>The front page delay is a consequence of the on-disk caching mechanism that's ingrained into the family of tinyboard, and most disk I/O is inaccessible due to the way I/O happens in the first place with this piece of shit software. So it may be a problem with 8chan but the problem isn't unique to 8chan, it's fundamentally a problem due to the tinyboard heritage. The software simply can't keep up with how many indexes, threads, catalogs, etc that it has to retemplate and then write to disk.
Unless we're able to do something ourselves I'm given the impression that the front page will suffer these delays for at least 3 weeks until the Infinity beta replaces tinyboard. It seems like your board is suffering the same delays many others are, who knows, it may be possible for us to alleviate this strain on tinyboard by collectively reducing the amount of pages we're using and the amount of active content tinyboard is shuffling around at a given time as consequence.
I personally reduced the pages on my board to 5 down from 15 to start. If we get as many of the other top 50 boards to do the same that will reduce the total active indexed content by hundreds of threads and potentially tens of thousands of mostly redundant posts. I don't know if it'll work, but I do think it's worth a try in lieu of sitting around with our hands on our wing-dings for the next 3 weeks eh?