viewing anything of mine you are temporarily immersing yourself in my own reality - world or frequency. Like tuning in to a tv "channel". You can then understand that items like psychedelics are simply "alien" stations or channels which you can tune yourself into. As they say they're illegal because they break down the current western or worldwide "channel" that everyone is currently on. The people we call mundane or regular folk are all being manipulated and buying into a stream of consciousness developed by damaged individuals(the leaders) who've figured out how to impose their own world onto the rest of it. Fight fire with fire. Or be the water which allows all light to pass through it.

Most of the world is playing a big game of "I want you to believe in my world". Look at any groups. They have their own egregore or collective station Which you can choose to "tune" into. To believe their perception and see reality from their perspective.

Again. Electricity guys. Think about it all electrically. Look at the words used for computers and tvs. Tune, subscribe, channel, frequency.

The goal here is to create your own self actualized world or channel. We're simply using the body and mind to express our own "self" or our hearts magnetic field which is our channel. Make your own clothes, own art, own cars, own house, own food own communities. Do whatever it is you need to do to create your own world and learn about yourself. At the end of the day we're all kids playing in a sandpit called earth. And it just so happens that some of the kids became a little bit grumpy and want to control everything.



Martial arts and music are my two favorite things! My fire and water.




So the idea is that this enables a new Tesla-person to pick up the frequency he did?

I can imagine myself to be of a similar enough intellect to do that sort of thing, but I never embraced my inventiveness/science and now prefer the path of the warrior/healer/artist.


I've got spine-straightening to do. I never really tried the alexander technique, but I think I know how to realign my stuff with stretches anyway.


>from your house to your computer to your favourite song, videogame, movie, show, picture or whatever art piece you're always tuning into. That's exactly the "frequency" - wave - state or being - current stage in evolution that you're looking for in an external medium

This is precisely why I've wanted to make my own music, and have had it coming to me. I've been adapting my vibration/words to another's rather than tapping into my own and bringing it out.

I've got to get over the music-making learning curve/find more music.


>Your body is a crystal

I've been realising this. After consuming calcite and getting pains, lol.


>Think of your journal as a scrap piece of paper that a mathematician uses to figure out his equations on.

Yeah I have to do this more. I self analyse most when talking to others, which is probably a poor habit.


I don't get what you meant. That reality bending should be more obvious?

It gets that way when you believe it/work on it.


I tend to be able to see the lower vibrations people are hiding when I meet their eyes. I don't know what it is, but they tend to reveal their sadness/whatever in their eyes when I look at them. I don't *think* that my expression causes it…

Also, I'm not really looking forward to reading so many occult books! But that's just my current feeling.

Once one can read in the astral/akashic, do physical-plane books matter anymore?

If so, why? Is it that it's of a significantly different vibration to yours and what one accesses in the astral/akashic is similar to one's vibe?


>they manage to bend reality in hilarious ways with one ritual but the next seemed to flop. There are reasons and variables which I've found through my own practice that I'll share soon.

mm, I wonder if there's a possibility of having a short written answer, since I'm not the video-watching type atm. (time)

It's interesting how putting more effort into transmission (writing) makes it easier for others to receive and putting and vice versa (recording).


you seem fairly advanced, khan, and I wonder what info you know/have about twin flames. Have you met yours on another plane? (train of thought from jing/sex/twin)

I like to go through cycles of more intense development. Is this inadvisable? I did sort of stop meditating for the last month (but try to do it during the day whenever I recall to be mindful) after trying to do it a lot for the weeks-month and a half before that.

Man, I wish I had some good info to exchange with you! The only things I know I've got are that hand shapes are mudras and the health thread I posted.



No wonder you've been attracted to my threads hahaha.


Yeah think of it this way. Everything is suspended in the aether and astral. All ideas that can exist already exist. Tesla was tapping into an astral current and bringing that into reality. It's why art is so important because we need a way to express and explain all this stuff. I'm sure we all know the feeling of "This is beyond words" or "cannot be put into words". Which is where our higher creative faculties come into play as occultists. It's why you'll find most ancient spiritual masters were well versed in the arts and put their writing in poetry.

>but I never embraced my inventiveness/science and now prefer the path of the warrior/healer/artist.

I'm exactly the same. I'm in the process of trying to integrate my younger scientific more materialistically inventive side into my work. I'm thinking of using the theoretical side of the arts to my advantage this way.



>Sometimes we want to push too fast

Pretty often, for me. I feel like I've been preparing for it by being the opposite pole (indolence) for so long, but finding the center is probably the faster path to god, even if immersion in this is appealing. I've progressed interestingly even without meditating regularly due to all I've absorbed.


Nice summary.





Oh yeah. I also forgot the "teacher" aspect I so enjoy. The name I use is the Thai word for teacher, which I picked up from watching Ong Bak.


Dice rollRolled 1 (1d13)


I've since gotten more placid/balanced, though the urge to advance quickly comes up as a result of past/compulsion/desire for awesomeness.



I heavily suggest picking up a DAW - Digial audio workspace like Ableton to start making digital music. Even folk who don't understand the theoretical side of music can create and compose in that area.

You really just need to dive in and do it. Keep creating every day. No matter how much you might suck at something. To learn like a child is no keep doing something no matter how bad you are at it. And to come into everything with a fresh open mind.

As for crystals. Sugar is a crystal, the atmosphere is a crystal, salt is a crystal, water is a crystal, your body has little crystals within the organs like the pineal. It's why they're so fascinating.

For journals think of it as your personal "reality book". You could of say that we're in a human body and the human world to first master and figure it out through trial, error and thought.

As for people looking away, they can feel your energy on a subconscious or astral level. Their animal body instinctively shies away. And for books. No you don't really need too many of them once you can "think for yourself". Sometimes you're better of analyzing yourself and your world. Do your own experiments. As well as astral and soul travel work for wisdom. Since it's transfered at a "thought" level(fire). Book knowledge is the "air" element. But we still need divine fire to come down and makes us "understand" the knowledge and turn it into wisdom.

Books are good when just say you want to learn an ancient and well documented system like Chinese medicine, a new language, a science or whatever is well documented and already present system that another has created. Feel free to spread your physical knowledge gaining through lectures, conversation or even /fringe/ if you can find a decent thread.

As for a short answer for why magic can fail. You have a "personal sphere of influence" which is everything that can possibly go inside and outside your world. If you have a job which only pays you x amount per week then trying to get an item which is worth 100 times that x amount wont be easy even through magic. You need to start out using ritual to obtain what "is" possible to happen in your reality. And slowly you stretch it out.

There is also the problem of not "doing" what you need to fulfill the ritual in the physical world. As in not going out and taking advantage of the opportunities given.

As for twin flames I can't honestly say I've done much research or life study into it. I believe that there is a possibly "perfect" counterpart to us which is advisable to find to work something out and progress in. I'll tell you once I had the experience to share(your que ladies hahaha).

If you can handle the development then that is fine. Sometimes we need to stop a practice to find out what it truly does. I did not appreciate my training until I stopped it and fell into old cycles.

Your energy is worth more than any knowledge. By helping you, you help me and everyone else in this current or frequency of energy.



We live in times where "time" is speeding up so much that you can learn years of knowledge within days or months even.



>As for people looking away

nah they show their internal sadness in their eyes.

I probably have some intent that makes them reveal their inner turmoil, because I want to help heal it.

So I should work instead on reaching the deepest part of my being and being calm from there.

>sphere of influence

ah, cool.

My friend who was talking about magnetic or electric fields asked me to describe it in brief (I think slightly condescendingly, or in any case not expecting anything of me since I hadn't learned anything in the couple years before that and he'd been in the field of science) and I pulled "a field of influence" out of somewhere. Lately I've understood that was a good third eye I'd had, for knowledge based things.

I'd wondered what you knew of flames since I met mine, and wondered how an experienced traveler who hasn't met theirs physically might have experienced theirs (or not). I'd had a guided meditation on drawing a twin flame (tho I'd already met mine by the point that I did it).

I think the only reason I met mine was that I had a profound disinterest in the women I actually drew to me and have been a hopeless romantic forever. So essentially I've subconsciously had a ritual going for most of my life. Or so I imagine.

The meditation said they're our match on the highest/energy plane.

Websites said they don't often incarnate when we do, and usually give us strength from the other side instead, but lately twins have been incarnating more.

I didn't even encounter the idea of a twin before I'd already met mine. I was so insensitive to energy that I had no idea what she was for awhile. It's an interesting experience.

>I did not appreciate my training until I stopped it and fell into old cycles

Indeed I've been amazingly better, having coming back into my old life after a few month retreat.

Even despite a lack of regular meditation, it's a whole new life.

>Your energy is worth more than any knowledge.

I've been getting that impression!




Dice rollRolled 10 (1d13)


>DAW - Digial audio workspace

I'll look into that. I have Reason but I got discouraged when I tried it a long time ago.

I'll probably share with /fringe/ once I start making stuff.



I have a good friend who favours reason.

Admitedly they're not easy to get into. But you really need to give it a few days of complete immersion and tinkering. Play with every button and nob. As long as you can get into the piano roll to start making music you'll figure it out from there.


Hey Khan, could you perhaps make a list or library of books you recommend? Not only for beginners but for anyone practicing occult and spirituality at any level.



Yeah I'll write up a little list of notable authors.

The fringe essentials like

Franz Bardon (Hermetics)

William Walker Atkinson (translated occultism for a new age)

And Robert Bruce (energy work and general occult abilities) are all great. Though Bardon is a little advanced and difficult to read without experience.

The book knowledge is a good practical book. Though it requires a foundation.

The corpus hermeticum is great thought it requires tons of background knowledge.

Metu Neter is great for Egyption stuff.

Anything by St. Oliver John for O:A style magic.

Mantak Chia is my favourite for Daoism, internal and external work.

Gareth Knights book on Qabalah.

Lon Milo Duquette for Qabalah

Jean Dubuis for magick. Though it's higher level stuff.

Ophiel for a good no nonsense western occultism.

Anything by R Budd (Gzus Cryst on youtube)

David Rankine and Sortia d'Este books on practical magick.

Frank Rudolph Young for more practical stuff.

Kundalini yoga by Sri Swami Sivananda is where I get my yogic knowledge from.

That's along with a bunch of other little books I've forgotten to mention just because either they're not notable enough or I figure the others do it better.

Those guys'll keep you entertained for a while. Other than that I'm currently reading "Chirstian Astrology - William Lilly" and "The light of Egypt, The science of the soul and the stars - Thomas Burgoyne" and I'll start "The secret of light - Walter Russell" Soon. This is along with whatever Mantak Chia book I'm currently working on. Going through his chi nei tsang books I believe. The ones on developing iron shirt, bones, tendons, perineum tai chi postures and such.

If you can I recommend diversifying your learning as much as you can. Books are just a pain to read because of how unendingly long they are. A lot of these authors are straight to the point without the "Here is why I'm a super wizard and this is super special and secret" stuff.

Anyway. Soon enough you can read my own book hahaha.


"Visualization side notes"

"How do I visualize?" You may be wondering. I'm here to tell you that visualization works both third person and first person. Visualizing a third person version of yourself is your astral body which will manifest into the physical blueprint(With energy and repetition). And visualizing over your own body in first person is doing the same except you're inhabiting the astral body(Like a God form) at the same time thus bringing about a more instant controlled effect. This is better if you need to quickly put up an energy shield or heal a painful area on the go.

For those who're weak in visual imagination you may also use tactile or auditory imagination(I even did my energy work my imagining my entire body was a taste sensor once lol). Put your intention into creating a violet bubble shield(One example) around you and "feel it" or even "hear it", then pour energy into this through vibration(Feeling as if these sensations are growing stronger and it is coming alive. Use emotion). When you combine intention and energy it will lead to results. Though I strongly advice training the "visual" part of imagination as it is the "highest" or strongest sense. Combine all of these together for greater effect and power.

Have fun and remember to practice your visualization!


Hey Khan.

Started getting in to occultism a while ago, and I was wondering about Kabbalah. i

I keep seeing this map that Kabbalah has, and for some reason it really resonates with me. As I understand the map can be used as planets, or archetypes? I think it would really nice to use the points in the map as focus points for magical practice.

But I dont quite get it yet, would you recommend a good resource on that, or maybe your own explanation about it?



read Lon milo duquette's chicken soup kaballah.



look into Jerry A. Johnson's works and Glenn Morris



>Frank Rudolph Young for more practical stuff

it's bullshit, sorry.




That is an awesome resource. I did not want to get into in depth study of the Kabbalah, at least right now, this seems like a perfect overview to create a general understanding. Thanks.



The best thing I can tell you is to start by applying the planets/archetypes to it. Terra - Malkuth. Luna - Yesod. Mercury - Hod. Netzach - Venus. Tiphareth - sol. Geburah - Mars. Chessed - Jupiter. Binah - Saturn. Da'ath - Pluto. Chokmah - Neptune. Kether - Uranus.

Start of by thinking over this. View as many Qabalah pictures that you can to get an idea of what other people have applied and linked to it like the Tarot, chakras and such. Not all that you find is correct or of the highest quality as you might find that the planetary symbols for the last three are still argued on. Though the point is exposure. After you have a little bit of pictorial exposure try to grab a good book on it. The Chicken Qabalah has been recommended already as it is great.

Just know that the Qabalah really is a progressive journey. Each month, day and year your Qabalah will look different and serve a different purpose. Ultimately it is a map of the universe - self. As well as a tool. How you use it? Well that's up to you and will come with a bit more experience. I recommend you get familiar with the 4(five) elements as well as this will aid you.


While we wait it out for the new board would you guys be interested in me posting a bunch of old notes? I figure someone will find them entertaining or helpful.

They'll be fairly unsorted though.



The more knowledge out there, the better. Please post anything you have.

The new board is out now, it's just ugly and doesn't work in my browser. Thanks, Josh.


When you name god you create other gods.

Walk your own path. Create your entire own systems. It is the best way to connect with yourself. Using someone elses system is to use part of them.

Use sacred spaces to represent your own internal world.

After recieving information allow yourself to meditate over it and let the super conscious give you the true information and wisdom.

You need to generate your own personal philosophy by working with your inner self.

Invoking a spirit is to focus within the energy and intention to summon and call it.

Figure out the deities within you and invoke them to do work.

Who and what you are is a reflection of something that is.

All you need to do is reflecting. You have nothing to learn. You should be reflecting.

Ego is the part that wants to exist. The humanity archetype.

Lower dan tien =health.

Middle= expand love, compassion.

Third eye = memory, intellect.

Back of third eye = photo memeory, past life components.

Spinal nerve caduceus curve outside the spine.

Your mindset is what sets up results. Expect it to happen and it will.

Soul travel is different to astral travel.

The spirit has multiple layers.

Remember how you feel about dream symbols.

The spirit is trying to talk to you through day dreams.

Allow your spirit to guide your life and not your humanity.

tahuti = thought, balance of the left and right brain.

occult = occultari = hidden

to control chaos energy you need to master the bottom three chakras

1. Reptilian brain - Brain stem - Survival, no emotions - Alcohol . People who respond with fight or flight.

2. Inscect - Medula - Teamwork for survival - Heroin. People who need to congregate in gang or groups like church.

3. Intelect - Cerebellum - Fedoras - cocaine. The intellect.

4. Emotions - Marajuana.

5. Pure knowingness - Intuition

6. Temporal lobes - extra sensory abilities

7. Frontal lobes - use the electromagnetic structures.


Go into the meditation with an intention of what you want to do.

Learn to access your imagination again to get and do what you want.

We are in a prison where archons are absorbing our energy through the emotions we give and the activities we have. They are only here to distract us

Set stealing isis is the ego stealing the reward without earning it.

Leaving into the sunset is leaving earth.

Gnosis the secrets of solomons temple.

The 12 zodiac and 7 planets rule over us but we need to break free from them.

Before you have order you must have chaos.

Chaos is undefinined and unlimited energy.

It is the basest rawest for of natural energy and power before you start to define and sculpt it.

The first step in spirituality is to address the traumas you've experienced.

Counter clockwise drawing in. Clockwise drawing in. When you do this staircase exercise you start to remove blockages that your higher self wants you to deal with. Write it down after and then change it,

Focus more on the visualization of the past to recreate it. Place yourself in the moment.

You can petition and ask the universe if you have an intent.

First law of the universe is self preservation.

To get the brain to feel you need to focus on something and absorb the energy from it with your heart. The heart will shoot the energy up to the brain once it absorbs it.

7 chakras, 12 zodiac and 4 elements create a box which is reality.

The sun god rescues you from humanity.

Nut = sky god = higher nature, heaven, higher self, top three chakras

Ged = EArth god = lower nature, earth, lower self, lower three chakras

Shu = heart, air, void.

Three chakras represented by gods.

These two are combined with kundalini.

amenra is the hidden sun inside.

All rituals are internal.

They should stimulate internal workings.

mayat, feather, quill, heart, androgyne.

Shiva = pineal,

Shakti= lower kundalini

Shakti hitting shiva means kundalini awake.

pituitari = pvati.

pvati Marries kali.

Kali = unlimited power.

coxyc is where the kundalini energy is bound up. This is refered to as egypt

To be immortal you must raise kundalini. Sacrificng that is giving it up.

There are three nerves which the kundalini uses to activate.

The more you get into occultism the stronger the rings around your pineal grow.

Kundalini is feminine in nature. Sleeping and awaiting the touch of male energy

Awakened kundalini is masculine.


By naming Gods you create other Gods that exist outside of ourselves.

If you are following something outside of yourself then you are part of the experiment.

The subconscious and super conscious correlate to the trance states. The underworld is beyond the deta state.

All ritual is just putting energy into a certain channel

Negative thoughtforms are mental programs.

Being a god is to self create the channel you're viewing.

It's to become the creator of what experience you're allowed to see.

So we've all been put under a secret program to believe one persons ideas over another.

This has esciladed into the ultimate fight in ourselves between ourselves.

You are the conscious switch to change the channel of what consciousness you view.

The more energy you put into something the more likely it is to create and become a reality.

You just need to keep fueling that one stream of consciousness you're on.

Break down all walls. Unlimited chaos potential.

So you decide every second if you're going to change for the better or worse.

We've built these little boxes around ourselves. To shelter us from the real world.

Art is just the simplification of the complex. To make difficult easy in form.

Intellectual seperatness from the natural order is frightening to humans.

People are afraid to stand alone, to be seperate from the mass - human egregore.

To belong is the natural order.

To be a true master is to be alone.

The act of standing alone is fearful to most.

Huamns need someone to help, guide, protect and sustain them.

If you're never alone you cannot ever develop the aspect of self.

Reprogram and replace your old knowledge and programming. Empty your cup to recieve a new filling of the truth.


to opose control and will is to take up stagnation.

fear expresses outwards as hate.

People externalize a boogyman to hate that represents the inner fears and inner failures of themself.

Darkness and black is refering to an infinite nature that encompases all.

Your talent is God - creative part of you is your inner God.

One part of you helps you maintain yourself on earth, usually socialy. The other is the divine part which

Your body thinks thinking in the past and future is real. So let go of all fantasizing and reliving. Only live in the now. Forget about time. Reality is simply the unmanifested manifesting over and over in a cycle. Learn about the angles of light.

Heart tunes you to certain dimensions. Intestines store up energy and digest it. It is the first brain.

Whatever you put in your intestines is what processes and goes up to your heart. This is your frequency. Think of how much higher sound and light vibrates to food. The pineal is directed to the heart. Bio feedback device. Intestines tells the heart what kind of enviroment you're in to adjust and gravitate towards that vibration.

The higher dimension you're in the more energy you have available as well as the potency.

Different angles of light (hours) equate to different influences by the planets, elements and zodiac.

It's possible that we are simply creating non physical - energetic "tools" to satisfy certain ideas. Like a man creates a guitar to play music. A nei-gong practicioner creates a lower dan tien to cultivate energy.

I find we use people as entertainment far too often.

Auditory is of the body and visual is of the soul.

- Flowers can teach us of gender and sex.

Meditation is to still the mind and tap into the energetic nature of reality. To tap into the unlimited resource of energy and resource.

Learn to think in analogy and all of this becomes apparent.

You can also separate the people around you into levels, states or frequencies. Look at them as if they were from the lower, higher or mediator self. See them as if they are yin or yang, black and white, opposing or helping.

All people around you are simply an expression of something already within. They allow you to feel the emotions you wish to express that are within you. You don't feel anothers love when they hug you. You simply allow yourself to feel your own love. You're not angry at another person. You're simply angry at yourself.

This goes for physical objects and our computer desktop as well. We use our pc desks as modern day alters. Placing objects of the personality or internal state to remind ourselves of what a past version of ourselves wished to do.

The emotions we feel (love for example) from something like another person or a piece of entertainment is simply just the allowance of yourself letting you feel your own internal emotion.

Focus your energies on yourself always. Thoughtform and develop your own art and interests or focus the energy on retaining a meditative state with the breathe - lower naval.

Your bad moods are caused from addiction and poisoning.

Whatever you think about during the day is being created at a less dense level.

Reality will always show you the oposition within yourself with other people.

Become every aspect of a dream. "Your entire reality is nothing more than a 360 degree mirror which is reflecting aspects of yourself". Keep developing the nervous system.

The more energy you have the quicker you can make things manifest. The cleaner you are the higher vibration - more potential chaos energy. The more chaos energy the more that can happen. Pure chaotic potential energy is the raw fundamental principle that all else arises from. We craft it into whatever we please. To learn something quickly is to experiment completely with everything that you can. To consciously tinker, test and explore. As well as pondering over it.

The medication of the common man are lies that he tells himself.

What more can I tell you. You already know what you need.

Whenever someone expresses a large amount of negative emotions towards you it creates a trauma. This is a negative thoughtform impressed in your aura which stops you and tries to control your thoughts to stop it happening again. Either you choose to channel that negative energy or transmute it. Or you reflect it back. Do the 6 healing sounds and a grounding to get rid of negative energy.


Remember that you are the God. You pick to create your own reality with each action.

Think of nature or the external world as your own body. Should it be harvested or destroyed for personal gain? in moderation. Like one would take a drug.

Think of systems of ascension like language. Every culture has their own and they're completely different. Ultimately they all do the same thing though using different roads.

In an astral form push energy towards whatever you want the body to do. To fuel the will. Whatever I consciously want to happen with my vehicle or astrally I simply need to will it.

Everything that vibrates is a thoughtform. It has polarity.

Elements are different because of rate of vibration. They are all the same.

We're in human form/ world to learn our bodies and world.

12 zodiac 30 degrees of a circle/cycle. 12 parts of the body. 12 archetypes.

People seek others to make themselves whole like a drug. To externalize their incompleteness and allow the other to reinforce their own faults and loss/lack of knowledge. I feel these people give up on finding themselves so instead they externalize the "finding" component and look for an opposite which makes them feel complete. Thus the male searching for female.

You don't need to make something complex for it to be beautiful.

You need to be satisfied by the act of just being and doing. If you cannot then you will look for exterior sensory pleasures to try fulfil yourself with.

Every day you wake up and write another chapter in the book of life. What are you gonna make of it?

Think of the feedback loop idea. What you give out comes back. What you do as a habit happens again and again , so on.

You're manipulating all the energies around you when you become whole and connect with the self.

To get something you gotta give something

You perpetuate what you give to yourself. Love yourself to find love.

Trust your body. You get signals from your intuition through the body. Like hand taps.

Air is a less dense form of energy. Food is a very dense level of energy. Fruit is less dense because it is water.

We can transmute energy with the body.

God is expressed through everything - universe.

Think about the density of energy.

- Think of everything in energy. How much did it cost you to process what you've eaten.

We're giving energy to what is not challenging us. We need to move on to what we actually want to do.

We're all expressions of what we should be doing. Don't do things you need to try at. Do things you need to do.

Your lessons come in much harsher when you don't learn them.

- Vibrations can go both ways. Think of something you do or don't want to do and change the dial on it.

Essentially you are electric. Your spinal cord and brain is at the centre of you. You can think of this as an electric pole where the bottom is negative and top is positive. Along with electric pole are 7 plexus which connect to 7 glands. Since we are electric and our universe is electric (because of analogy) we are an expression of electricity or light. The 7 colours of the rainbow. Our entire blood is conductive, our muscles, organs, glands and other cables are covered in electroconductive fascia.

: Through various practices or items like drugs you can activate the highest levels of this pole. Or what you could say as changing your frequency or vibration to the highest - indigo. Your pineal or head.

: To enter the childlike state one must have a perfect orbit. Meaning their bodies electrical system is a closed circuited, no blockages and it is well developed. This takes time and practice. I've found I grow ever closer to the childlike state of consciousness with my own practices.

Essentially the drugs hit you straight up there. Kind of like a temporary boost to show you what you've lost.

Know what I'm saying?

If you can get all of that you can start to understand the electric universe. Which you could understand through the Hermetic principles of 7 laws of Tahuti - Thoth - Mercury or logic, the messanger of gods.

These are the principles of electricity. As we live in a gendered universe. Everything i expresses in a polarity of male or female, but like a thermometer hot a cold are the same thing but different sides.

Now here's the real kicker to me.

I unconsciously listen or create art most of the time. While aware and conscious yesterday I noticed that everything I consume is a reflection of my internal state. As well as what I create. You can understand this through the electric model. Like attracts like and two frequencies overlap.

Think of it this way. Your current emotion or state - vibes is your level or frequency. It's like how being in nature surrounded by green takes you to the heart which is represented as green.


Anyway that's a combination of lecture and journal notes along with some conversations. It should do well to tape up some loose ends or get your minds thinking.


>People seek others to make themselves whole like a drug. To externalize their incompleteness and allow the other to reinforce their own faults and loss/lack of knowledge. I feel these people give up on finding themselves so instead they externalize the "finding" component and look for an opposite which makes them feel complete. Thus the male searching for female.

this reminds me of the Twin Flame thing. I found someone who had a lot of similar faults to me, [and a lot of similar interests/dreams] and who lived near me for a lot of my life. It was kind of weird, seems like we vibed together a fair amount. Her family lives near mine and my sister lives in her hometown.

I am or was very picky about the women I find attractive, and the other one I found lives near me too. "weird."

OH! so yeah, I got a divination where a man said "Twin Flames can be almost anyone. A flame is formless. But in order for it to work, first you have to burn on your own, to attract a Twin."

He later said she and I are Twins, so I'd wondered if he meant the "Twin Flames can be anyone" as sort of a test of me letting go. But… I dunno. He also mentioned Twin Souls. Not sure what he meant by that.

So there's that.

>You perpetuate what you give to yourself. Love yourself to find love.

Amen to that. and Love yourself enough to tell people what you think, if you feel you should. You'll drive away the wrong ones, and keep the right ones. (it's worked for me, anyway)

>We're giving energy to what is not challenging us. We need to move on to what we actually want to do.

That's a good call, although teaching is something I want to do and don't mind doing it here a little. Maybe I'm wasting my time trying to help the "little" people that I don't find important/easy/as "fulfilling" to teach bc they are only ready for bits of the Library within, but I also feel that it's helping me accept who I was more, and get closer to godliness.

And I acknowledge people that I perceive others would ignore, validate things that aren't "useful" to me but matter to that person, because I know I ramble on a lot and accept that from others.

Entertainment I've cut back on, but even when I indulge in something mindless, I Love it so that I give Love to the parts of myself that like it/my animal. I did sort of disown it for awhile, and I think it's yogic/drawing together more of the lower self into a higher state of Being. Perhaps I should abandon it at some time, but it helps me find balance for now.

>We're all expressions of what we should be doing. Don't do things you need to try at. Do things you need to do.

hmm. Interesting.

>Your lessons come in much harsher when you don't learn them.

ugh. I tried to teach something to someone I care about and I *know* that it's going to come back harsher for her 'cause she ignored it. :\

>fear expresses outwards as hate.

Orin says all negativity is a cry for more love.

>The other is the divine part which

>Your body thinks thinking in the past and future is real.

I think you meant to complete the divine part bit.

>Reprogram and replace your old knowledge and programming. Empty your cup to recieve a new filling of the truth.

I think the only things I believe in fully is God and Love in All.

>Heart tunes you to certain dimensions. Intestines store up energy and digest it. It is the first brain.

>Whatever you put in your intestines is what processes and goes up to your heart. This is your frequency. Think of how much higher sound and light vibrates to food. The pineal is directed to the heart. Bio feedback device. Intestines tells the heart what kind of enviroment you're in to adjust and gravitate towards that vibration.

Wow! That's incredible/makes sense.

No wonder people who don't eat well aren't as open with their hearts.

But then again I mean, it's a higher vibe in general to have a pure body so it should naturally open the heart more. Everything has many interpretations.

>- Flowers can teach us of gender and sex.

I don't follow.

>All people around you are simply an expression of something already within. They allow you to feel the emotions you wish to express that are within you. You don't feel anothers love when they hug you. You simply allow yourself to feel your own love. You're not angry at another person. You're simply angry at yourself.

Sigh… I wonder if that's true about love, and/or to what extent.

I know that it's true for most things for the most part. It's exceedingly apparent when someone does you a small service and you thank them how they feel tremendous. I mean… I always radiate heart energy outward so I assume that that reacts with their energy to create a higher state of love than usual. So… I wonder what sort of transfer there may or may not be there.


>Whenever someone expresses a large amount of negative emotions towards you it creates a trauma. This is a negative thoughtform impressed in your aura which stops you and tries to control your thoughts to stop it happening again. Either you choose to channel that negative energy or transmute it.

oh god yeah. People with traumas tend to do that if they feel hurt and righteous in retribution.

I try to transmute it. I used it before as a catalyst for change.

>I unconsciously listen or create art most of the time

;) I do puns a lot.

I like how being a certain way encourages others to be a certain way. One day that I decided to be more blunt and truthful, a person told me "you didn't miss anything interesting" when she as an official shouldn't have, but my energy encouraged saying what she thought instead of the PC thing.

I'm also finding people get awkward/clumsy (in terms of words at the least) around me because of the childish love-energy of receptivity I emit. Perhaps I should keep my energy to myself, but I'm used to trying to be a constant reiki channel. (divine energy channel of love to all)

>After recieving information allow yourself to meditate over it and let the super conscious give you the true information and wisdom.

Wow. Good call.

>All you need to do is reflecting. You have nothing to learn. You should be reflecting.

Can you elaborate? I learn constantly based on what I realise constantly based on what I think or encounter. I should think less though.

>Soul travel is different to astral travel.

Oh. A meditation I have works on the soul plane. I assumed it was an astral plane until this.

>Allow your spirit to guide your life and not your humanity.

mm… I have a hard time denying all of my impulses (food, for example). Maybe I should just go cold turkey again rather than lovingly indulging on occasion. But my strongest "worldly" (less spiritual) desire is to experience physical intimacy that I've so rarely done. I know I don't "need" it, but if I gave up everything I don't "need" I'd just say fuckit and go live on a mountain. Intimacy, music, teaching, healing, are the least to most spiritual desires of mine. Refinement is spiritual enough/martial arts and energywork falls under this.




">We're all expressions of what we should be doing. Don't do things you need to try at. Do things you need to do.

hmm. Interesting."

I should of probably specified further. It's more to the people who don't know what they want to do in life. If you need to force yourself with medications and stimulation to get yourself through an activity then it may not be for you. Go towards what you're aligned to(think of the folk working day jobs).

">- Flowers can teach us of gender and sex.

I don't follow."

Flowers express the gender polarity of male and female. They have their own reproductive systems which is an analogy of us as humans(I'm wondering if minerals do the same lol).

">All people around you are simply an expression of something already within. They allow you to feel the emotions you wish to express that are within you. You don't feel anothers love when they hug you. You simply allow yourself to feel your own love. You're not angry at another person. You're simply angry at yourself.

Sigh… I wonder if that's true about love, and/or to what extent.

I know that it's true for most things for the most part. It's exceedingly apparent when someone does you a small service and you thank them how they feel tremendous. I mean… I always radiate heart energy outward so I assume that that reacts with their energy to create a higher state of love than usual. So… I wonder what sort of transfer there may or may not be there."

When it comes to love, very much so. We simply use another as our reflective mirror to feel our own love(Don't get me wrong though. There's some amazing torrodial field connection going on here. You are "connecting" on a less dense level.). Like how in a blanket you only feel your own warmth. This may come as strange or uncomfortable to some but I think it's still a beautiful thing.


>All you need to do is reflecting. You have nothing to learn. You should be reflecting.

Can you elaborate? I learn constantly based on what I realize constantly based on what I think or encounter. I should think less though."

Sure. By this I mean that to learn you simply need to self analyze and study. Take an instrument for example. You can watch videos or get a teacher for how to play it. But you'll never fully understand it until you yourself give it a shot and then critically think over and try to understand it yourself(This can be done both physically and mentally).

This works for life. You live life each day. All you need to do is reflect on your experiences and knowledge to understand it. You are everything so every possibility is within you. That's kinda another way of saying it.

">Allow your spirit to guide your life and not your humanity.

mm… I have a hard time denying all of my impulses (food, for example). Maybe I should just go cold turkey again rather than lovingly indulging on occasion. But my strongest "worldly" (less spiritual) desire is to experience physical intimacy that I've so rarely done. I know I don't "need" it, but if I gave up everything I don't "need" I'd just say fuckit and go live on a mountain. Intimacy, music, teaching, healing, are the least to most spiritual desires of mine. Refinement is spiritual enough/martial arts and energywork falls under this."

Don't worry too much. I've spent the past 4 months trying to deny my lower self completely. I've been swinging the pendelum back and forth and it has given me many good teachings and lessons. My key advice is not to completely deny yourself. Figure out how much food (we'll use food for our example) you need to get you through the day. Allow yourself that and have a little on reserve in case you need it. You need to satisfy the lower self just enough to live your life. But each new moon try to set up new good habits. For example you may choose to give up alcohol or wheat this coming phase and you may also choose to include more fruit by making your first meal of the day a fruit meal. Take it as slow as you need and figure out how much you can push it. You're trying to build up a tower brick by brick. Go too fast and it'll collapse.

Not to say you can't go cold turkey cause I've done a lot of that in my life. But I've noticed that you can only really do it once for each thing (for example giving up a drug or really destructive habit). The second time it seems to suck you back in more.

One more tip is to keep up self love. If your ego tells you "you're not doing this fast enough" or gives insulting comments because you still are using certain foods/drugs to keep you balanced then you'll need to ramp up that self love to counter it.



Thanks for the feedback by the way Khru. I always appreciate it and am glad you resonate with it.

There's something I wanted to say to everyone. What we need to focus on is learning how to master and understand third 3rd dimensional experience in our own methods, systems and ways. This means you'll be able to figure out less dense realities like a 4th or 5th dimension once you hit that state very easily. Since it's all the same but just an analogy. Each day, learn more about yourself and the world. Learn to love yourself and really be comfortable with yourself. It can be hard, but it's absolutely empowering. Hope you guys are doing well as we're coming close to the end of this cycle. New moon in Capricorn on the 10th. What does that mean? I'll know soon enough.



I should of formatted that a bit better. I did not think it'd be so blocky.



How do you know the archons even exist?



I don't.

Though I use it as a mental structure for an idea. I understand that there is an intense amount of negative force being exerted in this reality to keep us expelling our energies. Thus we put a name to a face for the purpose of thought.



Oh yeah, you can give that concept many names, but what a lot of people assume is that there is some kind of entity which stops us from performing advanced magick, which is nonsense imo, what do you think?



Hahaha. The only entity stopping you performing advanced magic is yourself.

Though in all seriousness. It's possible that there are some kind of barriers set up to stop us performing immense world manipulating spells. But if that's so then you just need to communicate with higher beings who can do i for you. So really it's nothing we need to worry much about. Though we do live in an infinite world of infinite possibilities. So all rules can be broken. You just need to figure out where the walls are and how to get past them.



yeah, I also have a theory, question first though

The entities we contact, they're all 4th dimensional right?



4th and beyond. Though I can't say much more about this as my understanding of the dimensional theory is a little rough at the moment. Does anyone else here have some info and experiences on it?



4th dimensional beings can very easily alter matter itself right?



I'm not quite sure. Though I imagine altering matter might be a little higher up. From my understanding 4th dimensional is within both the physical and astral plane. Like a human who has control of his dreams or astral projects a lot.



can you astral project at will?



In a scrying format yes. In a dreaming format no.


If a mad scientist put a chip into everyone's brain that wiped out concept of spiral or vibration from consciousness, and then he did the same on himself - what would happen in the parallel world they live in? If you wipe out concept of vibration from collective consciousness, would this alter the pillars that we believe that reality stand on?



The collective unconscious makes up perception. You're talking more about altering the fundamentals of reality. While perception does create an individuals reality, it would still not completely wipe out the true reality.

Think of it as if you wiped out everyones perception of the colour red. It still exists, only that it can't be seen or noticed.



But I thought all magic and Hermetic Principles were based on premise that nothing truly exists except the relations between things. Everything is illusion that depends of the perception of the observer and there is no constant, there is no one truth. Because everything is relative and everything moves, if there is no consciousness to recognize color red, then color red objectively doesn't exist.

I can touch cup on my table because it's hallucination shared by collective perception of almost all humans.

I can't touch your tulpa unless me and many people believe, are able to prove, accept and recognize her existence as fact. Then your tulpa would be as real as a cup, but that feat would require "hallucinating" masses of people. Perhaps the path of least resistance to make your tulpa a physical person is huge propaganda campaign over 50 years that magick people into believing that artificial intelligence is perfectly possible. Once the prover proves with his quantum calculations what the thinker thought - then you'll have real physical tulpa that everyone sees and can touch. By "everyone" I mean generation that was born into the world in which artificial intelligence has been accepted

Now I wonder what happens if we apply this logic to manipulate patterns in nature like spiral or wave, which has its extensions above and below.




What you speak is true. You just need to differentiate between what is "God made" and what is "man made". The man made world can be manipulated but the prime fundamentals set by what you would call "God" can not be changed by a human, at least not at this level.

Then we can also get into the idea of principles and objects having their own thoughtforms. Ponder over the thoughtform of a cup for instance.



I appreciate all the archiving by the way. This'll make it easier for those who wish to go back and look over some of the past materials. Kind of like re-reading a book.



>By naming Gods you create other Gods that exist outside of ourselves.

>If you are following something outside of yourself then you are part of the experiment.

Are you saying we shouldn't use other systems?

I want to gain strength with Tantra and Taoism/energywork. The former I'm concerned about, since it can involve deities. Is it a bad idea for progress, or just a stepping stone to invoking the more primal energies that said deities represent?

I've been on a bit of downward spiral and did the Hare Krishna chant today (though I add amma shakti kali shiva to krishna and rama), so I wonder about that as well.



It's a quote to the main three religions. Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Essentially what I'm saying is that if you follow a God outside of yourself, like the Christian image of God or Allah, then you relinquishing your power to another. Most people on this board wont need to worry about it since we're mostly rebellious to those ideas. It's pretty much to stop people from thinking they are helpless and that this external creation that the church has made is the only true power and not yourself.

Essentially what I'm saying is be your own master. There's no problem in learning, using or exploring other systems. Even working with other deities or spirits is fine. But don't let them control you. Instead, you control them so to speak.




As long as you lay down some ground rules (be STO, and what else you may want) you should be just fine.

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