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Esoteric Wizardry


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If anyone here know bearheart then good, I am going to tell you what happened yesterday was super spooky.If most of you people who use bearheat's method and read the G.O.O.D.S's archive of his writing they will see a peculiar thing between 2011 and 2012 uncle bearheart shifted .By that I mean before he had ritual like:-

1.Connect to current of G.O.O.D.S(The Samson and Solomon ritual/The Master's Prayer)

2.General list of Planetary Influences and Correspondences for automatic writing. (which included archangel's name which then he referred to it as "archonic" )

3.Grand Conjuration(FILLED with hebrew's godname which he later on referred to them as pedohilic gods)

I was suprised at this and thought to myself why would he use his so called "Qlippothian Pedophilic gods" with linking people to his order.I asked my friend about it and he said that he didn't know.I dropped interest after a while then after a week I liked to rewatch the grand conjuration of bearheart(just because I wanted to remember something) and bam there was another person who said something along the line of "Why is he using the hebrew god name if he said not to use it later on his other videos?", I replied with similar interest and said I was surprised too.I went to sleep after I posted the reply to his youtube's comment and next day I got notification on my phone told me that I have been replied to, I open the site to see comments gone all comments(even one by some hindu profile pic) then I refresh again to only find the one comment by someone with hindu profile pic.THE FUCKING COMMENT GOT DELETED, I was like all cool not gonna get out my tinfoil hat just right now and went to his profile to see no video and 161 FUCKING SUBSCRIBER.I directly head to his about and found this

161 subscribers • 84,855 views

Joined 4 Nov 2015


I play metal…. and everything else

yet in the discussion tab I could clearly see that he have a 4 years old comment in it.Spooked up and I went to see the comment and tried to look deeply into it and his comment ended up

"Unfortunately we have to c…."

what?Help please?iz spooked a lil?

what happened to bear heart?

the dude's channel?

Since we are in the topic of bearheart too and I don't see any official thread for him I had some question too

In the merger Uncle bear heart use the master symbol on all planes/planetary sphere but when he reached earth he omitted the elemental air part, do you have any thought why?aren't the elemental air helpful in balancing malkuth and ground more?.

( this was also posted in /4chon/, I thought that 4chon might help too )


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Who is bearheart? I've never heard about him until like a few weeks ago.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


He is known as uncle bearheart and his videos were "taken" down after a while of posting it.He speak of planetary and hermetic magic presenting a new and surprisingly more powerful LBRP and MPR, I would say the way he present is fast and easy way to get going on the ritual and even direct magick.I found what was surprising is that his "shift" from hebrew to greek divinities.



Oh, then I'm not surprised I haven't heard about him. Hermetic and ceremonial magic bore me. Also I have a certain disdain for hebrew and any Jewish entities one have to call upon during those rituals.

But gonna give him a try if you think so highly of him anon-kun :^)



u cheeky anon.

thx anon >_<


It's possible that he just has his videos set to private, although the 4 year old comments and him having made his account in 2015 are very fishy.



There might have been some error on master hand's account. Like, it says he joined in 2015 but he might have imported stuff from an old youtube account to a new google plus account or something. That would explain the discrepancy.



Or… You know… it's those iliuminatery perhaps maybe.


Now, calm down and tell me what's so special about this.



but how the heck can he have 161 subscribers and 84,855 views with just select view he allow them to see his video?



I dunno honestly. The channels commenting on his channel are all legit, those 4 year old comments were made by legit accounts.


You guys wanna do a collective ritual to attract Bearhearts astral presence? he's pretty sharp when it comes to that and probably would be able to see the signal.



Dude bump this, this sounds sick


So how about we create our own boardwide egregore like /pol/'s Eobola-chan of Uncle Bearheart. A Martian style egregore which represents strength, dedication, determination, protection, persistence, magical ability and lifting(We'll brainstorm all of what we need). And the egregore's purpose is to challenge the reptilian side of man.

We can do this all through boardwide meme magic. All we need is a sigil, some start up art and all the ideas then I can craft the actual egregore through a ritual. An egregore which strengthens all of our magical abilities and dedication would be pretty handy. That and it would act as a good learning tool for our board.



This sounds fucking amazing. This would bring this board back alive definitely. You sure he would be cool with that?



Can't say we'll know till we try. Though the egregore is not him. It's made in the honour or idea of what he represents. So I would say it's in a greyzone. Same concept as writing a story and using a real life person as an inspiration for your main character.



Once we do though, our egregore would be an enemy of the illuminati. Might get us more attention…


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I hope that you use a symbolic relationship and not HIS actual body since that would cause great harm to his mental body.

the egregore creation video is good one if you want to use it




As I was saying. We're directly NOT doing that because we don't want to attach it to his body.


As long as we keep up our fringe autism and meming I'm sure we'll be safe.



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So this is BearHeart?




Is that someone I should know?

Because he keeps repeating in those videos that he's some well known public figure.



:O Illuminate chan is cute.



He's known for his strongman feats and I guess his martial arts skill. Though I imagine in the higher occult community he is also known.



Are you sure that's actually his blog?

Because on the first glance it doesn't seem to have anything in common with the whole Draco Slayers thing.

Like, nothing at all.



Yeah that's the thing. It is him though. Just look and compare. It has nothing to do with GOODS but it is him. The guy has the same background, same moon sign, same voodoo practice. Not to mention in his final GOODS blog posts he talks about the goetia daemons. He also mentioned in his videos that his master was a priest in the same exact group he mentions on that blog. How many white people have been initiated in Haiti by high level voudo priest? If you read the blog posts he mentions similar things and quotes that bearheart has posted. Pretty sure it's him.




This. Read the post I linked under the blog link. It has multiple different signs of it being him. Also

>uncle bearheart

>papa crocodile




what is next

>uncle bearheart

>papa crocodile

>Aunt Watermelon



It is GODS not GOODS


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I don't know who this bearheart guy is, from his videos, it seems he's got "something" in his stuff but I'm not sure what that is. Someone suggested I watch his videos but there are a lot of them and I never got around to it, not sure what his aim is. I don't trust people easily. This thread seems to have come at the right time.

I'm pretty new to this board so I don't really understand what you're up to, but.. supposing you know something, anything, about what things there are… I can say there has been some things going on recently. I only have awareness, not physical contact with anyone, but I know there has been a conflict where some wizard group was attacking the main organization of chaos. Chaos won, but the thing is still going on, with constant exchange of blows from various groups.

I suppose anyone who knows anything will not talk about it, so this is only for those who sense nothing. It's pretty loud "out there" right now, I don't know what you call it, "astral" ?



You've made my day anon.


Bearheart's the guy you want to watch if you're new to all this stuff. He's full of energy and passion. A guy you can see the dedication in. This helps to open up your mind a little to what really can happen at the higher levels of magic. Also his experience is akin to an adepts in terms of ceremonial and ritual magic.

As for the astral energies. It's booming right now. I figure it's due to how chaotic and crazy the world is due to the speeding up of our time via cosmic phenomena and the internet.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I'm watching his video on LBRP and he talks about visualizing one's astral body as being so gigantic that the Earth is just a spec of light etc. Can you guys tell me where (in which book) can I find this version of LBRP (with the visualization)? I've seen it somewhere a year ago and don't remember where. All LBRPs I've seen since then are just Qabalistic Cross, then Pentagrams then Angels.



care to tell me about this "astral energy" thingy?what do you mean by Booming?do you have anything that is going to tell us what is going to happen or are these just "hunches" ??



care to tell me about this "astral energy" thingy?what do you mean by Booming?do you have anything that is going to tell us what is going to happen or are these just "hunches" ??




Best way to describe it would be the floaty nature of reality. People are changing, the world is changing. They've been living a depressed life filling themselves with drugs to ease the pain and now they're becoming apathetic and sick of it. This has caused as lot of commotion and curiosity among the public. You may notice how interested some folk can be about entry/base level topics like conspiracies or even sub branches of psychology (Intellectualized occultism for the western man).

You could say the people control the flow of energy or are the flow. Reality is becoming a whole lot more magical. People have more power and control in this age than any other I know about. The more minds you have clashing the more chaotic it gets. The astral mirrors reality. Peoples energies and emotions are what creates and causes this. Try to understand what humanity feels as a whole to know the situation of the astral.



The lbrp in Kabbalah_Magic the Great Work of Self Transformation has the growing to a huge size part.


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I've watched all of his videos, I think his ego is out of control, I've read lyan christopher and he says that a blown out ego is a sign of occult work that has gone out of balance and is un-grounded. Most of his videos have a 30 minute intro with him talking about how bad ass he is and how retarded everyone else is. This is a clear red flag and maybe some type of psychological trick, as you have to invest in his ego to get to the tidbits of information at the end.

Furthermore, abremelin the mage states that denial of your personal original religion, or to refute your original god is equivalent to spiritual suicide, because all are one, and to deny the god of your religion is to deny the one of all. Bearheart encourages this indirectly and he is claiming that all should do it. This maybe dangerous and he should know that.

Furthermore in his later video he had contacted a spirit and made a deal with it, so that his watchers could contact the spirit on his behalf ahead of schedule, ahead of their own personal growth. This is warned against by all different types of magic. You should not communicate with spirits until you have made contact with your spirit guide and been initiated by him with his protection..

Be safe bro's, we all aren't going to make it.

I'm fairly new and have found multiple blinds left by all authors in instructions on the lbr, the c.c, and the middle pillar. It takes time and intuition, to not rush it and find the path yourself.

We should not make an egregore for bearheart.



>I've watched all of his videos, I think his ego is out of control, I've read lyan christopher and he says that a blown out ego is a sign of occult work that has gone out of balance and is un-grounded. Most of his videos have a 30 minute intro with him talking about how bad ass he is and how retarded everyone else is. This is a clear red flag and maybe some type of psychological trick, as you have to invest in his ego to get to the tidbits of information at the end

I disagree. To me, what he is expressing in his videos is a deep desire to help others while at the same time extreme frustration with the collective spiritual retardation of humanity.

Another thing to consider is to not engage in the fallacy of judging the information shared by the one who is presenting it. Myself and others have had nothing but amazing results from applying his techniques.



First of all, in his videos he is trying to inspire strength and confidence. This guy was trying to make people strong warriors to fight against the Illuminati. He wanted his viewers to know that he wasn't special and everyone can do it. Also, the gods of religions are egregores like all the other. You don't have to be a part of a religion for shit m8. YOU are god, ALL is god, simple as that. The spirits in the videos announced that they were available for working with, that is why he said to invoke them. During the time of his video releases, there were people watching his videos as a part of their destiny. The spirits knew this, simple as that.



I was going to make an apathetic facepalm comment until I saw "I'm fairly new".

You're off the hook for now.



A bug in the Youtube software is not a reason to get spooked, idiot.



Multibillion dollar projects like Youtube don't have bugs like that, it's not some shitty free as in freedom linux distro.

Someone is doing this shit on purpose and making it look like a bug.



>Multibillion dollar projects like Youtube don't have bugs like that

Mate you don't know shit about software development

Precisely those multi-billion dollar projects are the ones that tend to have lots of bugs, because there is a shit ton of people involved, all changing the code, and sometimes one person fucks up what someone else did, and it takes forever to find the mistake.

I speak as an IT professional and trust me there is almost no software product without bugs.

Not saying that it is a bug, just giving you my perspective regarding your idea that big projects with lots of money are basically flawless.



Computer Programmer in here.

We are talking about youtube, google devs, and a supposed "bug" in the way they count the stats of just ONE individual ?


Stop it.



So rather than considering the most logical explanation that the count is wrong, or that the algorithm is wrong, or that you don't understand how do they count views, rather than that you think that the most plausible explanation is that Youtube is what, changing the numbers for Bearheart? Or perhaps he's influencing the Youtube server with his magical powers?

I honestly don't understand why are we even discussing this stupid shit, what is the point again? That a dude has some youtube numbers that you don't understand?



Why would you want an explaination modern man ?

We are discussing about a kool dude. Who has awesome occult knowledge that you won't find anywhere else that is not an ebin secret order inherited from father to son, or guru to apprentice. And we just saw an interesting phenomena related to his view counts.

There is nothing that requires an explaination and I don't see why you want one.


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>Why would you want an explaination modern man

lol you piece of shit stupid

asking why i need an explanation in a thread specifically created with the purpose of asking for an explanation? confirmed idiot with poor reading comprehension, get your head outta your ass


We should just discuss bearhearts rituals here. You guys do the merger?




Some dude told me there is energy circulation in MP by bearheart , is there one??



>Multibillion dollar projects like Youtube don't have bugs like that,

HAHAHAHHAHAHAH, that's a good one.


Besides, "bug like that"?

It's at most a wrong data being printed bug. It's much, MUCH less dangerous than SECURITY bugs, like the ones listed in the link above.

> it's not some shitty free as in freedom linux distro.

Google servers run on "shitty free as in freedom linux distros". Google employees do in fact also use Linux distros for their daily work


Like the guy below said you don't know SHIT about software development and come across as a very snobby ignorant, which is way worse than being simply ignorant.



I followed the links to the new videos, I guess the videos I watched were before he even started the draconian slayer blogs, it seems he's improved majorly.

I may have been a little ignorant with my response… I thought he was getting worse, as that is how the videos progressed, I'm confused about the timeline of the videos I watched compared to the ones you linked.



I'll give you a little tip that will save some later headache. You must become the alchemist who is able to transmute the ego to information. To become like water which filters lead into gold.

Some people have an overbearing or intense solar personality or are undeveloped in some areas. But that does not mean you cannot learn from them or that their information and experience is not good.

Take what you need and move on.



I'm not entirely sure about the chronological order of these either.

Does this channel contain all of his videos?


Are they in the correct order?

Why are they numbered 1-62 and then 1-48 again? What happened between 62 and 1?




Does it really matter?

Why not just take the content or what work?



Because I wanna make sure I have all the content.




>Indigo watching bearheart

He would not be pleased lel

HardcoreHadaway has the right order but is missing videos. Just watch in the order this guy posted.



YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

So, the obvious question.

What is the entities name?

I wanna sell 8 random people's souls for free stuff.



Can someone download and archive them please.



Mega guy here, I'll upload them if someone does this.



I have them downloaded, 110 videos taking up 3.88 GB.

Let me rar it and upload it somewhere.



You aren't known for anything, fatty.




Thanks yeah, I was pretty skinny glad my efforts to plump up worked out. One of my goals is to be completely invisible really helps in this field. So I guess shits working out then huh. Noice

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