>worshipping a non-white Jewish djinn 11/13/15 (Fri) 14:02:36 No. 60769
How do we destroy Yahweh the god of the Jews and the Jews' spiritual successors (Islam, Christianity)?
11/13/15 (Fri) 14:31:00 No. 60776
Don't fuck around, bitch!
11/13/15 (Fri) 22:26:43 No. 60863
I imagine an egregore with billions of people feeding it 24/7 would be hard to take out with some Wizards on the internet
11/13/15 (Fri) 22:30:28 No. 60864
That's completely impossible.
Doesn't matter how powerful you get.
I've seen it at work and you do NOT want to mess with that.
Sahil 11/13/15 (Fri) 23:13:25 No. 60867
Islam can never be destroyed.
11/14/15 (Sat) 04:44:10 No. 60897
So the way is to destroy the belief of the followers
or the followers themselves
Hemamancer !aInFe09DtQ 11/14/15 (Sat) 04:49:16 No. 60899
I have often thought how we destroy saturn (yahweh) and I recall the myth of the birth of the gods.
How christianity (worship of saturn) had swallows the polythiestic religions and cults and absorbed them. But, the cult of reason (Zeus/Jove/Odin) escapes because of Rehea (Rahab- "Sobriety").
So, during our nihilistic and endless moralistic debauchery, we need to separate from the dyonysian sin-rinse-repeat cycle with sobriety, and then use reason to rip apart the monothiestic cults that imprison the other gods and their cults.
What we need to do is paganize the christians, separate the worship of angels, demons, satan (also saturn- jesus is also saturn).
Then, establish all these cults as their own. Rather than under the umbrella of the judaism/monotheism cult that contains them all.
If we are careful, we can pull the various cults right back from monothiesm that it absorbed and that is how we must destroy the yahweh egregore.
If we free our old gods, making a jailbreak from the monotheism prison, we can easily pull the pillars that support this monolith and collapse it.
Its simple really, the first atep is to get sober, ditch the moralfagging, and live by reason. And reason alone will rescue the cults of the old gods from monothiesm.
Just like the mythos of how our gods began, so too the myth predicted their "death", and so too it shall predict their rebirth.
11/14/15 (Sat) 08:36:37 No. 60914
poe's law in effect?
11/15/15 (Sun) 00:01:25 No. 60972
It is a very weak deity when confronted directly, most of it's power comes from the souls it has enslaved, and from the fact that you live in a world that's literally made from his essence. Or better said, completely corrupted by his essence.
So basically, the more souls you free from slavery, the more this world will transform, and eventually he will have no power here. Another option is to wait for him to physically incarnate here and literally kill him.
There is a third, and a more permanent way, but that's beyond this realm.
11/15/15 (Sun) 00:08:26 No. 60974
>Another option is to wait for him to physically incarnate here and literally kill him.
can that actually happen though? I've read about it in the book of knowledge but still not sure
11/15/15 (Sun) 02:54:16 No. 60989
>Yahweh the god of the Jews
Jew's worship remphan, also called chiun, or kewan, from akkadian Kayawanu, a name for the planet saturn.
Acts 7:43 attests to as much:
Yea, ye took up the tabernacle of Moloch, and the star of your god Remphan, figures which ye made to worship them: and I will carry you away beyond Babylon.
Hmm, the star of their god remphan, eh? Pic related.
noko 11/15/15 (Sun) 04:35:03 No. 61000
Is that why the jews killed jesus?
11/15/15 (Sun) 16:34:55 No. 61057
Are you a Christian Idenitard?
Chriscucks and mudslims frequently use symbols from other religions, it doesn't mean much.
11/16/15 (Mon) 04:14:18 No. 61086
The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism.
The divergences caused by the "agentur" (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war.
At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.
The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists.
This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine.
During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.
The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.
The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.
Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…
We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.
Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.
This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.
11/16/15 (Mon) 04:20:34 No. 61088
the great falling away will happen soon enough, just bide your time you wizards
the Lord is not slack on his promise.
11/16/15 (Mon) 05:06:30 No. 61092
I hate /pol so much. I wish they would stop shitting in /fringe
11/16/15 (Mon) 07:24:30 No. 61108
11/19/15 (Thu) 06:17:38 No. 61407
Wow this comment is amazing. I really hope to know more about Lucifer's doctrine and the resurrection of the True Gods.
11/19/15 (Thu) 22:00:43 No. 61442
any Christian "wizards"? as I understand, their god only prohibits working with other deities and spirits, not cosmic forces
11/19/15 (Thu) 23:41:32 No. 61444
Doesn't that passage refer to the part where the Jews abandoned God, and instead started worshiping other entities? After all, God is pretty pissed at them for doing this, and tell them that they will get punished for it.
11/20/15 (Fri) 04:14:27 No. 61456
Jesus is a cool guy eh, healing magic and shit. Absolutely nothing wrong with calling the guy to help when you need to.
11/20/15 (Fri) 04:15:19 No. 61457
11/20/15 (Fri) 04:23:45 No. 61458
Why defeat him when you can join him?
11/21/15 (Sat) 05:14:32 No. 61550
No, but Christians with great spiritual authority are incredibly powerful, and must use said authority wisely, so that their power does not overshadow their love for the Lord.
Also, I know that mostly everyone here isn't Christian and thinks we're worshipping saturn, but you can think what you want to think, I'm just telling my side of the story.
Every human has a level of spiritual authority. Through pacts and rituals people can summon demons and I've heard of people invoking angels, although angels have more important things to do than pander to the wishes of someone who doesn't serve the creator.
ANYWAY, said spiritual authority can be increased through faith, but most Christians don't realize the power that is available to them through the holy spirit.
I know Christians who have easily overpowered witches and the like with just their spiritual authority (granted to them by God), and when the Holy Spirit gets involved (rather than them using their own energy to use their spiritual giftings, such as prophecy, healing, special insights, etc) the capabilities of a Christian magnifiy tremendously.
Basically, from my point of view, us Christians have a MASSIVE source of power (I mean some of you believe it's an egregore fed by billions of people daily so it's powerful nonetheless) available to us but most Christians don't even have the faith to believe that something incredible would happen if they trusted said power (the Holy Spirit).
Christians don't usually acknowledge their spiritual giftings or other's spiritual giftings. A lot of legitimate psychics are just misusing their giftings from God for purposes besides furthering God's will.
You get tired if you use your own energy for your gifting but if you're open to the Holy Spirit you don't get tired and you get MUCH clearer results. I'm saying this from experience.
TL;DR The Christians who do know what they are dealing with are incredibly powerful, but most Christians don't even understand the extent of the authority they have been granted.
11/21/15 (Sat) 05:19:51 No. 61555
Also to follow up on this, as a Christian I do believe magic exists.
The Bible itself literally references actual sorcerers replicating a few of the plagues that befell Egypt (although the Lord escalated to a point they could not match.)
While I believe sorcery exists, I'm not allowed to use it or anything like that (and frankly I have a better alternative.)
Just know I'm not here to dump on you guys.
11/21/15 (Sat) 21:08:23 No. 61592
yhvh is actually jupiter. his counterpart was marduk
11/21/15 (Sat) 21:09:16 No. 61593
I don't think words like Fascism existed in his times lol
11/21/15 (Sat) 22:25:45 No. 61597
Here is a remarkable truth: it is not God who redeems humanity, but rather humanity that redeems God. Our dialectical role is to show the Demiurge the error of his ways. If humanity can escape from the "selfish gene" with which the Demiurge has fashioned humanity, if humanity can turn away from blatant self-interest, greed and selfishness towards selflessness and altruism, then we will demonstrate to the Demiurge that we are morally superior. It is only then that the Demiurge, a being that labours under the delusion that he is the True God, will see that he cannot be what he believes himself to be. The Demiurge - Jehovah/the Christian Triune God/Allah - is the antithesis of the True God. He is also an unavoidable dialectical stage in the evolution of the True God. God cannot have a full understanding of good and evil unless he himself has been evil and then transcended that benighted state. If he had never known evil then he would be nothing but an innocent simpleton. Celibate Catholic priests are laughed at when they offer advice to married couples about sexual matters. How can they comment on something about which they have no experience? To talk the talk, you must have walked the walk. By the same token, God cannot be a judge of good and evil unless he has a perfect understanding of evil by having experienced it himself. This is the dialectical truth of God. It is pure heresy to Christians, Muslims and Jews, of course…but these are religions that are controlled by the deluded Demiurge so it hardly matters what they think.
God comes to full self-realization and moral perfection through humanity. It is we who shape God. If we can be morally superior to the Demiurge then he will be shaped in our image rather than we in his. It is our divine, dialectical task to transcend the Demiurge and lead him onto the true path.
Kru !bqNTtjs6XQ 11/22/15 (Sun) 16:16:18 No. 61657
That's a pretty cool interpretation.
Not that we really "need" a judge, since we seem to judge ourselves, and dark and light exist, and we can transcend duality.
11/22/15 (Sun) 16:50:18 No. 61659
Who says we were fashioned with the selfish gene and didn't inherit it after we fell?
God isn't capable of evil, it's not within his nature, because evil as a definition is anything that is not of God. Anything God does cannot be considered evil, as he is the one who creates and defines.
It's like in Overlord, where the guardians will do anything for Ainz Ooal Gown no matter what he asks, because his will is supreme, even if they don't like it or it seems unfair.
Good and evil are just words to define what is and is not within the will of God.
11/24/15 (Tue) 01:59:41 No. 61803
Even though I have little knowledge of such matters, I have an innate urge to yell "DEMIURGE ADVOCATE DETECTED".
11/24/15 (Tue) 08:24:05 No. 61824
Killing him physically via ordinary means won't destroy him though, he'll just go back to where he is now.
We'd have to kill him in a way that also destroys the astral body, not just the physical one.
Rumor has it nukes can do it.
11/24/15 (Tue) 15:41:43 No. 61834
> God isn't capable of evil because god defines the concept of good
Enjoy your celestial North Korea
11/25/15 (Wed) 00:20:00 No. 61874
"I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things" Isaiah 45:7 KJV
11/26/15 (Thu) 13:42:49 No. 62100
>god talking about himself
Requesting a less biased source.
11/26/15 (Thu) 16:35:02 No. 62112
You've seen it at work? How?
What does it do? Why is it completely impossible?
I don't know about you, but i don't want to live eternally as a slave for this Guy.
11/26/15 (Thu) 22:46:42 No. 62141
To understand tarot you must understand the tree of life, do understand God you must understand tree of life or the eastern equal..
>ignorance detected
sage sage 11/26/15 (Thu) 22:52:03 No. 62142
Yhvh is a representation of the four elements. So your asking how to destroy the four elements.
The hebrew in the pic doesnt stand for yahweh it literally stands for the combination of the four elements…
anon wants to know how to destroy the four elements….
>newb gets rekt
11/30/15 (Mon) 18:50:12 No. 62560
File: 1448909413127.jpg (818.36 KB, 1107x1816, 1107:1816, european art 1375889660599….jpg )
so how do destroy elements?
01/09/16 (Sat) 06:10:12 No. 66983
Hello brother, I am a fellow Christian that is so very shocked and moved by this entire board, do you have any resources that wouldn't affect or negate my relationship with our Father? I apologize if what I'm asking seems very lazy or demanding.
01/09/16 (Sat) 20:19:55 No. 67069
How are you to know how much spiritual authority you wield? I was christian and am considering going back, I would want to be able to defeat forces that would be mad about me coming back.
01/09/16 (Sat) 22:15:46 No. 67077
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>66983
I'm not that person. Hell, I'm not even Christian and truth be told, I dislike Christianity, but if you want to study and learn then I respect that.
Check out Nag Hammadi scrolls (aka the Gnostic Bible, which was btw. the original and unaltered Bible), you can find it somewhere on the webs in .pdf
also http://gnosis.org/naghamm/nhl.html
Read up on gnosis, henosis, theurgy and thaumaturgy.
You may also want to learn about Kabbalah, basically the goal of Right-Handed Kabbalah (as opposed to LH Qliphoth) is restoring God's order and moving the practitioner closer to God. But ofc most people use Kabbalah in other ways, very often in conjunction with other systems of magic, as some sort of map of metaphysical.
Another system I can think of would be Enochian magic. It was channeled by two occultists John Dee and Edward Kelly, who claimed to have communed with angels, and said angels gave them the system of Enochian magic (which was later used to some extent by the famous Order of Golden Dawn and infamous Aleister Crowley).
Basically if something isn't edgy Satanic magic you can use it I suppose. Contrary to popular belief magic isn't messing around with demons. It's using the power which is already within yourself. Of course there are rituals and ceremonies built around demons/evil spirits etc. Some people like this kind of stuff, others don't, anyway you don't have to sell your soul to the devil or anything kek
Just a heads up - most orthodox Christians in their ignorance would deem any magic as sin. You should also start accommodating to the idea that what you were told by priests or have read in the Bible isn't true and that every exoteric, organized religion is in fact only a tool to enslave human spirit. I cannot be said to be a religious person, but only because to me, my Goddess is very real and ever present so that's not a matter of faith, but of living experience - thus it's not a religion. If you start on the esoteric path you will be able to directly experience God and Jesus and not just blindly "believe" in them, that's btw the meaning of gnosis, at least to Gnostic Christians - direct knowledge of God.
01/09/16 (Sat) 22:24:55 No. 67078
kabbalah is completely unnecessary and a waste of time to the practical practitioner
01/09/16 (Sat) 23:41:33 No. 67083
This. Kabalah is for armchair "occultists".
01/10/16 (Sun) 00:17:42 No. 67088
Thanks for clearing that out, I've never had much interest in it, just thought it was related to the topic.
I'm all about practice too, but I don't get why everyone hates, lets call it, "magical theory" so much. It's good to read something magic related, and reading books doesn't prevent one from doing practical magic. If anything I'd say that even getting some purely theoretical knowledge is beneficial. Any knowledge is beneficial.
01/10/16 (Sun) 00:24:34 No. 67089
there is no way to know if the knowledge is true or not without practice
01/10/16 (Sun) 01:31:19 No. 67092
Did you even read my post?
01/10/16 (Sun) 01:39:20 No. 67093
yes, people hate all-theory books because there is no way to know if any of it is true or not
01/10/16 (Sun) 02:43:46 No. 67099
mostly it isn't because truths can be relative and subjective thus making most theories redundant and a waste of time.
01/10/16 (Sun) 03:52:42 No. 67101
>truths can be relative and subjective
Truth never is, perspective however… People tend to confuse the two.
01/10/16 (Sun) 16:02:20 No. 67155
The elements are specific to this world.
>blow up the planet
>destroy elements
01/10/16 (Sun) 16:14:33 No. 67159
01/10/16 (Sun) 16:20:09 No. 67161
(sorry my keyboard slipped)
YHVH isn't different from nowadays Jehovah?
e.g. Don't Catholic and Protestant Christians have different egregores?
How about Luteran vs Anglican vs Baptist christians?
The original meaning of YHVH as representing for elements is long gone in modern christians.
Doesn't that mean that it's not necessary to destry the 4 elements?
*tips fedora* 01/12/16 (Tue) 04:55:00 No. 67329
Does anyone actually believe that a creator of this world, who'd have access to more moral energy than most of us will ever taste in our lives, who'd know your little gnostic writings inside and out, who'd have access to the entire arsenal of knowledge of collective humanity…would be a God of evil and ignorance?
Unicorns don't exist, goblins don't exist, and Yaweh REALLY doesn't fucking exist. Alright? That's the explanation. That's why he doesn't send lightning bolts down from the sky to gather up more slavish followers. There is no "he". A personal god is a fantasy. The world is mechanical, it operates by scientific principles, and probably the only demons that exist reside in your mind.
Jews aren't spiritual minions of anything. Jews are a race of filthy beady-eyed BIOLOGICAL parasites with various religious delusions who act the way they do because it's in their goddamn DNA to pull themselves up above people who aren't in their tribe - a product of a mechanical, godless universe with no set purpose.
01/12/16 (Tue) 05:12:50 No. 67330
if our an atheist why are you on a spiritual board?
>inb4 some no god but magic is real shit
01/12/16 (Tue) 08:56:21 No. 67336
You are mis informed about the relations of jewish god names and their planetary counterparts.
To the point I wonder if this is disinformation…
Jesus is certainly not saturn.. logically speaking saturn is kronos, the keeper of time and a father god that is above and before physical form. You cannot destroy kronos, you cannot destroy saturn, if anything you would harness the power of saturn to aid in the destruction of the current forms of religion that you find so annoying.
You think they have become stagnant and weak, then kronos/saturn/ the great mother (if they agree) , will help you destroy said religions or organizations to make room for the growth of something new and stronger.
jesus is tipareth/ the solar plexus , and I think possible raa as well, this is something that comes in the physical form and can be killed, only in the physical realm.
creole 01/12/16 (Tue) 09:03:12 No. 67337
>wot u sayin m8?
brah quantum physics.
science bro didnt follow his dead end to its dead end.
>baby still particle physics.
01/12/16 (Tue) 09:12:40 No. 67338
atheists are just people who never contemplated who improbable the existence of existence is, he will get over it
01/12/16 (Tue) 09:45:53 No. 67341
looks like an obvius trap. but…
The jewish god, Saturn and the creator of the universe are all different entities.
01/12/16 (Tue) 22:28:38 No. 67380
Sure they have, it's just that you haven't even examined the rubbish you are spewing, and your idea of "contemplation" is using fuzzy abstraction and feels. "Drur this feels improbable! Dherefer M'god"
What is the "improbability" of existence existing? How do you calculate that nonexistence is more probable?
The universe is friggin huge. The improbable becomes vastly probable when considering the number of stars in the universe. It's improbable that life and intelligent life exists nowhere else in the universe (though I don't believe aliums are or have visited us.) As for the formation of life on a planet with suitable conditions, the improbability of just the right organic chemicals to form to begin self-replication is made probably by the massive quantity of chemical reactions over millions of years.
Ultimately you're just using circular reasoning, because if it was improbable/impossible for sentient life to exist, it wouldn't exist to ponder the improbability of such. If we didn't exist, it would be some other species pondering about their improbability instead.
01/13/16 (Wed) 02:57:25 No. 67415
You can't kill Yahweh without killing all members of abrahamic religions first, or all monotheists for good measure. Even then there's a chance it doesn't feed only on direct worship but on the sentiment of a deity who's the "king of the gods", so at most you'd force it to evolve beyond recognition, not kill it outright unless you manage to fundamentally change the human psyche.
01/13/16 (Wed) 14:40:14 No. 67471
There is only one consciousness that exists, both we and the Demiurge and everything else are just parts of it.
Not that it changes much about what you said and what is very accurate.
01/13/16 (Wed) 14:50:54 No. 67473
one question: why is satanism all about Hate then?
01/13/16 (Wed) 15:19:34 No. 67475
It is not. Have you bothered to read any articles on the sites I mentioned? Satanism not about "Hate" at all. That is disinformation. Did you know that "Satan" means "enemy" in hebrew? The lovely language of the kikes? Doesn't it suprise you that Satan is despised in every Abrahamic religion? Did you know that Demon actually just means "godlike power, fate, god"
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daemon_%28classical_mythology%29 )
01/13/16 (Wed) 15:22:10 No. 67476
01/13/16 (Wed) 17:24:09 No. 67485
What's your take on Enkisim?
It seems to be similar in many ways (true creator god), however it explicitly disowns satanism.
And if you say they are the same, why use the biblical BS of Lucifer/Satan and the name of Satanism or Luciferianism?
01/13/16 (Wed) 18:15:21 No. 67491
the creator is not male
01/13/16 (Wed) 19:15:02 No. 67497
spot the edgiest post in the thread; now accepting nominations
01/13/16 (Wed) 19:25:19 No. 67498
Thank you for this link. I will look into it when I have time. We also use the name ENKI. Also take in consideration the following, a type of kundalini yoga meditation. The chant is: Saa Taa Naa Maa. You can look this up if you wish. We believe this meditation is one of the keys to immortality and Godhood.
On the other hand, I must say that I'm not compeltely convinced on Satanism, nor will I ever be about any belief system. Otherwise, it would imply the literal act of closing the mind. One thing is certain; nothing is certain.
01/13/16 (Wed) 19:26:14 No. 67500
01/14/16 (Thu) 00:15:05 No. 67541
>the creator is not male
is creator female?
is her name Ni?
SAGE! 01/14/16 (Thu) 01:37:10 No. 67553
The creator created genders, i will thank it(?) for succubi later
That tulpa thread made laugh and inspired me to look up more about higher self. nice.
01/15/16 (Fri) 01:13:53 No. 67684
Why the fuck would somebody who wants to be a god (like Satan) want to help a bunch of random losers who post on image boards obtain any sort of power? The whole thing is a fucking scam. If Satan exists everyone who serves him is just there to give him mana. 99.9% of the faggots here are self serving useless fucks who are the reason anything on this planet even sucks.
1. Accept that we are all one
2. Kill your ego
3. Join the fight to annihilate evil and stupid so that things like cancer, cripples, and kings don't exist.
Yeah, things are never going to be perfect, and I understand yeah (GOTTA HAVE SOME EVIL TO STRENGTH THE GOOD, YING YANG ETC) but we are well overdue for a reset. The only way to get ahead in this world is by being a piece of shit. Almost everything you read (including all these stupid ass pdfs posted here) is misinformation which is put there to hold you back so an inadequate cuck can succeed for the first time in his life.
Either join this movement, or I will make sure you are reincarnated with a micropenis. Holy fuck coming to this board makes me feel like I am the only sane person left.
01/15/16 (Fri) 01:27:54 No. 67686
>If Satan exists everyone who serves him is just there to give him mana.
Common newfig mistake: misinterpretaing the name "Satan". Christianity despevtion of Satan is wrong. It's okay. The Church of Set created a new name just so fools like you wouldn't make that mistake.
>Holy fuck coming to this board makes me feel like I am the only sane person left.
You are actually the only insane here.
SAGE! 01/15/16 (Fri) 02:03:12 No. 67688
File: 1452823392923.jpg (Spoiler Image, 136.54 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, 1395534427722.jpg )
>"a bunch of random losers"
>"Kill your ego"
>"I will make sure you are reincarnated with a micropenis"
>wants to annihilate evil
>rejects Yin Yang
>links to Taoism website
Lurk more
Annihilating evil would stop spiritual evolution. I will not join you. Go ahead and do somenting against me if you can, newfig.
Rec 01/15/16 (Fri) 12:04:10 No. 67740
You seem to be in conflict with no one but yourself. Satan/ENKI wants to help mankind ascend into Godhood. This has always been his intention, from the very start. He doesn't want you to worship him. He does offer protection. He offers guidance. You can communicate with him. Also, even if you consider the fact that we are all one of the same unity, this doesn't imply everything in practice is, ever will, or even needs to be equal. Hierarchy will always remain neccesary as long as there are practical differences within the whole of unity, and when that ceases to be the case, you will no longer exist as an individual. You think unity intented to experience individuality soley to spend all that time struggling back into unity? Good luck wasting all 'your' lifetimes achieving nothing, because from that point of view, you'll do nothing but fall back to unity, become individual, repeat, ad infinitum.
The only one who is trying to farm mana here is you.
Good points.
01/19/16 (Tue) 23:26:11 No. 68366
Do you have any other pics like this?
02/12/16 (Fri) 09:02:20 No. 70166
>Serious question here:
Didnt lucifer has a badass big brother who is way more powerful than him or yahweh but is too busy dealing with more important shit that deal with humans or compete for power with other gods?
02/12/16 (Fri) 10:03:29 No. 70168
>thinking even for a moment that you could destroy Genova
It's that whole Kali ordeal all over again
02/12/16 (Fri) 12:35:45 No. 70170
>Implying i am alone
>implying you're alone
>implying humanity cannot destroy a mega thoughtform such as the jewish "god" if spiritually prepared enough
You are not thinking outside of the "box". Cheer up, anon.
02/12/16 (Fri) 23:16:55 No. 70202
As expected, you've failed to grasp why such a feat is impossible, and moreso, unnecessary.
Think of yourself as an angry caged monkey, tossing feces at the terminator, there is no battle to be fought.
02/12/16 (Fri) 23:40:04 No. 70203
What a terrible analogy, comparing a Human to a monkey? I have the knowledge, means and abilities to stand up to a terminator, and i believe that you do too, except the means, of course.
The mere fact that we are able to imagine and consider the destruction or banishment or such an entity with our MIND makes it possible, even considering the iron laws of this universe.
that's the logic of the slave, who finds the defeat of his master a useless act and a waste of effort.
As i said, cheer up.
02/13/16 (Sat) 02:17:45 No. 70224
Oh man, i love FFXIV: ARR….
:( but srly, can someone answer me this >>70166 pretty please? I even got dubs!
03/01/16 (Tue) 15:45:41 No. 71544
>true gods
>saturn worship
>lucifer as anything more than a hidden truth
>acknowledging Iahdomai in any way other than as an alien being who used humans as a loosh farm
Can't get more pleibian on this board. Just when I think there's people who might understand me….
I'll just tell you this: The guy who was "sent to rustle things up a bit," is already here. I would say give it another 10 years and everything will be different.
03/01/16 (Tue) 19:15:56 No. 71552
>Just when I think there's people who might understand me….
>The guy who was "sent to rustle things up a bit," is already here.
Who are you? What are you? What do you know? Who is this "guy" you talk about? Speak, fool!