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Esoteric Wizardry


Infinity Never
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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/:
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i wanted to begin a board for EVERY form of inteligent life!

If you are just learning about the paranormal please post questions, thoughts, concerns etc.. I will do my best to answer and/or point you in the direction of someone who can!

If you are a battle hardened /x/er we want you to post as well! Post whatever you want! Just keep it LEGAL!

Many of us here are completely aware that we share this realm with other worldly beings. We are not frightened by this, only curious about you! We would love to know more about you, your customs, your hopes, fears etc…

Friend or Foe, a line of communication can and should be established. Even North and South Korea have methods for sending and receiving messages! Maybe we can coexist in a mutually beneficial way!

Please Communicate!!!!

go visit /xpillz/ and shit post something! why not?



>Just keep it LEGAL!



So I can't post pictures of the vampire loli I keep on my basement? :'(



legal under "human law" so i do not have to call Fox n Scully ya dig?

or just say the pic is fake. i am not a narc. i just want to talk….


post whatever you want. i seriously do not care. the higher-ups may though….


Anything like /x/

Thx but no thx



WHAT WOULD make you interested?

not being argumentative, trying to make it comfortable for every thing…..

I just want 8chan to have a good Paranormal Board for people that are not wizards and sorcerers…

half-chan had a good /x/, but you cant trust that greasy yella slope

My interest in the Paranormal is what showed me the truth and saved my soul. Maybe the same will happen to someone else???



>My interest in the Paranormal is what showed me the truth and saved my soul. Maybe the same will happen to someone else???



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well, i am sensitive and my childhood was terrifying.

so i was always obsessed with paranormal and unexplained mysteries etc.. even though this was frowned upon by a strict Catholic family.

I went on a mission to find proof of aliens, and I found out that aliens are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to this realm. Followed by God himself floating here on a palace made of ice and posting a thread "I AM GOD, AMA"

I went in looking to shame a role player, but I left changed in such a wonderful and liberating way that words do not do it justice.

I found a home here when I had NOTHING, NOBODY. all because my interest in Ayyys had me lurking on /x/..

I had been dead for so long that emotions and feelings were such a wonderful experience it made me cry..



So how did you change exactly?



i believe in God now. I have faith now. My soul is not an empty shell now.

even if my new found faith gets me in trouble or even gets me killed, it is well worth it!

The difference between going through every day not believing in ANYTHING, and then going through your daily shit routine while having FAITH is a total change.

and i feel like i have a purpose for being on this earth now. i am looking forward to paying my debt to the creator in full when the time comes…


Wow another matrix agent trying to break down fringe and shill their shitty ass board. Fuck off faggot.





The people who need it will find it.

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