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So, how was everyone's New Moon in Scorpio?

A lot of people have been telling me that they've had a difficult week. Makes a lot of sense. A lot of people may have found that they've been depressed, or acting out of character. Don't worry, the effect will pass. Perhaps it was something else out of the ordinary? A different flavour in the air that you couldn't quite understand at first. Or perhaps, there was nothing at all, and you could not be pulled and swayed by the tides.

The disturbed have been out more often this week. In my natal chart, Pluto is in Scorpio. I can't help but feel their vibrations. And when Scorpio shows its dark side, there is little you can do to avoid it. These people I encountered had all the power in the world to overcome their miasmic nature, but they chose not to. I heard their thoughts, I shared their dreams, I defended myself from their attacks. It was only the tip of the iceberg.

The Dark Face does not like to be ignored, but our Shadow is that which we see in the mirror, in the water, in the eyes of those we fear. Monsters don't like being monsters, but could they even know any different? We, the Shadows, are here to heal and be healed. We are also that which holds the torch aloft, the physician's light.

New Moon in Scorpio may have brought out parts of us that we didn't realise were there, and with a force that we didn't expect. Scorpio is the still pool of water, holding depths of potentiality and unformed power. And when the face moves over the waters, it is always brought to activity.

How did everybody else experience New Moon in Scorpio? Did any of your natal planets help or hinder you through this transit?


i felt strangely euphoric today



This sounds so new agey and hippy like. No part of me that I didn't already know about showed itself. Once the shadow is known and acknowledged it can be deleted or changed.



Not surprising, given your flag! Feels a little bit like home.


Of course, but many still sleep through the night. Some haven't yet looked in the mirror.


Astrological influences are silly. It requires only a tiny bit of awareness to liberate yourself from them.


Why are people born in Scorpio such shits?



Of course. When we understand that we are not a mere reaction to our environment, our lives are transformed. Awakened, we are no longer enthralled by the forces that work upon the world. Often we go along for many months until some rather asinine incident sets off a reaction that we feel inside. Something that we did not know we carried as weight within us. When faced with this, we have the choice. We can choose to work with this previously unrecognised knot, to understand it and disentangle it so that we are not swept up by it again. Or we can pull up our ego in defense, protecting and veiling this chink in our form.

Astrology is a part of maya. But if we dwell within illusion, then any mirror is of some worth. We must learn discernment to understand what is worth keeping and what it is we should leave behind. It doesn't matter what the medium is if in it we discover some inkling of self-awareness.

Many of us deal with magickal forces every day. We invoke godforms, work with the sephirot, use systems such as the tarot, or work with the energies flowing through our own bodies. We might work with martian energies to achieve our ends, or venusian, or uranian. When we are calling the shots, we are only too happy to acknowledge them. But to think that they also exist outside of ourselves can be daunting.

I don't feel that the merit of astrology lies in divination or prediction. It is another avenue in which we may come to understand the interplay of forces and the effects which may manifest from these relationships.

In the end, the discussion over their absolute existence brings us very little. Astrology is just one more means by which we may come to question our own behaviours. We may not find answers, but perhaps we will find better questions.



>Under this law is found the cyclic, or circular trend of all things, physical, mental and spiritual. Everything moves in circles. The wise and strong convert the circles into spirals. Instead of traveling around in an eternal circle, the wise and strong rise in spirals to attainment and advancement. Worlds and atoms; Cosmos and Man; all are under this law, and move in accordance therewith.

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