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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1447051580005.jpg (590.89 KB, 888x864, 37:36, goya-the-sleep-of-reason-p….jpg)


A couple of hours ago, I listened to some really relaxing music and felt extremely tired and was about to fall asleep, but felt really energetic instead.

Sounds were boosted and I could listen to my brother in the other room breathing. For some reason a thousand memories came up while I was laying face up and I remember smiling every now and then, but my head hurt. I felt really lightweight and for some reason I found out how much noise is in my head throughout the entire day and how just "being" online blocks all your mental activity.

What the fuck just happened?


you relaxed yourself into an alternate brain state http://www.brainsync.com/brainlab/brain-wave-chart-.html

And had communion with your hypothalamus and your pineal for a short while.

Next time do this in pure darkness and fast a bit.

read mantak chia darkness book and bruce bynum darklight



sry hypo+pineal ( epiphyris cerebri ) + Hippocampus

3 points connected in sync for higher circuit access. 7 or 8 circuit model


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