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Hey /fringe/, this is something that happened to me just about a year ago:

Around the 1st of July of 2014 I decided to try LSD for the second time, having already tried it once in December 2012, having an amazing experience. I decided to do this mostly because of the spiritual insight I had in December, getting rid of lots of emotional baggage and to an extent being aware of some Hermetic Laws (from what I've read in The Kybalion)

This new experience was way too speedy and I don't believe it was actually LSD, but an analog it was also coincidentally a goddamn Shiva tab, I've been relating the image of the blotter with the after effects lately.

This left me with lasting visuals that haven't gone away after almost 18 months, some massive brain fog, short term memory issues, anxiety, and some issues that have gone away. Only the anxiety, the visuals (which I don't mind) and the brain fog remain, along with a slight difficulty speaking but I consider that anxiety since I'v always had it.

An MRI concluded an overactive temporal lobe, but no neurotoxicity.

I've noticed that I'm extremely sensitive to thoughtforms ever since I had that experience, random thoughts "stick" throughout the entire day, and it's really damn annoying. They're not malicious, but they're just unnecessary noise.

What can I do to heal from the remaining effects and to shut my mind off from those thoughtforms?



What is your meditation routine?



Considering how the anxiety paralyzes me from a lot of day to day activities, I've just been starting out with Quiet Mind Meditation and One-Pointedness, as well as Music Meditation.

It's only been a couple of days but music meditation yesterday was a really sensorial experience.



Keep at it. Meditation is the most useful tool in mage's arsenal.

IMHO you should focus mostly on QMM and learn to keep breath awareness as long as possible. If you feel anxious and you don't have time or place to do full-on meditation just keeping your breath awareness (while doing mundane activities) reduces the stress. What you want to do is clear your mind from any distractions and meditation is exactly what you need.

There's a book posted in meditations thread Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, you may want to give it a look, it's quite good, you can learn a lot of useful techniques from it, as well as some other info on meditation in general.

Also, increased sensitivity to thoughtforms is a blessing once you learn how to control it. Once you overcome your difficulties you may find yourself progressing very rapidly.

Just meditate daily and you will have effects, it's guaranteed.

At first it may be difficult to shut off every thought. Just some tips: roll back your eyes, focus on the area between and slightly beneath your eyebrows (commonly known as "third eye"), breath from your belly, when you are sitting during meditation it may be distracting because some muscles are tense, so you may want to lay down. Some people prefer dark environment, others bright, but I've always covered my eyes with a piece of cloth (when lying down ofc).


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>Shiva tab

>visuals that last 18 freaking months

Mang, you got some of that narcomage magic LSD. I forget what it's called. UPS?

I bet you haven't had a breakthrough psychadelic experience since, right? You need to trip again. I'm not shitting you. You need to ritually "pollute" yourself so that you fudge the ritual that's clinging to you.


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