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Do the negative actions one takes eventually "bounce back" and poison the etheric body?

I've noticed that whenever I intentionally make much more negative actions, I get nightmares to the point of waking up in shock.

Is it possible that Hermetic Principle of Cause and Effect (Kybalion pg. 38) is applied to the morality of actions and that the "Golden Rule" (the latter being mentioned by about a dozen religions/non-secular philosophies) might be somehow linked to this Principle?


Is the etheric body the same thing as the astral body?


When you make "negative" choices you open yourself up more to that realm. Unless you are a truly "negative" person you wont be able to handle the process. Its a dog eat dog world over there



Not quite, but it bridges between the astral and physical. That is how astral repercussions (injuries) appear on the physical body. I like to think of the etheric as the sum total of all electrical impulses within and around the physical body, subtle and gross.



So etheric body is the bridge between the astral and the physical? Also another question, is there anyway I could see the astral body?


if you make an "immoral action", it will bounce back, but in a positive way.

God is the sun.

The sun is 666.





Most people are not sociopaths and feel sad about hurting others.

You can try to commit to doing right actions or you can try rationalizing hurting other people to make yourself not feel bad about hurting them.

Some techniques people try to use to rationalize hurting others are:

Exaggerating slights against oneself from others.

Thinking of others as plotting secretly against oneself.

Dividing the world into black and white and us versus them groups.

Writing up or finding a codex of laws to appeal to that authorize attacking others. Often, these laws are said by their users to be divinely given or somehow other have special authority.



Imaging yourself in your mind is your astral body. Looking in a mirror in a dream as well. The etheric is like the code of the universe.



Is there any way to see the etheric body?


It is pretty simple op. Ignorance is forgiven, in the sense that it will cause a bad result but it will have no effect on your psyche or your soul. But once you know what you're doing you're more than fucked, not only will the result be negative but you'll open up pathways through which more dhit will happen eventually. Whereas the ignorant pays the price of sin the willing pay it plus interest.



>God is the sun.

>the sun is 666

fucking jews




Yes, there are different methods. I can't give much information on seeing the astral body from outside the astral (although others here probably can). It is possible to see (with our physical eyes) etheric bodies from the physical plane. This is something that may unfold naturally through your development.

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