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Esoteric Wizardry


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Our friends at /ebola/ need help contacting the egregore they constantly feed.

Post last edited at 2014-10-25 06:18:47


Stop this shit. Why would you feed negative entities?
Why waste your magic on wrongdoings when you could go chill in the astral and smoke weed with alien entities or help people. God…


Go back to /x/ on halfchan you degenerate normalfag white knight. If you knew anything about /fringe/ and the inner circle behind it, you would understand that you do not belong here.



>hurr durr i'm edgy and i want to keel people

Just tell me why


The group behind this board, and its predecessor site, are the ones who created the Ebola-chan Egregore in the first place.


But for what purpose? You are feeding an entity that's all about killing people, are you not?

I may very well be a "degenerate whiteknight normalfag" compared to you and your inner circle, but I don't understand why a group of people who clearly have a better understanding of reality than most people would do that. Are most of the people there insane? Are you doing it for a greater good which we common mortals are not able to see? … Geez, all I see is desperate people getting horny and fapping on a fictional girl who symbolizes a lethal disease, making the resulting thoughtform more powerful, god knows for what reason. And now they want to contact that thing.

I just want to know why man…


> but I don't understand why a group of people who clearly have a better understanding of reality than most people would do that.


>Are you doing it for a greater good which we common mortals are not able to see?

The ends justify the means.


It's just like I thought it was… you know, I wish this could be avoided, but I somehow understand where you all are coming from. Any person who's not insane thought of this at least once in his life.

Whatever, do what you have to do. I won't join this. To me it looks more like an act of desperation than an endeavor to create a better future. But that's just my "degenerate whiteknight" opinion. You probably have good reasons to be doing this.

In the meantime I'll be practicing to become and initiate, and maybe one day I'll join your inner circle, and who knows, I might see for myself what you mean and join your efforts.

Best wishes, secret wizards of /fringe/.



And yet people claim to be using "love" to feed Ebola-chan.

Remeber that there are always two sides to everything, and the misanthropic, disillusioned argument is not necessarily right, just as you can not just see the world in a material, physical, deterministic way.

I agree, people are people, but… I don't know man.


Human civilization is entering the final stage in this film.




Oh yes, I know that experiment.
The pendulum always swings back, that is for sure.
This is also true for us, Ebola-chan or not I guess.
We'll see how things go.


OP just use evocation for it. I've contacted her before already.


This should have been posted under the previously existing Ebola Chan thread rather than making yet another thread on the same subject.


Bump for interest, we still miss you /fringe/


Also full disclosure I run ebolite.org and would love to have you guys post some Ebola-Chan rituals there.

Is this something you could write up for mundanes to follow?

Even a write-up of the most basic ritual to empower her would help at this point, we don't know dick about magic.


She just hit india guise.


File: 1417092528842.jpg (941.9 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 1412736816433.jpg)

thats not going to be pretty.

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