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If you examine occult related topics it often discusses ways to pierce "the veil" and see into the other side. Well if there is a veil it is likely there for a reason.

I have become convinced that these DMT trips people go on and other psychedelic trips people have where the veil is lifted and they journey to the other side are basically people describing their experiences of brain damage.

I am convinced that going beyond the veil occurs due to a type of brain damage.

So rather than trying to see into the other side and lift the veil it makes more sense to try to repair the veil and to guard it so that it remains in place. THE VEIL EXISTS TO PREVENT A PERSON FROM BEING RAVAGED BY ASTRAL PARASITES. This is why sometimes people become schizophrenic after psychedelic drug use. Schizophrenia is basically demonic possession and a person becomes vulnerable to demonic possession if the veil is damaged or broken in some ways.

So I propose that a knights order be established devoted to guarding the veil between this world and the otherworld. Guardians of The Veil. Because remember, when the veil is lifted an apocalypse occurs.

If anyone has any suggestions on what they think would help repair and protect the veil their comments are welcome on that issue. Some ideas I have on it below.

-Exorcism is an essential art for a guardian of the veil to know. Knowing how to cast an astral parasite demon back into the outer darkness where it came from. Exorcism is the first step in treatment for one whose veil has been damaged.

-The actual repairing of the veil is something I am unsure of what treatment would involve. But I do suspect that the culture of modern society is designed in such a way to keep broken veils in a state of damage. I suspect we live in a society controlled by archonic forces and the mainstream culture is designed to perpetuate the brain damage that allows for the souls of humans to be ravaged by demonic forces.

-As for guarding the veil I am unsure. But guarding this seems like it would be related to being a darkness-worker. This is the opposite of being a light-worker. A darkness-worker specializes in closing doors and keeping them closed. Guardians of the gate. The lock upon Pandoras box.

Also rather than focused on ascension a darkness worker would focus on descension(grounding). Ascension takes ones mind into the astral realm, the outer darkness, where one can be possessed by demonic entities. So a darkness worker is aligned with the earth rather than with space. Promoting normalcy and groundedness.

The outer darkness contains the forces of chaos that rip souls apart. This is also called hell where the demons exist. People who focus on ascension are opening their souls up to being ripped apart by demons. Too much light drives the mind insane, this is why people need to sleep.



Literally put everyone back to sleep because it's dangerous the thread.

That's the same reasoning they use to take our guns away champ. Illuminati slave, that's what you are boyo.



No reason to sage


You're wrong.





I must admit, it was really funny reading this and one might also agree with the things said. I suppose the best way to be a guardian of the veil is to be sober… sobriety is GOD and you can always remain in control. Things like drugs and alcohol only poke holes in your defences. but hey.. it's all good. it's all part of your training. even if you do open yourself up for an all you can eat buffet by the demons, you will learn from it! in the end we all win.



>putting a label on god



Who told you that the veil is there to protect us? It's purpose is to hide the source of the power from us, all occult doctrines and religions unanimously agree on this one. Only the ones who are ready to see behind it can pierce it, the ones who aren't become prey. Generally you will be ready by the time you manage to pierce it. Accelerating the process artificially makes you vulnerable, but that doesn't mean that you, basement dweller, have the right to deny people, who are truly ready and who can accomplish big things, the ability to see the other side. The veil doesn't hide us from the entities on the other side, there are some that continuously consume our energy. When we see them, they feel threatened they'll lose their source of food and they attempt to devour us, that's why the strong ones return to this side themselves and the weak ones are taken over.

Your solution is bullshit, as you encourage ignorance and where there is ignorance, there is always danger. It's interesting that you realize it yourself:

>But guarding this seems like it would be related to being a darkness-worker.

You're goddamn right and I fail to see why you're ok with it. I despise the way you preach darkness and bondage. Also, quit sharing your low quality wisdom in low quality posts and gtfo or we'll pierce your precious veil, you illuminati tool.



you cannot have day without the night



dualism is an illusion


Just because you can't see them, doesn't mean they can't see you.







>I've heard about this veil thing that people break through.

>Gotta stop that.

Those that are ready to break through can do it. Those who break through anyway will eventually be ready.

If you go on Facebook you can read posts every week about people complaining about sleep paralysis, bad dreams and sleepless nights. This thread sounds just like one of those Facebook post.

Worry less about other peoples' stupidity and more on your own.


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The other side of what…?


Fear should never be the driving force.



Why? Fear seems valid. People tend to avoid dangerous situations out of fire… people avoid publicly urinating in front of police officers out of fear. People avoid being near wild lions out of fear.

If people lacked fear they would be destroyed.

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