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I'd like to gather some opposing viewpoints after reading this.


Is it possible for something to 'be' and 'not be' at the same time?

Or is it impossible for for there to be a 'middle answer'?

If logic isn't logical, how would that affect your world view?

I understand this thread topic is more philosophical than paranormal, but surely is worth talking about. I'm inclined to believe that logic simply doesn't exist, what do you think?


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>can something 'be' and 'not be' at the same time?

Yes and No


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Meta! Didn't expect that.



>Who the fuck implied that this was /x/

Who is spreading these fucking lies.

>Is logic logical?

We should just change this board to /kotaku/ kek


I'm not sure if this is what you're asking for but look up Godel's Incompleteness Theorem. It can basically be summed up as /"This statement cannot be proven"/; which is to say, a statement which is entirely true yet can't be proved. At the same time, if something can't be proven then how can we really call it true?



This is pretty much what I've decided to do



>Is it possible for something to 'be' and 'not be' at the same time?

Only if that something is inherently ambiguous.

If it's something like "Is water water?", then the answer is always "Yes" or "No".

Some things are absolutes, some are not. It all depends on the criteria.



Anecdotally, assuming logic seems to give me good results predicting the world around me.



The question isn't really so much whether it exists or not, but whether it's useful or not. Logic is consistent by its own axioms and allows the entire wealth of mathematics to exist, assuming those axioms. Things are defined to be either "true" or "false" because someone proved (within the other logical axioms) that if a statement were simultaneously true and false, you can prove true or false every single possible statement derived with it, which makes the words meaningless and useless.

You can define things differently, but then just have to justify that definition by what it allows you to describe.



Your example was pure aristotelean logic, for a very very thoughtfull study on the subject plus sugestion of alternatives read Science anf Sanity by Alfred Korzybsky

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