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File: 1447112118039.jpg (44 KB, 800x729, 800:729, ormus-sample-pic.jpg)


Ormus is monoatomic gold that is said to benefit the body, soul, and energywork.

I got into it a couple months ago with Logos (bought at http://www.sacredsupplements.com/buy_ormus.html#buy_ormus) and I had better meditations and light vibrations from just drinking it, but I'm looking for something that can provide a more profound effect,.

Have you guys tried it? Know any other types of supplements to benefit spiritual/psychic abilities?


File: 1447113808213-0.pdf (697.66 KB, The-Water-of-Life-Treatise….pdf)

File: 1447113808214-1.pdf (1.13 MB, Your-Own-Perfect-Medicine-….pdf)


Try drinking your own urine (especially after consuming these substances that have a profound affect on you). It is the water of life; the fountain of youth.



Just buy the gold itself. More for less you consumerist slave.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Brrrrrrrr!!! It will give you the energy shivers. Then make you immune to the hot/cold, then allow you to master the elements, then…

Too much ormus gold taken at once I'm told can make one tired. I found some vials with 6 or so elements and take it wheneva.

High ormus foods are my preferred method then again what do I know. Nature knows.

Check this guy and his mushroom out. I don't recommend drinking aged urine.


If you've expelled too much semen (ojas) in your life then you gotta hit the ormus hard.





I've made colloidal silver before, but I didn't have any noticeable effects from it. But it wasn't the highest quality silver and I didn't consume as much as others recommend, so I'd have to make more another time.



a lot of ormus goes into semen production


File: 1447172009209.jpg (10.88 KB, 311x209, 311:209, Argyria_2b.jpg)


Blue man, blue man don't you see?

You're such a faggot.


Better go Breatharian instead. You'll even regrow teeth…

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