Sarcasm makes you look like a clown.
In Arcane Teachings, p. 139. He says he wished to speak plainer of those who attempted to reverse the Cosmic Law of Sex Polarity.
Don't you think he would just say that these were men who slept with men if it was the case? It's not like he wasn't allowed to speak against homosexuals. There was no reason not to be plain if it was the case which makes it doubtful he referred to homosexuals.
A psychic who, by means of untrained or misdirected psychic
development, happens to wander on to this plane of the Astral,
experiences a most unpleasant sight. It is not pleasant to roam
in this charnel house of the Astral—this tomb of the Earth. An
old Egyptian sage thus recorded his impressions of it: “What
manner of place is this I see. It hath no water. It hath no air. It
hath no light. It hath no foundation. It is unfathomably deep. It
is as black as the blackest night.” A modern investigator has said
of this region—this Golgotha of the Astral: “Most students find
the investigation of this section an extremely unpleasant task,
for there appears to be a sense of density and gross materiality
about it which is indescribably loathsome to the liberated Astral
Body, causing the sense of pushing its way through some black
viscous fluid, while the inhabitants and influences encountered
there are unusually undesirable.”
“And are there inhabitants of such a place?” one naturally
asks. Alas, yes! There are denizens of this loathsome place—
inhabitants of this horrible abode. Entities, however, not
placed there for punishment, for no Being would entail such a
fate upon the meanest and most depraved—or invent such a
Hell. They are there because of their own abnormal desires and
tendencies, which unfit them for the planes of even the lowest
of disembodied human entities, and which also render them
unfit for association with the disembodied astral forms of the
beasts, which latter persist for a short time after physical death.
“Then, what manner of creatures must these be?” you ask. “Fit for
neither man nor beasts. Were they human?” And, one is forced
to answer, “Yes!” Subject to the laws of humankind they are not
allowed the privilege of rapid annihilation bestowed upon the
beasts—they must live out their peculiar life to the end. They
are the pariahs, the ghoul‑like scum of the human race, who
have removed themselves from the race fate and have entailed
upon themselves a fate of their own. Their fate is a Living
Death—a conscious life in a corpse‑like body, among corpses
of the Astral. These creatures are the disembodied entities
of those who degenerated along abnormal sex lines—who
attempted to reverse the Cosmic Law of Sex Polarity, and thus
brought upon themselves the Recoil of the Life Forces. They
were the lowest of the human Satyrs. Nature finally casts over
them the spell of a deep sleep, from which they never awaken,
and from which they pass into disintegration and annihilation.
They polluted the Sacred Altar. They stole the Divine Fire for
devilish rites. They committed the Unpardonable Sin. They
removed themselves from the trend of Cosmic Evolution. Their
own Desire was their Fate. We wish it were possible to speak
plainer—but the time has not yet come.