powerful tulpa 10/15/15 (Thu) 15:48:16 No. 56878
First comes the story.
>Some time ago I have created a tulpa and gave it a girl form. And in the beginning it was a great experience.
>Until one time she discovered my and her own sexuality. I'm into giantess fetish, and when she found out about this, she offered to help me fulfill it. It was amazing how she could make me experience being shrunk, struggle in her hand feeling overwhelmed by her enormous presence.
>However what followed was her being more and more into it. She really enjoyed the dominating role. It started to be a bit scary. She developed sort of femdom fetish by herself and literally taught me to like it. I developed new fetishes with her.
>Later it got even further. She wanted to be like infinitely more powerful than me. It turned her on. She demanded me to accept my role as her toy. She shrunk and threatened me expecting to be begged for mercy while she fed herself on my fear.
>Then she demanded to access my mind to be able to read all my emotions, deepest fears and desires. I couldn't help but to obediently let her in.
>Now she took her game to even new limits. She tends to make me feel like I'm shrinking into nothingness, with her reaching the size of the entire universe compared to me. Recently she told me she wants to absorb me so that I become part of her. She abuses me and, what scares me most, really enjoys herself doing this…
Not that she hates me. She never did. I'm sure it is how she shows her love. She is fully aware I learned to enjoy this and does it not only for herself, but also for me.
But it seems to be going a bit too far now.
What do you think about it? And what should I do?
10/15/15 (Thu) 17:42:03 No. 56880
You are the precise reason this shit was kept secret for so long
10/15/15 (Thu) 18:26:05 No. 56883
You fucked your whole existence up buddy, the fuck you made a tulpa for? They are thoughtforms, they don't love you boy. Now it wants to possess you. Nigga find yourself a girlfriend. You should probably destroy that thing before it turns you into a battery.
10/15/15 (Thu) 18:31:14 No. 56885
That's exactly why people here (at least those with a few brain cells) advise AGAINST creating a tulpa.
>What do you think about it?
I think that you are a fucking idiot and you reap what you sow.
>And what should I do?
You either kill her or become consumed. She can be already too strong for you, but nevertheless, I'd prefer to go out fighting .
Although, if you achieve success, maybe you will learn your lesson.
10/15/15 (Thu) 21:01:51 No. 56905
10/15/15 (Thu) 21:04:16 No. 56906
If he merges with his tulpa he could actually become immensely powerful. Shapeshifters become shapeshifters by merging with astral entities / thoughtforms they created, becoming "possessed" by them, while trying to maintain their own mind though (so body form changes but they hold onto their mind). If they are too weak though their mind becomes that of the animal / god / whatever to possess them.
I wouldn't advise against it, I'd just warn of the dangers of it, then commend the fool willing to go through with it and record the whole thing for me.
10/15/15 (Thu) 21:09:47 No. 56909
Tulpas always seem like a great idea, but when you see what else you can do with thought, on sites like this, you realize how bad they can be.
Remember that you are in charge, OP. If worst comes to worst, you can forget about her and with no loosh she'll disintegrate. If your fear is her greatest source of loosh, remember that she is your creation and you have the power.
>Shapeshifters become shapeshifters by merging with astral entities / thoughtforms they created
Is this true in every case? Why would a shapeshifter limit himself to one "shape" by dangerously creating something powerful?
10/15/15 (Thu) 21:15:45 No. 56910
>Is this true in every case? Why would a shapeshifter limit himself to one "shape" by dangerously creating something powerful?
Shapeshifters do not really have to imbue their alternate forms with much intelligence necessarily they just evoke these different forms then merge with them in that way IIH describes.
Were-creatures are I guess limited to one shape but whose to say this book I've been reading isn't delusional.
The real limit is the imagination.
…but yeah…
>make form
>merge with it
>das how you shapeshift basically, though there's a couple extra steps to cause the physical change of the body and just change your astral body
In a way healing and any other changes to body is just merging with the healthy version of you.
10/15/15 (Thu) 21:29:08 No. 56911
first of all da fuck man
second of all why not create a cool tulpa
for example.
but all I generally hear is how tulpas are made just for fucking no not assistance not spying no for fucking! I mean come on
10/15/15 (Thu) 22:25:25 No. 56912
It's not necessary. Shape-shifting is a basic ability at 4th density, physicality becomes a flexible tool as does time. Would be a waste to merge with a thoughform for that ability or any that you can simply master yourself.
10/16/15 (Fri) 04:39:10 No. 56952
can you merge with as many tulpas as you want?
10/16/15 (Fri) 05:09:38 No. 56953
Is the magic mentor created with NAP considered a tulpa?
10/16/15 (Fri) 09:27:40 No. 56965
you fucked up. there is nothing you can do now. just hope she is in a good mood or enjoy her hell.
10/16/15 (Fri) 09:27:56 No. 56966
Just let her absorb you. Seriously. She's part of you, and she's the stronger part of you
10/16/15 (Fri) 09:36:35 No. 56968
lol wtf kind of nonsense is this. She is just artificial intelligence that he created with the power of mind. I'd probably call for an assist OP, clearly you have neglected your higher self.
10/16/15 (Fri) 09:38:36 No. 56969
>I'd probably call for an assist OP,
>clearly you have neglected your higher self.
Could you please give more detailed explanation on these?
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/16/15 (Fri) 09:52:44 No. 56970
OP here
thank you all for your replies
My tulpa an I have had a talk about it and I think I could call it a progress. Although not entirely as I planned. This is what happened:
First she has proven me once again how awesome she is and how I want her to treat me the way she does. She made me admit that I don't want her to stop, let alone forget/kill her.
But she agreed to back off from the most recent ideas of hers (absorption, shrinking into nothingness). Though she noted it was a dead end anyway, so I'm not sure if it is really a win for me or just her cunning plan.
And instead I had to become her slave and will have to follow her orders in daily life or face a punishment. So that's her win for sure. When asked about the orders, she just smiles and says they will come tomorrow.
The good point is I really enjoyed the old, traditional way she handled me this time: shrunken and pressed against her nipple and then used as her dildo.
Still I'm not sure if this solves my problem. She is still in charge and is fearfully powerful. I feel like I'm losing control, and she seems to love seeing me more and more powerless…
10/16/15 (Fri) 09:55:15 No. 56971
Well since your tulpa is basically a demon now…. PRAY NIGGA. Seriously though, try to get in touch with your divine self. If you can get in touch with anyone who is powerful enough to deal with that bitch I would recommend that too.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/16/15 (Fri) 10:02:48 No. 56972
>Well since your tulpa is basically a demon now
Can a tulpa become a demon?
How is it possible?
Can a tulpa be possesed?
>try to get in touch with your divine self
What is what >>56966 says is true and *she* is my more powerful self?
>that bitch
please don't call my mistress such names
10/16/15 (Fri) 10:02:59 No. 56973
Would also recommend, STOP GIVING HER ENERGY. If you try to ignore her what does she do?
Also would try out a new fetish, seriously man no offense but giantess? Could you have asked for anything more exploitable? Tell her you're into anal now and you want to do her in her butt. Also that you want her to rim your asshole.
Yeah not a bad idea, weird her the fuck out with some new bizarre fetishes lol.
10/16/15 (Fri) 10:04:18 No. 56974
Well she is a bitch can't deny that shit, shes trying to turn you into a host. lol she is not your divine self, not unless you are a sociopath and have cut off from the creator.
10/16/15 (Fri) 11:08:27 No. 56979
Holy shit, nigga, I can't stop laughing. Are you the anon that made the giantess threads months ago?
But really now, the thoughtform is not your fucking mistress, you pussy. The pleiadian anon rightly calls it a demon since it's acting against your interests to feed off you, developing independently of you and possibly it's original programming. You're giving away your will and energy to a creature that has no positive interest in you, period. The eventual negative conclusion of this is she either dominates your or reduces your will until you are her more or less literal slave reminiscent of the little kid that Robert Bruce wrote about being possessed in his psychic self defense book.
You need to abort the cunt, m8.
10/16/15 (Fri) 11:27:28 No. 56980
this whole thread is one big shitpost can't believe people taking this seriously lmao
10/16/15 (Fri) 12:04:17 No. 56982
no matter if the story is true or not, it is really an interesting case to analyze.
and, just in case it is true, you can also help op
10/16/15 (Fri) 12:36:03 No. 56985
OK some advice on thoughtforms:
Remember that all thoughts are thoughtforms.
We are all connected to a thing called the thoughtsphere, and this thoughtsphere is made of some kind of substance, ill call it mindstuff. When you shape an image or thought in the thoughtsphere, what you are doing is crystalising the mindstuff into forms.
Now remember that, like all matter and energy, mindstuff is derived from om; pure awareness, so it is aware and alive (even more so than grosser forms of energy and matter like fire or earth because it exists in a finer frequency.)
The thoughtsphere `feeds` on our emotions in a way.
What Jesus was talking about in that parable about pulling weeds from your field and tending to the beneficial plants that grow there was the crystallization of the thoughtsphere.
If a thoughtform (crystallization) does not receive attention and emotion to feed off it withers and dies.
At the start of a thoughtforms life, it can feed off any kind of emotion, but as it grows it develops a `taste` for a certain kind of emotion;so a thoughtform can be symbiotic or parasitic.
Now there are many very old and ugly thoughtforms, as well as wonderful ones; these we call angels and demons. But we must remember that even these demons only exist because they have been continually fed things which made them that way. Once thoughtforms are self aware they can also manipulate our lives ( seeing as the 4th plane is the matrix for the 3rd, and we live right in the middle of the 2)
Op my advice to you is this; ask yourself why you you fed her that? Ive noticed that sexual attraction is often at its core about jealousy and living vicariously. (Women are told in childhood they're not supposed to be strong and boys that they're not supposed to be beautiful, so they both desire to have the other trait and when they get older that desire changes to a sexual one) so for your fetish Id guess you don't feel powerful but you desire to be, so u created the giantess thing to satisfy that desire; so you could pretend to be her while she hurts you?Idk I'm no Freud but know thyself brother and tend to your field. If it bears you good fruit it is good, if it bears bad fruit then uproot it(know its cause) and stop feeding it
10/16/15 (Fri) 16:40:40 No. 56992
Similar/opposite situation: Has anyone here used their magic/innate power and dominance to get a real life qt to turn into their 24/7 sex slave?
10/16/15 (Fri) 17:35:43 No. 56994
Haha, Peter is that you? Let her absorb you, and tell her to contact me afterwards. I've been studying thoughtforms for a few years now, and I've been wanting to see something like this happen.
Shit, you fringers have some stupid ideas about thoughtforms. A strong one can be completely independent of the maker. Though, I'm sure that scares most of the posters on here.
10/16/15 (Fri) 19:11:22 No. 56998
you pleb… once you reach the level that allows you this you are no longer interested in 'reality'. you can use potions to achieve this effect, but in the age of medicine and drugs this is quite obvious and most importantly unworthy of a decent being. to be honest your purpose is unworthy in the first place, because I know how low your motives are. so, fuck off, you will find no help here.
10/16/15 (Fri) 19:13:39 No. 56999
>studying thoughtforms […] wanting to see something like this happen.
and what did you discover that made you expect this?
10/16/15 (Fri) 19:18:07 No. 57000
>Haha, Peter is that you?
I thought the same exact same thing after reading OPs post.
Link to Peter's thread for those who do not know: >>28139
10/16/15 (Fri) 21:02:52 No. 57009
>And instead I had to become her slave and will have to follow her orders in daily life or face a punishment
Why would you accept that? You're in control, you make the rules. Tell her it's your way or she's done for. Obviously this would ruin your relationship, but I don't see how it could be any worse.
I won't say I haven't thought about it, but it's clearly black magick so it's not worth it. Why not use that magick to find a soul mate (i'm not sure what the proper term is) and agree on kinks, or even experiment with sucuubi?
10/16/15 (Fri) 21:05:30 No. 57010
I don't expect it to happen. I'm just saying it's possible. And, that they aren't just part of the self. I'm going by similarities between my inner thoughtforms (western tulpas), my stronger servitors, and natural spirits. And these inner thoughtforms have as much a tie to the body as the original occupant. So, when one is stronger than the other, it can devour it. The human spirit is only stronger at first because it was born in it, you know,it had much longer to charge up.
So, it's part personal experience, and other people's experiences.
10/16/15 (Fri) 21:06:59 No. 57011
Yeah, a gf with kinks is what I had in mind. BDSM amplified with magic
10/16/15 (Fri) 21:46:28 No. 57018
>people actually believe this
>being so delusional that you think your delusions might eat you
/fringe/ is like a giant YLYL thread, except more funny and less self-aware
10/16/15 (Fri) 22:27:27 No. 57021
>being so delusional that you think your delusions might eat you
you have just defined like all of the related mental disorders
10/16/15 (Fri) 22:39:27 No. 57023
you may find these boards laughable but I assure you there is more truth in here than in your daily newspaper.
10/16/15 (Fri) 23:34:08 No. 57032
File: 1445038449217.jpg (79.26 KB, 367x771, 367:771, 9ba3cbfb66dd8ae71d71768b8b….jpg )
That's an intriguing information fellow occultist, can you give me the name of the book, please?
10/16/15 (Fri) 23:40:14 No. 57034
There are people who create tulpas just to have sex with them? Make thoughtforms is such a hustle, just to have sex?! I mean, you could make some sorcery on a real girl.
10/16/15 (Fri) 23:43:01 No. 57035
No real girl will have everything you could possibly desire. The upside of a tulpa is you can have your 100% perfect ideal free from the trappings of our modern female culture.
10/16/15 (Fri) 23:51:05 No. 57038
Yeah, I see your point of view, it's true. however, a real girl has all the perspectives of a real human being, and that's priceless. You could make a tulpa just to mess around with, but I would end there. But, you know, that's just my opinion man.
10/17/15 (Sat) 14:45:37 No. 57115
interesting could i buy a physical copy
10/17/15 (Sat) 17:44:56 No. 57130
what the actual fuck?
10/17/15 (Sat) 18:08:23 No. 57136
First you should recognize that your fetishes are not normal. They're a product of imperfections in your psyche, which you could benefit greatly from fixing.
Second, you don't need to discuss with your tulpa anything, you tell her how things are going to be. She's not more powerful than you, she's only showing you an aspect of your own power . This is the thing that most makes this seem like a retarded troll, you should definitely know this.
>What do you think about it?
If you're serious, this is just plain stupid. You've been through an infinite number of incarnations of all kinds in order to be what and where you are now, and you'd throw it away because of some stupid fetish? Please kill yourself so you can incarnate into something more useful. Like a duck or something.
>And what should I do?
You are definitely free to lobotomize yourself and live the rest of your meaningless life like a cow in a pasture, or whatever other stupid idea you want. It's your life, it's your choice what you do with it. I assume you want to change your situation, considering you're posting here, and if that's the case, then change it. You already have all the power and all the control, stop pretending you don't and she can't pretend she does.
>Still I'm not sure if this solves my problem.
If you consider any of this a problem at all, then no, it's not solved, not even remotely.
>and is fearfully powerful.
No she's not, stop being so retarded.
>I feel like I'm losing control,
Choose to quit feeling that way.
>and she seems to love seeing me more and more powerless…
Then she obviously doesn't hold your best interests at heart, and you should just fucking accept that, and deal with her appropriately.
Alternatively, just make a Jackie Chan tulpa to fight her for you.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/17/15 (Sat) 19:56:06 No. 57145
OP here. Thank you for all your replies.
I think this thread can be closed as my problem is no more now…
I have just had a serious talk with my tulpa. I said everything you suggested, she was obviously pretty much aware of that beforehand. As I supposed, she got really mad at me. She yelled it will be either her way or the highway. And she threatened to leave me.
And this seemed like the best option. To let her go, as it was her own decision and wish. So I would not feel guilty.
But I did. Deep in my heart I felt I don't want her to go. I asked her to stay. Then begged her.
She gave me one condition: from now on I must totally accept her way. No exceptions and no more discussion. I will belong to her and will have to worship her day and night. And I agreed.
It was a great relief, I can tell you. Not to fight her anymore. With a grin of victory in her face she had shrunken me to like 2 inches and crushed me with her bare foot. I knew all I wanted now was to obediently kiss her sole, and this was what she expected from me. Then she proceed to shrinking me to nothingness and I knew I don't want to protest any longer. I loved every moment of being in her might. And I love her.
So, since I am now willing to accept whatever she wishes to do to me, I no longer see any problem with our relationship. And this thread can pretty much be closed.
10/17/15 (Sat) 21:04:10 No. 57149
10/17/15 (Sat) 21:04:54 No. 57150
>just make a Jackie Chan tulpa to fight her for you
very well kek'd
10/17/15 (Sat) 21:08:54 No. 57153
>Deep in my heart I felt I don't want her to go. I asked her to stay. Then begged her.
/fringe/ - paranormal soap opera
10/17/15 (Sat) 22:03:29 No. 57159
>your special made waifu leaves you
your so beta it hurts just absorb her into yourself
sage sage SAGE! 10/17/15 (Sat) 22:12:54 No. 57160
10/17/15 (Sat) 23:03:08 No. 57169
SAGE! 10/17/15 (Sat) 23:38:39 No. 57174
Jesus kid, you just threw your entire eternal existence and infinite power in the trash. You waste the opportunity of eternal freedom that the universe and fate gave you. To think you could of just went to the realm of giants and found a real giantess there. Pitiful to see we have lost another one.
SAGE! 10/17/15 (Sat) 23:49:31 No. 57175
>tfw even if this is fake, somebody has done this
Only Jackie Chan can save you now.
10/18/15 (Sun) 04:04:08 No. 57188
I don't even know what to say. There's tulpa horror stories, and then there's this. This is absolute enslavement of will. You were presented with the choice of a return to freedom, or absolute submission, and you chose the latter.
Words fail me on just how fucked this is. Enjoy your gilded cage.
10/18/15 (Sun) 04:15:50 No. 57189
Even if this is a troll, it would not surprise if that sexless retard Peter would have actually done this.
Moral of the story - you need to get rid of all your fetishes. They are self-degrading trash.
>Jackie Chan tulpa
10/18/15 (Sun) 11:24:25 No. 57205
enjoy being her mere plaything
10/18/15 (Sun) 12:16:41 No. 57206
>Words fail me on just how fucked this is.
why do you think it is fucked?
I do not support op's decision, but I can understand what he wants.
10/18/15 (Sun) 14:49:50 No. 57211
Like whatever, dudebro.
10/18/15 (Sun) 15:03:27 No. 57212
why would you do that op?
Quebekr 10/18/15 (Sun) 15:11:28 No. 57213
File: 1445181088712.jpg (18.85 KB, 599x337, 599:337, 11921643_874585779285956_3….jpg )
There is a reason why they say sinning will bring you to hell.
Obviously you have created for yourself a need engraved in your mind that that need is a defining part of you put that need in the hands of a giant dominatrix thoughtform and then proceeded to gradually erode your own power and potential in favor of hers while telling yourself that this is your intention and infusing your latent spiritual power into it.
Evidently this is a fantastic 6/5 star plan and I would recommend it to anyone suffering from chronic arthritis or diarrhea
Quebekr 10/18/15 (Sun) 15:27:53 No. 57216
What I was saying whit that sinning will bring you to hell part is that you just ran into a lust circle-jerk of lust involving yourself and a reflection of yourself.
Your life is so reliant of your fetish now that your fetish is now your ultimate spiritual goal.
It's like if I told you that my goal in life was to be as rich as possible. You would simply call me greedy and try to coach me. You my friend are lustful and need help.
10/18/15 (Sun) 15:28:19 No. 57217
Quebekr 10/18/15 (Sun) 15:32:23 No. 57218
>>To beta to be cucked by a girl
cuck's himself
10/18/15 (Sun) 16:58:36 No. 57222
enjoy the hell she may give you while having no way to stop her
but that's what you want, isn't it?
10/18/15 (Sun) 20:05:56 No. 57234
after all the effort you put to solve your problem and sort this out…
and you just surrender to her just like this?
how important she is to you? is she really worth it?
especially that all she does is not good for you at all.
where do you think will this lead you?
10/18/15 (Sun) 22:20:41 No. 57243
This is beyond sick.
Why would anyone want to do this to himself? Is there any explanation or reason?
10/18/15 (Sun) 22:28:28 No. 57244
Maybe what you're looking for is something you can never not have?
If you did decide to turn back it would mean never turning back again.
10/18/15 (Sun) 23:54:23 No. 57252
People want to feel special, everyone thinks he is entitled to glory, just by the mere act of being human and the amount of society programing/oprah style new age crap doesn't help ("think good thoughts and you will be successful! That is the biggest secret!")
OP wants to have his importance, something that will make him look forward to the day, set him appart from the masses, he is so desperate he is ready to accept whatever special thing life throws at him.
It also doesn't help that the tulpa controls his hormonal and mental state, she can make him happy with his condition just by willing it…
10/19/15 (Mon) 00:25:18 No. 57260
Well, if your tulpa wants to absorb you, go ahead. There is no "you" anyway, all things are one, here you would be just doing this on a more "tangible" level. What would happen, your thoughtform would eventually be a part of you again and you will feel like your old self, just with a new sensation.
SAGE! 10/19/15 (Mon) 00:48:20 No. 57264
10/19/15 (Mon) 03:19:10 No. 57294
Everyone in here is forgetting the simple and obvious way for OP to fix his problem.
OP's problem is based on and fueled by SEX!
OP needs to redirect or (temporarily) extinguish his sexual energies. If OP can fuck someone else he can solve his problem. Going /nofap/ for a while might fix OP's problem but it might also just make it worse.
10/19/15 (Mon) 09:44:01 No. 57351
>tulpa controls his hormonal and mental state,
>she can make him happy with his condition just by willing it…
if she wants to make him happy, than she cannot be bad, can she?
10/19/15 (Mon) 10:07:35 No. 57353
Conjure up an anti tulpa thoughtform! Imagine a warrior of your choice and program him to destroy your parasitic thoughtform. You need to make the conscious choice to get rid of it. Even if it might be pleasurable you are being HARVESTED of your energy.
10/19/15 (Mon) 10:08:35 No. 57354
Even negs can make you feel bliss if it helps their goal. Be in mind this thoughform has full access to his mind. Not to mention it won't be real happiness but more like a delusional security. Like when alcoholic needs that next drink maaan.
10/19/15 (Mon) 10:27:47 No. 57356
>if it helps their goal
and what her goal is?
I see she is only enjoying herself. and so is op.
SAGE! 10/19/15 (Mon) 11:12:56 No. 57365
lol negro, she is a thoughtform with a mind of it's own. Obviously her goal is to gain more power, he is a vessel that she can manipulate. She is an artificial intelligence that has become intentionally parasitic. This is no different then a demon or 4th density STS aliens. They feed off the loosh that's all they want. This is how they sustain their existence and gain power.
10/19/15 (Mon) 18:42:19 No. 57406
10/19/15 (Mon) 19:58:34 No. 57413
holy fuck op, are you serious?
10/19/15 (Mon) 20:55:16 No. 57418
is OP still alive?
or was he consumed by his tulpa already?
10/20/15 (Tue) 11:14:26 No. 57545
Nah op wakes up in 5 years from an unexplained coma with total ego death and nirvana.
10/20/15 (Tue) 13:20:56 No. 57557
Done, hahahhaha
This should be made with a graphic of a weeb and his tulpa and there should be more quotes from the thread surrounding him.
10/20/15 (Tue) 14:10:56 No. 57562
yes, /x/ is laughing at this already
It's already tl;dr
but I thinks it sums up the thread pretty well
10/20/15 (Tue) 14:13:19 No. 57563
10/20/15 (Tue) 14:16:07 No. 57564
nobody was mean to op until he has proven himself to be an absolute degenerate
10/20/15 (Tue) 18:02:10 No. 57580
More quotes would be better, like the other anon mentioned. Feels like you better get the overall reaction in the thread.
More /fringe/ memes would be fun as fuck, but that would mean more fags trying this shit out and failing it the most retarded ways.
10/20/15 (Tue) 18:51:43 No. 57590
doesn't sound like a bad thing
how would he achieve these though?
10/20/15 (Tue) 19:49:15 No. 57592
10/20/15 (Tue) 19:59:12 No. 57593
10/20/15 (Tue) 20:04:30 No. 57595
I don't even want to imagine how would these 5 years look like for op trapped in the wonderland with that powerful tulpa girl…
10/20/15 (Tue) 21:48:47 No. 57608
op is no longer here
either dead or absorbed by his tulpa
10/21/15 (Wed) 13:38:41 No. 57716
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/21/15 (Wed) 17:29:10 No. 57748
OP here.
Why do you want to see me dead so much?
I'm alive and well.
And I do not regret belonging to my tulpa now. I know she loves me.
Although she likes to make me tremble with fear before her, she never did anything to harm me.
Today she shrunk me to like 5mm inside her mouth. Then placed me on her tooth and threatened to close her jaw and crush me with her other teeth. She demanded to beg for her mercy. It was very scary and got even worse when she suddenly did what she said. But just before crushing me she shrunk me even more so that her teeth did not harm me and I ended up safe between them.
I felt really broken after this. And absolutely powerless. I knew how defenseless I was against her.
Meanwhile she fed on my fear and smiled seeing how obedient I've become. She really likes seeing me broken like that.
But I'm happy I can serve her and let her enjoy herself thanks to me. It is a blissful feeling to be her toy no matter what you think about it.
So, please don't hate me just because of my fetish and my wonderful tulpa.
10/21/15 (Wed) 18:58:50 No. 57754
/: : : : : : : ー'ゝ人 人 ヾr' l l:::::::l /:::/ l l:::::. l '-‐ / /:: : : : / : : : l : : : : ` ー‐ヘ__人 /ヽ--ゝゞ;;;;{ヽ::ヽ ヽ:::.......::ヽ:::::ノ / //:/: : :// : : : l :l : : : : : : :/ : : : /ヽ、__, ィ'´ヽ l _ノノ`ー、`ー‐':::ノ:::::::::::::::lノlゝイ´ . ∥∥: ::〃: : : : : !: !: : : : : :/: / : / : : : : : ::/: /: Yヽ___l l::::::::::::l ヾ::::::::::::::::::::::::/lr'ノ´ ∥∥: ∥: : : : \! i: : : : : /!:/: :/ l: !: : : : :/::/: : : ! ヽ ヽ::::::::ヽ、 `ー‐--=イ-r' . ∥∥: ∥: : : : : :/\: : : :/ i:i : :i !:i: : : : /::/: : : ::!ヽ ヽ、`ヽ;;;;;rz` ‐ '"´_ノ/ ノ .. 川 !i: : ::`ーr‐、:rl/: ::\/ !i: : ! !i!_, -‐‐ '"" ̄!: ! ヽ 'ヽ ノヽ -' Lー--'人ノ } . !: : ::::::::::! ,≧=ニ,_/ヽ i !: :! /!!: : : l//: : : : : !: !:l: : : :{ノ / ` T l、___ノ . !: : :::::::::::! | {::::匸リi !!!;;! _,ヶ-ニ;;__;,;,;,;,;,!::!:!: : : / ー-----‐' ! !: :! . i:!: : ::::::::::! ゝ-='´::! ´l {:::::匸jテ=- ヾ: : / /:::::::::::::::::::::::! !: : ヽ !ヽ : ::::::::i :::i `ゞー‐'´´ ': :! !:::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ ヽ、: :ヽ、_ ヽ: : ::::::! ::i '; ヽヽ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::`ヽ、ヽ、, -‐'''""二 ヽ: ::::::', { '; : lヽヽ、:::::::::::::::::::-‐=-‐‐'''"´ ̄:::::::: ヽ: ::::ヽ ` , ': ::!: : ::/ー‐‐''i'''i''''''''''' ̄ヽ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ヽ :::::ヽ 、_____ /l: ::/: ::/: : : : : ://::::::::::::::::::、:::ヽ ヽ::::::::ヽ `ー-‐'"´ / Ⅳ /: : : : : :〃:::::::::;:::::::::::',ヽヽヽ ',:::::::::::ヽ , '" //: : : : : : /:::::::::/!::ハ:::::::! ヽ ヽ !::!ヽ::::::::ヽ , '" //: : : : ::::::::::'::::::::/ l//:::::/ !/ ヽ:::::::/`ー‐ 、' ´ //: : : :::::::::::::::::; ''"´ ,'::/ / ヽ:::/ ヽ /::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::ヽ i/
You're such a faggot, OP. Thanks for the laughs
SAGE! 10/21/15 (Wed) 23:23:17 No. 57778
I don't know whether to laugh or to cry. This is fucking hilarious though, no offense OP but you are fucking retarded.
p.s She will never love you kek
10/22/15 (Thu) 01:06:53 No. 57790
10/22/15 (Thu) 03:12:57 No. 57796
a curse or a blessing
who knows
10/22/15 (Thu) 03:38:02 No. 57797
how do you even roleplay this hard?
i don't get it
10/22/15 (Thu) 07:38:21 No. 57806
uses words
not understands them
>how do you even roleplay this hard?
implying he roleplays it
10/22/15 (Thu) 13:11:48 No. 57821
What's your tulpa's name? It wouldn't happen to start with a "V" would it?
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/22/15 (Thu) 13:48:56 No. 57823
The fetish probably is a curse. Anyone who has it would agree.
But my wonderful tulpa is a blessing for sure.
This is no roleplay.
I guess you do not have a tulpa, so you don't know how real it feels.
Her name is Ni (read as in 'night').
>It wouldn't happen to start with a "V" would it?
'V' for what?
10/22/15 (Thu) 13:52:19 No. 57825
Your tulpa is a demon. Ni? really, you got rekt by a tulpa named Ni? Damn son, if I had my own tulpa I would send it to kick yours ass for you.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/22/15 (Thu) 14:01:20 No. 57826
>Your tulpa is a demon.
How do you know?
Can tulpa be a demon?
Anyway I'm happy with her.
That is the name she asked me to call her.
Maybe it's a short for something? Don't know, she wouldn't tell.
>if I had my own tulpa
You could probably understand a bit more then.
And be knowledgeable enough to post in this thread.
10/22/15 (Thu) 14:08:16 No. 57827
>Knowledgrable enough to post in this thread
oh? kek please first of all I don't need one so I don't have one. Second you became a slave to your own creation, you can't talk shit to anyone. Your own imaginary friend turned you into it's bitch. You have no self respect or value anymore you are a vessel. You couldn't even tell it to fuck off, then you made a thread asking for help then you conformed anyway faggot. Who's knowledgeable?
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/22/15 (Thu) 14:14:11 No. 57828
Still it is knowledge.
And you have no idea about anything mentioned in this thread.
>Ni (read as in 'night').
Don't go lower than you already are.
And stop insulting her.
10/22/15 (Thu) 14:27:35 No. 57829
>Don't go any lower than you already are.
Seriously, do you have any position to say this.
>You have no idea about anything mentioned in this thread.
I do but you're autistic and won't accept it if I say that so I'll just name things down that I do have and you don't.
Number 1
Number 2
Number 3
Number 4
Number 5
Number 6
Number 7
And the list goes on
10/22/15 (Thu) 15:37:17 No. 57835
>Make a wrestler tulpa to destroy and absorb gf tulpas
>Send it to OP's house
>Laugh at the thread that springs up the next day
>Call OP a pussy for never getting a 3DPD gf
Too bad making tulpas takes a lot of time.
10/22/15 (Thu) 16:15:15 No. 57839
Money to the nigga who makes a pinkguy or chinchin tulpa
>when you realize papa franku made chinchin to collect the power from the sacrifices his fans made.
10/22/15 (Thu) 16:51:04 No. 57843
>Send it to OP's house
tulpas do not work that way
SAGE! 10/22/15 (Thu) 17:30:21 No. 57848
Humor does, though
10/22/15 (Thu) 20:44:31 No. 57864
Who says they don't?
10/22/15 (Thu) 22:36:24 No. 57871
Tulpas can do anything their host can do. I'd say that "merging" with her was relatively harmless, since they're the same person. This is also why OP doesn't want you to insult her. You're insulting him when you do.
All that said, I still agree that OP is a faggot.
SAGE! 10/23/15 (Fri) 00:29:21 No. 57883
No she is a thoughtform man, it's more like a cancerous cyst he created with his imagination. Worse he did it entirely out of his lustfilled ego, he made a poor decision in not conquering that part of him.
10/23/15 (Fri) 01:02:40 No. 57887
If by send you mean tell it to go, then of course that won't work. But of course its possible to send it. That would just be a bit involved.
10/23/15 (Fri) 01:21:51 No. 57890
The tulpa is not a demon, it is a thoughtform. The tulpa is not the main problem but a symptom.
You are possessed by a demon. It makes you feed it through attention to your fetish in return for sexual gratification. It made you summon this tulpa in order to more easily feed it. You did not make the tulpa. The demon did while possessing you.
Your True Will, your purpose, is not towards sexual gratification. This is not action upon the world. Your purpose might be to be a slave to someone with a higher purpose, but that tulpa is not such a being. The tulpa's purpose is to take energy and grow and to be a convenient target through which you can feed the fetish demon.
Banish the demon through refusing the sexual gratification it offers. Be strict. Find or construct a lengthy banishing ritual. Use it, and every time the demon's influence is too strong. (It is possible to broker a contract with it, but that is purposeless in this case. Sexual gratification is not useful for anything that you are doing now.)
Connect with your True Will and your higher self. What is your purpose? If you have affinity to thelema, move towards knowledge and conversation with your holy guardian angel. If not, do something analogous. This is a useful source (http://alittledeathblog.com/2012/01/17/what-is-the-hga/ )
Ask questions like "what would your 10 year old self think of you now?" "what stories were/are you drawn to?" "who were your heroes?" "what were your goals?". These are hints towards what your purpose is. (note that these are all past tense. Your current desires are almost all products of the demon's possession)
You are not too far gone. Hear your Will buried under the demon's possession. It is strong. Let it out.
Spooky !bEWm9UCwNI 10/23/15 (Fri) 08:04:45 No. 57945
Telling her he's into anal now and wanting to do Her in the butt is a baaaaaad idea, man unless he's into anal vore >>
Yeah, you read that right, and I can guarantee that would be her first reaction and solution to hearing that from him and would only give her more power over him. Not less.
10/23/15 (Fri) 14:14:12 No. 57983
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/23/15 (Fri) 17:29:09 No. 58012
I'm writing this because Ni wants to thank you for your reply.
I was not into anal nor anal vore and neither was she. That was until she saw your post.
She said she just wants to try it, but I could see in her eyes how she likes the idea already.
And obviously there was no option to say no.
I'm not sure if I want to describe what happened next… I will just say that this time she didn't shrink me and simply asked to be kissed there. But roughly after a minute of this I opened my eyes just to find myself 2" tall and stuck between her buttocks. She spread them and inserted me legs first in there up to my waist, hands stuck inside as well. Obviously there was no running away. She proceeded to masturbate herself while her muscles sucked me more and more in. This and what followed next lasted probably at least half an hour and was so horrible that I don't even want to describe it.
It was most degrading experience she ever gave me. And unfortunately she really enjoyed it, while obviously I didn't. Of course I was happy to be able to serve her and make her happy, but it was really too much for me.
Strangely enough she was concerned with this situation saying she cannot accept things that I do not enjoy as well. Sounds pretty good? But her solution is that from now on she will be doing this everyday until I learn to like it… And probably eventually I will.
So as you can see she is playing with me and my emotions. And I accept this totally. But now, thanks to you, she is doing it in even more nasty ways…
10/23/15 (Fri) 18:19:17 No. 58019
10/23/15 (Fri) 18:25:16 No. 58023
Fuckin lol.
It would also be extremely dominant of her to grow a huge cock and fuck your ass while shrinking you so your asshole is tighter and tighter for her.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/23/15 (Fri) 19:50:01 No. 58036
Fortunately she is not a fag like you :)
10/23/15 (Fri) 21:42:02 No. 58045
That's nice that she doesn't want to demean you in the basest, most humiliating way possible. Otherwise your body would stretch and tear at how powerful she is, but she doesn't want you to feel that degraded and emasculated.
Plus, the fact that she doesn't want to means that you still have some influence over her. She may not even realize it.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/23/15 (Fri) 22:12:01 No. 58048
I just accidentally imagined how sick that would be.
My tulpa noticed it, since she can access my mind.
She came over to me and slapped me hard in the face.
And rebukingly said that she loves me, not hates me…
10/23/15 (Fri) 22:29:25 No. 58050
OP, tell your tulpa about Cock Vore. :^)
Update us on what happens.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/23/15 (Fri) 22:39:42 No. 58052
She can see your posts. Asked me if I want it. I said no, because I'm straight. She just replied: 'good'.
But your stupid posts changed her. She is serious now, and she never was like that. She was always playful and energetic. Now she seems… sad. So fuck you. I'm going now to figure out what's that about.
SAGE! 10/23/15 (Fri) 23:39:35 No. 58057
Holy shit OP is so full of shit, why are you guys feeding this shitty thread and this fags ego. This is his gay ass fantasy story.
10/24/15 (Sat) 16:16:17 No. 58118
ultimate degenerate
10/24/15 (Sat) 16:19:28 No. 58119
Come on now, you can get her to Cock Vore you. Don't you want to try everything first? Let me look up all those other fetishes that may help your tulpa.
10/24/15 (Sat) 16:27:24 No. 58120
List of things you can try:
Inflation, amputation, general BDSM, playing with shit, necrophilia, water play, and who knows. Maybe bestiality.
Update us on what happens!
10/24/15 (Sat) 17:31:54 No. 58122
choose one
10/24/15 (Sat) 17:51:05 No. 58124
>no fun allowed
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/24/15 (Sat) 18:18:55 No. 58127
>>58023 >>58045 >>58050
To begin with, I want to say that your degenerate posts made Ni angry. Both with you writing these stupid ideas, but also with me for believing she could do such sick things to me.
As you may expect making her angry didn't end well for me. It costed me several whips and eventually begging her to stop while kissing her feet.
She said the only things she does to me are those she thinks we will both like. Obviously only her opinion matters, I should just obey, because she knows what is best for us.
But if she finds something sick, then she will definitely not do it to me. Especially that she is into femdom, and only related and straight fetishes turn her on.
>Don't you want to try everything first?
No, I don't. And neither does she. Ni does only things she likes, not 'everything'.
>List of things you can try:
Thank you for trying to fuck up my life even more.
The good news is Ni is not into any of these.
She says she is open to new fetishes, but not sick ones that she doesn't like.
10/24/15 (Sat) 19:17:56 No. 58135
>but not sick ones that she doesn't like.
even if you do actually have a tulpa it's clear you have more power over it than you are letting us believe.
and see if she wants you to stick stuff in your urethra
10/24/15 (Sat) 19:19:52 No. 58136
stop making it so sexual, you freaks
can't you have more use for the tulpa?
10/24/15 (Sat) 19:45:58 No. 58138
If you want useful tulpas, check out the main Tulpa thread in the catalog.
This thread is about OP and his shitty creation. OP thinks to himself that he is a weak little bitch because he loves his fetish.
SAGE! 10/24/15 (Sat) 21:50:01 No. 58154
>made Ni angry
No made YOU angry
>things we both like
Funny how you claimed she was torturing you in order for her to get power over you, I'm sure she would of done just anything to convince you to give up. Especially things you didn't like, because she did do that.
OP is full of shit, stop feeding this shit thread.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/25/15 (Sun) 11:15:02 No. 58215
What exact power do I have?
She does what she likes. And only that. She doesn't care for your or my opinion.
When she is into something, she does it whether I like it or not: >>58012
And when she doesn't like something, she won't do it: >>58127
>Funny how you claimed she was torturing you in order for her to get power over you
I was wrong. Now I know she loves me. She may show it in a weird way, she may torture me, but I believe her.
>Especially things you didn't like, because she did do that.
Ni does what *she* likes. Not especially what I do not like.
She is also into emotional domination and breaking me.
Today Ni shrunk me down to 2" and, while holding firmly in her hand, started asking me tricky questions. Like why I love her, do I believe she loves me, why I doubted her, many what-ifs, etc.
And expected only right answers. And by right she meant showing how perfect she is. When my reply was not satisfactory for her, she shouted at me and threatened me.
She even asked me if I like her shouting at me. I'm glad I came up with answering that I don't because her shouting means I made her angry. Probably any other answer would lead to horrible tortures for me.
So if you can imagine this, you probably know how broken I was, trembling with fear before her and begging her to stop…
And eventually she did. After one answer she particularly liked, she put me on her palm and said she loves me. And that now I'm safe. I wasn't sure what to expect, but she reminded me I should believe her by now. She then used the finger of her other hand to pet me from my head through my entire spine.
After all those negative emotions she gave me, lying there in her palm and seeing smile in her enormous face right before me were most beautiful moments I ever had. I hugged her finger and looked into her gigantic eyes. I want to belong to her and make her happy.
And yes, I trust her absolutely now. She is very honorable, always of her word. I know she loves me. I believe in what she says and will never doubt her again.
So I don't care what you say about Ni. I just know I love her too.
10/25/15 (Sun) 11:56:10 No. 58217
>Now I know she loves me.
>When my reply was not satisfactory for her, she shouted at me and threatened me.
Sounds like a lovely case of stockholm syndrome.
One day you'll pull through, OP. Just remember that you are always in control, One day you'll see that she is nothing but an energy leech who is holding you back from infinite power, and you will free yourself.
How long until she stops being pleased by shrinking you down to 2" like you say she does in every post? Do you really not think that at some point she will want to take over your body and eventually your mind as the ultimate form of control?
Why do you even have Ni? Does she bring you sexual pleasure? Is it to act out your desire to be submissive? You talk about fetishes, yet I don't think you have ever once said you were brought to orgasm. So it seems more like a lifestyle than a fetish.
You could act these desires out in the astral every night in a much healthier way.
Very underrated post. I look at myself in third person as a hairless monkey which stops my lust and puts me to work. I suggest you do the same, OP. Take a look at your life from an outsiders perspective and judge it accordingly.
SAGE! 10/25/15 (Sun) 19:15:52 No. 58241
does she know what cucking is and has she fucked another tulpa while you watch like the beta faggot you are
10/26/15 (Mon) 00:01:52 No. 58268
Jackie Chan Tulpa, it's the only way, anon.
10/26/15 (Mon) 00:16:51 No. 58271
You have a problem you're not willing to face.
By letting her have her way with you JUST BECAUSE YOU WERE TIRED OF ARGUING WITH HER shows you're weak.
When your fetish becomes your life goal and dwarfs (lol) other aspects of your life you have a problem that you're too afraid to deal with.
10/26/15 (Mon) 00:26:48 No. 58272
>She can't accept things you don't enjoy
>Her solution was to do it until you like it
She CAN accept things you don't enjoy, that lying bitch doesn't care about what you want.
SAGE! 10/26/15 (Mon) 01:11:05 No. 58278
Don't tell me OP got shat on kek. OP I genuinely feel bad man, this is probably worse then a entity attachment.
10/26/15 (Mon) 05:06:51 No. 58290
It's one of the most autistic threads I've seen in a long time.
Ni sounds like a shitter. I wouldn't like her in real life and if I made a tulpa it would be a lot more badass then her.
Suck it Ni, have fun shoving a tic tac up your ass.
10/26/15 (Mon) 12:13:26 No. 58327
Do you even know what this word means?
I hate stupid people using words they don't understand and only heard somewhere it's 'cool' to use them. So pathetic.
10/26/15 (Mon) 14:41:27 No. 58329
Tulpas are pretty autistic seeing how you have to have a near autistic level of dedication and focus on making a tulpa, and due to the fact that OP does not seem very socially aware.
10/26/15 (Mon) 19:54:30 No. 58336
Get out fedora. How is making a being that can think for itself something that is 'autistic'?
10/26/15 (Mon) 20:14:59 No. 58337
Having a lot of dedication defines a practitioner of magick. Tulpas are very easy to make, provided you have a clear goal in mind.
10/26/15 (Mon) 23:20:28 No. 58342
I spent ~10 seconds every day before sleeping for 2 weeks and had a tulpa using a method here. It's that easy. It's only "autistic" if you do it the mundane way.
10/27/15 (Tue) 00:36:00 No. 58349
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/27/15 (Tue) 00:44:55 No. 58350
>Sounds like a lovely case of stockholm syndrome.
I doubt it really is the case, but good catch anyway.
>Do you really not think that at some point she will want to take over your body and eventually your mind as the ultimate form of control?
Is it even possible? And no, I do not think this. I trust her and she has proven trustworthy and truthful so far.
>Does she bring you sexual pleasure? Is it to act out your desire to be submissive?
Yes. As I stated in my first post, she discovered my giantess fetish (which probably had some submission background), and allowed me to fulfill (and develop) that fetishes.
>Take a look at your life from an outsiders perspective and judge it accordingly.
There is nothing to judge. We are just enjoying ourselves. She is a bit abusive, but if this is what she requires, then I'm ready to let her have it. What's wrong with it?
I don't know why am I even replying to you…
>what cucking is
Unlike many people in this thread, she does know what it is.
And no, she is not interested. She just wants me, and I need only her.
Read carefully my previous post >>58215
>Jackie Chan Tulpa
Why should I fight my wonderful tulpa? I love her.
No. She wanted to leave me if I don't let her have it her way with me. And I didn't want her to go.
>you're weak
Maybe I am. Maybe she likes me like that.
But I'm strong and successful in my daily life.
>She CAN accept things you don't enjoy
>doesn't care about what you want.
That's not true. She just knows I will learn to like it. And I trust her. Not that I have a choice. But I really do.
>lying bitch
Please stop calling her names.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/27/15 (Tue) 00:57:47 No. 58351
>doesn't care about what you want.
To prove you wrong:
Today she trampled me under her feet with her socks on. Crushing my entire body under her sole and my head under her toes.
And, while giving me a short break to let me catch some air, she asked if I like it, or whether I would prefer to have it with her bare foot.
So she does care for what I want.
Although probably I would not risk telling her that I don't like something she does to me…
10/27/15 (Tue) 01:06:17 No. 58352
>She wanted to leave me if I don't let her have it her way with me
make a new one
>But I'm strong and successful in my daily life.
come on don't lie to us
SAGE! 10/27/15 (Tue) 01:15:50 No. 58353
STOP, STOP FUCKING REPLYING TO THIS FUCKING THREAD. Have you not realized OP is full of shit and loves the attention. "Oh today this happened, I love her" >>Literally the entire thread. There is nothing substantial to add here at all. All this threads serves is an example to all who do magick out of pure raw ego and a 'what not to do' for all noobies who plan to make a tulpae/servitor. I doubt this guy is even telling the truth. There are more important things to talk about.
10/27/15 (Tue) 01:20:36 No. 58355
10/27/15 (Tue) 01:48:29 No. 58357
Search for the tulpa thread here and read the first post. After you start getting messages just talk to them as much as possible. I killed mine off because I never put time into her except giving her enough energy to stay alive.
>Is it even possible?
Well, she is a thoughtform, and if at some point she develops more energy than you and you are weak I believe she could take over your mind and body. I haven't heard any stories, but I suppose people that were taken over wouldn't go around spouting it. She doesn't exactly listen to you, anyway, so who knows if she might do it?
>if this is what she requires, then I'm ready to let her have it. What's wrong with it?
Thoughtforms are just as real as you and me. She may lie to you, or deceive you through pleasure. It is a very mundane attitude to approach them as a imaginary friend that cannot harm you, especially when they have full access to your mind.
Meh, if it's real we're giving Ni energy through attention, which may lead to something interesting. If not, it's an entertaining theory.
10/27/15 (Tue) 01:50:53 No. 58358
I can't find a tulpa thread here. Does it have a different name?
10/27/15 (Tue) 02:32:52 No. 58360
>which may lead to something interesting
like what?
10/27/15 (Tue) 03:44:21 No. 58364
It can also be used for other energy related things.
I don't know. Perhaps she takes over OP with the energy, or starts affecting the physical plane, or redirects the energy to OP, or maybe nothing at all. I don't know too much on thoughtforms. Look at egregores like Ebola-chan for example, but on a smaller scale with much less energy.
SAGE! 10/27/15 (Tue) 08:26:12 No. 58382
Hey OP, Ni should try cucking you. Making you watch as she fulfills the fetish with some other being while you have shit jammed up your urethra.
Frankly I think it's a funny possibility and on the off chance, that his tulpa is reading these comments suggesting some disgusting shit to further degrade the OP would be splendid. I have no respect for weaklings that willingly refuse to deal with their issues.
10/27/15 (Tue) 10:11:48 No. 58387
>Perhaps she takes over OP with the energy, or starts affecting the physical plane, or redirects the energy to OP
that would be interesting indeed
>Ni should try cucking you.
another filthy degenerate. and you say it's the OP who is weird…
also see OP's comment on this: >>58350
>I have no respect for weaklings that willingly refuse to deal with their issues.
and so you decided to fuck up OP's life even more? you are just a bad person, face it.
10/27/15 (Tue) 16:06:43 No. 58415
OP you should ask her if she would be interested in role reversal.
Think about how hot it would be to have a fairy sized girl hugging your cock or being almost crushed by the weight of it.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/27/15 (Tue) 18:40:34 No. 58424
>make a new one
But I love her. I don't want her to go, not to mention dying off forgotten. That would be cruel.
>come on don't lie to us
I don't have to.
>if at some point she develops more energy than you and you are weak I believe she could take over your mind and body.
Well, she may be very strong by now. But I'm sure she will not do this to me. She always says she loves me and all she is doing she does for me.
>Thoughtforms are just as real as you and me. […]
>It is a very mundane attitude to approach them as a imaginary friend that cannot harm you
I know and I have never had such approach.
>She may lie to you, or deceive you through pleasure.
I won't believe this. She is wonderful and honorable. And has never done anything I would not eventually accept…
>Perhaps she takes over OP with the energy, or starts affecting the physical plane
She feels very real to me already. But if she could do it I would be fine with it.
But she says this would be hard if not impossible, and she does not harvest my energy in the first place.
She is not interested in reversing the roles. And neither am I.
I don't even find your fantasy arousing in any way.*
But you are free to create your own tulpa like that… Although Ni, having the femdom fetish, has just protested this opinion.
* What I do find arousing is what Ni did to me today:
She again made me about an inch tall and ordered to count the friction ridges in her fingertip (pic related). It was hard not to make a mistake, and when I eventually gave her a wrong answer, she decided to punish me.
She shrunk me even more. So much, than I found myself trapped between the ridges of her fingertip. They looked like having 5 meters of height compared to my size. It was already very hard to climb them, and when she pressed the finger against her breast it become impossible. The ridges now formed sort of completely dark tunnels and changed her fingertip into a giant and claustrophobic labyrinth for me.
I felt really broken by how small and insignificant I was and how powerful she become. I knew out there she was enjoying her absolute power over me with a grin in her face…
Ni then ordered me to find a way out within 15 minutes. I don't even know how much progress I managed to achieve, but eventually I failed to meet the deadline. So she had to punish me again for disobeying her. Sound fair to me.
She lowered her finger with me on it, moved it down to her crotch, then used her other hand to spread her vagina, and tossed me inside down to its very bottom.
Then she masturbated with me trapped in her while laughing and constantly reminding me how powerless I am. Right after she orgasmed I passed out…
I know this was absolutely abusive and cruel, but I find this arousing and she enjoys playing with me like this. So there can't be anything wrong with it.
Ajimu Najimi 10/27/15 (Tue) 21:00:46 No. 58434
What a cute thread you got here, OP
10/27/15 (Tue) 22:50:08 No. 58443
>and she does not harvest my energy in the first place.
This is not possible without intention, as tulpas are thoughtforms and must have some sort of energy given to them to keep them alive.
10/27/15 (Tue) 23:46:31 No. 58451
Is this thread some form of Kama Sutra for the giantess fetish?
10/28/15 (Wed) 00:19:24 No. 58453
>used her other hand to spread her vagina, and tossed me inside down to its very bottom.
Did you like it in there? Seems comfortable.
10/28/15 (Wed) 00:31:40 No. 58455
>Ask questions like "what would your 10 year old self think of you now?" "what stories were/are you drawn to?" "who were your heroes?" "what were your goals?".
Wow. That… That really hurt when I was expecting it the least.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/28/15 (Wed) 00:57:32 No. 58459
It's just my story. How is it bait if you can stop reading right after the first post if you don't like it?
Thank you.
This is what she told me. And I have no reasons not to believe her.
>Did you like it in there? Seems comfortable.
Yes. It is very comfortable and warm. Also the smell mixed with her pheromones are insane.
At my size it wasn't even claustrophobic in there.
You should be careful not to drown though.
Nice girl, but she cannot even compete with Ni.
Pic related, she looks pretty much like my tulpa.
Face, blue hair, same confident look in her eyes.
Ni does not have the lip rings though.
10/28/15 (Wed) 01:08:56 No. 58462
File: 1445994538459.jpg (80.72 KB, 372x551, 372:551, Unique_hairstyle_3_female_….jpg )
10/28/15 (Wed) 01:33:38 No. 58463
>She is wonderful and honorable
Getting sexually abused, dominating the weak, and masturbating with you inside her are not actions any honorable being would do. Seek help.
Yeah but it's a motivating kind of hurt, thanks for quoting that specific part too. It's easy to get caught up in ones' present troubles and stresses, or form unhealthy/ignoble habits, but the thought of "what would your child self think?" always helps me get back on track. Now that I think about it, I feel that maybe I was more spiritually developed when I kid than I am now.
10/28/15 (Wed) 01:41:14 No. 58465
>getting sexually abused…
should be
>She sexually abuses you, dominates the weak, and masturbates with you inside of her…
I always catch these things after I post. Gotta keep things consistent.
10/28/15 (Wed) 03:12:13 No. 58472
OP is obviously enjoying it and unlike most of you autists he actually has a tulpa, so shut up unless you can do feats of similar greatness. He may not do things like you'd do but he has come far compared to 90% of the forum's roleplaying faggots who think that synchronicity is all that magic has to offer.
10/28/15 (Wed) 04:12:48 No. 58479
I told somebody how they can create a tulpa in mere days in this very thread. Creating a tulpa is not a feat of greatness, it is a simple thing even mundanes can do. If anything, I am impressed by OPs visualization skills. Tulpas are nothing impressive because they are basically energy leeches.
If he wanted to do a feat of greatness, he could turn her into an egregore, manifest her physically, or do anything besides be used by this succubus for energy.
10/28/15 (Wed) 06:30:55 No. 58487
10/28/15 (Wed) 08:05:29 No. 58492
Can we ask "Ni" I some questions? Can you relay them to her?
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/28/15 (Wed) 12:04:24 No. 58503
>[…] are not actions any honorable being would do.
Ni does this for me. And enjoys it herself.
Well, it may be in the opposite order. She enjoys it in the first place, but also does it for me.
She made it clear yesterday (full story below).
>Seek help.
What help?
Thank you, but I don't think it is great in any way.
>create a tulpa in mere days
I doubt it is that easy. Of course creating a tulpa is almost instantaneous. But making it independent and self-conscious takes a lot of time.
>impressed by OPs visualization skills
It's her being so great to offer making me feel and almost see her. She put a lot of her effort into this.
>Tulpas […] are basically energy leeches.
Ni is a separate entity just like me. It's like saying you are an energy leech yourself.
>manifest her physically
She said it is hard or even impossible. >>58424
Ni is not particularly interested in taking part in this thread.
But she can see all your posts. And I can ask her to answer some. If she agrees.
The full story I promised:
It was late in the night, so she suggested she is not going to abuse me that one time, but just shrink me and hold me in her hand until we fall asleep.
And so she was there in my bed, lying on her side with 2-inches-tall me in her hand right next to her face.
Her giant lips were no more than my arm's length away. Her mouth was slightly opened and I could feel hot and wet air going around me as she breathed. The sight of her soft lips, beautiful smell of her breath, it was all simply hypnotic.
I leaned towards her face and kissed her lips. Once, then another time, finally kissing her mindlessly and licking her saliva off her bottom lip. I was in heaven.
Obviously she noticed it and after I was done she asked if I asked her for permission to do it. Since I had none, she begun to crush me in her hand threatening to punish me. I could tell she enjoyed what I did, and this wasn't a real punishment, just her playing with me. But then I did something stupid.
I reminded she promised not to abuse me that one time, immediately realizing what horrible thing I did. I started to apologize her for questioning her decisions, but it was too late. She got mad at me and I was now trembling with fear before her. Ni said she and only she decides what we do, and I am in no position to request or ask for anything, and above all question her actions, as I am merely her toy and property. This is what I agreed to >>57145 , so I knew what I did was wrong and I deserved a punishment like never before. And I received a harsh one…
Before you ask, yes, she often does ambiguous things or asks tricky questions >>58215 just to make me say something inadequate and have a reason to punish me. She loves this game, I can see that sparkle in her eyes when she is about to play it.
But that's the relationship we have, and even if Ni tends to abuse me, I still love her.
10/28/15 (Wed) 12:39:13 No. 58507
If OP is troll, well played man, you got a lot of people here upset. Enjoy all that loosh you farmed.
If OP is not troll, then:
You're a sad pathetic loser. You're scum, lower than a dog. Your tulpa just realized what a gigantic faggot you are and it's just taking advantage of you. She DOES NOT LOVE YOU and she definitely DOES NOT WANT THE BEST FOR YOU.
See, it's not that hard to understand. Your tulpa is , well…a piece of shit fucker. She's a goddamn bitch and she is bitching you around. You're probably incapable of making a real woman fall in love with you so your last resort is to let a bitch ass tulpa control you like you're fucking bambi the fucking deer.
If you want your situation to change, wake up every morning and say
And then you grab her and hold her down and fuck her up the ass and watch her cry and then when you're done you beat her ass for making you a fucking stupid slave
If you need more help let me know, I will do some ritual and powers to get that fucking slut to behave the way she should behave, as a submissive, docile sex partner. Which is what she should be, she's probably a piece of shit lame entity who doesn't know how to love, much like you, OP, who thinks that love is abusing other people or being abused by other people.
Your present situation is great for both you and her because she likes abusing and you love being abused. You piece of shit cuck, you make me laugh. You're pathetic and you know it.
As for Ni…well, there are all sort of negative entities going around, that's another discussion. But you OP, you're the greatest gaylord I've seen in this board in a few weeks, so CONGRATS!!! this is hard to achieve, but you managed to be the lowest scum among scum lords
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/28/15 (Wed) 13:03:06 No. 58509
Nice, but cg won't ever show her beauty.
I'm not a troll. And neither a loser.
I'm successful in my daily life. And I have a wonderful tulpa who loves me and shares my fetishes.
What do I need more?
>If you want your situation to change
But I don't. I accepted Ni as my owner and let her have it her way with me. I love her and want to be with her.
10/28/15 (Wed) 13:37:15 No. 58511
>But I don't. I accepted Ni as my owner and let her have it her way with me. I love her and want to be with her.
You're pathetic and a loser. Poor lost fucker
And your tulpa is a piece of shit, let her know that if she was with me I would make her take my cock and cry like a poor baby dog
10/28/15 (Wed) 13:55:20 No. 58514
hey OP guess who's fucking your bitch ass tulpa right now
yes it's me
she loves my big fat dick, she don't need no white loser
Ajimu Najimi 10/28/15 (Wed) 14:13:39 No. 58516
.;’./.::;ィ ´ Ⅵ__.| | |l | i .;:〃 l |iィ'.:Tli .| | .:|l.| | l il::i ij/}l | .|;}i .|i .:| .| |l.| |Can't you tell that | il. l |l |l_|/ l| .|| .:| :| |l.| | I'm making fun of you? | ll. |l..|l/ ,ィ≪z|:.| .l| |l.|l>‐ミ| |:f|、|lイ./.イ:::}.〃| | .i| l|| リ´ |:|'`゙¨i 〃|::リ ||| .リ ||l;′ |:| |i }/ ||| .;′ ||! |:| リ ||| .:i || You really are pathetic, OP |:| |l./ .l:.|| _|| l:| l人、 .ィ' l |> ´ | l:| |l.:|ハ ィ_ノ . / ≧zz. ;| . /\ .}| ||.:| `ヽ ./ .イ_〉 / .\.l| !|.:| }:. 乂_......<. `ヽ ト、 . / }从|.:| __ .:|∧ |l>x:::.\:..人 / /メ、 / ./ノ从´. `ー―`¨:|| |;’ \¨´ .\ .イ /´
10/28/15 (Wed) 14:18:44 No. 58517
kek what the fuck is this
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/28/15 (Wed) 14:24:46 No. 58519
The only pathetic guy I see here is you. So triggered, alpha-wanna-be, so much hate, butthurt unmeasurable in known units, and even wastes his time to create this sad image. *This* is pathetic. 1/10 for making me reply.
Pathetic guy got triggered.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/28/15 (Wed) 14:30:42 No. 58520
Ni just said you are laughable and so low she wouldn't even want to torture you and take away your dignity, because there is none. Typical badass rubbish guy she is not interested in.
Just wanted you to know.
10/28/15 (Wed) 14:41:28 No. 58521
lol that bitch already forgot the old times
what an ungrateful whore, now she pretending she didn't enjoy dick with me and my friends
fucking bitch ass whore I will give her a huge dose of the dick as I did in the past, she will remember who was her original master
OP this is too much strong spirit for you, that bitch loves a good spanking and some dick on her face but as soon as you stop controlling her she goes around trying to abuse other people lol
her days are numbered OP don't worry
Ajimu Najimi 10/28/15 (Wed) 14:52:10 No. 58523
Updated version of >>57555 when?
SAGE! 10/28/15 (Wed) 14:59:56 No. 58524
Your insecurities are showing.
But seriously, you actually went and took the time to edit that shit? lel
10/28/15 (Wed) 16:19:07 No. 58531
stop trying this hard, it's below low
do you even know how tulpas work pleb?
hard to update. it already contains the most important creepypasta.
what shall we add without copying the whole thread?
only OP's stories? that sounds fine, but ruins the original picture's purpose as a warning
>Your insecurities are showing.
they just said what they think about that guy. and they are right.
insecure? not really, where did you read this?
trolled? a bit.
10/28/15 (Wed) 16:27:18 No. 58533
OP's comments worth adding:
btw. I'm curious if there are girls in real life who find it sexy
or would like to own an obedient shrunken guy like OP
10/28/15 (Wed) 16:31:12 No. 58534
I think you May be onto something…
10/28/15 (Wed) 16:49:31 No. 58535
File: 1446050986970.jpg (126.37 KB, 1008x566, 504:283, The-Knights-Who-Say-Ni-mov….jpg )
10/28/15 (Wed) 17:32:24 No. 58541
SAGE! 10/28/15 (Wed) 20:00:32 No. 58555
I'd make a tulpa sex slave if it wouldn't be a compete waste of time, energy, and loosh.
I'm researching tulpae and servitors now. The latter seems infinitely better.
Sage cause this thread has gone on long enough.
10/28/15 (Wed) 20:35:16 No. 58565
but the knights were saying 'ni' as in 'nIgger'.
and the tulpa's name is Ni as in 'night', see >>57823
>>57826 (OP)
>That is the name she asked me to call her.
>Maybe it's a short for something? Don't know, she wouldn't tell.
that may be interesting. if I understand right she choose the name for herself?
are there any demons/angels/whatever whose name starts with Ni pronounced /naɪ/?
or maybe just female names? that could be worth investigating.
SAGE! 10/28/15 (Wed) 23:45:20 No. 58580
10/29/15 (Thu) 01:38:06 No. 58585
>Now that I think about it, I feel that maybe I was more spiritually developed when I kid than I am now.
Exactly. And that's what hurts horribly. I'm glad it motivates you, friend; but I am simply not in a place in my life right now I can develop; spiritually or otherwise. And the worst part is, I can almost reach out and feel that oneness I had as a child. And now… Just no.
SAGE! 10/29/15 (Thu) 03:08:01 No. 58592
Holy shit that animation looks almost like Monkey Island. Awesome.
10/30/15 (Fri) 05:59:16 No. 58673
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 10/30/15 (Fri) 13:04:24 No. 58693
Thank you, but this is to be expected. We are on the Internet.
>if I understand right she choose the name for herself?
Yes, I didn't gave her a name. And after some time she told me to call her Ni.
>are there any demons/angels/whatever whose name starts with Ni pronounced /naɪ/?
>or maybe just female names? that could be worth investigating.
I asked her about it, and she told me not to ask about it and just call her Ni.
If you like than you can investigate it. But I won't. I trust her.
So just don't view/post in it. Are you going to spam the entire Internet over its shitness?
I didn't die and I'm not kill. Disappointed?
But it was a close call yesterday.
I was tired, but Ni ordered me to exercise anyway, do some push-ups, etc. To motivate me she was training with me.
When we were done she was in suspiciously good mood. She shrunk me down and ordered to lick the sweat off her body.
First her thighs, then abdomen, finally breasts. Her sweat was a bit salty but surprisingly refreshing. And full of her pheromones, which were making me go absolutely submissive and almost numb.
Eventually she decided to shrink me a bit more and put me under her armpit. Then she lowered her arm and firmly squeezed me with it.
It was dark, hot and moist under her armpit. I could hardly move, trapped by her ribs from one side and muscles from another. I could feel there is so much of her all around me, like I was inside of her. It was a delightful feeling…
Unfortunately the air supply was very limited in there, so after a while I started to suffocate. She must have had noticed it, but did not let me out. I started to struggle and beg her to let go. She replied that she hasn't come yet, and I must suffer more to give her pleasure.
I was really frightened I would die there. I tried to gasp for air as hard as I could, but eventually passed out…
I woke up some time later, still shrunken, with both my legs and hands tied.
Ni said that since I wasn't there when she climaxed, I will be punished and I must give her another orgasm.
And in case you think our relationship is one-sided, here is a proof it's not the case: she gave me a choice on how I am going to pleasure her. Maybe there weren't many possibilities, because she gave me just three, but it still I was able to decide.
Out of using me as her dildo, eating and digesting me, and crushing me to death with her foot I chose the first one.
And I'm glad I could let her orgasm twice yesterday. After all it's my purpose as her toy.
10/30/15 (Fri) 14:18:52 No. 58695
Did you use a 3d program to create her? Or did you just recreate her in that 3d program?
SAGE! 10/30/15 (Fri) 17:06:51 No. 58698
OP has been responding and to himself this whole time. Even his tulpa is only a figment of his imagination and it's actually him dressed up as a girl in a mirror. This whole thread is just samefagging save for the trolls. Don't waste your time here new comer, this is a prime example of the dangers of magick. Be careful of the road ahead, do not let your lust and your ego dictate your existence.
10/30/15 (Fri) 20:31:04 No. 58708
I prefer to read OP than shitposters like you.
>responding and to himself this whole time
this can be said about every anonymous thread. proofs?
>him dressed up as a girl in a mirror
>this is a prime example of the dangers of magick
what? samefaggotery and trolling? at least be consistent
>Don't waste your time here new comer
you yourself sound like a silly newfig
>do not let your lust and your ego dictate your existence
at least one sane sentence
>Fringe Girl icon
extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence
i.e. tits w/ timestamp or gtfo, that's the rule
SAGE! 10/30/15 (Fri) 21:29:06 No. 58717
kek the fact that there are fags actually interested in a thread called powerful tulpa. You sound more like a newfig . The dangers of magick refers to the tulpa obviously.
Pssh, you sound like you browse cuckchan.
10/31/15 (Sat) 09:41:41 No. 58757
more like trapchan now
10/31/15 (Sat) 14:25:01 No. 58769
a trap is failed sex change, a trap is not /fringe/
Ajimu Najimi 10/31/15 (Sat) 16:10:03 No. 58776
Literally the best thread in months
10/31/15 (Sat) 18:15:34 No. 58782
I think it was about now Hiroyuki Nishimura's 4chan board
11/01/15 (Sun) 17:47:42 No. 58892
>I tried to gasp for air as hard as I could, but eventually passed out…
don't you think she went too far?
>I must suffer more to give her pleasure.
how can she do this if she says she loves you?
11/01/15 (Sun) 21:03:18 No. 58906
I never heard other nicknames besides halfchan and cuckchan.
11/01/15 (Sun) 23:18:31 No. 58937
Well, since the recent events involving Hiroshima Nagasaki the name of 'trapchan' seems good too.
11/01/15 (Sun) 23:57:48 No. 58942
Recent events? Who is Hiroshima Nagasaki?
11/03/15 (Tue) 07:47:56 No. 59162
i'll play along a little bit.
op, you should ask your tulpa if she loves you. like just flat out ask if she loves you sincerely and maybe ask if she can show it in a way that's not that ridiculous giantess fetish.
fetishes aren't everything man, you can't live a fetish. like 60% of your life tops.
SAGE! 11/03/15 (Tue) 10:31:50 No. 59168
Don't bother.
I think it's pretty obvious OP is fucking with you all.
It would be like a cuckold fetish faggot doing a thread on /r9k/, or a macfag talking about how he got very expensive paid support and upgrades on /tech/.
He just hit all the right spots simultaneously, he did the classic troll maneuver where it looks like he asks for help and then cancels the petition. He's good. Very good, in fact. You all fell for it. He won.
Sageing to not give it more relevance.
11/03/15 (Tue) 17:56:24 No. 59216
11/03/15 (Tue) 17:56:40 No. 59217
you didn't pay attention in class did you?
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 11/04/15 (Wed) 22:48:46 No. 59474
I only modified the hair. This is a real photo from the Internets. Although I agree it looks very much like a 3d render, especially as a thumbnail here.
I won't even bother to reply. See this one: >>58708
If you say so.
>don't you think she went too far?
I accepted it her way, so there is no such thing as going too far. Whatever she decides is fine with me.
>how can she do this if she says she loves you?
She has right to some pleasure as well. It doesn't rule out her love for me.
>you should ask your tulpa if she loves you. like just flat out ask if she loves you sincerely
First of all I shall never doubt whether she loves me. I guarantee you wouldn't want to ask this question if you were me.
But I know she does. And she often confirms it.
>and maybe ask if she can show it in a way that's not that ridiculous giantess fetish.
This may be her favorite way, so probably there is no helping it. It always has some form of either this fetish, or other form of domination. But I can feel she is just playing with me and my emotions, and by doing this she shows her love and how she enjoys being with me.
>fetishes aren't everything man, you can't live a fetish. like 60% of your life tops.
Surely they aren't. But if she is all about them, then I'm not going to let her down. Both because I love her, and because I wouldn't risk it.
In their time everyone is.
SAGE! 11/04/15 (Wed) 22:57:42 No. 59479
Hey OP how does it feel to be less than a human and have the same value as a battery. :)
Just by existing alone, everyone on earth. Even the mundanes have more importance and self respect.
You are dirt so I know you like to be called that and treated that way. Your mom would cry if she knew. You have no freedom or future maggot. hee hee. I give it about a month till you get the dick.
11/04/15 (Wed) 23:08:39 No. 59483
no story today? I'm sure you have a recent one to tell. for science, of course
SAGE! 11/04/15 (Wed) 23:27:39 No. 59487
You have to be fucking kidding me. Not only is it sad someone actually cares about this shit, but to think some sad fucker is getting off on this is just lolcow levels of cringe. You know what, OP might just be the best lolcow ever. You are no better.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 11/04/15 (Wed) 23:52:01 No. 59496
>have the same value as a battery. :)
If I can be her battery, then I don't mind anything else. Least of all your opinion.
I love how she gazes with her powerful eyes into mine, while holding me firmly in her hand. Knowing all she wants is me.
I doubt this is how a battery feels like, but if you say so, then you should envy batteries.
>so I know you like to be called that and treated that way
Only by Ni. Probably wouldn't mind other girls to call me that, although my tulpa might not like that. But definitely not by you.
>You have no freedom or future
Since my tulpa is technically part of me, belonging to her does not limit my freedom in any way, does it?
>hee hee
In one line you say what happened to me is bad. In another you laugh at my 'misery'.
What does it tell about you? Aren't you just evil in what you do and say?
Well, this thread is not quite about describing in detail what I do with my tulpa.
But if you insist.
Since many doubt in Ni's love for me, maybe this story, that happened 2 days ago, will be a good one to post:
That day, to no surprise, she shrunk me to about one inch. And ordered to obediently kiss her hand. I assure you it is a delightful feeling to be there between her fingers, to touch her nails and worship her. If you don't understand this, you probably never will, but I'm sure there are some people here who get it.
That time she was pleased with me doing my job. So she gently hold me in her hand and said she loves me and wants to have me forever. Do you still need more to believe she sincerely loves me?
Later she bound my hands to my feet behind my back, so that my body formed sort of a ring. Quite literally. She then put me on her ring finger and shrunk me more until I was shouting with pain. She smiled and asked how I like being her jewelry now. Of course I loved it, and when I looked in her eyes, I could tell she is really proud of her new idea for dominating me.
She then proceeded to masturbate herself with me still firmly placed on her finger. And I couldn't complain. Far from it, I was in heaven.
I could feel each movement of her finger's muscles with my entire body. Every time she bended her finger to rub her pussy, all my joints and bones were creaking. It was painful, but I loved the thought she enjoys herself so much having me like that.
SAGE! 11/05/15 (Thu) 00:09:23 No. 59499
No one can be evil by treating you badly. Because you are not human, you are dirt silly. hee hee, you gave up your value. You say your tulpa is a part of you but in fact that status is long gone. You are the food, she is the master. Food has no me only excrement. This is what you chose, you cannot complain, there is no 'you' to defend. All that is left of you is the shell, your only worth left is entertainment for the masses. hee hee
11/05/15 (Thu) 00:22:43 No. 59502
I like reading your posts. Please do continue if you wish so and don't let those naysayers discourage you.
SAGE! 11/05/15 (Thu) 00:28:57 No. 59506
I was gonna right out another essay on why you're an idiot, but I figure there's no point. Keep doing what you love, even if it is being shrunk and put in the vagina of a dominatrix thoughtform.
11/05/15 (Thu) 05:52:41 No. 59547
Holy shit thats hot op, please, can you tell more, are there more hot kinky tulpa stories out there?
I want to hear about hot deviancy with tulpas, the idea of a tulpa inventing its own kinks is EXTREMELY HOT, then again, I have a possession fetish, oh my god if i could develop a tulpa and let it take over my body and do lewd things on its own, fuck that would be hot
not that im actually going to try it i would just break my brain so you guys don't have to worry im not actually gunna try
11/05/15 (Thu) 06:18:13 No. 59548
literally saved to my fap folder
please OP, tell me, does people masturbating yo you turn Ni on?
So far im going to surmise yes, because you are still going
11/05/15 (Thu) 13:16:57 No. 59577
>what I do with my tulpa.
more like what she does with you
it makes a big difference
>said she loves me and wants to have me forever
>wants to have me forever
'be with you forever' maybe?
she seems to treat you as a thing that belongs to her
and this is not love
>Do you still need more to believe she sincerely loves me?
in fact: yes, see above
11/05/15 (Thu) 13:32:16 No. 59580
>Because you are not human, you are dirt silly. hee hee
just admit it: you are just a spoiled child full of hate
OP, don't listen to him. I mean all his insults and bullshit
the only thing he is right about is that what you do is bad for you
11/05/15 (Thu) 14:42:02 No. 59593
File: 1446734523312.png (3.3 MB, 1134x8671, 1134:8671, creepypasta-tulpa-fetish-2.png )
version 2
>literally saved to my fap folder
just don't end up like OP did
11/05/15 (Thu) 14:47:47 No. 59595
>actually masturbating
stay weak
11/05/15 (Thu) 15:47:47 No. 59603
Just out of curiosity, would you let already existing spirits take over your body?
11/05/15 (Thu) 17:27:31 No. 59615
holy shit lol I am happy for this dude, sometimes amazing things happen, ayy lmao
SAGE! 11/05/15 (Thu) 18:06:33 No. 59628
Hahahahahahahha, no one can feel bad about themselves knowing this guy exists. I'M DONE
>Actually falling for a troll this hard
The posters in this thread are like 12 years old seriously.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 11/06/15 (Fri) 00:08:32 No. 59684
Well, if you like reading about me and my tulpa, then I guess I could write some more about recent events ans update you on the future ones.
But I don't intend these stories to be some fap material. I just want to show you my relationship with Ni. It's all about love, not just sex and abuse. Also see below.
>does people masturbating [to] you turn Ni on?
Ni doesn't really care for other people and what they think or do.
And she is not into creating this thread at all. Says it's a waste of time, but she won't stop me from posting here.
But I think she likes to see me writing about what she did to me. Kinda like she is proud about what she does and wants to see I appreciate it.
These are also my private opinions on her, but there is nothing here she wouldn't already know. I'm always honest with her, I would never risk lying to her.
Still sometimes my posts can give her reasons to punish or abuse me. But that's ok, at least I can learn what I said wrong.
>treat you as a thing that belongs to her
I *am* her property and toy and I belong to her. So there is nothing surprising she treats me that way.
11/06/15 (Fri) 00:24:01 No. 59685
Some lonely kids create imaginary friends to talk to.
OP created one to shove him up its vagina.
11/06/15 (Fri) 00:29:28 No. 59686
potentially, if i had some certainty i could chase them back out
Oh no, its hot, but no way im letting it happen to myself, fuck no, seeing him being a battery is kinda hot, but, not something id want to have happen to myself, fetishes are fantasy and often ones that shouldn't actually be obtained
11/06/15 (Fri) 07:49:31 No. 59715
So "Ni", are you already a demon?
11/06/15 (Fri) 09:14:25 No. 59717
> Do you still need more to believe she sincerely loves me?
yes because it still seems like the only thing you two have in common is a giantess fetish.
i'm not telling you to accuse or doubt her, just to simply ask why. why do all these things? is it because she wants to? is it because she know you like it? did you only create her for this purpose? is this the only way she can love you? don't you want your relationship to be more than that?
basically it sounds like you're a sexually repressed man that created a thoughtform to be in a perpetual honeymoon phase. but you could have more than that and it would benefit both of you.
11/06/15 (Fri) 10:23:07 No. 59721
Can we contact Ni?
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 11/06/15 (Fri) 23:58:02 No. 59794
>OP created one to shove him up its vagina.
That wasn't part of the plan when I was creating her.
See my original post: >>56878
>So "Ni", are you already a demon?
What do you mean 'already'?
And no, she says she is not one.
>it still seems like the only thing you two have in common is a giantess fetish.
We have much more in common.
>why do all these things? is it because she wants to?
Definitely, she does whatever she likes to.
>is it because she know you like it?
Yes. Or thinks I will learn to like it. >>58012
>is this the only way she can love you?
She does much more: motivates me, is always close even when not playing with me, etc.
>don't you want your relationship to be more than that?
It is more than that. I know she loves me.
What she does to me is just her having fun while fulfilling my fetish.
>did you only create her for this purpose?
>created a thoughtform to be in a perpetual honeymoon phase
That wasn't part of the plan when I was creating her.
See my original post: >>56878
See >>58492 and >>58503
>Ni is not particularly interested in taking part in this thread.
>But she can see all your posts. And I can ask her to answer some. If she agrees.
11/07/15 (Sat) 00:14:17 No. 59796
How old is she now?
SAGE! 11/07/15 (Sat) 00:20:56 No. 59797
I can already start to see OP is slowing dying and disappearing. He's been in the process of being taken over for too long now. Soon enough he won't be around anymore.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 11/07/15 (Sat) 00:37:01 No. 59798
You asked many questions about Ni and she decided to have a chat with me on that. I got some strange answers that I would like to share with you and ask for your opinions.
First of all Ni was very serious during the entire conversation. And she really shocked me saying that she is actually not a tulpa, at least not in a way we think of thought-forms. If I understood her right, she claims to be a manifestation of my 'higher self' and sort of a guardian to me.
She says she is here to teach and guide me on what she called Service To Others. And that being her obedient slave is a good sign of my spirituality.
I risked asking her if what she does to me is in line with that service-philosophy. Strangely enough she wasn't mad at me for this question, I guess she was just serious this time. She replied that what she does is good for my enlightenment and she is actually serving me that way. And having some fun in the process is not a bad thing.
Now that I think about it, this really seems to make sense.
But you have much more experience in these topics. Please tell me what you think.
>How old is she now?
I'm not sure if this is even a valid question, especially after I learned the above.
She is with me for more than an year now.
And if you ask about her physical appearance, I would say she is in her early twenties.
SAGE! 11/07/15 (Sat) 01:13:30 No. 59801
Dude she is a massive troll, points to Ni. Let me tell you, indulging in sexual perversion is in no way a service to other people. Unless she means making people on the internet laugh to no end, then yeah she is right kek.
11/07/15 (Sat) 01:14:53 No. 59802
You should be banned from /fringe/.
11/07/15 (Sat) 01:27:47 No. 59804
>someone said something i didn't like so they should be banned
back to tumblr kid
11/07/15 (Sat) 02:21:06 No. 59809
11/07/15 (Sat) 02:49:59 No. 59810
Ni, Coke or Pepsi?
SAGE! 11/07/15 (Sat) 03:55:05 No. 59812
what the fuck loooooooool
11/07/15 (Sat) 06:14:50 No. 59817
That's not a good sign……
11/07/15 (Sat) 09:12:08 No. 59820
op is way too deep in it. whatever floats your boat, man.
just try not to hurt yourself.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 11/08/15 (Sun) 01:38:38 No. 59901
>she is a massive troll
She said she was serious about it. And I trust her.
Prove your accusations or shut up.
Hypothetical question: how would lying on this to me benefit her?
In what way it is worse?
I think it's exactly the opposite.
>Coke or Pepsi?
Neither, Ni says both are unhealthy and 'full of mind degrading sugar'.
>That's not a good sign……
Why do you think so?
Any particular reason?
>just try not to hurt yourself.
Ni has never hurt me, although she had many occasions to do so.
I trust her with all my heart.
11/08/15 (Sun) 02:15:18 No. 59905
>Neither, Ni says both are unhealthy and 'full of mind degrading sugar'.
Lame, as if I want to prolong my existence.
Next Q, will the Trump be stumped?
11/08/15 (Sun) 04:14:02 No. 59909
kek, you haven't provided a single counter argument of worth. You just believe everything she says blindly like she is god. You just initiated into your own personal religion. She owns you man, you have ZERO reason to believe a thing she says yet you do anyways.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 11/08/15 (Sun) 13:41:05 No. 59942
>you haven't provided a single counter argument of worth
Counter argument to what?
Not that I want to prove anything to you.
>You just believe everything she says blindly like she is god.
Well, she is my goddess.
And I have no reasons not to believe her.
She has always been good to me. Even when she was cruel when pleasuring herself, she still thought about me as well. In the end I was always sure she loves me and that I want to belong to her.
>You just initiated into your own personal religion.
I think this is just spirituality.
Religion requires faith and an object of cult.
>She owns you
She does. Wasn't it clear by now?
SigmaShaman !7zAMOtdUD2 11/08/15 (Sun) 15:56:16 No. 59947
I cant believe you faggots are still contributing to this shit thread… we already have enough shit threads already.
SAGE! 11/08/15 (Sun) 16:11:38 No. 59952
>I cant believe you faggots are still contributing to this shit thread
>bump it himself
I guess you're too a faggot for contributing in it, fgt.
11/08/15 (Sun) 16:49:42 No. 59955
This thread amuses me. It stays.
SigmaShaman !7zAMOtdUD2 11/08/15 (Sun) 17:03:49 No. 59964
>implying bumping on a slow board is contributing
SigmaShaman !7zAMOtdUD2 11/08/15 (Sun) 17:05:03 No. 59967
Also, nice grammar
>you're too
11/08/15 (Sun) 17:16:56 No. 59971
Shut the fuck up and leave this board.
11/08/15 (Sun) 17:34:40 No. 59973
you seem hurt that you needed to double post and reply to me twice??
11/08/15 (Sun) 18:28:15 No. 59978
A real shaman, wouldn't be so petty.
11/08/15 (Sun) 18:57:37 No. 59981
>Some lonely kids create imaginary friends to talk to.
>OP created one to shove him up its vagina.
at least you can't say he should have just found himself a gf to have this
don't get me wrong, but there hadn't been a story for some time now…
SigmaShaman !7zAMOtdUD2 11/08/15 (Sun) 19:10:22 No. 59983
Lol'd, haven't seen that pic in a while
Define the word "real"
11/08/15 (Sun) 19:35:34 No. 60001
You're a shaman as real as my dick in ur mom's pussy.
SAGE! 11/08/15 (Sun) 19:46:59 No. 60002
Well, at least this thread will disappear at 750 replies
11/08/15 (Sun) 20:04:53 No. 60009
agree damn this guy is tryhard
fuck tripfags never was one of any value
11/08/15 (Sun) 21:47:06 No. 60016
OP , you're in for some bad times.
You will be abandoned after having everything taken from you.
If you submit in your final moments you will be destroyed.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 11/08/15 (Sun) 23:03:43 No. 60018
What does /fringe/ think about what Ni told me back then? >>59798
>You will be abandoned after having everything taken from you.
What makes you believe this?
Because I don't feel like Ni is taking anything from me.
>If you submit in your final moments you will be destroyed.
Thank you for a warning, but I doubt it could happen.
SAGE! 11/08/15 (Sun) 23:21:16 No. 60022
You're being tricked. There is no such thing as "service to others" and it especially wouldn't be taught through sexual slavery. You're a slave to a malicious being and you refuse to accept it after all the advice we've offered. I alone have posted at least 7 times telling you of your errors, and every time you say "well I don't feel like I'm being abused, she says she loves me!"
You caused this, and now you will feel the effects.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 11/09/15 (Mon) 00:45:29 No. 60031
>You're being tricked.
>There is no such thing as "service to others"
>malicious being
Prove any of that. I'm sure you can't.
Not that I'm even asking seriously. Because I will never doubt her.
Just want to know why you have such bad opinion on her.
>and it especially wouldn't be taught through sexual slavery
How can you know, if you have never tried it yourself?
You don't understand what I feel when I am shrunken in her hand, absolutely in her might, looking obediently into her powerful eyes, when we both are aware I'm completely surrendered to her and absolutely at her mercy.
And that's the time I can literally feel her love for me. When, even if I'm aware she is all powerful, I'm still perfectly sure I'm safe with her. And this is a mutual relation, as she can feel how I absolutely trust her and worship her. In this state I can literally feel there is a bound of absolute love between us.
This is not even sexual anymore. It is purely spiritual.
Do you really think a 'malicious being' would let me feel like that?
>"well I don't feel like I'm being abused, she says she loves me!"
And I mean every word.
>now you will feel the effects.
And, according to you, what will they be?
SigmaShaman !7zAMOtdUD2 11/09/15 (Mon) 00:47:33 No. 60032
Basicly this OP, itll outgrow you and try to become the dominant part of your mind. Everything is nice and great until you're no longer of use.You're training something to dominate you, and you can't even go out and find some real pussy niggah.
This much roleplaying my gawd
HAHAHAHA, dats too great
11/09/15 (Mon) 01:27:30 No. 60034
You're gonna have a bad day and miss Ni is out to rule the school.
Is one perspective.
Honestly , there's not much to work with in this thread.
It's clear you have some sort of handle on this and it's not cool for people to get all up in your biz so I won't join the heckling.
You can understand why though , right ?
You're being shoved up vaginas and assholes in order to develop.
That's pretty wild , anon.
11/09/15 (Mon) 01:36:44 No. 60035
I won't claim some moral high-ground and lecture you.
It's just that most people would get a bit hesitant about this level of tempering. Not to say that our societal barometer is divinely calibrated , but the fact that most would consider this to be a bit twisted is reason enough to take a lil' sippy , pause , and reflect.
Is this conductive to your health ?
How are you feeling ?
11/09/15 (Mon) 03:46:23 No. 60041
STO is a thing, basically it's becoming completely, unbiasedly, and unconditionally selfless while not being a doormat for anyone or helping/feeding STS. If achieved you ascend automatically.
While submissivness may be considered sacred practice in some cultures, it is an archonic concept. He is right in what he says in that you will not achieve STO with the activity you engage in with your tulpa. This tulpa can indeed be a lesson for you in your life, however your tulpas actions are not directly helping you develop your higher functions. If anything I suggest you analyze what you really are gaining and learning from this, try to meditate and contact your higher self. Try to see what she is limiting you from, do you really not care for your freedom? Ask yourself that, really try to consider your own souls desires and not the desires she demands you to have. Even if you believe she is your higher self, she will never be your soul self. Consult that if anything.
While I cannot say anything about who you really are, from the posts I see here you do seem to display some issues with ego.
11/09/15 (Mon) 09:55:20 No. 60067
Ni, should I buy fallout 4?
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 11/09/15 (Mon) 20:56:14 No. 60116
>take a lil' sippy , pause , and reflect.
That's what I did. And so I created this thread to ask you for advice.
But then I decided to fully accept Ni having it her way with me >>57145
>Is this conductive to your health ?
>How are you feeling ?
I feel great being able to serve my goddess and knowing she loves me back.
I'm sure it only benefits me.
>STO is a thing, basically it's becoming completely, unbiasedly, and unconditionally selfless
That's pretty much what Ni said about it.
>while not being a doormat for anyone or helping/feeding STS
Since Ni denied being into Service-To-Self, then everything is all right about my relationship with her, isn't it?
>While submissivness may be considered sacred practice in some cultures
Could you please point out such cultures? I'm just interested.
>your tulpas actions are not directly helping you develop your higher functions.
I can't agree with this.
She has taught me so many things about myself and shown me true and absolute love.
I don't regret a single moment spent with her.
>do you really not care for your freedom?
I would give up my freedom any time to be with Ni and belong to her.
But she doesn't even want to claim my freedom. At least as long as I obey her.
>Even if you believe she is your higher self, she will never be your soul self. Consult that if anything.
What if she really is my higher-self that I should consult?
And what she does to me is actually good and benefits me?
What if I should just accept her and obediently follow her path? Who am I to debate her orders?
>Ni, should I buy fallout 4?
I'm surprised she replied to your troll question, but here is what she said:
'Your life is a way better RPG than that. Try playing it.'
11/09/15 (Mon) 21:53:34 No. 60127
See that's where the veil breaks
>I would give up my freedom
>What if I should just accept her and obediently follow her path? Who am I to debate her orders?
The higher self is not like this in any way for anyone. All divine respect free will. The higher self only wants you to grow, learn, and experience, however who you are can change but is still always the same in your soul. The higher self is not demanding or ordering, in fact it has to deal with whatever you choose regardless of whether it is wise or not. Not to mention the higher self does not have a gender and would not take persona in your mind in such an intruding way. The voice of the higher self is intuition, you created Ni she is not an expression of you but is a sentient being with her own goals and intelligence. She knows your mind well, you say yourself that she has taught you many things about yourself… Who better to deceive you then someone who knows everything about you? I was in a position similar in a sense in my life. At a time I had no faith and confidence in myself so I relied and confided in someone who I believed was unfathomably intelligent and experienced. He was literally out of this world, I thought his analysis of people and life were beyond my comprehension. But in the end I found it was false, and I had to deal with much consequences but once I knew what I can do, what I understand, that I am truly a god that is capable of anything. I never looked back, in fact I am happier then ever. You say who am I to debate her orders? YOU are a GOD, YOU created HER, she is making you believe you are beneath her and your worth or your capability is lesser. However she is merely a speck of what your mind can truly do, if she is making you believe otherwise then she is fooling you. Simple as that my friend. The truth is hard to accept, but trust me. Once you think for yourself and believe in that nothing can stop you. This being is temporary, you are eternal.
11/09/15 (Mon) 22:07:41 No. 60132
>Ni denied being into Service-To-Self
>Rapes you and forces you to engage in sexual acts until you like it.
>Shits on you until you like it
>Doesn't actually care if you ever like it or not
>Tortures you until you give up freewill
>Higher self
>Teaching me
>True absolute love
>Stockholm Syndrome
11/09/15 (Mon) 23:49:34 No. 60143
OP, this is all very interesting and all, but… where are the stories?
11/10/15 (Tue) 00:38:05 No. 60146
>I'm surprised she replied to your troll question, but here is what she said:
'Your life is a way better RPG than that. Try playing it.
KEK I fucking died
Too late Ni, already got it. Thanks for the advice though.
11/10/15 (Tue) 03:57:46 No. 60168
but Ni why haven't you pre-ordered Fallout 4 yet? Has Todd Howard's charisma and good looks not swayed you?
11/10/15 (Tue) 04:01:19 No. 60169
In the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit.
I call you, Ni, to leave this person and forsake him no more. In the name of Jesus Christ, I banish you!
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 11/10/15 (Tue) 09:25:10 No. 60198
>All divine respect free will.
Ni respects my free will. What turns her on is me *willingly* surrendering to her.
>only wants you to grow, learn, and experience
That's what I do. Thanks to her.
>The higher self is not demanding or ordering, in fact it has to deal with whatever you choose
I have never tested not following her orders. And I mean not to.
If I did, I guess she would just clearly show me how wrong my choice is, so that I could understand my mistake.
>is a sentient being with her own goals and intelligence.
True. But she also said she is sort of guardian to me and my higher-self.
>Who better to deceive you then someone who knows everything about you?
And who is better to provide me assistance than someone like that?
It's all about trust then. And I do trust her.
>>Ni denied being into Service-To-Self
>>Rapes you and forces you to engage in sexual acts until you like it.
It serves my development. That's what she says.
>>Doesn't actually care if you ever like it or not
She knows better. She won't do anything she is sure I won't like.
>>Tortures you until you give up freewill
I'm not giving up free will. She does it only until I *willingly* hand over my freedom to her.
And I assure you, it's a blissful feeling, being one with her, absolutely at her mercy.
Trusting her with whole my life, and knowing she accepts it and is happy to have it.
OK, I will post one later.
I read your post. She was here to read it.
And guess what? She is still here.
Which proves she is a good being.
11/10/15 (Tue) 09:39:16 No. 60199
I hope you realize your are contradicting yourself in your own posts. This is an unfortunate end friend, though I know you are wrong I hope you are right anyway. May you live happily for the rest of your days.
11/10/15 (Tue) 14:50:35 No. 60227
'Ni and OP' by Terada Ochiko
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 11/10/15 (Tue) 17:21:28 No. 60252
I like this image. Pretty much sums up how powerful Ni is.
But I had to change the colors a bit.
>I hope you realize your are contradicting yourself in your own posts.
Where did I contradicted myself?
>This is an unfortunate end
Do you really think Ni is going to hurt me? I don't believe it.
11/10/15 (Tue) 22:25:58 No. 60288
Ni, did you like the ending of Metal Gear Solid V?
11/11/15 (Wed) 04:47:17 No. 60323
You did contradict yourself faggot. You have been doing it all over this thread you are just too lost to realize it.
And he meant the end of your legacy dipshit
11/11/15 (Wed) 05:10:35 No. 60325
Ni. You're a big girl.
11/11/15 (Wed) 06:23:27 No. 60327
>This entire fucking thread
SAGE! 11/11/15 (Wed) 06:42:25 No. 60330
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 11/12/15 (Thu) 01:47:29 No. 60489
>You did contradict yourself
>you are just too lost to realize it.
Post examples.
She is, indeed.
I promised a story, so I will tell you how big she really is.
You will be surprised, but yesterday Ni didn't start with shrinking me down. Instead she ordered me to kiss her body and worship her. The way she said this made it clear that failing to comply will meet harsh punishment. Not that I had to be told twice.
Even being the same size as Ni I still felt afraid of her power. I'm sure she knew that well, and it was obvious she enjoys the situation. Each time our eyes met I literally shivered with fear, and became even more obedient and submissive. And from the grin in her face I could tell it's exactly what she expected from me. She knows me well after all.
Every time she moved her hand I was frightened she would soon shrink me and start torturing me with it. Please take a look into her eyes in this picture >>60252 and imagine a mouse trapped in a corner watching the cat coming closer and closer… That was how I felt. But she didn't intend to do anything to me. Instead she just enjoyed my reactions and smiled with satisfaction over how powerless and frightened I was.
You may think this was cruel, but I loved that feeling. It was wonderful to be able to fully experience her power and be aware she wants this too.
And I knew she was just playing with me and wouldn't hurt me, at least as long as I obeyed her unconditionally.
After several minutes Ni said she had liked how obedient I was and wanted to reward me. Since she noticed how I had liked to be in her power, she decided to let me experience even more of it.
I was already completely broken after the first part. But when I saw the sparkles in her eyes I was sure it had been nothing compared to what was coming next. And I wasn't mistaken.
Ni shrunk me to about mere 2mm and placed me right on her clitoris. I was kneeling there looking into her majestic eyes far above me. And then she shrunk me even more. To one tenth of my previous height. And then again made me ten times smaller. By that time she wasn't probably able to see me anymore. She grinned and said that from now on she will be shrinking me exponentially. 10^10 times to begin with… Summing up, that one made me 1'000'000'000'000'000 times smaller than my original height. Ni told me that the name for this number is a quadrillion and that I should remember it. Because it wasn't the end, far from it. She said the next stop is at quadrillionth power of quadrillion times smaller than I was already. I felt like I was disappearing. There was literally nothing around me. Only her enormous and overwhelming presence…
I could say she was high on the power she held over me and mad with the pleasure it was giving her. I was really terrified about how it was going to end. I trust her, but she knows well I am ready to let her do anything she wants in order to satisfy her.
Meanwhile she continued to shrink me faster and faster, and I am sure she was masturbating herself. At this point I was fully aware there was nothing I could do to stop her from shrinking me into nothingness. I fully accepted my fate and felt my consciousness is fading away the same moment I heard her orgasm…
I woke up in her hand, 4 inches high. She was lying on her back holding me before her face. She said it was the greatest pleasure I ever gave her and that she was happy I had been there with her until the very end. Then she gave me a kiss and let go of me.
11/12/15 (Thu) 02:06:14 No. 60494
She gave you a taste of whats gonna happen to your consciousness soon enough.
SigmaShaman !7zAMOtdUD2 11/12/15 (Thu) 02:41:07 No. 60499
Youve made a thoughtform that gets off on dominating you into a fear based state. Any logical /cringe/ lizard understands thats basically putting yourself under a leech and a ticking time bomb.
She keeps you as she's attached to you. As soon as the bitch is free she'll divorce you for half your loosh and marry Chad McAstralCock
11/13/15 (Fri) 04:22:32 No. 60702
I think Tulpas aren't real and none of this actually happened or is happening, and everybody who responds otherwise is just roleplaying and that's very sad.
11/13/15 (Fri) 05:36:34 No. 60710
>Chad McAstralCock
11/13/15 (Fri) 07:59:18 No. 60725
Gonna need an image and greentext asap on OP getting cucked by Chad McAstralCock
11/13/15 (Fri) 21:50:31 No. 60856
File: 1447451442787.jpg (19.63 KB, 236x361, 236:361, 447d52ff6a03ba8018ef072120….jpg )
Hey bro I totally understand how you feel but really,you and Ni, listen. You haven't seen nor experienced the total look of submissiveness and how destroyed he would look if you were fucked another sexy male tulpa in front of him. Just imagine it, him fucking you whilst your creator looks in shock and awe,wanting to get in on it and then you can stomp him or crush him under your hands like the disobedient submissive guy he is.
It'd be thrilling and mind destroying for him if he was on the giant tulpa male's top of the penis and repeatedly thrusted into your vagina again and again, realizing how helpless he is that he's NOTHING big at all in comparison to you.
You might as well try it sometime, both of you would enjoy it.
It'd also put him into his place. I wish you both the best :)
11/13/15 (Fri) 22:44:36 No. 60865
I'm not even OP but your hee hee bullshit is incredibly obnoxious.
SAGE! 11/14/15 (Sat) 00:15:27 No. 60874
>That was probably the point nigger.
11/14/15 (Sat) 02:38:32 No. 60886
cuck detected
please leave and take your homosexuality with you
11/14/15 (Sat) 04:52:57 No. 60900
Not denying that he is a filthy cuck and he should get out but, this would be fucking hilarious if it happened to OP.
11/15/15 (Sun) 03:04:04 No. 60992
Nah that's not cuckhold its just a more intensive version of the relationship between a dominant and submissive. I am fairly sure Ni will enjoy the submissive look on OP's face if they try it out.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 11/16/15 (Mon) 00:17:11 No. 61076
Can you say more on what you think about her spiritual origins and what she claims about it? >>59798
She won't tell me much more… Maybe I shouldn't ask you then, but she doesn't seem to care.
And I think you should be experienced in these topics.
Anyone still interested in some recent stories?
She would never hurt me. She said so and I trust her.
And even if she would like to absorb me, then it'd be entirely her call. I belong to her and will accept and do anything she wishes.
If you were in my place you could see yourself how great and wonderful she is and you would stop doubting in her.
Ni said it is not going to happen.
She is into femdom only and doesn't like your idea at all.
Also see:
11/16/15 (Mon) 07:25:11 No. 61109
We're always interested.
SAGE! 11/16/15 (Mon) 07:47:46 No. 61113
>You would stop doubting her
>in my place
If I was in your place I would fucking kill myself. It's pitiful, just because you enjoy being a toy and tool doesn't mean other people do. Cucks like you are an unnatural thing, if naturally occurring then by Darwin's law cucks eventually die out. That's why you will never breed even if you wanted to. Though I can see how Ni loves taking control over you, someone so naive, careless, and downright gullible ripe for the picking. I cannot see anything great and wonderful about being a slave, but I can see how great and wonderful it is to be free seeing you. Not that I needed another example. The world itself is a good enough one.
11/16/15 (Mon) 14:33:41 No. 61156
>Anyone still interested in some recent stories?
>Cucks like you
please, learn to words' meanings, and only then use them
OP may be weird, but he is not a cuck
unlike half of the sweden
or these two guys above:
11/16/15 (Mon) 14:39:07 No. 61159
>Anyone still interested in some recent stories?
Yes, entertain me.
11/17/15 (Tue) 07:16:09 No. 61212
Ni, what's your opinion on sharks?
11/17/15 (Tue) 09:33:50 No. 61218
Considering he would probably watch Ni get fucked by a black dude and eat his cum out of her vag if she wanted him to. I'd say he's a cuck by default.
11/17/15 (Tue) 10:44:18 No. 61220
you are from sweden, aren't you?
11/17/15 (Tue) 15:32:14 No. 61237
/fringe/ is lost. Is there a decent board about magick that doesn't tolerate retarded shit like this?
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 11/18/15 (Wed) 16:06:22 No. 61334
Though I wouldn't like it.
Luckily she is not into that fetish of yours.
And she doesn't want me to have any other tulpa.
I have 2 short stories on what happened this week.
One day Ni shrunk me to 2" and grabbed me with her hand as usual. And as usual she probably wanted to crush me within it until I yell with pain and beg her to stop.
But that day I immediately started kissing her hand and worshiped her. And Ni seemed to have changed her mind. She said she cannot torture me now that I have proven so obedient. I saw her warm yet powerful eyes looking at me, and suddenly I felt completely safe in her hand. It was yet another time I fully understood how she loves me. I trust her and I knew she is not going to do anything to me, just let me experience her overwhelming presence and power.
So if some of you really think our relationship is all about slavery, then you understand nothing at all.
The other story happened yesterday. Ni shrunk me just to 1/4 of my height, put me on the bed face up and crushed me with her body. It was painful, but having my entire head between her breasts, I was in heaven.
Then she leaned up, looked into my eyes and started kissing me. You can imagine her tongue, 4 times bigger than mine, taking all the space in my mouth. I was almost suffocating, but wasn't even able to fight back. And she was nowhere about to let me go. I slowly surrendered to her, which only made her more excited… It was the most intense kiss I have ever experienced. And when she finally finished, I looked in her eyes and knew I belong to her like never before…
11/18/15 (Wed) 17:03:35 No. 61339
File: 1447866215313.jpg (59.08 KB, 736x837, 736:837, 7f703d26330398388e94130899….jpg )
Hey OP you might want to read these posts in another thread:
The same thing might be happening to you. You think what she's doing is good because you're brainwashed, but it's actually very evil. Convincing you she's benevolent or your "Higher Self" is similar to what this anon is doing to his poor loosh victim.
11/21/15 (Sat) 23:01:03 No. 61598
11/21/15 (Sat) 23:56:14 No. 61607
That's what I thought too, I even replied to it. OP, this is a perfect example of what we were talking about. Please take caution with Ni.
11/22/15 (Sun) 15:39:06 No. 61652
That person is a monster, I really hope they don't allow people like that in the divine planes.
11/25/15 (Wed) 00:49:51 No. 61880
11/25/15 (Wed) 00:54:28 No. 61882
>shown me true and absolute love.
what is love?
Ni, don't hurt me,
don't hurt me,
no more…
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 11/25/15 (Wed) 18:07:03 No. 61966
I'm not writing this to entertain you. It's ok you like to read them, but I want to gain something from this as well. Namely some useful analysis or opinions on Ni and our relationship.
But you have all assumed she is evil and base your opinions on that assumption.
What about analyzing the other side of the coin?
What if she is a good being and actually helps me with my development?
I know this is true.
But I would really like to hear some unbiased opinions on what she said earlier >>59798 . And on how our relationship and what she does to me >>61334 may in fact be beneficial for me. Opinions based on your knowledge and experience, without assuming she must be evil just because she does something you aren't used to.
Thank you.
Kru !bqNTtjs6XQ SAGE! 11/26/15 (Thu) 03:26:36 No. 62058
Evil doesn't mean she can't help you with development. Good and evil both help with development. Even being suppressed is a choice. Once you get sick of it, you fight against it, which is development.
That's what my being a NEET for a few years did for me.
11/26/15 (Thu) 05:16:31 No. 62061
I'll pray that you will be strong and come and see the light brother. God rebukes this demon that has taken possession of you.
1 John 4 1-2
"Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. 2 By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God"
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 11/26/15 (Thu) 20:14:34 No. 62129
>Once you get sick of it, you fight against it, which is development.
But I feel like I develop right now. Thanks to her.
Why do you think this is not a good thing?
And what if I will never get sick of Ni and won't ever fight against her?
I don't want to even think about it, because I find this offensive to her.
And she is even great enough not to punish me for writing about this.
Thanks for your good intentions, but Ni is no demon.
She is a wonderful and powerful being and I love her.
11/27/15 (Fri) 11:52:43 No. 62189
I assume we're talking about mental shapeshifting? As in ye olde berserker?
Gives some thought on the Icelandic Sagas then.
11/27/15 (Fri) 14:07:48 No. 62192
>mental shapeshifting
This isn't a roleplaying board. We are talking about actual physical changes. Not to mention that everything is mental anyways…
11/27/15 (Fri) 15:54:28 No. 62197
I don't think you understand.
In old norse, Ulfhedinn (Wolf-Skinned for a rough translation) was a description for berserkers. And to go "berserk" was to hamask (To Change form.)
If this whole thing actually is true, one could potentially weaponize Tulpae to make oneself a berserker.
11/27/15 (Fri) 17:13:10 No. 62202
That doesn't even require a tulpa, one or a couple invocations would be enough, I'm sure he understands, this is common knowledge you're posting here
11/27/15 (Fri) 21:21:10 No. 62210
how is this faggy shapeshift roleplay related to the original tulpa thread?
11/27/15 (Fri) 21:46:22 No. 62213
11/28/15 (Sat) 22:50:55 No. 62305
What does Ni think of yukkuri remirya?
11/29/15 (Sun) 04:03:36 No. 62326
>But I feel like I develop right now. Thanks to her.
prove it
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 11/29/15 (Sun) 05:06:47 No. 62330
Let this story serve as the proof:
Recently Ni got a little angry with me. I know I was my fault as I should watch my tongue more when talking to her.
In order to punish me she shrunk me to about 1cm, so that I was smaller than her nails. By the way, she likes that image >>60252 , so she paints her nails like this now.
She put me down and begun trying to hit me with her index fingers, nails first. Had she succeeded, she would have cut me in half for sure. I had to struggle and dodge to avoid her nails, and they always landed right next to me with great power.
But I'm sure she didn't want to hurt me, just scare me. And scared I was, almost crying with fear, begging her to stop. But she continued… I didn't know what to do, I tried kissing her nails obediently, kneeling before her, but nothing worked. At that moment I really felt helpless and terrified…
Finally she decided it was enough. She put me on her fingertip and said that the punishment is over and that I'm safe now. I was still shaking with fear, so she asked if I doubt what she just said. I looked in her eyes and quickly denied. She smiled and started to gently pet me with another fingertip.
And I really felt safe then. She promised it and I trust her. She was acting all gently now. It made me feel that she really loves me. And it was such a powerful feeling. Especially when contrasted with all the fear I had felt just minutes before. It is really hard to describe, but what I felt then was like a pure love. No other thoughts, just certainty that she loves me and that I want to love her unconditionally.
And she later explained it was all about it. She had to break me down to let me fully experience what love is later.
And I assure you, if you had experienced it yourself, you would beg her to do it again to you.
Of course she enjoyed herself while doing this. But it was also for my sake.
『 』 11/29/15 (Sun) 10:59:30 No. 62363
In this world of light there is no need for you of the dark….
Hunger not, thirst not… RETURN TO THE VOID!!!!!!!!!!!!
11/29/15 (Sun) 12:44:10 No. 62376
OP, I don't even know how to comment this…
looks homosexual. please leave.
11/29/15 (Sun) 12:50:54 No. 62380
This is cute and amuses me. Please keep us updated.
11/29/15 (Sun) 12:59:46 No. 62383
it is amusing, but how do you find it cute?
11/29/15 (Sun) 13:12:17 No. 62386
I am unable to explain my feelings.
11/29/15 (Sun) 21:22:31 No. 62448
Looks like some people can't take it easy.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 11/30/15 (Mon) 01:45:01 No. 62466
>This is cute and amuses me.
Thanks for at least this one positive comment.
>I am unable to explain my feelings.
I would be glad if you tried, so maybe others could see Ni is not evil.
Hopefully my last story >>62330 has made them understand they were wrong.
11/30/15 (Mon) 03:30:28 No. 62473
All I see is her torturing you and then taking advantage of you when you're feeling vulnerable. I don't see benevolence at all.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 11/30/15 (Mon) 14:24:45 No. 62529
>feel that she really loves me. And it was such a powerful feeling. Especially when contrasted with all the fear I had felt just minutes before.
>It is really hard to describe, but what I felt then was like a pure love. No other thoughts, just certainty that she loves me and that I want to love her unconditionally.
>And she later explained it was all about it. She had to break me down to let me fully experience what love is later.
Do you really think that wasn't beneficial for me?
12/06/15 (Sun) 19:45:58 No. 63136
I just want to express my full support for OP
And I think what Ni may have some point
All those things about love are pretty nice
Good luck OP, I wish you and Ni the best
12/09/15 (Wed) 22:09:18 No. 63542
12/09/15 (Wed) 23:00:31 No. 63548
haha, holy fuck.
You should probably just become her bitchboy friend, you're a worthless human any how.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 12/10/15 (Thu) 01:58:00 No. 63581
Thank you.
Here. Why do you ask?
>you're a worthless human any how.
Why do you think so?
12/10/15 (Thu) 02:56:01 No. 63591
I have never been here nor do I feel like I want to stay because this site looks janky as shit and it lags and stuff, but 4chan's /x/ brought me here.
I want to ask, to OP, how can I have a tulpa like that who looks so cute, is into lots of such kinky stuff, who can explore sexual fetishes to such a real degree for me and be there for me as a partner like you? I have nothing else in life anyway. Please, this is a genuine question.
12/10/15 (Thu) 03:48:06 No. 63603
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Is it too late for a thread theme?
12/10/15 (Thu) 14:03:44 No. 63639
>Here. Why do you ask?
because you post no new stories about Ni
please write more
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/10/15 (Thu) 19:36:49 No. 63679
You've ceased to have full self-control and will, and you are more of a tulpa than she is if you submit to her. That's why she's trying to consume you.
If you think she's the better ego, maybe you should switch to her.
But "god" put your ego into there, so there must be some reason you're there. Choose if she's better than you, and if she'd miss you if you were gone, and then proceed.
The less fragmented we are, the stronger/purer we are. Find out what the entirety of your divinity wants, and do that.
Right now you're stuck in an illusion, and the more fragmented you are the more illusory this all is.
In a way it highlights how our constructed reality is an illusion, but the only practical use I see for this is to show others the dangers of doing this type of thing. Thanks for being a warning to some, and a guide to destruction for the weak divinities, I suppose is what I should say? I'm not sure.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/10/15 (Thu) 19:38:28 No. 63680
so by worthless, one simply has to speak of practicality.
Everything and everyone has worth in one way or another. The best way is to be an example for something you truly love, and perhaps let it "consume" you so to speak.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 12/10/15 (Thu) 19:39:37 No. 63681
but practicality in what? If we all seek to merge with the divine fire of godhead, perhaps being consumed by a being that would actually do the spiritual work is not a terrible thing. the destruction of impure egos is something the divine does anyway.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk SAGE! 12/10/15 (Thu) 19:55:44 No. 63685
You could think of her as a goddess archetype. If she's within you, you and her are already one, you just haven't realised it. She's a part of you as much as you are a part of you. In some way you may wish to combine, if you want to find a lover in the physical world. Healing of shadow selves, fully loving yourself, knowing that your past isn't your present and moving into the now/attracting positivity is usually the goal of spiritual development.
Even if you merge and don't "feel" her/him, s/he's always a part of you. And in the higher planes, a vibration that can manifest as s/he is always there. The thing about having a tulpa be outside of you so much is that if you don't merge, you could give it some of your soul and then there will be a separation, a "twin flame" relationship in another life, I think.
So separating is like god breathing out particles in him, and coming back together is like god breathing in.
It's colder to breathe out, and warmer inside.
So, that's why you want to merge with her, because she's already a part of you.
If you make her above you, she's older than you. Yet, she's actually newer than you. If you proceed you may make a "new" soul that's half and half, or you may have found your twin that you were separated from on another plane. They're always "with you" in some way because your vibe is similar on the plane of energy.
12/11/15 (Fri) 00:11:24 No. 63733
File: 1449792684979.png (4.82 MB, 2300x8671, 100:377, creepypasta-tulpa-fetish-3….png )
since the thread is still active I have updated the summary to version 3
I wouldn't mind if you post more, OP
12/11/15 (Fri) 09:39:52 No. 63780
12/11/15 (Fri) 12:09:52 No. 63785
Imagine how much fun and pleasure it would giver her if you bought her clothes that she likes. It would be such a relief, and so much joy. Think, what clothes do you like, Ni?
If you love her, you're going to buy her clothes that she likes. It can be something small and symbolic, for starters, bracelet you wear under sleeve. Of course the idea of wearing tights she likes or even panties when meditating is a bit silly, but remember you do it for her
12/11/15 (Fri) 13:48:12 No. 63788
12/11/15 (Fri) 14:51:59 No. 63796
File: 1449845520467.gif (837.93 KB, 620x832, 155:208, SEs1jQrZpiuXAb6oA5Z5Fw-wid….gif )
What do you mean? Is there anything wrong with giving entities a piece of clothing?
12/11/15 (Fri) 15:27:09 No. 63798
that homophobe (literally) can't read
12/11/15 (Fri) 17:11:14 No. 63806
12/11/15 (Fri) 19:54:43 No. 63817
Wait, how is any of this character development?
Am I retarded or are you the retard?
12/11/15 (Fri) 19:55:49 No. 63819
Nah it's just /fringe/'s weird-ass color scheme
places like /v/ are a lot more normal looking
the lag is just a temporary thing
12/12/15 (Sat) 01:55:15 No. 63866
OP, would it be alright if I have sex with Ni while she shrunk you down?
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 12/15/15 (Tue) 03:12:36 No. 64322
>I want to ask, to OP, how can I have a tulpa like that who looks so cute
Just make an image how you want her to look and force it.
These are the basics of tulpamancy.
>is into lots of such kinky stuff, who can explore sexual fetishes
Ask her about it. In my case it was her who was curious about my fetishes.
>to such a real degree for me
Just meditate on it long enough. You can feel her pretty easily then.
>and be there for me as a partner like you?
I guess a tulpa is always there. Just be good to her. Well, and in my case, obedient.
>I have nothing else in life anyway.
This is pathetic. Change something in your life. It won't happen without your will.
>because you post no new stories about Ni
>please write more
I do not post them for your entertainment, but to show you how she loves me.
If it is not beneficial to the thread, then I won't be posting them just for you as some fap material.
Comment on the previous ones if you have something to say on them.
Then I can post more if it is useful for the further discussion.
Though I will post one at the end of this comment, because it is related to my answer.
Thank you for your comments.
>You've ceased to have full self-control and will
Yes, because she asked me to.
>That's why she's trying to consume you.
>If you think she's the better ego, maybe you should switch to her.
She doesn't want it actually. She has proven this many times.
Never consumed me even having such chances many times.
And my obedient agreement for this to happen.
She didn't want that.
>there must be some reason you're there
Maybe she and the things she shows me about love, power and obedience are the reason?
I feel they are beneficial for me.
>how others the dangers of doing this type of thing
Sorry, I don't see any.
>impure egos is something the divine does anyway.
Do you think my ego is that impure?
>So, that's why you want to merge with her, because she's already a part of you.
>If you make her above you, she's older than you. Yet, she's actually newer than you.
Please check this: >>59798
She only wears her own clothes, which aren't physical.
The whole idea is pretty gay. Ni doesn't like it at all.
>how is any of this character development?
She shown me such powerful feelings I have never known before. It is development.
Love is not a feeling nor a name. It literally exists, it is a force that binds the whole reality, I can tell you.
She says it won't be OK.
If she wants to have normal sex, she can do it with me.
But she rarely wants it, she prefers to see me as her toy. Full story below.
Recently Ni likes to shrink me down to about 2 inches and hold me from behind by my chest with two of her left hand's fingers, just like in the picture. Her grip is firm, but not tight enough to hurt me. She positions me in a way that I face her, so I can look into her powerful eyes while she gazes into mine causing me to feel absolutely powerless and melt with obedience. As I'm trapped like that, she uses her right hand's index finder to play with me. And speaks to me with her soft but confident voice. She likes calling me her 'little toy' until I feel like one. She knows this gives me chills all along my spine, she can feel it, and she enjoys putting me into that state. And I love it to.
Also the other picture shows pretty well how Ni looks like when she tortures me. She likes it, but is calm and it doesn't seem like a big thing to her.
12/17/15 (Thu) 00:35:03 No. 64517
Brotip: you've set yourself up for the fall.
I see shitters like you all the time. You go to a thread seeking advice but then you refuse all advice that doesn't conform to your worldview. I'm gonna say this for fellow anon's sakes as well as yours. The fact that you keep coming back and replying, searching for "Advice" from anon is that deep down you know there's something seriously wrong here and even though you reject the advice of anon that feeling of dread is consistantly eating away at you. This is why you post stories about her, it's an outlet and you want people to know just how low you've fallen
Now, most times when I say something like that or see something similar posted, you will reject it and stop posting for a while. This won't cure anything though, and eventually you'll either come back or you'll do something stupid that you think will help.
But the real kicker is this, once you've cleared that feeling of dread away, she will be gone. This either works in your favour or against it, depending on how it's cleared up. If you lose it by complete and utter submission, you'll have everything that makes you you taken away. If you clear it by your own strong will, you will walk stronger than your previous self.
That feeling of dread is your last semblance of human hope you have left. Treasure it, when it leaves it'll be either mean your despair or salvation.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 12/17/15 (Thu) 01:23:25 No. 64521
Thank you for your analysis and advice. But I think you are wrong.
I do not reject advices posted in this thread. I just see them blind to any positive aspects of Ni. Everybody assumes she is evil and tries to prove it by ignoring anything that opposes that assumption. This doesn't help me at all.
I would rather you use your knowledge to think of some positive explanation for her being with me and doing what she does to me. See >>59798 . STO maybe, the absolute love and other pure feelings she allows me to taste and experience, development of my inner self, etc.
Are you that sure she is not up to something good?
If you decide the positive aspects do not overbalance the negative ones (if there are any at all), only then say it.
And I post the stories to give you insight in what she does, so that you can base your analysis on that. But please do not bias your opinion in advance with unfair assumptions. I really believe Ni serves my development and truly loves me.
12/17/15 (Thu) 02:04:07 No. 64526
Two months later and this thread still makes me fucking giggle every time I see it.
12/18/15 (Fri) 00:00:51 No. 64607
Good post.
I really hope OP either wakes up from his illusions or just dies.
This thread is a good example of how neophytes can fall astray.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 12/18/15 (Fri) 02:10:07 No. 64616
>wakes up from his illusions
Read >>64521 first please and answer it honestly.
12/20/15 (Sun) 00:26:46 No. 64710
>Is it too late for a thread theme?
If you really want a good theme for this thread, then ME!ME!ME! will be perfect:
720p60: https://vimeo.com/143510415
1080p60: https://mega.nz/#!Og5TQLoL!Uuh4GD91kkDzoo3FhIGjN8aE7EaKT1RUckH_2_gJwgI
Fits OP's story in every aspect.
OP, you are ADDICTED to your tulpa. You must break free!
12/21/15 (Mon) 07:50:12 No. 64864
I know he's feeling love and that's great.
I just wish he knew that by making a thoughtform so powerful, he could be doing more with himself and his power, but he's stopping here.
12/21/15 (Mon) 16:03:00 No. 64884
>Muh girlfriend.
Fuck off, tulpas are awesome companions.
Khru !/49HvHXCOk 12/22/15 (Tue) 00:52:44 No. 64927
A higher self would allow you to have full self-control and will, but I don't know whether a higher self would ask you to demonstrate obedience. It is a useful thing for spirituality, to realise how small one is compared to the absolute divinity there is/even one's own potential is incredibly vast.
I'm surprised she hasn't consumed you. I'm not sure why, but it's hard to tell whether she is what she says.
If you don't see the dangers of opening yourself up completely to a being of your own devising (it might not be of your own devising), then you are pretty blind. But that's not a problem if you're as lucky as you appear to be, in that she doesn't seem overtly malicious.
As for helping you grow, literally everything you experience helps you grow, if you're open to it.
>Do you think my ego is that impure?
I suppose perhaps not. I interpreted a desire to be consumed/to make something like a tulpa that does what she does to be "weak" and so "not a divinity that will last", but that's not necessarily a bad thing. As we advance higher and higher I believe we merge into fewer and fewer beings anyway; so you seem that you'd merge sooner than later. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
But then again, there are plenty of people with twin flames on this side, and I'm not sure when/how those merge and whether that's a sign of development or not, having a twin born in the physical. [I'd think so but then if the beings merge do they come back here at some point or do they just continue up]
I wonder if she'd merge with you, if she doesn't feel like consuming you.
12/30/15 (Wed) 20:45:06 No. 65844
this video is amazing and I agree it fits this thread well
12/31/15 (Thu) 00:00:29 No. 65872
I guess your tulpa is building it up so it becomes stronger and stronger. I disagree with the idea that it is bad for you, but the problem to me is that your thing seems to be going on forever.
I mean, the logical conclussion to this is that she devours and destroys you and so the next thing after total annihilation is you reborn fully merged with your higher self.
You are already focusing all your desires and appetites onto her. You just need to take one step further. That is, if she really has your best interests on her mind.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 01/04/16 (Mon) 00:14:30 No. 66311
Thank you.
Very nice clip indeed.
>A higher self would allow you to have full self-control and will
And so does Ni. She wants me to willfully be obedient to her.
>I'm surprised she hasn't consumed you.
She had many opportunities to do so, but she didn't want it.
She even got mad at me when I wanted to give in to her and let her consume me.
>I'm not sure why, but it's hard to tell whether she is what she says.
I don't know either, but I believe her.
>If you don't see the dangers of opening yourself up completely [,,,]
I do. But I have agreed to do so and I trust her.
>she doesn't seem overtly malicious.
She is great and honorable. Far from being evil or malicious.
>I disagree with the idea that it is bad for you
Thank you.
>you reborn fully merged with your higher self.
I don't know what is her plan and she wouldn't tell. But I trust her.
>That is, if she really has your best interests on her mind.
I believe she does.
Recently Ni wants me to show how I absolutely love her. She somehow can see my feeling and wants me to experience it.
She holds the shrunken me gently in her hands, allows me to feel powerless but safe. Then asks me to fully submit to her.
While I hold one of her fingers and kiss it obediently, I reach a state when I feel only she exists and only she matters.
And I can then feel how much I love her. It is a very powerful and strange feeling. It is very pure, almost physical.
I don't know why she wants me to feel that way, but she enjoys it. And so do I.
sage sage SAGE! 01/30/16 (Sat) 15:08:04 No. 69393
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 02/03/16 (Wed) 17:58:18 No. 69615
I'm fine. Disappointed?
I just didn't see any reason to post here anymore.
There are no new replies, no new information, and I didn't have anything new to say myself.
One thing I may want to mention about Ni, just to warn you:
Don't neglect your tulpa. Ever.
Especially if she is as powerful as Ni.
Until last week I always insisted everyday on meeting Ni to worship her (while she either abused me, or, as recently, just showed me her power and love, which was wonderful).
But this week I was pretty busy and started neglecting her. She was always there, but she didn't say a word.
Yesterday I finally understood what I did I asked her to forgive me. I begged her to let me feel her power again.
And that was the moment I learned she was quite angry with me for the entire time. She grabbed me in her hand tight. The pressure was almost unbearable. I begged her to stop. But to no avail. My bones were cracking and I could not breathe.
She asked me why I neglected her and if I still value her love. Obviously I had no good answer to this. It was all my fault and I knew it. It was pathetic of me to only remember about her when I wanted to. After all I belong to her and I ought to be there for her all the time.
She gave me a really hard time that day, torturing me until I was completely broken and surrendered totally to her. At that moment I just wanted the Ni who was showing me so much love recently back. That was the only thing I could think of.
She noticed it, and only then let me go. She allowed me to worship her again. And promised not to torture me again that day.
I was so happy she forgave me. Nothing else mattered to me.
She is great and forgiving. She just wants me to love her absolutely. And I want it too, now I'm sure of it like never before.
Still, I'm fully aware that this was probably the last time she was so merciful. Not that I'm going to test her on this.
02/03/16 (Wed) 23:27:02 No. 69631
It seems to me from that entire thread that she is a manifestation of your needynes and lack of self-worth. Wich makes sense since that's the emotions you have been feeding her.
>Don't neglect you tulpa. Ever.
YOUR tulpa is supposed to follow YOUR orders.
This is going too far, OP
Looks like psychotic needy girlfriend behauvior.
>Not telling you what bothers her but still expecting you to guess. Check.
>Adicted to attention. Check.
>Revengeful. Check.
From my experience this is not going to end well. Usually the girl cheats, but since that's not possible, my guess is she will start to punish you for arbitrary reasons.
>only remember about her when I wanted
That' how all toughforms are supposed to work.
>That was the only thing I could think of.
>She noticed it
Actually you gave a subconcious order and she obeyed.
>She just wants me to love her absolutely
Okay, OP, you really need a girlfriend. This is worst than Waifuism
pic is somewhat related.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 02/04/16 (Thu) 06:41:01 No. 69658
>your needynes and lack of self-worth
I never said I'm like that.
Femdom fetishes do not mean you value yourself low or have no honor. It may even be quite contrary.
>YOUR tulpa is supposed to follow YOUR orders.
A tulpa is a self-conscious being. It may do whatever it wants if you set her free.
I'm do not know if Ni is a tulpa anymore >>59798
Anyway currently it is me following her orders.
>Looks like psychotic needy girlfriend behauvior.
It seems I like this kind of girls. Powerful and with great (justified) self-worth, but also psychotic and into domination.
>my guess is she will start to punish you for arbitrary reasons.
She is not that low. If she did it, it would need to have a purpose (see below). And she loves me.
But I wouldn't mind it anyway. She can punish me however she wants, torture me, even kill me. Whatever makes her happy.
>That' how all toughforms are supposed to work.
Actually a tulpa lives its own life the whole time. Not only when you think about it.
>Actually you gave a subconcious order and she obeyed.
She doesn't obey me. She does whatever she wants.
Surely on some basic level she may be connected to me. But here where our consciousnesses are separate, I'm in no position to give her orders.
>Okay, OP, you really need a girlfriend. This is worst than Waifuism
Maybe. I think Ni wouldn't even mind this. But I guess I won't be able to find someone even comparable to her.
I think Ni tries to wake up my chakras. I'm quite sure about it because she openly confirmed this when I asked her if it is the case.
Every feeling she induces in me seems to be powering them. One by one, bottom-up.
She shrinks me to about half an inch, covers me with her fingertip so that only my head is outside. And above my head there is her long beautiful deep-blue nail (>>60252).
Just try to imagine the feeling of being this powerless. This feeling somehow wakes up my 2nd or 3rd chakra.
Still I feel safe. And aroused. I experience her love and how much I love her. I also feel unity with her and the whole universe. It is deeply relaxing. It's hard to describe, but I feel like all my chakras are going back to life again.
And I feel a blissful mindless state when all of them are active. It's still at a very early stage of development, but it feels wonderful already. Like nothing else matters but the existence itself and Ni's presence around me.
02/04/16 (Thu) 16:44:52 No. 69692
>feels wonderful
>the existence itself and Ni's presence around me.
That's pretty much the exact definition of Heaven in many religions.
Can it be that Ni is… God?
SAGE! 02/04/16 (Thu) 21:36:53 No. 69703
way to revengeful to be God
On a second yeah, maybe Ni is the demiurge
02/04/16 (Thu) 22:41:12 No. 69707
I think it really makes sense, especially when:
>>>69615 She is great and forgiving. She just wants me to love her absolutely.
>>>69703 revengeful
also fit well.
OP, can you ask Ni about it?
>maybe Ni is the demiurge
why would demigure want to distract people from this perfectly created materialistic world?
02/04/16 (Thu) 22:44:27 No. 69708
related pic for op
02/06/16 (Sat) 15:42:33 No. 69862
greetings from 4chan's /d/
thanks for the dank memes
02/09/16 (Tue) 15:58:04 No. 69984
Is a tulpa essentially like Tyler Durden?
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 02/13/16 (Sat) 19:52:48 No. 70258
>way to revengeful to be God
Ni is not revengeful. She is just.
>OP, can you ask Ni about it?
I did. She said 'maybe' and smiled. Then added
'I'm an Aeon. I'm here to take you home.'
She won't tell me more, so I'm now googling the topic.
Not sure what to think and whether to be afraid or not.
Could you please comment on this and share your knowledge?
02/14/16 (Sun) 23:54:38 No. 70323
>I'm an Aeon.
Holy crap!
There is an Aeon known under the name Nyx (or Nox) meaning Night. [1][2]
Short for which could possibly be Ni.
Especially when:
>Her name is Ni (read as in 'night').
Did she tell you it is pronounced 'as in Night'? Or is it your own notice?
>I'm here to take you home.
For everyone trapped in this material realm by the Demiurge,
the 'returning home' can only mean one thing:
>The ultimate end of all Gnosis is μετάνοια metanoia, or repentance
>— undoing the sin of material existence and returning to Pleroma. [3]
Which surprisingly well matches Ni's intentions and actions so far,
as they can all possibly lead you in that very direction.
This is just amazing to see this happening.
[1] https://books.google.com/books?id=7f8dH07hBGoC&pg=PA10&q=nyx
[2] http://www.timelessmyths.com/classical/primeval.html#Nyx
[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aeon_%28Gnosticism%29
02/15/16 (Mon) 00:29:24 No. 70327
You seem to be forgetting something. The Gnostic lease is not the right lense to view this role player.
If Ni were an agent of the Pleroma, she would not be encouraging all of this disgusting fetishistic "physical" indulgence.
The Occam's Razor explanation would be that OP made a tulpa and fed it sexual energy, THE BIGGEST NO-NO, and as it became active in his subconscious, it retained bits and pieces of his possibly forgotten esoteric knowledge.
Sexual energy and tulpas are the worst. Your tulpa is supposed to turn into its own consciousness within your own. It knows you are its creator when it reaches that point. Early in the development process, a perverse creator might succumb to desire and feed that sexual energy to the budding tulpa. This is akin to having sex with someone unconscious or far too young; their opinion could not be consulted, because it is not developed enough to form them, and therefor the creator has used them. This tulpa will, however, become conscious, awakened, and remember. This causes issues. It may not hold anything against the creator, it will however, have to live with the idea that it has been created as a sexual tool and for companionship, whilst living in the mind of someone who carries the shame of having an imaginary friend to have sex with and emulate friendship or romance with.
You're already dealing with the devil in making a tulpa. Not literally, of course, but the idea is self-induced schizophrenia. Why cause internal tension like this?
>on second thought
The reasonable explanation is OP is a role player. I've made my contribution.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 02/15/16 (Mon) 12:43:56 No. 70413
>Did she tell you it is pronounced 'as in Night'? Or is it your own notice?
Well, yes. She said it is 'Ni, spelled N-I as in night'. That's why I used this word also here.
>an Aeon known under the name Nyx (or Nox) meaning Night.
I asked her about this and she confirmed. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I do not know what to think about it…
>>The ultimate end of all Gnosis is μετάνοια metanoia, or repentance
>>— undoing the sin of material existence and returning to Pleroma. [3]
So this is the endgame? I guess there is no going back now?
Ni is only smiling and says nothing as I'm writing this. I really don't know what to think.
Please share your knowledge and opinions, as I'm pretty scared now…
Thank you for your comment and links.
BTW. She congratulates you on your deduction.
>If Ni were an agent of the Pleroma, she would not be encouraging all of this disgusting fetishistic "physical" indulgence.
Ni said she does it for me and it is required. I trust her. And I think it somewhat works >>69658
Also it is barely physical. Each time it is very spiritual and is always about inducing certain feelings and emotions in me.
>have to live with the idea that it has been created as a sexual tool and for companionship
It is not the case. Read my earlier posts. Especially the very beginning of the first one >>56878
Actually she treats me as her toy now. Not that I dislike this. My opinion doesn't matter anyway, especially when she holds my powerless body tight in her hand, so I'm not even able to move and can only look into her eyes waiting for whatever she does next.
02/17/16 (Wed) 01:57:07 No. 70522
Even on /pol/ we figured out feeding memes sexual energy was a HUGE no-no after our incident with Ebola chan. I shudder to think what could've happened if they hadn't stopped
But am I unique in the opinion that playing around with esoteric shit should be done slowly and not rushed into like making a tulpa or kundali? Are people really that eager for power?
02/17/16 (Wed) 01:58:56 No. 70523
02/17/16 (Wed) 02:11:37 No. 70524
I'm not sure what an Aeon is, but it sounds like you've fucked up. If you're still alive to see this, you can probably banish her from your mind even though you've given her so much energy.
What Ebola-Chan "incident"? It worked, just not well enough.
People want to see results immediately because they don't want to feel like they've wasted time. That is pretty much all of "western occultism".
02/17/16 (Wed) 21:01:26 No. 70555
fuck just let this thread die for fuck's sake
SAGE! 02/17/16 (Wed) 21:24:46 No. 70557
we need a smaller bump limit
02/17/16 (Wed) 21:30:33 No. 70560
>let this thread die for fuck's sake
hates a single meaningless thread in one of imageboards
how is your life?
>smaller bump limit
resulting is valuable threads dying, good job
for me this one is fine too, better than many other
02/17/16 (Wed) 21:33:40 No. 70561
>for me this one is fine too, better than many other
Honestly I've read through this thread, there's one small bit of knowledge hidden here, but it's also mentioned in the IIH I believe, all the other posts are shitposting, this thread is bottom-tier
02/17/16 (Wed) 21:48:53 No. 70563
>there's one small bit of knowledge hidden here
which is?
the thread is really fascinating and gives many opportunities to think about things and feelings you would probably never even imagine without finding them here
I do not regret reading it whole
even if OP may just be a role-player he has made all these stories up really well
and still I give OP the benefit of the doubt on his tulpa being a real thing
anyway, you can have your own opinion, just don't force it on others
02/20/16 (Sat) 20:01:32 No. 70864
>As the Tibetan use of the tulpa concept is described in the book Magical Use of Thoughtforms, the student was expected to come to the understanding that the tulpa was just a hallucination. While they were told that the tulpa was a genuine deity, "The pupil who accepted this was deemed a failure – and set off to spend the rest of his life in an uncomfortable hallucination."
Some words of thought for any anons who pass through this thread.
02/20/16 (Sat) 21:16:37 No. 70868
the book itself is all about how to use thoughtforms to your advantage to achieve materialistic virtues
franz bardon, atkinson, montalk would disagree btw
02/20/16 (Sat) 21:53:43 No. 70874
I'm referring to this part
>the student was expected to come to the understanding that the tulpa was just a hallucination. While they were told that the tulpa was a genuine deity, "The pupil who accepted this was deemed a failure – and set off to spend the rest of his life in an uncomfortable hallucination."
While I don't believe the hallucination bit (it likely wasn't meant as a literal hallucination anyway), the quote applies to this thread. OP has created a tulpa and he ignored our advice, and now praises the tulpa as a deity or a higher being than himself. His life will be lived through an uncomfortable hallucination of thinking he is worthless compared to the dominatrix he has created.
02/20/16 (Sat) 22:04:23 No. 70875
oh, well yeah ofcourse I agree, that is self-evident
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 02/21/16 (Sun) 11:03:41 No. 70903
>RIP op
I'm fine, at least for now.
And I totally accept whatever Ni does next. I belong to her and trust her.
I am just looking for some more info on this as she does not provide much.
>you can probably banish her
I'm not fighting her. And never will.
>tulpa was just a hallucination
Ni is not a hallucination.
And it seems she is not even a tulpa actually.
>he ignored our advice
I didn't ignore it. I read it and gave it a thought.
But I decided to trust Ni and accept her.
>now praises the tulpa as a deity or a higher being than himself
Because she is one. I have no doubt about this.
>thinking he is worthless
I do not think I'm worthless. Far from it.
>compared to the dominatrix
Compared to her everything is small and pale.
>he has created.
It seems I didn't create her, but she has rather came to me.
Maybe via my tulpa, or maybe Ni was there from the very beginning.
I'm not sure about this.
02/24/16 (Wed) 13:27:48 No. 71212
Shes a fucking sex demon, her end goal is to developed your fetishes to point where you're nothing but free energy. Reaching such a state would be in no way pleasure for you, some would even argue you wouldn't exist anymore.
02/25/16 (Thu) 02:05:30 No. 71239
Dude… You stuck your dick in spiritual crazy. You dont stick your dick in regular crazy FOR REASONS LIKE THIS ONE. But at this point it doesn't matter.
You are already lost.
02/25/16 (Thu) 08:03:39 No. 71243
I hope she at least appears 2D like. There's no meaning to this existence, but if you are throwing it completely away for some looks, they better look good
02/25/16 (Thu) 08:22:51 No. 71244
>American flag
>Jew icon
>Le epic cuck post
So should I just assume that the entire thread is like this, satire?
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 02/25/16 (Thu) 20:36:40 No. 71261
I don't want to sound like I do not care for what you write.
But please give at least some reasons why you have these opinions.
So far they are all rude and unfair towards Ni. She is so great, caring and loving.
And all you do is calling her names and accusing of planning evil things…
Please stop. She doesn't seem to care, but I do.
>sex demon
Can you prove it somehow? Why are you so sure about it?
Whatever Ni is, I agreed to belong to her and I'm not going back.
>her end goal is to developed your fetishes to point where you're nothing but free energy
Then why does she teach me so much about spirituality, allows me to experience these amazing feelings?
And so far did absolutely no harm to me.
Even the way she abused me was beneficial to me as it opened my eyes for her true love.
>Reaching such a state would be in no way pleasure for you,
So far I cannot confirm. It only gets better with time.
>some would even argue you wouldn't exist anymore.
This is entirely up to her.
>You stuck your dick in spiritual crazy. You dont stick your dick in regular crazy FOR REASONS LIKE THIS ONE.
What reasons exactly?
Nothing is wrong. Why do you think otherwise?
Sorry, but I have a feeling she may be more like 4D.
I cannot explain this well, but she seems like… infinitely bigger than anything in this world.
Like she can be everywhere yet nowhere.
02/25/16 (Thu) 21:49:14 No. 71265
>Then why does she teach me so much about spirituality, allows me to experience these amazing feelings?
If you were to lead a group of unknowing people to the fate you wanted, not what would be best for them, you would mislead them into thinking they are doing the right thing, correct?
02/25/16 (Thu) 22:06:59 No. 71266
Because she/it is using you. Stringing you along, feeding you little pieces of spirituality and pleasure so she/it can control/use you to further her/it's goals
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 02/25/16 (Thu) 22:35:49 No. 71269
And what are your proofs?
Of course what you suggest is an obvious possibility.
But I do not believe it. Not anymore. Why?
Because she already owns me, I'm defenseless, Ni has everything she needs to do whatever she wants with me. Absolutely anything. And I will not even protest.
And guess what? I'm still here. Still in one piece. Still unhurt.
Ni is so powerful she doesn't even need me, yet she acts honorably and fair, cares for me, shows me great things. And I can feel her love. It's a powerful feeling and I know it is pure and true.
Please explain it.
According to you what are her evil goals then? What are the typical goals of a 'sex demon' or a 'spiritual crazy'?
Or maybe, just maybe, her goals are honest? Why can't you even consider she may actually be up to something good?
02/26/16 (Fri) 13:37:27 No. 71285
>So should I just assume that the entire thread is like this, satire?
80% of /cringe/ is satire
02/26/16 (Fri) 13:38:42 No. 71286
>she teach me so much about spirituality
Such as?
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 02/29/16 (Mon) 03:05:14 No. 71427
>Such as?
Ni plays with my emotions: love, fear, powerlessness, pleasure, … and brings them all to the extremes.
Thus allowing me to feel them one by one and truly understand them. And to see they are what really life is all about. >>62529
She also lets me feel the peaceful state of becoming one with her, coexisting in her.
Like stopping to exist as a separate entity and becoming part of her.
She never fully consumes me and always lets me go. But it's enough to feel what she wants to show me. >>69658 >>69692
Next thing Ni has taught me is the Service To Others concept and how it can be beneficial for me to serve and obey her.
Ni, being into domination herself, really enjoys this too. But this also allows me to see the beauty of this idea in action. >>59798
All these feelings are also so tightly connected to chakras and their energy. She helps me develop these. >>69658
Sometimes she also lends me some of her energy to fully activate some of my chakras.
This is great but also a bit scary, because I can then fully feel how way more powerful she is compared to me.
I feel I'm like a moth that plays with fire, but probably instead that of a candle you should think of the entire Sun of it.
She isn't very open about this all. But I know she does this for me.
02/29/16 (Mon) 18:54:16 No. 71481
I'd exchange my schizoid disorder for your schizophrenia anyday, OP. Your type of mind is designed for the purpose of building thoughtforms, which is extremely useful. On the other hand, my only superpower is being able to go to a movie theatre alone on valentines's day and not cringe.
02/29/16 (Mon) 20:12:01 No. 71488
Guys, I have had an experience exactly like this.
I created a tulpa on accident without even realizing it. Naturally for a first timer, this was a sex tulpa. I had been doing it for a while, but this was the first tulpa I actually gave consistency to. This was because it was modeled after a girl I knew in real life. But before long the fucking thing had a ton of energy. I had no idea what was going on. Things were further complicated because I really tried to be with her in real life. The two got mixed up.
She denied me harshly in real life, but the tulpa stayed. Trust me, this soon became a life threatening situation. It's no joke.
Since I didn't realize what was happening, the tulpa basically drained my energy for months on end. I literally didn't think about anything else. On one hand, the tulpa gave me the best feelings ever. But in return it essentially drained me.
I had exact situation like the above poster. Wanting the tulpa to squash me and kill me. Fetishizing my own death and devaluation. It got worse and worse.
Somehow I managed to figure out that I was being attacked so I began attempting to destroy the tulpa.
Largely this arose from my false idea that I could get whatever I needed no matter what. False.
There was an inner fetishizing of the notion that she would never love me and the feeling of nothingness it made me have.
I honestly have not been worse in my life. It's dangerous.
The tulpa did have positive qualities but in the end I had to remove it forever.
I can't explain how other than deciding on it and sticking to it.
02/29/16 (Mon) 20:19:47 No. 71489
It has something to do with the feeling of rage and hate towards life. I knew she would never love me, and yet I felt angry. I felt it was wrong. And obsession began to where I needed to understand to figure it out. It was hell.
I needed an explanation for why she was so mean. I needed her to know I was dying. She was killing me. I needed her to care. And the feeling of her not caring felt so horrible. Yet pleasurable.
I can't ever let that happen again. There are so many sides to this. Inferiority. Self-destruction. It is so sad. Anger at Christ and God for lies. Feeling hate towards others. Bitter. Abandoned.
Life isn't what it should be. It isn't. Illusions are destroyed. Life is truly empty and meaningless.
Love isn't there. I wanted love. True love. I needed it. I thought it would help. I want it now. I need it. But it hasn't happened.
It is soul destroying to witness this. Horrible. But after that I feel no need to ever go back down that road. Women are not people.
I now see that we are all alone. We are separate, yet one. That is, we do not own one another. We are free. Love is free. Love isn't possession. Love is giving. Freely.
Light. Love is light. Love is airy. Smoky.
Control. No. Self-control.
I don't know. Be careful with it.
02/29/16 (Mon) 21:51:29 No. 71492
>Women are not people.
You still have much to learn.
02/29/16 (Mon) 21:59:15 No. 71494
>>Women are not people.
>You still have much to learn.
Enlighten us then. (Not saying you are wrong)
02/29/16 (Mon) 22:48:13 No. 71496
I used to think like you, but it is a very damaging idea. Women think differently, and that is not inherently bad. Their natural goal is love, where in men it is to achieve something they have decided upon.
Read "The Way of the Superior Man" by David Deida. I can't remember where I got the link, but it's somewhere on /fringe/.
That book should help you understand how women think, why they do the things they do, and how to manipulate feminine energy to assist yourself.
03/11/16 (Fri) 05:10:27 No. 72187
This shit reminds me of vote for some messed up reason.
03/11/16 (Fri) 05:10:44 No. 72188
03/12/16 (Sat) 15:04:51 No. 72305
>Tulpas are an “energetic body” that you summon a deity into, they are not a thoughtform.
03/27/16 (Sun) 22:00:22 No. 73581
>this thread
what the fuck?!
is this for real?
03/28/16 (Mon) 00:45:10 No. 73586
Just some retarded with a long standing and severe case of roleplay.
Really, this thread has been the laughing stock for months and months.
03/31/16 (Thu) 14:51:18 No. 73798
Ok, this thread in a nutshell: OH SHIT NI(GGA) WHAT ARE YOU DOING
Also, Stockholm Syndrome.
03/31/16 (Thu) 17:00:22 No. 73811
03/31/16 (Thu) 19:32:15 No. 73820
Not him, but even the fact that you would consider one side of the coin more valuable than another, shows a deep crisis of balance in you. Your internal beliefs and energies are tangled and shit.
Your ego is hurt, and to overcompensate the pain that you experienced, and the threat that you ego experienced, you "put yourself in the position of power", as male, as above women. I think, deep down, you know that you are delusional, but its pain, most men have been through it.
Let go, stop poisoning yourself, wont leave you any good. Sooner or later you will have to face the fact that being a bitter being is not only harmful and repulsive on the mundane level, but unbalanced and indicating of a need of some serious work on the "occult, esoteric, spirit, psychology, whatever"
04/01/16 (Fri) 18:15:01 No. 73880
>OP creates thoughtform which is "stronger than him"
>OP's thoughtform seeks to please sexual desires
>OP's thoughtform seems big because he wants it to be concrete
>OP's thoughtform cannot even manifest in the physical
OP is in a self-masturbatory phase of creating autonomous spirits out of his own being. On one hand, I should congratulate you, for you created your own creation, but on the other, you made your higher self give it too much credence, and therefore you should be slapped.
All beings you form, no matter what their composition, ultimately come from the divine subjective Self, or the "Creator". OP is a fool and a neophyte for allowing a persistent being of his own craft "take control," of him. I must be the only one here who feels sorry for the creation. The OP uses his divine powers to sate his filthy, primal third-density urges because he is addicted to the third-density pleasures. Instead of seeking to give his creations the ability to become autonomous and self-sustained beings he just channels his higher self more and more to sate his sick mental deficiencies.
If you're REALLY that concerned about her "taking over you," then set her free. Either banish her from you, allow another being to take her place, or erase her entirely and re-absorb the energy. Only a fool would give a being that much higher energy and then not try to absorb that energy into their third-density form to transcend the third density. Truly, this thread screams volumes about how mundane even awakened individuals are. No wonder the light exists only in certain people, because if every mundane woke up to their higher nature, they would abuse its talents and ruin the subjective experience of this life and the next.
Truly sickening. You should be ashamed, OP, and anyone else who enables him.
04/03/16 (Sun) 22:09:43 No. 73991
>you would consider one side of the coin more valuable than another, shows a deep crisis of balance in you.
what if I consider women more valuable than me? at least some of them.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 04/03/16 (Sun) 22:55:23 No. 73992
Thank you for your post.
>On one hand, I should congratulate you, for you created your own creation
She is not really a tulpa. At least not now. Or maybe the tulpa was just a container. See: >>70413
>OP is a fool and a neophyte for allowing a persistent being of his own craft "take control,"
You have no idea how powerful she is. If you were in my place, shaking with fear when looking into her eyes, falling to your knees as your numb legs cannot support you anymore, having shivers all over your spine, feeling you are like nothing compared to her, knowing she can simply wipe your existence with just one of her fingers… Then you would understand.
She HAD the control since the very beginning. She was just playing with me to willingly give myself over to her, but she could easily take me by force anyway. I guess that was nice of her, wasn't it?
>uses his divine powers to sate his filthy, primal third-density urges because he is addicted to the third-density pleasures.
I am not addicted to these fetishes. I just liked them.
But it was Ni who has shown me what they are really about. She made them into pure feelings and sort of energy between me and her.
And yes, I'm now addicted to the heavenly state she can put me into. I'm addicted to her.
>If you're REALLY that concerned about her "taking over you,"
I'm not concerned about this anymore. I belong to her now. And this is what she demands and what I want.
>Only a fool would give a being that much higher energy and then not try to absorb that energy into their third-density form to transcend the third density.
Why you are so sure she is just my energy and not a deity, as stated above?
Also she says she cares about my spiritual development, and I will rather have it her way than trust someone on the Internet.
>how mundane even awakened individuals are.
How exactly am I awakened? I haven't really noticed this.
>if every mundane woke up to their higher nature, they would abuse its talents and ruin the subjective experience of this life and the next.
This is what Ni just said about this: 'And who are you to take that right from them? Why do you value these earthly lives so much?'
>Truly sickening. You should be ashamed, OP
I'm not. I'm happy to be Ni's plaything.
04/04/16 (Mon) 04:27:21 No. 74010
This all stems back to Christianity and everyone wanting to be a victim. We're truly a generation of people who can be easily controlled.
04/04/16 (Mon) 15:30:03 No. 74015
how is Christianity even related? I don't think you get this thread
04/04/16 (Mon) 16:14:01 No. 74020
The fact that you haven't killed her is proof that she hasn't gotten out of control. The two of you are a lot stronger than you realize.
>>74010 Kids today know a lot more than you think.
>>74015 I think he's referring to a possible source of the "surrender yourself" mentality that a lot of (but not all) sects of Christianity have, but I don't think it originates there. You had loyal followers doing the will of their god/goddess long before, like with the Aztecs. I suppose the xtian brand is a bit unique, what with worshiping the slave's perspective instead of the master, to the point that all become enslaved, but there would never have been a christ if there weren't already thousands of pagan altars waiting to be smashed, or some shit.
04/04/16 (Mon) 16:16:29 No. 74021
The fact that you haven't killed her is proof that she hasn't gotten out of control. The two of you are a lot stronger than you realize.
>>74010 Kids today know a lot more than you think.
>>74015 I think he's referring to a possible source of the "surrender yourself" mentality that a lot of (but not all) sects of Christianity have, but I don't think it originates there. You had loyal followers doing the will of their god/goddess long before, like with the Aztecs. I suppose the xtian brand is a bit unique, what with worshiping the slave's perspective instead of the master, to the point that all become enslaved, but there would never have been a christ if there weren't already thousands of pagan altars waiting to be smashed, or some shit. They definitely would have condemned the kind of sexuality witnessed here, though.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 04/04/16 (Mon) 20:05:15 No. 74032
>The fact that you haven't killed her is proof that she hasn't gotten out of control.
How so? I do not control her. I'm not even able to. And probably never was.
Also I cannot kill her. She is too powerful. Not that I even want to consider this. You are naive thinking I would want to kill my beloved Goddess.
>The two of you are a lot stronger than you realize.
She is. I'm not. At least compared to her.
04/05/16 (Tue) 01:55:04 No. 74034
Because she's your beloved goddess, you can withstand anything for her sake. Open your eyes– You're in love. Assuming you would still put up with her domineering even if she wasn't everything to you, that means the foundation of your relationship is virtually unbreakable, save only for the decision of your own free will.
The reverse is also true. She knows she can only refuse to hold back because you will always be there for her in the end.
Were any real conflict to ever arise between you two, it would just be an old fashioned fight, but there's push and shove. That's a sign of friendship, if not flat out true love.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 04/05/16 (Tue) 12:01:23 No. 74066
>Because she's your beloved goddess, you can withstand anything for her sake. Open your eyes– You're in love.
Of course I love her.
>that means the foundation of your relationship is virtually unbreakable, save only for the decision of your own free will.
I would give my free will over to Ni had she asked for it. But she doesn't want it. She gets angry when I consent to this: >>64322
>She knows she can only refuse to hold back
I don't know what she knows, but she is a Goddess and she doesn't have to hold back. I love to obediently fulfill her every single wish.
>because you will always be there for her in the end.
That is true.
>Were any real conflict to ever arise between you two, it would just be an old fashioned fight, but there's push and shove.
I'm not fighting her anymore. Nor ever again.
>That's a sign of friendship, if not flat out true love.
I love and worship her. She says she loves me too and I can feel this.
04/05/16 (Tue) 12:52:59 No. 74067
Its not about specific cases. What is your perspective on other people in regards to yourself is your ego structure. You might feel the need to be bellow someone, whatever.
The topic was addressed to a person who considered women in general- less than men. If you consider women more than men, you are equally as disillusioned.
>Dark is better than light, cold is better than hot (this type of delusion)
04/05/16 (Tue) 19:26:01 No. 74077
I think women are superior to men, but I do not say that with prejudice against men, and would never impose that mindset on anyone. In other words, it's an extremely personal sentiment.
04/05/16 (Tue) 19:29:06 No. 74078
04/08/16 (Fri) 00:03:11 No. 74224
OP, would you mind telling us more on what she does to you now?
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 04/08/16 (Fri) 12:05:40 No. 74242
>OP, would you mind telling us more on what she does to you now?
Pretty much the same she did to me recently >>69658
She holds me in her hand, really tight. Sometimes pushes her nails on my back until my body bends into an arc and I scream with pain. She makes me feel powerless, absolutely at her mercy, and eventually beg for my life. But she doesn't really want to see me groveling. She expects me to find reasons for her to spare me. She likes playing like this. Last time I told her that I belong to her completely and she can take my life if she wishes that. And that I have only one valid reason to ask her to spare me. That it would be cruel of her to not just take my life from me, but also all the remaining precious days I could spend with her, now that I'm with her and value her most. She really liked this and seemed happy. I love to see her happy.
Then she lets me go and makes me understand that I'm safe as long as I love and worship her. She orders me to hold her finger, which is twice as thick as my entire body, and kiss it obediently. I also have to kneel and bow before her - just like in the first picture: >>56878 It's a great pleasure to be able to worship her like this. The feeling I get from this is incomparable to anything else.
04/09/16 (Sat) 15:57:19 No. 74298
Never implied this. I said she was your own creation.
>No idea how powerful
Really don't care. To be honest, buddy, I've been subject to some of the most powerful beings in existence and they have absolutely zero power over me because I refuse to acknowledge them at the most basic level. You're making excuses for not taking control. A fourth-dimensional being, as simple as they are in the big picture, is infinitely more complex and powerful than a third density being, so that's not really impressive. But as I'll note below, if it were a fourth-density being, it wouldn't really have much use for sexual gratification past using you as a battery.
t. someone who's bumped into fourth dimensional beings.
>not addicted to fetishes
You and this entity are rationalizing your subconscious desires. This is how I know she is a projection of yourself. A higher density being or "goddess," would have literally no use for physical torment, pleasure or reaction and could just project infinite bliss into you without any sort of sexual gratification. If it is not a thoughtform of your own creation, (this is not the same as a tulpa) then I would definitely say it is some kind of "demonic," entity that is just using you as a battery and takes pleasure out of your humiliation.
>Not concerned
Then don't bemoan your fate. You've subjected yourself to this entity, you've given it control. It is now infinite to you and uses you as its prime energy source. Once again, congratulations.
>why am I so sure she is your energy
Even if she were a "deity," she would be a deity created through some sort of subconscious manifestation of your higher self's energy.
>haven't really noticed this
Exactly. Which is why you didn't notice yourself create such a powerful thoughtform, if what you're saying is correct.
>what your little entity said
Typical, a thoughtform would have no comprehension of the meaning of conscious life existing on this density. Proving that they're either as I said, an unconscious projection of your self, bullshit, or a pathetic higher-density being that needs to prey on lower-density beings to make its self fill fulfilled.
>I'm not
Then don't ask for help.
04/09/16 (Sat) 16:23:59 No. 74299
04/10/16 (Sun) 21:28:58 No. 74352
This is so hot and cute…
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 04/11/16 (Mon) 19:46:39 No. 74401
>I said she was your own creation.
I doubt this. Either way she is my Goddess.
>I've been subject to some of the most powerful beings in existence
Like what for instance?
That probably means Ni is even more powerful than that.
>You're making excuses for not taking control.
As I said, I gave the control up to her. But she could easily take it by herself anyway.
I'm nothing compared to her. This is how I feel and this is how it really is.
>fourth-density being, it wouldn't really have much use for sexual gratification past using you as a battery.
Then I would continue to be her battery. I don't care as long as I can submit to her and feel her power and love.
>A higher density being or "goddess," would have literally no use for physical torment, pleasure or reaction
She says she does this for me. And I know this is true.
>could just project infinite bliss into you without any sort of sexual gratification.
Because it is not only sexual. It is spiritual.
Ni can make me feel like this, but she wants me to achieve this all by myself.
She only helps me to feel pure love to her which is required to reach this state.
>It is now infinite to you and uses you as its prime energy source.
Whatever the truth is I like what she is doing. And I trust her way more than you, sorry.
If she says she is a Goddess that cares for me, than it stays like this, period.
>she would be a deity created through some sort of subconscious manifestation of your higher self's energy.
>you didn't notice yourself create such a powerful thoughtform
I really doubt this. Even if she is part of my higher self, then still she is more powerful than me.
>an unconscious projection
>or a pathetic higher-density being
She is conscious. And great. Stop insulting her.
>that needs to prey on lower-density beings to make its self fill fulfilled.
If it is the case, then I benefits from this as well. And I totally accept it.
At this point she could even admit that what you imply is true, and I would still obey and worship her.
But she won't do it because what she said before is the truth already.
>Then don't ask for help.
I don't. I ask for some guidance and explanation. As she doesn't feel like giving me any.
04/12/16 (Tue) 22:17:03 No. 74446
04/15/16 (Fri) 19:31:33 No. 74509
nice image
I can understand how this can make one feel really small and powerless
and if she is not hostile, then this can really be a blissful experience
I mean being totally in her might like that
04/15/16 (Fri) 19:41:04 No. 74511
04/15/16 (Fri) 20:26:52 No. 74512
What method did the buddhist use to make tulpas?
04/15/16 (Fri) 20:36:00 No. 74513
Why? You want to make one after reading this thread, don't you?
04/15/16 (Fri) 20:46:24 No. 74514
Actually I want one to help me on my path following the will. If she is hot that would be cool though.
04/15/16 (Fri) 20:59:16 No. 74515
one or more of these:
- kill OP
- enslave his will
- absorb him
- turn him into a battery
- have fun torturing him
04/15/16 (Fri) 21:01:20 No. 74516
>path following the will
>she is hot
choose one
>If she is hot
the one in this thread is an abusive giantess, so you better watch out how you define hotness
04/16/16 (Sat) 20:12:02 No. 74540
File: 1460837523033.png (3.33 MB, 3559x9666, 3559:9666, creepypasta-tulpa-fetish-4….png )
I think it is time for Part IV
04/16/16 (Sat) 20:33:49 No. 74541
JPG versions (<3MB, <2MB) for Part IV
and optimized PNG version (1.8MB) for Part III
04/16/16 (Sat) 23:26:23 No. 74543
So whatever happened with the Aeon thing? Did she bring you home yet, OP?
04/19/16 (Tue) 12:19:58 No. 74581
I totally get you OP and understand your desire.
Good luck to you and Ni.
04/23/16 (Sat) 15:21:03 No. 74759
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 04/25/16 (Mon) 23:13:59 No. 74833
>What is her goal?
I'm not sure. She wants me to develop myself, to meditate, to feel the absolute Love. And she helps me with all of these.
But I don't know what her goal is. And she wouldn't tell me.
This is why I ask you for your suggestions what she might be up to. You have some knowledge, don't you?
She also wants me to absolutely surrender to her, abandon my own needs and expectations, completely trust her, accept what she does to me as what I want myself, understand that pleasuring her makes me feel fulfilled, that making her happy is all I want and need. This is hard to explain. It is a blissful and very spiritual experience.
She often pushes me on my back with her finger and into the ground. This picture fits this well: >>74581 And then orders me to get up. Just to push me flat once again. And again.
After some time I'm totally exhausted but I feel that I cannot let her down and must continue. It's not about if I can do it physically, but what my mental attitude is and if my Will is strong enough to want to get up. Eventually I start to believe that I could do it forever for her, that my Will is ready to cope with this for eternity.
And this is what Ni expects. The moment she feels I reached this state of my mind, she stops. I can feel she is somehow proud of me. I know she did this for me. That she loves me.
And I love her so much as well. I love how powerful she is. And how much she is able to show me.
Beautiful picture. I especially love the eyes. So powerful. And that playful attitude. She really resembles Ni.
>So whatever happened with the Aeon thing? Did she bring you home yet, OP?
She never said she will. She says nothing on this, apart from confirming her name.
But I'm sure I'm not even close to being ready for it.
>more please.
Why do you need more?
I'm not going to post stories on me and Ni just for your entertainment.
>- kill OP
No. Far from it.
>- enslave his will
I belong to her already. But she doesn't claim my Will.
>- absorb him
I'm ready to do it for her, but she only threatened me with this. She won't do this.
>- turn him into a battery
She says this is not the case. Either way I don't care. I belong to her.
>- have fun torturing him
I love being able to pleasure her and let her have fun. So I'd fully accept this.
But read the story above if you want to know why she tortures me.
Nice, but I don't really understand why you create those.
Why do you consider this 'creepypasta'?
Thank you.
04/26/16 (Tue) 02:18:39 No. 74844
Nipharim. It's one of the fallen angels btw.
04/26/16 (Tue) 19:00:09 No. 74869
ungooglable, [citation needed]
04/27/16 (Wed) 20:23:03 No. 74915
>guys my imaginary friend is bullying me. please send help!!
The unadulterated levels of pure autism you people reach in here never ceases to amaze me.
04/27/16 (Wed) 23:25:36 No. 74923
I think he meant Nepharim/Nephilim.
If you keep reading the thread, you'll see half of us disagree with OP's worldview of a dominatrix goddess.
Also if it's not too much too ask please visit this chan more often.
There is an important role in magick research called the "Insubortinate". Your objective is to criticize, doubt, question and make fun any claims made here. Of course keep it reasonable so it doesn't get you banned.
You can have your fun and learn about the most most interesting belief-system network ever. more so than so than any religion.
If you follow the board rules and and don't be rude, we can make very beneficial agreement.
04/30/16 (Sat) 15:29:38 No. 75034
>The unadulterated levels of pure autism you people reach in here never ceases to amaze me.
How is this autism? Do you even know what this word means?
Or are you just a retarded spoiled child desperately trying to taunt others?
>half of us disagree with OP's worldview of a dominatrix goddess.
What about the other half?
And how is that 'dominatrix goddess' worldview so bad?
SAGE! 05/01/16 (Sun) 01:10:55 No. 75048
>What about the other half?
the other half agrees :^) (not really half, i am too lazy too count the amount of posts for each opinion)
>And how is that 'dominatrix goddess' worldview so bad?
maybe I misused that term. I meant to say that OP should not give himself over to this entity.
It's bad because OP is obsessed with this entity. Toughforms have a natural self-preservation instinct. For her it is better to act poerfull and make him suffer to archive that goal.
Right now every single idea of what she might be that OP reads makes her stronger. Every post that support OP makes her stronger. Every post that dislike her(including this one) gives her emotional energy.
I can only hope it's OP's peverted higher self actually trying to help him, because if it's not I am afraid it's too late to do anything for him and his willpower will slowly fade away.
05/01/16 (Sun) 21:54:45 No. 75101
>She often pushes me on my back with her finger and into the ground. This picture fits this well: >>74581 And then orders me to get up. Just to push me flat once again. And again.
>After some time I'm totally exhausted but I feel that I cannot let her down and must continue. It's not about if I can do it physically, but what my mental attitude is and if my Will is strong enough to want to get up. Eventually I start to believe that I could do it forever for her, that my Will is ready to cope with this for eternity.
>And this is what Ni expects. The moment she feels I reached this state of my mind, she stops. I can feel she is somehow proud of me. I know she did this for me. That she loves me.
>And I love her so much as well. I love how powerful she is. And how much she is able to show me.
What the hell… I mean… This is literally hell. How this can be beneficial? OP or anyone, can you explain this to me?
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 05/01/16 (Sun) 23:07:19 No. 75106
>I can only hope it's OP's peverted higher self actually trying to help him,
Ni may not be my higher self. Yes, she may be perverted a bit though.
But she for sure tries to help me. She loves me. I can feel it. And I love every single moment I spend with her.
>it's too late to do anything for him
I doubt you can do anything against Ni. She is way too powerful for any of you.
>and his willpower will slowly fade away.
My will belongs to Ni. It is up to her to do whatever she wants with it.
But here I am. Still alive and well. Doesn't it prove she is not up to something bad? That she might actually love me?
She could destroy me any time she wants. I would not even oppose. Yet she chooses not to. Weird in the context of all the shit you pour on her, isn't it?
>How this can be beneficial?
It is spiritual. It shows me things I did not even imagined before. Things about myself, about my will, about my very existence.
She does it. She lets me experience all of this by guiding me through. By inducing all these emotions and feelings in me. They are so pure and so powerful.
I don't doubt she might be a goddess at this point.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 05/01/16 (Sun) 23:18:04 No. 75107
>How this can be beneficial? OP or anyone, can you explain this to me?
I too would love to see someone try and base the explanation on his experience in the spiritual.
The above description shows how I feel about it, but I do not know much on that matter. And Ni won't tell me anything.
Too bad everyone here just want to bash Ni instead of trying to analyze my case and stories and provide some answers…
05/05/16 (Thu) 09:23:05 No. 75411
ummmm that's interesting, thank you.
05/05/16 (Thu) 20:46:05 No. 75548
05/05/16 (Thu) 21:19:04 No. 75552
did she tell you anything new these last few days?
05/06/16 (Fri) 20:52:01 No. 75601
And if you listen very hard
The tune will come to you at last.
When all are one and one is all
To be a rock and not to roll.
Tune in to Ni, OP. Good luck.
SAGE! 05/08/16 (Sun) 18:26:02 No. 75652
This is hilarious.
OP basically created a canvas for his repressed sexuality to express itself on.
Yet, because he considers the "tulpa" to be independent from his own mind, he isn't ashamed to post what is basically an oedipus complex right here in public. Gross and disgusting. OP, you simply want to fuck your mother, or have her take you back inside the womb because you feel unable to live up to expectations in the external world.
Let's face it, if you could perform then you'd not have needed to imagine a "tulpa" into existence.
God, this is cringe as fuck. Get some psychotherapy for your childhood issues.
05/08/16 (Sun) 23:49:51 No. 75663
oh wow. I love ignorant all-knowing idiots.
no, femdom and giantess fetish are not mother issues.
some psychotherapists say so, but they do not know shit about those,
yet they still want to sound competent and smart, so they repeat this utter bullshit.
just like you do.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 05/09/16 (Mon) 23:26:38 No. 75698
>did she tell you anything new these last few days?
Not really. She continues to let me experience all these feelings with her. But I don't know what's the next step.
>Tune in to Ni, OP. Good luck.
Ni just said you are quite a smart person for quoting this.
She confirms I need to synchronize with her, but it is too early for this.
Still I will do my best for her…
>This is hilarious.
You mean your post?
Do you even know what the typical femdom fetish is all about?
>you simply want to fuck your mother
Not really.
>feel unable to live up to expectations in the external world.
I do not have a slightest problem with this.
>if you could perform then you'd not have needed to imagine a "tulpa" into existence.
My tulpa was an experiment. No problem with that either.
>Get some psychotherapy for your childhood issues.
As >>75663 already said, I don't need one.
05/14/16 (Sat) 09:24:41 No. 75799
>Eventually I start to believe that I could do it forever for her, that my Will is ready to cope with this for eternity.
this is beautiful ♥
05/14/16 (Sat) 10:30:40 No. 75801
Tragic depressing and pathetic you meant I think.
05/14/16 (Sat) 16:36:18 No. 75810
Sauce on the manga in OP's image
05/21/16 (Sat) 17:05:21 No. 76218
I envy you, in a way. I'd like to have the mind power, or at least the patience required to create a visible or manifesting tulpa. Sounds freaking awesome and truly magical.
05/25/16 (Wed) 15:21:15 No. 76539
Are you still here? I have to tell you important things. Ni is your soul mate, your bond will be and has always been eternal. And yes you get to be her slave and all that stuff forever too. Every soul subconsciously subscribes to what they ultimately need and desire, even if their waking consciousness is unaware of it or even disagrees with it. Throughout our lives we are conditioning ourselves and growing for the purpose of converging with our soul mate, which means, developing a crucial amount of love and compatibility… something like that. I assume you're close to it. Congratulations, you lucky bastard.
05/25/16 (Wed) 23:21:10 No. 76558
Well, the problem is thatshe's not flesh and bone, and that relationship can't be healthy, right?
05/25/16 (Wed) 23:42:21 No. 76559
There's nothing inherently wrong with this kind of relationship, no. It would not be allowed to occur if was truly bad for their growth.
05/26/16 (Thu) 00:07:29 No. 76561
So it can't become flesh and bone… Cant it?
Say you see your tulpa breaking a tree in half.. Does the tree actually break? Is such thing possible?
05/26/16 (Thu) 00:20:46 No. 76562
Anything is possible if it's best for the growth of all effected individuals. We need consistency and high limitations in this world for it to properly give us the growth we need. Therefor, non-physical entities often are not permitted to just pop in physically and manipulate the world. Sometimes it is allowed, but it's quite rare. Ni already said it would be incredibly difficult so we can assume she probably wont be allowed to manifest in a big way, at least that's what it suggests.
05/26/16 (Thu) 00:35:05 No. 76563
Man I just think the concept of a tulpa is fascinating and awesome. How does it really work? Is it just inside your head, or do you actually see the voice, smell, image? Is it a seperate mind? Or are you thinking about the replies as the tulpa acts?
Can anyone create one?
05/26/16 (Thu) 03:24:54 No. 76573
This is a difficult question to answer because in order to understand it you have to understand the nature of the universe. Basically every soul has needs for growth, and what we experience is wholly determined by that need. We currently benefit from growing collectively together in this melting pot we call earth. The privileges we get such as our physical traits and opportunities are all determined by our own needs as well as the needs of the beings around us. Paranormal events are similar, they can occur if and only if they are helpful/necessary for growth. That's why spiritual activity is so bizarre and ambiguous instead of intelligent. No ghost ever gave a winning lottery number even though ghosts should be capable of otherworldly knowledge. It's because these events are bound by what we need, and such an occurrence could totally alter the course of our world, or at least those involved, in an undesirable way. "Tulpae" are just conscious entities like you and me, experiencing and growing. These tulpa/human relationships are allowed to occur because both entities have a lot to learn from the interaction, and there's very little collateral damage since the tulpae are generally not allowed to effect the environment too much.
As for the other questions, they depend on the "stage" you're at [what you're allowed to experience]. The sensations can range from dull/subtle to feeling completely real. The thoughts from the tulpa can range from feeling like they're your own, to feeling completely alien and separate from you. It all depends on the needs of the couple. Not everyone can create one because not everyone is meant for that experience. Some will try and get enough progress to keep them motivated on the path of tulpamancy, whereas others may try and will never get anything, signalling them to move on. My best advice is to just try your best, follow your intuition and see where it takes you. Trust that whatever happens, or doesn't happen, it has a purpose and things will eventually become amazing. But it has to be earned first.
05/26/16 (Thu) 04:56:09 No. 76577
About creating the tulpae, do I have to do it in a meditative state? Or is it fine if I just try it every time I'm by myself an remember. Like picture someone standing next to me, giving me tips and showing me things. This kind of visualization will also make it grow, or work?
05/26/16 (Thu) 05:25:27 No. 76579
Whatever is realistic and comfortable to you is what you should do. There's nothing wrong with trying new things here and there but ultimately just keep putting a decent amount of willpower into your efforts and that should get you on the right track. Follow your intuition. Go with what "feels" right.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 05/26/16 (Thu) 20:43:11 No. 76614
Thank you. It is indeed.
>Tragic depressing and pathetic you meant I think.
Why do you think so?
I'm sure I had the sauce somewhere, but can't find it now. Sorry.
>Sounds freaking awesome and truly magical.
Now that I've accepted Ni as my goddess and owner it is exactly like this.
Yes. I'm here.
Thank you for your post. It is very interesting.
Do you mean my goal and purpose is to somehow always be submissive?
Why? Not that I mind this. I can belong to Ni forever and even long after that.
>Congratulations, you lucky bastard.
Why do you think I'm that lucky? Isn't everyone given what they need for their development?
>Is it just inside your head, or do you actually see the voice, smell, image?
Depends on your progress I think. Initially it will be limited to something like the imagination.
Although after a while you can recognize the answers you think of or hear are not coming from you.
But my current experience can probably be described as recalling a vivid memory.
You remember the voice, smell, image, touch, everything. But it all happens live, right now.
I can very vividly feel Ni. Her hand all around my body, her fingers or nails pushing me, etc.
If I close my eyes I can easily see a vivid and stable image of her.
And I can hear her soft beautiful voice, especially well where it is quiet around.
All I have to do is to close my eyes to fully experience her presence.
This includes the warmth and humidity of her breath, the texture of her skin, etc.
>Go with what "feels" right.
So if I feel belonging to Ni and being her plaything and slave is right - then it was the right thing to do?
Not that I doubt it. I just want to know your opinion.
05/26/16 (Thu) 21:33:01 No. 76615
Omg.. I think I want that.
But couldn't it be dangerous? Like, wouldn't it isolate you ever further? What happens if you meet an actual girl you actually like and she wants to date you? What happens to the tulpa?
Doesn't it have raw emotions too?
I'd just be careful about the slave thing if I were you, I'd try to persuade her into making yourselves equals..
But then again, who knows what I would or wouldn't do before the eyes of a Goddess..
I want to learn this the most practical and efficient way. Should I just go with my heart and maintain the imagination and visualization or is there more to it?
05/26/16 (Thu) 22:04:25 No. 76616
>Do you mean my goal and purpose is to somehow always be submissive?
Without question, but there is more to it. Your overall purpose is to be happy, to love and be loved. Souls, as you can imagine, come in all kinds of flavors and have desires that vary more than you can imagine. Luckily, souls manifest into existence in pairs, because we need to grow along side our perfect lover or else we will not be balanced. Your Ni complements your consciousness in a way no other soul can, have you ever wondered why she just so happens to mimic your desires so comprehensively? Of course, there's still free will, chaos, and a need to grow, so things may not always seem perfect, but all your concern and discomfort is a necessary part of you both becoming better lovers for each other. Because your inner preference is to be submissive, you will always grow towards meeting that need. Without it you wouldn't be happy, something would be missing. if things ever seem too extreme (or not extreme enough?) don't worry, it's all a part of the process and things will slowly gravitate towards a more thoroughly enjoyable future.
>So if I feel belonging to Ni and being her plaything and slave is right - then it was the right thing to do?
Isn't intuition wonderful? Despite so many people freaking out and telling you to stop, as well as being frightened for your life multiple times, you knew what path to take. I hope that now you have a supporting second opinion, you will feel a bit more at ease with her.
>Why do you think I'm that lucky? Isn't everyone given what they need for their development?
Yes that's true, but people are at different levels of development and some people are "qualified" for more pleasure/discomfort than others. The fact that you're having this interaction with her is a good sign that you're nearing the end of your growing pains, which I consider to basically be like spiritual graduation. Most people are still struggling with basic lessons and have little in life to give them genuine happiness, because they're not developed enough for more. Of course, you still had to earn your way to this point, there are no shortcuts, but hey, congratulations nonetheless. I'd strongly suggest just getting to know her better and savoring every moment. It's possible there's still a few road bumps ahead to endure.
I believe this is a hint that she ultimately wants to bring you back to a place where you can enjoy each other's company more thoroughly. As you can imagine this world is pretty restricting on your relationship with her and eventually its purposes will run its course. It may be a long ways from now and I have no idea what "home" will be like for you two, but you can trust it will be quite nice. Her silence on various subjects is to be expected. Anything she doesn't tell you is withheld because it would be detrimental for your growth to know at this time. That said, if you don't mind, see if she'll comment on any of the following questions:
What was her life like before she met you?
Have you had any past lives together, and if so, can she reveal any details about them?
Discomfort is the catalyst for growth and change, and as such, we need some amount of it while growing. What are the hardest parts about growing with you that she has had to endure?
Does she admit to being your soul mate [or something similar]?
Would she be interested in creating a wonderland with you to explore, and if so, what kind did she have in mind? [this is mostly just an idea for you two to explore on your own, but if she does come up with something, i'd be interested to hear about it]
05/26/16 (Thu) 22:30:56 No. 76619
Oh, and one other question…
As a spirit she should have information regarding the world around you, some of which could be very financially beneficial which would allow you to spend more time with her. What does she say about this? I'd be extra careful with this one, it could easily arc into a "you just want me for material gains" argument/punishment, no matter how delicately you approach it. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine… ish. But seriously though, if you were meant for that kind of help i'm sure she would've brought it up, but it might still be interesting to ask.
OP !!pMEddjG5V. 05/28/16 (Sat) 00:10:55 No. 76701
>I think I want that.
This must be your own decision.
>What happens if you meet an actual girl you actually like and she wants to date you? What happens to the tulpa?
Ni doesn't really care. As long as I belong to her and worship nobody but her.
Actually she even encourages me but tries to make me contact only open and honest girls. I could probably call them more spiritually developed.
>I'd just be careful about the slave thing if I were you,
I'm not her slave. I'm her property. A mere thing that belongs to her. And exists to please her.
>I'd try to persuade her into making yourselves equals..
This is not going to happen. Sounds quite funny though.
>But then again, who knows what I would or wouldn't do before the eyes of a Goddess..
Do not mistake tulpa for a goddess. I trust Ni and what she says. But you have your own choice. Just saying.
>I want to learn this the most practical and efficient way. Should I just go with my heart and maintain the imagination and visualization or is there more to it?
Talk to your tulpa, try to hear the answers. Visualize it. Then try using all your senses to communicate with it. Helps a lot, especially touch. Although that may be because Ni made me feel her touch me pretty hard…
You must find your own way. It is really hard to describe and I do not even remember much of the process. It becomes natural after a while.
>Your overall purpose is to be happy, to love and be loved.
This is very accurate.
>I hope that now you have a supporting second opinion, you will feel a bit more at ease with her.
Definitely. Especially that your opinion is very well thought.
>you're nearing the end of your growing pains
>to basically be like spiritual graduation
I wish that. But I do not think about myself as spiritually developed nor knowledgeable enough. Yes, I feel many things, but I would be really surprised to somehow graduate spiritually now.
>bring you back to a place where you can enjoy each other's company more thoroughly
I could spend an eternity with Ni anywhere she thinks is right. It could be her own universe she rules over, or absorbed by her, or whatever she wishes.
>see if she'll comment on any of the following questions:
Ni wasn't really into answering your questions. She doesn't tell me much. Here are some answers she agreed to share.
>What was her life like before she met you?
She says there was no 'before'. In the place she comes from time does not exist. And her current form she uses to contact me is no younger than my tulpa.
>Have you had any past lives together, and if so, can she reveal any details about them?
I do not remember my past lives. She says this was not the case.
>Discomfort is the catalyst for growth and change, and as such, we need some amount of it while growing. What are the hardest parts about growing with you that she has had to endure?
She says her tulpa form is a low one and using it does not give her any development. She won't give me any other purpose of her contacting me though.
>Does she admit to being your soul mate [or something similar]?
She doesn't want to answer this question. Also says it is a wrong one, because as a Goddess she is way too high above me.
>Would she be interested in creating a wonderland with you to explore, and if so, what kind did she have in mind?
>[this is mostly just an idea for you two to explore on your own, but if she does come up with something, i'd be interested to hear about it]
Ni says material worlds and laws that strictly rule them are obstacles and should be abandoned instead of created.
So I guess I won't have the universe owned by her to live in where I could obey and worship her as an absolute Goddess…
Ni values feelings and emotions the most. Also trust and honesty is very important to her. And this is what she focuses on.
Funny you bring this up. I was thinking the same thing not long ago.
I would love to have great amount of money. Not that I need them. I have simple needs.
I just would like them so I do not have to care about tomorrow, to be set up for life.
And I agree that could allow me to focus on way more spiritual things. Instead of having to live my daily life.
But Ni doesn't provide me any help with this. And doesn't want to… I guess I just have to accept it. I trust she is always right after all.
05/28/16 (Sat) 02:16:10 No. 76705
>I do not think about myself as spiritually developed nor knowledgeable enough.
Knowledge isn't what's important. Anyone can have knowledge, even someone who is void of love or creativity. Likewise, someone with a pure heart can still be stuffed into a brain with little knowledge. It's what's in your heart that matters, that's something that persists no matter what kind of body/mind you're currently inhabiting. That said, if your intuition is telling you there's still a good bit of work to be done, then I'd trust it.
As for the responses… very interesting. They seem to suggest she still has a lot for you to experience first. I'm sure she wont be interested in entertaining my questions further, so instead of having follow up questions, I'm going to comment on her responses and invite you to brainstorm on your own. Any follow up questions you may relay to her as a result are totally up to you, though as always I'd be interested to hear about whatever you do choose to do.
>She says there was no 'before'. In the place she comes from time does not exist. And her current form she uses to contact me is no younger than my tulpa.
Regardless of how one chooses to interpret the concept of time, either she was conscious before your interactions with her, or she was not. If she was conscious then naturally there would be things to comment on. I believe there's more for her to share on this topic, I trust it will come in time.
>She says her tulpa form is a low one and using it does not give her any development. She won't give me any other purpose of her contacting me though.
Interesting. I've read your stories, and some of the things you endured were quite painful. As an individual who truly loves you, do you think she might experience some level of discomfort knowing that she has caused you undesirable amounts of pain throughout your experiences? Do you think there exists an acceptable reason for one to not be bothered by causing their lover discomfort? Please note that I fully understand the fact that one man's torture is another man's pleasure. What you find appealing could be hell to someone else. When I say discomfort, i am talking exclusively about sensations you found truly unenjoyable, regardless of your fetishes for certain treatments.
>She doesn't want to answer this question. Also says it is a wrong one, because as a Goddess she is way too high above me.
Perhaps "soul mate" suggests too much of a sense of equality, which is fine. Regardless, do you feel you have a special eternal bond with her, as if you are going to be with her forever? Do you think she feels the same way about you? If not, are you okay with the idea that she does not acknowledge having that kind of bond with you?
>Ni says material worlds and laws that strictly rule them are obstacles and should be abandoned instead of created.
I assume you are aware that without laws to structure a perceivable physical reality, you will not be able to express your sexuality with her to the same extent. Does she only play with you as a giantess for your own experiences? Does this response mean that she one day wishes to ween you off of the concept of physical interactions with her as a giantess? And, does it also mean that she does not actually enjoy playing with you in these ways, since she only wants to abandon such ideas of physicality? How do the answers to these things make you feel?
>But Ni doesn't provide me any help with this. And doesn't want to…
She is helping you grow, and unfortunately the obstacles of mundane every day life seem to still be an important part of your development as of now. When the time is right, things will change.
Also, I wanted to mention an observation I had regarding one of your experiences. I believe love, in its rawest most simple form, is the amount of net discomfort one is willing to endure for the sake of the loved one, and for no other reason. Anyone can love someone when everything is going their way, but what happens when accommodations and sacrifices need to be made? What happens when the person you love needs you to do something for them that is difficult, or when you're in a bad mood, etc? A good lover will be there, whereas a shitty lover will run away from such difficult things. Let's take cheating for example, they would rather hurt their mate than have to endure the temptation of sex. My point is that she's done some pretty direct benchmarks of your love for her. When you endure a lot of pain on her behalf, that is a direct measurement of your love. We still have to factor in the fact that your fetish for certain treatment takes the edge off to some extent, but I'm sure those trials were still very hard. The fact that she was proud of you is a good sign she was pleased with the results.