Q'uo once said: "The cat has been utilized as the guardian of many temples in the past of the Egyptian race of your peoples. For this reason and because of the sensitivity of the cat entities, the negatively oriented entities find some difficulty in offering the full impact of their services when the feline entities are present, for there is a natural kind of guarding or protection that is offered by the cat entities."
Carla: Could you comment on how aware cats in our household are of these contacts, if they are able to participate in any way?
I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The entities that you refer to as the cats are quite sensitive to not only our presence and others of the Confederation of Planets in the Service to the One Creator, but are also sensitive to the negatively oriented that would offer their service in their own way. The feline entities have, throughout the history of your peoples, been seen by those of a metaphysical sensitivity as being able to perceive much which is unseen to your physical eye. The cat has been utilized as the guardian of many temples in the past of the Egyptian race of your peoples. For this reason and because of the sensitivity of the cat entities, the negatively oriented entities find some difficulty in offering the full impact of their services when the feline entities are present, for there is a natural kind of guarding or protection that is offered by the cat entities. They are not always aware of each entity as an individualized portion or person as they are aware of you in that nature, but are often aware of a feeling tone or attitude or ambiance that has changed or has a certain quality.
Thus, it is sometimes as if these creatures sense a presence as you would hear a certain sound that would alert you to activity. The cat entity, however, is also able to ascertain the nature of the presence, whether it is beneficial or deleterious, and will respond differently to each of these qualities.
source: http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1989/1989_1231.aspx