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Hello /fringe/,

I know this might be a shitty post or better be in the question thread but I wanted to help my friend even a little.My friend lost his cat and he saw his cat as his "only true friend".Some of you might dismiss this thread/post but please if you have extra time/energy and hope to help somebody why not send that energy to my friend's cat for it come back to my friends.I am currently working on sigil network,thoughtform,and bindrune to bring the cat back.Random act of kindness from you and me might mean a lot to my friend.

If you have a folk/low magic spell or anything simple that might contribute to bringing back the cat back please say (every contribution is worth a bit)

If you're going to help please say so or just affirm that you're going to help. (If you don't want to say anything than that is cool too, I just wanted to know if you're in)

Thank you in advance, and may you have sucess in whatever you do.

I am sorry if this isn't your usual ebola-chan V3 electric boogloo tier of thread or some meme magic.


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Op I am charging my sigils as we speak.

Your friends cat is as good as found.

I just need to know the cats name before I can cast a spell of safe return.



Mr Softness



Thank you very much by the way. I hope this works, but I fear the worst has happened.


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It is done.


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I am in your debt.


Kitty found his way home



Not yet unfortunately. I guess we will see in the morning.


Kitty has returned home.

Thank you so much for all who helped.


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I'm taking over this thread.

I've had this kind of experience with my cat and want to know your thoughts.

I was about 12 years old when it happened. My cat went missing and wasn't seen for a few days (which was pretty unusual for her). One day my father came home and told me that he found her lying dead on the roadside. We gave her a burial. I was very sad, and I kept thinking that it can't be my cat (it was pretty hard to identify with all the blood and overall gore after being ran over by a car, but the size, color etc. matched and both me and my parents recognized her as my cat) so it was just denial of the facts on my part.

The next day (or few days, I don't remember exactly) I was walking the road to my home when I saw my cat walking out of a forest next to my house. She had this strange glow around her, I don't know how to describe it properly. Like someone turned up the brightness on her. The whites of her fur were brighter and she literally seemed like she was glowing. I took her home and she lived with us for another 8 years until dying from cancer.

I asked my mother if there is something strange about her (we assumed we buried the wrong cat) and I mentioned that she seems to be "glowing" but my mother said she can't see anything. This effect faded after a week or two.



Your cat is the second coming of Christ.


OP do you even know what dowsing is? FYI, we can just dowse your cat.




Well then.

*puts away dowsing rods*



That cat must be 4D.


You must mean the third coming, Jesus already back as Adolf Hitler.



Why is /fringe/ getting invaded by furries. I bet it was that shape shifting thread.



I'm no furry friendo.



stfu bullshit "occultist"

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