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Bodhisattva Kshitigarbha – Emptier of Hell

Ksitigarbha's name may be translated as "Earth Treasury", "Earth Store", "Earth Matrix", or "Earth Womb". Ksitigarbha is known, among other things, for his vow not to achieve Buddhahood until all hells are emptied. He is therefore often regarded as the bodhisattva of hell-beings, as well as the guardian of aborted fetuses, and children and both living and dead. Usually depicted as a monk with a halo around his shaved head, he carries a staff to force open the gates of hell and a wish-fulfilling jewel to light up the darkness.

For those interested, here is a study guide for better understanding the vows made by this being of unfathomable compassion:


This YouTube clip is based on his Bodhisattva Kshitigharba's vow to save those who were in the worst forms of suffering, which was achieved over many lifetimes:



Anon ,


I just came from a very bad kundalani awakening who take me to a tour of the he'll of the mind, and find this here Just what I need,

Know any way to invite/invoke him or something like it , I read the article and I will look for his teachings , thanks


I do not know that I ever would have envisioned such a being, and I am humbled by the very idea.


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