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Esoteric Wizardry


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What do people here think about Tarot cards?

They have been used for hundreds of years, by numerous occult and mystical groups… including the Theosophical Society, the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, the Rosicrucians, the Church of Light, and the Builders of the Adytum…

But are these just "NEET wizard collectible trading cards", or legitimate and powerful tools?



Also I am aware I misspelled Tarot in the title, before anyone says anything.


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They are exactly that, tools. Different people prefer different mediums for their work. Tarot cards have a range of uses and correspond nicely with the Tree of Life for people doing pathworking.

Think of them like a language, but far more numinous.

<<< Path 26 - Ayin



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Tarot is legit and tons of fun. I suggest finding a deck you feel aligned with. I personally use the Hermetic tarot deck but I want to get a Thoth deck because of how beautiful the art is on it.

Start by picking a card each day and write it down. I've come to learn that our vessel can be connected or taken over by the higher more divine parts of ourselves. So you can use the deck as a communication tool with your higher self. Ask questions, pull cards and gain some insight. Eventually you'll believe it once you get some silly and entertaining results in your daily cards.

>"NEET wizard collectible trading cards"

I love that. What is it with wizards and collecting tarot decks? Ah well.

Also I should probably add that they're great to practice your scrying and astral projection since each card is really their own world. They're great for learning about the Qabalah(especially the more detailed sets) paths too. Hence why we use them as a "gateway" in path working.


I see your Thoth devil and raise you a Hermetic devil!

That's a beautiful website. I'll be sure to save it and use it for learning about the paths.


Why is the devil portrayed as a goat?



Higher states of consciousness. The goat stands above others.




>I suggest finding a deck you feel aligned with.

I've been experimenting with playing cards for a while as a means of testing if I'm getting any better at remote viewing with repeat practice and under certain conditions (and, as you happened to describe, I've had some unexpectedly humorous outcomes from time to time - I later read that playing cards have been used for divination for quite some time), but I've decided that I feel like learning the tarot, and finding a deck.

(Actually, two of my housemates and I separately decided on the same day to look into buying some tarot cards; another in a long line of minor occult synchronicities in our house, but I digress)

I suppose my questions boil down to: what's the best way to find/choose my first tarot? I know that some cards may be absent in some decks (among other changes, since the specifics have changed quite a bit down the centuries); is this likely to matter, or is it not worth worrying about as long as most of the common symbolism is there? Am I best off just picking a deck from Amazon (or wherever) with art that most pleases me, and not over-thinking it too much?

Anywhere I might have missed with a nice selection of quality decks to choose from?



Try to stick with the basic decks if you want to use them for higher work. Otherwise just pick whatever looks appealing. The three basics are the Rider waite, Thoth and Hermetic deck. Don't over think it.


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Any deck has value, but some are more suited for different kinds of work. Like Khan said, the Rider Waite, Thoth and Hermetic decks are some of the most used and are good for things like pathworking as the systems have developed around each other. I use the Thoth deck purely because I like the artwork and feel more drawn to it than any of the others. The man I purchased it from recommended the Rider Waite as a first deck because the standard suite cards have more unique scenes, making them easier for divination, but as I only use the Major Arcana it wasn't really an issue for me.

But they all have value, even those cheesy ones that you see lining the walls of crystal bookshops. I had a friend with a large deck of 'archetype' cards, very fluffy. After a night of drinking we all took turns pulling them and then reading them for each other. 'He always pulls the child cards,' our mutual friend kept telling me. Made sense too, it fit him to a tee. Out of the 60+ card deck, he managed to pull four of the six child cards in a six card draw. My friend and I just lit a cigarette and sat back. The universe was playing with him tonight.

<< Tasty Thoth Death artwork



The Thoth Death card is eerily unsettling, I think it has something to do with the way the skeleton is contorted.

I don't know why but it creeps me out a lot more than the Rider deck Death.



Why do people always forget about the original, the only, tarot of marseilles?

It's the closest one to the real cards and it was meant to be the last one ever made, the color were standardized and agreeing with the fundamental alchemical process, the symbologism in it, even though not apparent to the shitty pseudo occultist is richer then any decks out there. And yet, the americans had to came in and fuck it all up… Damn, americaniggers.



Tarot decks will usually be made by certain orders to fit their own personal tastes and systems. Each card is a portal into a ritual you see.



There's life in deaths balls, projecting outward through time. It's also crowning him.


Any deck is a good deck, there is no such thing as a better deck.

As long as you feel confortable with it.

A tool is a tool.

Plus this >>61384


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Is "tarrot" some kind of exotic bird?



The Tarot was originally only comprised of the Major Arcana and used to integrate the archetypes of our Logos.



I always pull the sword cards and the pentacles cards.


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I'm thinking about getting the Hermetic Tarot Deck but am somewhat anxious about grumblings in the reviews for the reprint on Amazon. There are complaints of certain cards seeming to be printed from low-res digital images or poorly compressed jpegs, but then there are others reporting nothing wrong. Might US Games have resolved their quality control issues with this deck now?


Hopefully I'm asking the right question here but what would be the decks to avoid?


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>Hopefully I'm asking the right question here but what would be the decks to avoid?

Depends on your level of skill.

Noob level = Get whatever deck your ego tells you to get

Mid tier wizard = The more abstract the deck the better (You don't want to be constrained by the overt and blatant symbolism in the cards artwork).

God Tier wizard = Design and draw your own deck. Nothing else will suffice.



> tarot of marseilles

That and knowing it started as playing cards is why I'm thinking to start with a deck of spanish playing cards.

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