ctrl+c ctrl+v'd from some past thread
> who/what in this world is most deserving of your revenge?
Literally? Myself.
But the answer to what I think you're wanting is 'the powers that be', which is a little overarching for specifics, but I do mean pretty much everything.
The US Gov has actually wronged me, personally, and mine the most - but I know it's the same everywhere and that there are thousands more like myself feeling this pain.
> [is it] true that ISIS was created by CIA/Mossad?
ISIS is actually an interesting phenomenon.
The short answer is yes.
The long answer is the ISIS is actually a Stand Alone Complex. Interestingly, the CIA and Mossad are not on the same side in this. The CIA created the initial actions and the group's face and intened to use the group as a puppet power in the middle east in order to secure the oil fields - primarily because they wanted to control the oil prices worldwide. Mossad however decided that this puppet was too good to not be controlling themselves and did a few things here and there to destablize the CIA's control of them, and everything snowballed from there.
The CIA has now lost control of the group and legitimately want them dead. Mossad is now in control of ISIS, and the CIA knows it. They're not happy about it either.
> I hope I'm not offending you by digging like this.
Not at all, don't worry about it.
Here's a freebie.
There actually were WMDs in Iraq.
They were put there and then left there by George H. W. Bush back in the '90s. Launchers and everything. Saddam took them over.
I didn't know dubya could get that mad. He hadn't know, and H.W. didn't see fit to tell him.
Some of the guys were actually trying to convince him to not personally kill his father.