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>there are people on this board who practice homosexual intercourse and think they have anything good in store for them

while we're at it

>there are people who waste their energy by masturbation and think they can get better

The best part about The Law is that it's impersonal, it's not the threat of an angry god telling you to not be a failure, it's a set of actions and consequences, fuck a man in the ass? Say hello to eternity in the worst part of the astral, ghoul.

No amount of wobbling and crying about it will make your damaged astral body fix itself.

Waiting on the homofaggots/masturbators' loosh to fill this thread.


>fuck a man in the ass? Say hello to eternity in the worst part of the astral, ghoul.

After taking a trip to the lower astral realms and experiencing them for myself I stopped being so angry at the homosex since they will meet a truly terrible fate by my standards.

If you know of what shall befall them, why did you bother making this buttblasted thread, to steal their filthy loosh?




how do you guys know all this?



>read books

>learn the dynamics of astral body decomposition post physical death

>learn to astral project

>go to the low frequency realm where degenerates undergo their astral body deterioration

>enjoy the sad sight of what happens to people prone to addictions and sexual deviancy

Whole process takes between 6 months and a year, have fun.



>implying i'm degenerate

it all sounds christian-tier babble though, what do they actually undergo?



He thinks that Atkinson referred to homosexuals at one point which is absolutely not true.



I forgot atkinson was an early campaigner for LGBT rights.

He was also an anti-racist and worked for women's emancipation.

What a character!



I never implied that.

Like pretty much all other astral bodies or souls as some people call them, they receive by the law of attraction, something that's similar to what they did or desired in Earthly life.

A person with high ideals, would end up in a high frequency plane, where he can experience his ideals to the full extent. Likewise, a degenerate who thought of nothing but his next fix of drugs of getting sex from crack whores will experience a dark version of his desires, with all possible outcomes of such situations.

It doesn't sound as bad as it is in reality but what you'd experience when visiting such planes is hard to put to words so sorry if I'm being vague.


Let us hear your interpretation then.

Bare in mind it's been a while since I read his works and now base what I write off my own experience.


I'll break this stuff down for you guys. You're given a certain amount of prime life force every month (Let's use that as a measurement of time). This is called jing and it's produced at the kidneys. Now when jing goes unused it raises upwards. First it goes into your lower naval dan tien to combine the yin and yang chi to create original force. This goes to your heart dan tien around midnight every day to become shen - the spiritual power and force we use in ritual and which powers the higher glands. Eventually this shen is turned into a substance known as wu-ji in the head dan tien - a prime resource which grants all that you could ever dream of in this field(that being true enlightenment, among other things).

Now that you have a little diagram in your head ro understand it we can talk about what sex or primarily ejaculation does. There's a reason they use the word jing for sperm(replace ejaculation with menses for women). To supply the sperm with life force your body robs its self of not only minerals, but jing. What this means is that you deplete your resources 100% every time you ejaculate(Jing is lost through more than that though). Which takes you back to square one. This is a good reason as to why most folk cannot experience or understand the higher levels of reality. Anyway then we go to tantric sex. That is the act of removing the jing from the sperm, running it through your own orbit and your partners to combine the yin and yang thus creating what the original force/chi. Problem is most people don't understand how to circulate this.

Anyway back to the homosexuality topic. What's happening is that two yang or yin forces are combining in this form of relation. Think about it electrically as to what will happen.

As to a solution for this. Well, I hypothesize you would need to find an exterior yin or yang medium or balance the energy exchange. I can only imagine the kind of nature and tree based orgies that must go on.


Nice picture by the way.



Sarcasm makes you look like a clown.


In Arcane Teachings, p. 139. He says he wished to speak plainer of those who attempted to reverse the Cosmic Law of Sex Polarity.

Don't you think he would just say that these were men who slept with men if it was the case? It's not like he wasn't allowed to speak against homosexuals. There was no reason not to be plain if it was the case which makes it doubtful he referred to homosexuals.

A psychic who, by means of untrained or misdirected psychic

development, happens to wander on to this plane of the Astral,

experiences a most unpleasant sight. It is not pleasant to roam

in this charnel house of the Astral—this tomb of the Earth. An

old Egyptian sage thus recorded his impressions of it: “What

manner of place is this I see. It hath no water. It hath no air. It

hath no light. It hath no foundation. It is unfathomably deep. It

is as black as the blackest night.” A modern investigator has said

of this region—this Golgotha of the Astral: “Most students find

the investigation of this section an extremely unpleasant task,

for there appears to be a sense of density and gross materiality

about it which is indescribably loathsome to the liberated Astral

Body, causing the sense of pushing its way through some black

viscous fluid, while the inhabitants and influences encountered

there are unusually undesirable.”

“And are there inhabitants of such a place?” one naturally

asks. Alas, yes! There are denizens of this loathsome place—

inhabitants of this horrible abode. Entities, however, not

placed there for punishment, for no Being would entail such a

fate upon the meanest and most depraved—or invent such a

Hell. They are there because of their own abnormal desires and

tendencies, which unfit them for the planes of even the lowest

of disembodied human entities, and which also render them

unfit for association with the disembodied astral forms of the

beasts, which latter persist for a short time after physical death.

“Then, what manner of creatures must these be?” you ask. “Fit for

neither man nor beasts. Were they human?” And, one is forced

to answer, “Yes!” Subject to the laws of humankind they are not

allowed the privilege of rapid annihilation bestowed upon the

beasts—they must live out their peculiar life to the end. They

are the pariahs, the ghoul‑like scum of the human race, who

have removed themselves from the race fate and have entailed

upon themselves a fate of their own. Their fate is a Living

Death—a conscious life in a corpse‑like body, among corpses

of the Astral. These creatures are the disembodied entities

of those who degenerated along abnormal sex lines—who

attempted to reverse the Cosmic Law of Sex Polarity, and thus

brought upon themselves the Recoil of the Life Forces. They

were the lowest of the human Satyrs. Nature finally casts over

them the spell of a deep sleep, from which they never awaken,

and from which they pass into disintegration and annihilation.

They polluted the Sacred Altar. They stole the Divine Fire for

devilish rites. They committed the Unpardonable Sin. They

removed themselves from the trend of Cosmic Evolution. Their

own Desire was their Fate. We wish it were possible to speak

plainer—but the time has not yet come.






Same as everyone else, they spend a short while in some random afterlife and then they have their memories wiped and are thrown into the next reincarnation.

Just do whatever you want, and if you end up in hell, who cares. You won't remember it anyway.


If you can orgasm without letting out the seed you can channel the released energy back into your system. Basically single-player-mode tantric sex. Obviously it is not nearly as effective as actual tantric sex, but a great alternative to losing your energy every time you fap since in fact through what I like to call the "ying-yang-reaction" you create more energy then you've given into the reaction.

Best part is those who have some experience with feeling energy but have doubt will easily be able to confirm this - you simply do not feel drained afterwards.

And as a little bonus during sex this allows you to have multiple orgasms without losing your energy, which is why this is also very usefull in tantric sex.

Not sure how it works on a chemical level though, probably some chemical reaction in the bladder releasing the energy trapped in the seed? I don't care too much I do whatever works for me, logic is overrated.



Oh btw this is called "Ankh-ing" I think?



ayy but fapping to porn is still bad



No you can do it with an ankh but it's an energy work technique. Mantak Chia has books on this.



This doesn't apply to androgynous people. IT's about spiritual males putting it in spiritual males and women for women. Not androgynes. I'm androgynous.

Be jealous, actual faggot.



Interesting info. Sauce?



So you're a tranny?



>People think being androgynous makes them hermaphroditic.

Nigger please, you are only special in the head.



You'll need to read some Daoist books on their energetic anatomy system to find sources. Like Mantak Chia's.

Also I should add "Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law". It means there's no right of wrong. Only consequences. I think we need the experiences from a practicing homosexual who is also experienced in energy work before we can know what the effects are.



No. I'm male bodied and won't change it unless I want to.


Damned fool can't into spirit. Tut mit Leid.


>believing this hard in anything

>implying two same gender souls cant be balanced between male and female energies



> Homosex

> degenerate sex addiction

Homosex is a tool just like anything. If you misuse it, overuse it, and become addicted to pleasure, then you're a filthy degenerate and you're fucked.

Also, nice job dressing up your moralfaggotry as spiritual authority.



Is it safe to fug your wife and have children or do I need to stay ultra-celibate in order to keep my astral body in good shape and die a virgin?



Not true at all, he knew about the Vril, he knew how reality REALLY works, he wasn't a proponent of this garbage you mention.



Virgins can become immortal easier.


He wasn't being serious.



Virgin reporting in.

How do I become immortal?






>Tut mit Leid

Nice try boy but if you're going to pretend you speak German to insult other people at least get through B1 or B2 first



>He fell for it.

thank you, god, for this bounty of butthurt fuccboi



with these kind of comments you don't make me butthurt, you just make me sad that you can be so blind and stupid. But hey, if that makes you happy, who am I to cut your wings. Fly free, my boy, fly into the sun



>Not the same person gape ass

>Using swag nigger terms



You're not better than me.


>caring about assumed moral superiority

>trying to be condescending

>enjoying misfortune of others

Sounds like you have some reincarnations in store my fellow being



Your posts are proving otherwise "fuccboi"


You guys are so fucked up.

I can't believe there's so much hate on a supposedly spiritual board.

You're all noobs.


In which book can I read a lot about loosh, losing energy through ejaculation, and tantric sex/masturbation?




Well I know a book that you can learn how to conserve it. >Mantak Chia



>calling /fringe/ spiritual

Bahahaha, where did you get that impression oniisan?


homosexuality as as degenerate as it gets there is no argument lmao, all the gays shilling HARD


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chastity streak lasting from 2nd week of august

10 days relapse in september

going strong since then

2 internet girlfriends (had no girl in years)


spirit work

renewed connection to daughter

service (what kickstarted it all)

life is great



found the fag



What books did you read to learn about the dynamics of astral body and its deterioration through addiction?






Yeah i got that, but i'd like to know the reasons, the how and why.

I mean, a way to understand how the astral body works and its ties with mundane actions.



>One guy disagrees with OP

>Wow just wow so much shilling it is the current year


I don't agree with your oppinion on homosexual intercourse OP, if two people of the same sex are truly in love and care for each other then their intercourse can bring joy and happiness in their lives (and those around them).

I do agree on masturbation partialy, if you masturbate to get your happiness fix (especially if you're doing it with porn) then you are doing harm to yourself.

I've been masturbating to hardcore porn for years now and I am trying to quit, it's so strong, everytime I ejaculate to porn I say that I will never do it again and everytime I find myself helplessly unziping my pants and opening 6 tabs of porn.

Please, give me strength to defeat this.



Idk, man. Maybe go on a retreat for a few months. I got disgusted with it and tapered off and doing that finished it off. Good luck.



fuck you degenerate


>>there are people who waste their energy by masturbation and think they can get better

Get better at what?

I tried to nofap for a while and the results were bizarre. Notably my aggression and impulsiveness increased, with me doing wild things to friends in family, kind of douchey, aggressive, egocentric, "fuck you get out of my way" things. In addition to that, I frequently had a sensation to piss and I literally could feel irritation and enlargement in my prostate. I would know since I'm familiar with the location and feeling of my prostate.

Since then I've just tried to moderate my fapping and I only fap every three days or so. In fact I feel like most of the time I used to fap is out of boredom/distraction, my mind wanders and I start thinking of sex. Keeping myself busy keeps me from fapping for the sake of fapping, now I just do it periodically to keep my lust in check.

>>there are people on this board who practice homosexual intercourse and think they have anything good in store for them

What? My expectations in life aren't based on my sexual proclivities. Am I fucking up? I actually feel like I've been fairly lucky.

This board is bizarre. I feel like it's an odd mix of /x/ sentiments and right-wing /pol/ish sentiments.




The meme-ification of this word.

>a person who poses as a customer in order to decoy others into participating, as at a gambling house, auction, confidence game, etc

>a person who publicizes or praises something or someone for reasons of self-interest, personal profit, or friendship or loyalty

Gays arguing for themselves is not "shilling". Shilling is deception and manipulation, the advocacy of conscious falsehoods to get people in a position where they can be exploited. A simple opinion of "being gay is fine" when you're actually gay and feel that it's actually fine is not shilling in any sense of the word.




Loosh farming is a degenerate practice in itself, why do you think reptilians do it?

It's all quite an unfounded meme by some montalk guy (monotonous babble?).

True greatness is achieved through co-creation and yes, power is generated and sustainable from within.

The entirety of chans deal in manipulation and subversion. It is absolute dregs of the internet and some strange negative emotional vortex.

I like that there are politically incorrect topics but the waters are muddle so nastily that you can't tell who is an idiot or a paid subversion agent or innocent kike (heh) or female.

Largely it becomes a matter of how much do I want to damage my own psyche by casting pearls before swine?

Back to OP's premise, however faulty. I probably would have some gay homosex if I found a partner who was of similar race or higher and who was healthy with no mutated sperm.

Whatever it takes to feed the kundalini gland which can be accessed and fed through the anus. Betcha didn't know that. I take no responsibility for backdoor incursions.

Memes aren't shit, your tulpa ain't shit, your loosh ain't shit, actually they are all shit like some kike fetish. Only truth and wisdom matter.


Semen is the most refined substance of the human body…

I remember hearing from some cunt that "what's only more powerful than urine therapy is semen therapy"

Yeah, I would be gulping the stuff down if I had a chance. Highest concentration of ormus, vitamins, hormones, etc etc and therein lies great power. There is a gland in the anus that it purported to be the 'kundalini' gland and can absorb these nutrients.

Especially if one has wasted much semen carelessly like this society programs to do, it could be beneficial to attempt to take up and restore such lost essence.

That is my reasoning, expanded.


fucking lol



Speaking of the spirits of animals being "annihilated" much sooner, is it possible for the same thing to happen to us?

And more importantly, is it possible to induce that?


Male and female energy coming together is unique and powerful





I have to ask; I'm actually hermaphroditic. Genetically, too. XXY. What the hell does this mean for me?



It means you should get rid of that extra Y chromosome.



It does apparently reduce the average IQ of someone by 2 points. Downs syndrome takes a lot more extra chromosomes to do its work.

I've thought about it, but then I can't figure if I should get rid of an X or a Y.



Is what you have Klinefelter syndrome?

Do you want to be a man or a woman?



It's similar, but I was also born with underdeveloped… bits incapable of producing significant amounts of gender-specific hormones.

I have no opinion on what I'd rather be. I'm not much interested in sex either, so it isn't like either is an improvement.


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>all this forbidden love




Read Kosta Danaos' books, starting with "The Magus of Java: Teachings of an Authentic Taoist Immortal"

tl;dr transmute your vital force into higher vibration by collecting it and meditating on divine love to aid in the purification process, and then imbue the energy with your intention to the goal of perfection of form.



Hedonism feels good because it is good, pleasure makes life worth living and those who would limit themselves just to act all high and mighty about it are arseholes. You're a bunch of toxic puritans who want to make your lives worse than they already are in a desperate attempt to feel superior. There is no such thing as sexual degeneracy only sexual intolerance. You are systemic sheep if you buy into the nonsense "slut" or "pervert" ideas which are just labels created in order for the government to sexually suppress us and maintain dominance over your lives. Both the male and female bodies are works of art and should be appreciated. Our lust is part of who we are and those who forsake it are stuck up jerks who are trying to deny their own humanity in order to boost their ego. If sex is gross then you're doing it right and homosexuality is perfectly okay, if it turns you on then do it retard. Take control of yourself and stop restricting your freedom in order to keep up your saint-like self image which is nothing but bullshit. Hail Lilith and keep fucking, "degeneracy" is a word used by bitter authoritarians.



"A religion by any other name is simply the congregation of fools"



half-assed books though, kosta was an idiot



Heroin feels good because it is good, pleasure makes life worth living and those who would limit themselves just to act all high and mighty about it are arseholes. You're a bunch of toxic puritans who want to make your lives worse than they already are in a desperate attempt to feel superior. There is no such thing as substance abuse only lifestyle intolerance. You are systemic sheep if you buy into the nonsense "druggie" or "addict" ideas which are just labels created in order for the government to suppress us and maintain dominance over your lives. Both the smoking and injecting method are works of art and should be appreciated. Our craving is part of who we are and those who forsake it are stuck up jerks who are trying to deny their own humanity in order to boost their ego. If choking on your own vomit is gross then you're doing it right and necrosis is perfectly okay, if it feels good then do it retard. Take control of yourself and stop restricting your freedom in order to keep up your saint-like self image which is nothing but bullshit. Hail Belial and keep pinning, "degeneracy" is a word used by bitter authoritarians.



>succumb to all your most basic desires

>take control of yourself




Hedonism is creation at the second lowest frequency or center of life. The sacral chakra. The things you mention which give pleasure are acidic. They rob the body of vital nutrients and minerals, thus creating a painful cycle where you lack and feel a need and a want - a desire. We as students of nature seek to learn and master it.

If you wish to create life at a base and lesser frequency then so be it. It may just be that that's the only level you're able to enjoy. Which is fine for now. But I personally would rather craft art and science than fecal matter and an infested body. Create or consume. Take your pick. Influence or be influenced. Control or be controlled.

Though I imagine this is simply just a troll post with the use of hailing lesser energies. I figure it's still necessary to give out a hand to those straying from the path. The dark is there to show the light. Both polarities exist to fully understand the lesson.



Said like a true r-selected degenerate.


Gassing the kikes feels good because it is good, killing outsiders makes life worth living and those who would limit themselves just to act all high and mighty about it are arseholes. You're a bunch of toxic puritans who want to make your lives worse than they already are in a desperate attempt to feel superior. There is no such thing as attempted genocide only leftist intolerance. You are systemic sheep if you buy into the nonsense "neonazi" or "extremist" ideas which are just labels created in order for the government to politically suppress us and maintain dominance over your lives. Both the gas chambers and the ovens are works of art and should be appreciated. Our hatred is part of who we are and those who forsake it are stuck up jerks who are trying to deny their own humanity in order to boost their ego. If murder is gross then you're doing it right and ethnic cleansing is perfectly okay, if it benefits the nation then do it retard. Take control of yourself and stop restricting your freedom in order to keep up your saint-like self image which is nothing but bullshit. Hail Hitler and keep stoking those ovens, "racism" is a word used by bitter authoritarians.


If you feel like you're wasting energy when masturbating you probably have very little energy to begin with


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what if I masturbate and then drink my own semen fam?

Will I become a demigod?



That makes no fuckin sense.

Just stop eating and drinking and consume your own piss and shit and see how that works out.


I can fap three times in one day and still have enough energy after an hour or so of rest.

I can edge for hours and have a shaking, crazy orgasm that leaves me feeling depleted and spent and completely turned off porn and fapping and then when I wake up the next morning I'm horny as fuck again.

My libido is insanely high and has been since I was a teen and the problem is this interferes with any spirutual development because I get sidetracked for months at a time with fapping, edging, porn, erotic hypnosis, anything that will get me off in new ways etc.

So I'm wondering, is there a way I can channel all this lust or energy towards spiritual development like meditation and lucid dreams? I know about transmutation but I guess I dont know the most effective kind to do, and I need to discipline myself to keep at it for longer than just a day or two, because then I slack off, and am left with boundless energy and lust that I then spend fapping and edging, and this cycle starts again and I get nowhere in terms of spiritual development and indeed as a result I have lost maybe all of my gains in spiritual development, meditation is difficult, I cant lie still in bed anymore for an hour to attempt WILD and my resting heart rate has gone up like it never has before and I'm more anxious and irritable than I was before

So this is like a double edged sword and I rather lose my libido and have better health and more focus on spiritual development but it feels impossible right now.

Any advice?



IMHO just start with the basic bitch meditation sessions 5 minutes at at time. I had a good run of abstinence from masturbation that lasted over a year and what I would do is use a phrase or quote that I would summon forcefully to the forefront of my mind whenever my animal instincts wanted me to start thinking about tiddies, and it would help keep the dick down. If you start small and increase frequency you can build your meditation discipline back up and that will have further effects that help with the rest of the problems that seem to have emerged from your lust.


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Well it helps to know that others have been in a similar position and gotten over it.

Gonna try my best.

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