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Esoteric Wizardry


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File: 1447291995326.jpg (25.01 KB, 300x301, 300:301, consider-the-following.jpg)


Knowledge doesn't condition the will, yet the will conditions knowledge.


The world is my representation.

Therefore, the world is my will


Fire wants to rise.

Man wants to know.

They don't want the same thing, yet they both want.


The magician is capable of considering God or the Devil and redirect his will through these concepts, hence producing white or black magic respectively.

By themselves, God and the Devil can't do anything. It's the magician's will that makes the trick.


File: 1447294662235.jpeg (3.51 MB, 1500x1917, 500:639, Arthur_Schopenhauer_Portr….jpeg)

t. Schopenhauer



Man wants to live*


Sounds like a half truth. Both are true



You can go further in philosophy with two half-truths whan with only one half-truth.

Absolute truth isn't from this world.





What if knowledge has a will of its own?



It may seem like it but in the end it always boils down to the Will in general.



Considered in this sense is the Will just the noumenon that conditions phenomena?



No, it's the thing-in-itself.

The noumena is still a phenomenon.




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