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Esoteric Wizardry


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Do cats have any esoteric/spiritual value? Were there any esoteric meaning behind Ancient Egyptians and their obsession with cats?

(Rule 2 - Question Thread)


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Basically cats are evil incarnate. They brainwash their owners, and drain them in their sleep. They infect peoples brains with parasites (>toxoplasmosis) and they imitate the actions that appeal to their owner. They may even try to make their meows similar to a yip of a human child in order to control their owners. They were looked at as god because that is how they see themselves. Most cats can easily change owners and have no loyalty or care for their families. They would hang out with witches because cats are attracted to the dark energies. They drain mentally vulnerable people and make them dependent on them, they are psychic vampires in nature.




>sand nigger



Well all "prophets" are sandniggers anyway. Just wanted to point the cats are interestingly popular around religious or esoteric figures.



Jesus was not a sandnigger, buddha was not a sandnigger. Cats want your loosh.


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Jesus was a sandnigger.



In fake history yes, but that's okay. That tinfoil hat isn't doing much for you is it?



This might be true. It is or is not true but to me I think it is kinda true.


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Cats are very sensitive to the spirit world and can sense/see negativity or negative spirits. Cats freaking out/alerting you to negative entities is one benefit, or they can chase them away themselves, or you can connect with their energy to create a shield around your house… Cats are very spiritual and useful for esoteric practices.


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Post elaborating on toxoplasmosis. Thoughts, fringe?



This is completely retarded.


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This. Cats and their parasites are responsible for most of the evils of the modern world.



>Before cats arrived in Rome, snakes and weasels were commonly kept as pets to keep rats at bay. In fact, some of the words that the Ancient Romans used for cat (such as “gale”)could mean both “cat” and “weasel.” By the 5th century A.D., the Romans realized that cats were much easier to live with than snakes and weasels (they certainly smell better than weasels) and house cats became more commonplace.

The adoption of cats by the Romans took place at the same time as the fall of Rome began. The fall of Rome has been linked with madness of Roman leaders which has been blamed on lead poisoning, but considering that toxoplasmosis linked to cats causes schizophrenia and other forms of madness and degeneracy, this is a likely cause.




You were stillborn and was born with one testicle.



Please dogs are so much better for this. There are rituals you can do to call upon the spirits of loyal dogs and they will kill evil for you. Cats can't do shit.



Jesus was most definitely a sand nigger you faggot.



Been around plenty of dirty cats and have never had even an inkling of being gay. Cats dont make you gay. Porn doesnt make you gay. You're just gay. (not you) unless you are



First kikes and sand niggers are not the same thing.

Second, Jesus (who's real name isn't even Jesus) was genetically modified. He had blonde hair an blue eyes. Was not a sandnigger or a jew.


toxoplasmosis makes you a nut and suicidal but not gay. That is the first I've heard of that. Though you are probably gay anyway. I mean come on kek you hang around a bunch of dirty cats.


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You guys problably drink cat's piss don't you?



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Do you even bible? Jesus was an ugly middle eastern.

───── Isaiah 50:6 ───────────

"I gave my back to the smiters, and my cheeks to them

that plucked off the hair: I hid not my face from shame

and spitting."

So, we know that Jesus had a beard at the time of His crucifixion.

"For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant,

and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor

comeliness; and when we shall see him, there is no beauty

that we should desire him."

So from this we at least understand that Jesus was not a 'handsome' man.

But yeah, jesus "1488 musclemachine" christ was a 2% bf 7'11 aqua eyed ultra blonde nordic overlord.


you got more risk of getting t.gondii from eating food than an indoor cat.



It's not really important. Jesus egregores are 99% handsome Germanics.



Real Jesus looks like a pedophile



>cat thread turns to into jesus thread

Only on fringe



Elaborate plz?

Sounds cool an I love Dogs!



He had blonde hair and blue eyes because his father was an Aryan you nigger.



>Believing in fake history

Why are you even here? Should change that flag to blue pill


It's a goetia ritual I believe, you leave a bowl out for the dog spirits and they keep watch guard.


You're the nigger if you are vouching for him being a filthy kike. Know your place.



>You're the nigger if you are vouching for him being a filthy kike

Look at how the motherfucker has been depicted throughout the centuries. He almost always had strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. But not all of his features were Aryan-like. Plus his mother was a confirmed Hebrew.

As nice as it sounds, there's no way he was a full-blood Aryan.



What I'm saying is he had modified genetics. His genes were beyond that of humans, to call him blood aryan wouldn't be right either. He genetics were higher then that of any white human beings. It was more akin to 4D STO. His Jew mother was only used to birth him, however his genetic make up is pure.



Well his genetic makeup was without a doubt much more stable and advanced than our average fucked up genomes today, his vessel having certainly been meticulously engineered and meant to receive him. And he definitely was nothing like a yid. No problem with you there.

What I'm trying to say here is that I don't buy into the whole immaculate conception thing. He must have had a mother and a father.

So, I don't know precisely how big of a part race plays in our incarnations, but I doubt he was 100% phenotypically Aryan.



>he thinks jesus was blonde and blue eyed

behead urself honestly.


File: 1447370045453.jpg (394.23 KB, 800x1547, 800:1547, the oldest surviving chris….jpg)

This is how jesus actually looked like


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Your time here is finished.


I bet you believe the earth is flat too.



No what I'm saying is, he was birthed out of her. However his genetics were made specific. He wasn't an Aryan "race" like the natsocs love to talk about but had perfected and toned genetics so that he was Aryan in appearance. His genes was more like a pleiadians.



Do you have any way of proving that he isn't a magus?


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>Sees historical visual and written proofs.

>Proceeds to spouting empty Ad hominems.

As expected. Also I'm Persian/Greek living in Greece and I don't care about appearance/style of how I use your language. Being understandable is enough.

Anyway, have fun with your hilarious delusions.




>Prison planet




kek This guy is a riot


You're retarded if you believe he is.



Whatever I believe he is a magus or not has little meaning.

I am asking you to prove that he isn't.



Prove that allah is the only way sandnigger. Or I will Jihad your mums ass



You made a statement, that the greek/persian person was not a magus, you have to prove it.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Kindergarten shit, seriously. How old are you.



My age is not of your concern. I ask you to provide proof that the person in question is not a magus.



Not the same guy. Your age is of my concern, this website is not for children. Please get your parents permission first.



I assure you, I am not a child. I am merely a man seeking truth and knowledge.


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Prove it



You claimed that I was under-age, you have to prove that.



You dug your own stupid grave. hahahhahahah. People like this make me lul



But seriously now, how do you know that >>60672

isn't a magus?



I just wanted to learn about my feline familiars powers, fucking christcucks ruin everything.



>Not a single christian in this thread.

>Go sniff your cats piss furry.



Try scrolling up and reading the thread long argument about whether jesus was a handsome aryan or a dirty sandnigger, you fucking retard



Just because someone has an opinion on Jesus does that makes them Christian? Calm your ass down you lowbob.



Q'uo once said: "The cat has been utilized as the guardian of many temples in the past of the Egyptian race of your peoples. For this reason and because of the sensitivity of the cat entities, the negatively oriented entities find some difficulty in offering the full impact of their services when the feline entities are present, for there is a natural kind of guarding or protection that is offered by the cat entities."




Carla: Could you comment on how aware cats in our household are of these contacts, if they are able to participate in any way?

I am Q’uo, and am aware of your query, my sister. The entities that you refer to as the cats are quite sensitive to not only our presence and others of the Confederation of Planets in the Service to the One Creator, but are also sensitive to the negatively oriented that would offer their service in their own way. The feline entities have, throughout the history of your peoples, been seen by those of a metaphysical sensitivity as being able to perceive much which is unseen to your physical eye. The cat has been utilized as the guardian of many temples in the past of the Egyptian race of your peoples. For this reason and because of the sensitivity of the cat entities, the negatively oriented entities find some difficulty in offering the full impact of their services when the feline entities are present, for there is a natural kind of guarding or protection that is offered by the cat entities. They are not always aware of each entity as an individualized portion or person as they are aware of you in that nature, but are often aware of a feeling tone or attitude or ambiance that has changed or has a certain quality.

Thus, it is sometimes as if these creatures sense a presence as you would hear a certain sound that would alert you to activity. The cat entity, however, is also able to ascertain the nature of the presence, whether it is beneficial or deleterious, and will respond differently to each of these qualities.


source: http://www.llresearch.org/transcripts/issues/1989/1989_1231.aspx

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