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I noticed this board is very anti-ejaculating, "no fap!" and I already have an idea of why that is(which I will not reveal yet), but I am curious nonetheless.

Obviously jacking off to a 12 inch cock video, or fucking video/pictures of any kind is not fucking good.

But what about using the semen to empower a sigil, entity?

What about the act of sex with a women? Cumming inside a woman is probably the best feeling there is. You can even mix this with your magic, as all you have to do is visualize your goal/symbol at the moment of climax. The orgasm is WAY more intense if you have a clear visualization of what you will be achieving.

Some of this celibate, cut your balls off shit reaks of judaic-christian beliefs.


Even Franz Bardon in the oh so heralded IIH suggests that abstaining from ejaculation for prolonged periods of time is not suggested. It's in the intro of the book, along with him saying a vegan/pussy diet isn't good long-term either.


Hahaha this is where I shall call you a degenerate.

I know what fapping extensively did to my morale, will, health, and pubertal development. It was not favorable.

You can do whatever you want, you can even cum in my ass bb. Actually, I'd rather practice semen retention while sexing young virgins as is The Dao.


The Daoist philosophies of sex greatly inspired me. It is empowerment and yes, centers around semen retention, but without all the prudishness that appears to be edited into the major religions.

The Dao say sex is for salvation first, reproduction second. Sex is a vital cascade of hormones but taken too far results in 'the little death' or ejaculation. It is also known as the 'the battle of stealing strengthening' in said philosophy.

Of course, you can do mundane things like splooging onto sigils but is that really right?



Can I ask you to expand on sex is for salvation?

I was a fapper got it under control but still do it.

I can't really add much to this conversation other than I'm looking into tantric sex and women who are healthy good diet etc. as sexual partners



>a vegan/pussy diet isn't good long-term either.

>taking dietary advice from a fatass that died early from a heart attack



It's not really a moral thing here, I mean have you seen some of the threads here? Anyway while there is a moral issue with masturbation depending on method and context and health. The real anti fap thing here is because basically ejaculation is extremely harmful to your performance and success in magick and energy work. As you tend to release almost ALL of very good energy inside you. It's also an addicting habit for many on the net which same with all addictions can be detrimental in countless ways. Using taoist methods of sex and ejaculation is encouraged however. You can actually recycle the energy you release as well as have multiple orgasms and longer lasting performance in bed. You can also fuck astrally with goddesses and fairies or someone you know etc if you are interested in it, people say it's better then physical sex. Using sex energy to empower magick is more practical with energy work, it's a working method but it's not something you would want to keep doing forever.


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There is literally nothing wrong with fapping w/o cumming.



Google is your friend. Get out of here, stalker.


Does my dick hurt when I cum because I haven't been cumming for a week, or because I've been blueballing myself for a week?



When I don't fap for a few weeks (about the longest I ever make it) I notice that broads tend to eye my up more. It's also much easier to get that tingly feeling up my spine and in my crown when I "flex" my energy.

I don't even know what to do with that shit I just do it sometimes for fun.



You can fap and cum every second of your life and still do excellent magick. Retention is only recommended for certain types of sex magick or mystical / spiritual shit. It hardly has anything to do with magick. Learn the difference between spirituality and magick, because its two separate things altogether.

If you have no control over your mind while not fapping, you are most likely creating unhealthy subconscious complexes inside the psyche.


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Where can I learn more about Astral sex and taoist sex/ejaculation? Any book recommendations?



>fap w/o cumming

>get mild varicocele

>even lower back pain for some reason

>forced to have an unsatisfying and painful jerk session just for relief

>cured almost immediately, but the pain of knowing you were dumb enough to hurt yourself by masturbating incorrectly never fades

t-thanks bro..



>nothing wrong with fapping w/o cumming.

yeah, if you don't count severe blueballs and unbearable pain in the crotch area and around it



Check out Mantak Chia's books for the Taoist stuff. Here are his videos



As for astral sex? Find out for yourself :) or idk google it. Sex in the astral.




I think he meant like, orgasm without losing the sploosh and sex energy. You know energy work and putting pressure under your balls and rhythmic breathing.



I fap without cumming all the time and none of this happens to me.



Only if you don't watch porn at the same time



It screws over your dopamine receptors, screws over your brain chemistry, and interrupts the natural cycle of testosterone.

What other reason would you need to refrain from it?


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What about astral sex? Can I fug a fairy/alien qt in the astral and be healthy? Never projected before but I want to soon. I'm a virgin IRL


I'm really new to all this shit. But I literally cannot stop stroking my willy. Does this mean I'm gonna spend eternity getting rekt?


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>But what about using the semen to empower a sigil, entity?

sex with demons

>What about the act of sex with a women?

for what purpose?

>Cumming inside a woman is probably the best feeling there is.

So? Plenty of destructibe things are pleasurable.

>You can even mix this with your magic, as all you have to do is visualize your goal/symbol at the moment of climax.

sure. That's just improper to call that magic. Sorcery is more apt.

>Some of this celibate, cut your balls off shit reaks of judaic-christian beliefs.



whuts wrong with antijudeochristian



He said Daoist. That's all you need to know, but other than that, read mantak chia stuff if you want more info



oh yeah and you have the power.

you don't need to ask such a question when the words were already there.


(I had that problem not too long ago)


It is OK for people who know how to control it, that being said most people can't control it at all só if anything avoid it for some time


"…He who does not control the fluid is unwise.

…Those who waste the fluid are tyrannized by Kal [the negative power].

…He who wastes the fluid gets into extreme troubles.

…Those who waste the fluid suffer greatly.

…He who does not control the fluid is degraded

…Those who waste the fluid lose all.

…He who does not control the fluid is sent to hell [not later, but in the here and now].

…By self control depression disappears.

…By self control one gets knowledge of all things.

…By self control one crosses the ocean of the world.

…By self control one gets everything."

- "Pran Sangli" of Guru Nanak


"To those who have gained internal composure, the whole world becomes cool and calm, while, to persons molten in the furnace of internal desires, the whole world is one huge conflagration."

Sage Vasistha, The Yoga-Vasistha


If one stops ejaculating regularly by age 28 there is still potential to achieve great longevity


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>to achieve great longevity

Thanks for not saying immortality.



I nominate you for the most retarded poster on /fringe/, you little dipshit,



Time for you to die then


Immortality is possible that involves more intricate meditations to secrete gland fluids from the brain and such

I only read that phrase somewhere and it stuck, it makes sense because hormones will degrade with an aging body and those are pretty much the spark of life


>tfw on the fence about this and now more confused than ever after reading this thread

I just wish there were a number, you know? The boys over at /fit/ say once every 7 days is most optimal if you're not getting laid.



What the fuck would /fit/ know about sacred cerebral spinal fluid?



>Cumming inside a woman is probably the best feeling there is.

Heroin users can confirm this isn't true


Not jerking off gives me super powers

Well , it heightens my thought process until I express utmost acceptance and confidence with my actions , or I just kinda muddle through with a measure of contentedness , which is loads better than being groggy from wanking 3 times a day

Visualizations -> magnitudes more vivid

Opens the font of energy blah blah

Sperm is some powerful stuff

Feels good knowing my sperm is fueling me rather than random sloots on the internet

But then I wonder if my jerking off to random whores did some good for someone out there . . ?

Causality jazz and whatnot

Any of you guys ever feel guilty about not flogging the dolphin ?



Obviously they're just looking at it in terms of min/maxing testosterone. At least they've got a clear answer, you fuck.



asexual celibacy turns humans into gods



>vegan/pussy diet isn't good long-term either.



The problem with sex is that as long as you don't manage your appetites and redirect them all sexual and non-sexual towards the HGA, you're just feeding astral shit and feeding your Ka.

Until the Ka is transparent, you cannot see the Khu.

Yet you can fap or have sex if the sigil you use represents Nuit and you're male.


This guy gets it



Too real mate, please don't ever joke about that again.


Why not make your own methods that best suit your spiritual practice instead of following whatever is written by some folk?

Something has always screamed to me that not everyone is the same and some methods work better for others than for some people. Destination is the same, journey is different sort of thing.

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