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"VIDEO: Europa In Crisis"


New video on the immigrant invasion of Europe. Best watch it before they likely take it down.

Related article:

"‪‎Europa‬ In Crisis Part III: Why is the democratic agency of native Europeans important?" ‪


>Every illegal immigrant who enters will have a key vote in how the state operates. Over a million people and more will be claiming asylum in Germany alone, many more settling in other parts of Europe. This adds over a million foreign voters into the German political sphere. A million people who will eventually be given suffrage despite the vast majority unable to even speak the language. This mass of Africans and South Asians doesn't share any cultural, linguistic or historical ties with the German people. They barely share the same genetics outside of the Caucasian migration many tens of thousands of years ago. The stories Germans and other Europeans tell their children, the values they bestow and the incredible cultures they continue will be lost over time. These stories shape a nation and without them, the nation will no longer exist.

>A German institution even seeks to disband minimum wage in Germany to compensate for the new illegals which should give you a good idea of the real agenda behind this influx. Rape and violent crime has already skyrocketed in regions where they are present, the police are either incapable, or more worryingly, prevented from maintaining order. Entire communities of working and middle class backgrounds, both urban and rural will be completely uprooted, further separating the social and cohesive lines between citizens, further isolating people and preventing worker groups from seeking better pay and conditions. This loss of European agency is an attack upon the European future. This is by design. This is divide and conquer.

>This is an invasion. When large groups of foreign peoples enter your territory & seek to take land and resources while changing your political structure, that is an invasion. You are being conquered. When the state confiscates land or hands over social housing to foreign migrants using taxpayer revenue, your land is being taken from you. You are essentially paying tax to a horde of invading barbarians. The only difference between the 7th century invasion of Europe by Muslim Arabia to today is that Europeans today are not defending themselves.

>Make no mistake, the future of Europe is at stake. There is no happy rainbow at the end of this. Europeans will have to make a choice, to stop this and fight for their future, or be conquered.




Time to unleash the Third Sargon and start the cleanse.


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