Psionics Is Superior to Magics Quapurgate 11/20/15 (Fri) 04:29:09 No. 61460
Magics is inferior to psionics. Magics will beat around the bush and waste your energy on false stories and concepts that are often much far less than applicable. Magics is fun because you can make up bullshit, make said bullshit sound meaningful, and tie it to an ability or a chakra or a god. Read this guide, it's modern, beautiful, colorful and above all helpful.
And add it to the God Damn fringe folder. You people make yourselves look foolish by failing to have it. This should be taught BEFORE, the Kybalion. This should be taught BEFORE ANY BOOK in the Fringe folder. And another thing, there should be a Psionic flag I'm surprised you guys don't have one already. I hope the board mods will take note of this thread.
Anyway please use this thread to debate if psionics or magics is better and discuss the above guide.
11/20/15 (Fri) 05:34:29 No. 61463
psionics is magick fgt
SAGE! 11/20/15 (Fri) 06:07:50 No. 61465
>hating on magick then linking to a Chaos magick guide
Pretty silly tbh
11/20/15 (Fri) 06:46:22 No. 61467
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. Project Life-Command or The Psionics Handbook: Becoming Hyper-Dimensional
11/20/15 (Fri) 11:05:36 No. 61470
>Magics is inferior to psionics
>open link of pdf file
>contents: Meditation, visualization, egregores, servitors
Please stop thinking in terms of "names" and "categories", stop labeling knowledge. What you're doing is basically taking the same knowledge and giving it a different name claiming it's better than other names for the same knowledge.
Seriously did you not read any of the /fringe/ books? All the stuff in your link is just rehashed from the basic fringe library. Are you stupid? Serious question. If you're not stupid, and you are not just trying to make people upset, then you are very wrong about how to proceed with the knowledge you find in these books. At the very least you seem to have trouble "getting" the ideas behind the books you find here.
Could you please explain to me, in your own words, what you think "magic" is, what do you think "psionics" is, and why do you think they are different? I'll be around waiting for your response.
SAGE! 11/20/15 (Fri) 12:03:02 No. 61472
Came here to post something along those lines.
Friendly reminder to filter all retarded namefag posts and threads.
11/20/15 (Fri) 12:28:05 No. 61476
>apples are superior to fruits
I support adding the flag though. There's never enough flags.
11/20/15 (Fri) 12:59:59 No. 61483
I've got to admit, while this is good for a complete neophyte (like spirit science), it's a complete disgrace to the true meaning of discordianism fnord.
We are not really esoteric, it’s just that nobody pays much attention to us.
11/20/15 (Fri) 13:02:52 No. 61484
What a joke. They sure are getting ready to release the beast.
11/20/15 (Fri) 14:05:58 No. 61486
I usually assume people are being serious, if they're not then it's their loss, but if they are it would be my loss if I didn't try to have a conversation to them.
Quapurgate 11/20/15 (Fri) 14:22:46 No. 61488
Magics is Pseudopsionics.
The only difference between the two is one wraps everything in a ball of made-up stories and pretty thoughts while the other says what to do in plain fucking English.
Instead of teaching magics, and not psionics, thus making everyone think you're a bunch of idiots, how about showing them this. Maybe you guys might *gasp* be mildly taken seriously.
Maybe you guys should consider teaching people properly instead of leading them down a rabbit hole of confusion and no end in sight.
I read the Kybalion, the Book of Knowledge, and IIH. The best books in the whole fringe folder frankly, compared to other books I've given a few pages reading and a scan within the folder. Those don't come close to this guide.
Pull your heads out of your asses and teach people in an understandable manner. Think: "if I were hosting a class on how to esoterically alter the world with mental powers, should I teach them concepts that are quickly understandable and rooted in some level of logic understandable to most people, or stories and generalizations that beat around the bush and are understandable to only a few." You people would deserve to be fired if you taught arithmetic or astronomy in the latter method. I find the only difference between psionics and magics is one gets to the point.
I can make up my own stories and symbols and gods and chakras, I want to know legitimate abilities that can be firmly applied like any other skill such as math reading or science. Stop promulgating fiction as fact with magics, or you will never enlighten anyone.
TL;DR: Magics is Pseudopsionics that fails to be pragmatic and confuses people with elaborate fiction.
11/20/15 (Fri) 14:45:23 No. 61491
He's right you know. Btw you should read the universal master key, it's a pretty cool read
11/20/15 (Fri) 14:46:32 No. 61492
Tb h I haven't read or seen a single book in the style you describe
11/20/15 (Fri) 14:47:35 No. 61493
I like you guys
Discordiands are cool you help the people to realize of the false dichotomies
GOD bless you .
11/20/15 (Fri) 15:59:07 No. 61494
The reason esoteric works are filled with allegories and symbols is to cultivate the imagination and enrich the world within. This is primarily done to make the neophyte or initiate realize that mind truly is all.
We don't fully realize that anything is possible. Literally anything. No matter how irrational or beyond logic it may be, we are indeed existing within the fabric of infinite potential.
In our dreams, we breathe underwater, fly around, and teleport from one place to another and so. This is the world of chaos and irrational thought.
True metaphysical workings require a conscious mind that fully knows this. Once it is realized that anything is possible, all the tedious mathematical/scientific theories and logical and rational thinking modeled behind getting from point A to point B can be completely bypassed within the mind of a true master and results can be achieved in a fraction of the time it takes for the "modern man."
The only way to develop this kind of thought process is to cultivate the imagination. This is why esoteric books on magick / spirituality are written the way they are.
Not saying psionics is bad or anything. It's an excellent tool, but being a psionics master is still nothing compared to the true magician.
Magick is infinitely superior.
11/20/15 (Fri) 16:03:17 No. 61495
huh, interesting, any tips on how to cultivate the imagination? Or realise with 100% conviction that anything is possible?
11/20/15 (Fri) 16:23:54 No. 61496
There are literally infinite ways to do this.
11/20/15 (Fri) 16:25:32 No. 61497
What's the easiest? I've tried doing it before with voice of god meditations, shoul I just keep trying ?
11/20/15 (Fri) 16:41:25 No. 61498
It really depends on how your mind works, and what you're into and so on.
I have my ways of using my imagination that works for me but it may not work for you.
Check out cyclomancy and do the exercises mentioned in that book
Also one of my favorite things to do is to create epic stories in my head out of mundane everyday actions involving myself or others. It doesn't always have to be some epic otherworldly shit, it can be something mundane too.
Give yourself and your friends a backstory like you're a character in a movie or something. And just play out an epic story with a beginning middle and epic ending at the end of the night.
Or just pretend like you're on mars in the year 3000, 500 years after humans colonized it.
Or you're on a planet in another galaxy a billion years in the past.
Try playing around with sensations. Like when you're in a hot shower, pretend like the water is cold and try to realize that it's all in your mind how you interpret the sensations you are taking in through your 5 senses.
Just play around with ideas. Nothing is stopping you except yourself.
11/20/15 (Fri) 17:29:38 No. 61501
But isn't like, psionics = magick?
11/20/15 (Fri) 17:55:28 No. 61502
psionics is a part of magick
Quebekr 11/20/15 (Fri) 19:23:40 No. 61507
>>tfw bringing spirituality to the level of vocabulary just causes confusion.
Quebekr 11/20/15 (Fri) 19:25:30 No. 61508
>>tfw none knows of the Golikakikco order of esoteric pratitioners Golikakikconne is way better then magic or psynoic's it's like both combined and it channels raw divine energy into it.
11/20/15 (Fri) 19:49:08 No. 61510
What's with the artwork? Is it supposed to be a repulsive to those that are not worthy, or is it just aiming to be appealing to teenagers?
11/20/15 (Fri) 23:13:32 No. 61517
The latter.
I'm glad you can see beyond symbols and made-up stories, but most people can't do that. It seems that for the majority of people it is easier to build a symbolical model of the universe rather than try to work with reality itself.
This is why during rituals you use objects that represent for example the four elements, or you draw a circle that represents the universe of which you become the center. You can't work with reality, because we are limited in our skills and our ability to influence this world. We need to work with symbols, with the building blocks of this universe.
This is why movies are made. Because ideas are better understood when they are represented through symbols and archetypes. This is why there were three Star War movies about Luke and his father, about his evolution from a single-minded farmer into a jedi knight. It wasn't just "There was this young kid once…and boom! He became a great Jedi. THE END". You wouldn't like that, would you? You like the story, you like the way he's faced with dangers, with moral dilemmas, with challenges he has to face. Finally he encounters his own father, the reflection of what he is trying not to become. All this could have been explained in one single paragraph, and then you wouldn't have three entire movies about it. Do you think people would read the story and say "Woah, that Luke! He was so cool! And that Vader! And the evil emperor! Woah, what a story!" They wouldn't. Because it's just not the way most of us work.
So chakras, planetary energies, elements, they're all simply a model of the world. This model has been used for a long time, and until a better model is created, this is the best we have. You could try coming up with your own system, make it 20 chakras instead of 7, make it five elements instead of 4, hell make it 7, make it 10. Now try to use that system to explain the universe. Does it work? Great. Let us know about it. It doesn't work? This will be most likely. The system we have at the moment is not perfect. There is no "Do this, achieve enlightenment" rituals. We're all experimenting with the models we have. You can of course suggest your own variations, but this is something you can only do once you have practiced the most popular systems extensively.
Have you ever tried to teach anybody how to do advance calculus? Or simple calculus, let's say integrals. Do you remember that teachers sometimes used examples that were not really scientific, but that helped people understand what they couldn't otherwise? In a chemistry class our teacher taught us about the turkey and the mouse (it was Spanish, so it was "Pavo" and Ratón"). These two animals , whose names could be turned into PV and RTN, were the two sides of one equation connecting Pressure, Volume , amount of gas and Temperature. You could try learning how each one of these works and affects the others, or you could simply try to memorize "PV RTN". You know mnemonics? It's all the same.
Hope this makes it a little easier to understand
11/20/15 (Fri) 23:17:56 No. 61520
didi 11/20/15 (Fri) 23:47:26 No. 61527
11/21/15 (Sat) 11:54:16 No. 61568
Any good read on how the universe is mental? Is the kybalion sufficient and it's just about interpreting it the right way, or no?
11/21/15 (Sat) 14:12:00 No. 61577
File: 1448115120922.jpg (384.49 KB, 2550x1083, 850:361, rock___n_rolla_study_2_by_….jpg )
For as long as I can remember, I've always wanted to be a psionic
11/21/15 (Sat) 14:18:02 No. 61578
File: 1448115482106.jpg (136.81 KB, 849x913, 849:913, Today a young man on acid ….jpg )
Thank you for posting
Kru !bqNTtjs6XQ 11/21/15 (Sat) 23:43:19 No. 61603
I had the impression that there were certain rules once you get to a certain point.
Wouldn't going beyond such limits as the will of others require merging this consciousness with that of others, ascending higher up until reaching the Source?
Also, dang, I could really use some more magic in my life. I should manifest that. I'm feeling that I should put all the I and me in quotation marks, but
Kru !bqNTtjs6XQ 11/21/15 (Sat) 23:44:58 No. 61604
is that like tantra? all is one, find the center, transcend duality?
Kru !bqNTtjs6XQ 11/21/15 (Sat) 23:45:50 No. 61605
Oh, I asked my question here
because of what you said
11/22/15 (Sun) 01:28:48 No. 61617
Mind Power by Atkinson
11/22/15 (Sun) 01:38:16 No. 61621
Dumb thread. There's absolutely no difference between a magus and a psychonaut
11/22/15 (Sun) 04:09:16 No. 61629
Damn, anon, that is some high level kind of book. Thank you.
11/22/15 (Sun) 13:13:31 No. 61645
While I agree that there is no difference between magic and psionics except for certain terminology and perspective, I have to say the book in the OP is damn fucking well made. No bullshit, straight to the goddamn point. I can understand OPs frustration with other material.
This was a book I've actually read through in one go while usually I don't even touch books anymore so that means something. Of course its style may not be for everyone.
I wish more books about magic would be written by people who are not hippie faggots, edgelords or light-blinded idiots.
Quapurgate 11/22/15 (Sun) 13:33:17 No. 61646
11/22/15 (Sun) 13:49:43 No. 61647
By the way, how far did you make it in psionics yet? What's your specialty if you have any?
Also, at the end the book says the next one will be about APing - is that book out already? Could you link a pdf if you have one?
Khan 11/22/15 (Sun) 14:41:58 No. 61650
Good manual. I would suggest all of /fringe/ read it to get an idea of what chaos magic is. But remember to do the work as well.
11/22/15 (Sun) 15:27:24 No. 61651
What is this, this peaks my interest. I was just thinking about what if magick used source divine energy instead of godforms, lower self, and spirits. I really need to know this.
11/22/15 (Sun) 21:52:26 No. 61671
>is that like tantra?
Its closer to pickles.
11/22/15 (Sun) 21:52:36 No. 61672
SAGE! 11/22/15 (Sun) 22:15:48 No. 61673
I can't read this filth. It's all edgy tumblr garbage that tries to modernize everything. It's distracting and it looks terrible. I'd rather read "mysterious" books with genuine knowledge over this garbage.
>swear everywhere, it makes it cool and modern!
>level up! sidequest! just like your video games!
>edgy illuminati drawings and punk people for easier consumption
11/22/15 (Sun) 22:27:32 No. 61675
Um, the book seemed interesting at first, i gave it a quick look and stumbled across a page that says a good exercise for the body is getting /facefucked/.
I'm all for the deprogramming and thinking for yourself, not following the rules of society this book lays out in the open, but this seems a bit you know, gay?
11/22/15 (Sun) 22:47:06 No. 61677
11/22/15 (Sun) 22:53:01 No. 61678
>Deviantart URL
>Shitty "hip and with it" drawings
>Tumblr tier writing
>Videogame references
>"lol it's so easy"
>Discounting anything of substance as "2hard lol"
Silver Ravenwolf wrote better books than this tripe.
SAGE! 11/22/15 (Sun) 23:04:10 No. 61679
Haha, it does, page 105. OP, your superior method to magick involves pretending to be a part of a video game and getting face fucked. Nice.
This is honestly pretty disgusting. Why all the swearing in this book and the deviantart guide? It's immature and does not belong in magick. How do you get so advanced and then keep acting like a child?
These books make me feel physically disgusted just by looking at them, and no other book has. What a terrible waste of writing.
11/22/15 (Sun) 23:20:33 No. 61682
"Face Fucking: About purging, don't eat and then make yourself vomit.
Instead, it is better to go twenty-four hours or more without eating and
only drinking water and clear drinks that are easy on the throat, then lay on
your back and let someone face fuck you. Without food in the way, the
vomit will only consist of saliva, snot, and stomach acid (if any drinks come
up, they won't be noticeable). This way will be more enjoyable, and your
projectile vomiting will even help act as a lubricant and your throat will
never burn or get soar (like when food projects through the mouth and nose
from recently eaten foods). As your gag reflex is constantly triggered, you'll
feel your abs being worked by internal contractions, getting you into shape.
Also, if you weigh yourself nude before and after the face fuck, you will
notice you lose a good three pounds from all the mess that comes out onto
your face afterward."
i'm dying
Quapurgate 11/23/15 (Mon) 01:50:08 No. 61696
I scanned through the book a second time, and besides the fact there is no page 105 you trolling tart, there is no reference to sexual acts of any kind I could locate. Anyone else who wishes to throw such malarkey into this thread better do so with a screenshot or beat it, because I do not recall in the first read-through or the second a time where 'face-fucking' of any variety was mentioned.
Any fools who jumped on the lie train may please burn themselves with a shaft-shaped sigil.
Quapurgate 11/23/15 (Mon) 01:52:10 No. 61697
previous post was meant to also be addressed to >>61675 and >>61675
Quapurgate 11/23/15 (Mon) 01:54:52 No. 61698
gdi that second number in the previous post should've been 61679
SAGE! 11/23/15 (Mon) 02:16:55 No. 61701
Yes. Yes there is. I just downloaded the pdf and searched it AGAIN and it's still there.
Here's some more things it states
>babies being breastfed is a sexual act (67)
>pedophilia and necrophilia are the results of capitalism (67)
>people that spay/neuter their pets are the problem, but there is nothing wrong with girls that let their dogs hump them . Direct quote (68)
That's TWO pages.
This is what OP thinks is better than magick. The utmost degeneracy.
Do not be swayed by this disgusting being.
If this is what you are getting your skill from, I would really suggest you restart with the /fringe/ recommended books.
Quapurgate 11/23/15 (Mon) 03:30:18 No. 61705
Everyone please ignore the troll wizard, the actual pdf for anyone who looks at it is only a mere 31 pages long, which happens to be the same length in centimeters as >>61701's wand.
SAGE! 11/23/15 (Mon) 04:05:46 No. 61707
Just follow up the quote chain and you'll see what we're replying to. If you're referring to the one you posted in the OP, no, it does not about what I said. I already said my thoughts on it here
But after that, we're referring to that other PDF that was posted that I'm now seeing is not from you. But it is still "psionics".
And seriously? A dick joke? That's the kind of immaturity I saw in the deviantart book you posted. This shows what we can expect from people that follow books like that.
11/23/15 (Mon) 04:41:12 No. 61708
He's referring to this one hanky
11/23/15 (Mon) 04:42:23 No. 61709
11/23/15 (Mon) 06:12:37 No. 61714
11/23/15 (Mon) 09:46:04 No. 61723
> about the ramblings of an edgelord
"I wish more books about magic would be written by people who are not hippie faggots, edgelords or light-blinded idiots.'
- an edgelord
11/23/15 (Mon) 10:26:28 No. 61725
I think a lot of confusion in this thread comes from the fact that maybe others, like me read this pdf, instead of what was posted by the op.
11/23/15 (Mon) 11:54:27 No. 61729
Except the only problem is why would you go out to teach the modern people, completely overtaken by selfish desires, vanity and other vices?
If every faggot knew how to use practical magic we'd have an equivalent of every single person having access to a missile, which they could launch at anyone, at any time with no immediate repercussions. The confusing terminology and half truths are there for a good reason as far as I'm concerned and they should remain there.
I have faith in people finding their way to sites like /fringe/ where we can direct them to the IIH and other books that not only teach the neophyte how to start using their mind to its full extent, but also developing their good character alongside their magical (psionic) development. Hell I even post my own personal rituals and some methods in simple English in the question thread to help those interested in the esoteric, however throwing advanced knowledge out for the common plebs without making sure they're ready for the responsibility first, would be a huge mistake.
Quapurgate 11/23/15 (Mon) 14:07:08 No. 61739
If we don't share psionics/magics out of fear of misuse, people will build their own dangers with technology, and we'll be no better than the closed-minds of the past. Progress is coming, and one who uses the chaos flag such as yourself, should know better than anyone that progress has a creative destruction about it that should be embraced, not hindered. I'm going to make a thread about this subject now thank you for the inspiration.
11/23/15 (Mon) 16:51:35 No. 61747
haha what a fucking retard 31 centimetres is above 12 inches
11/23/15 (Mon) 16:52:05 No. 61748
11/23/15 (Mon) 17:55:14 No. 61752
Tonight on Coast to Coast AM is an episode about "mind powers"
SAGE! 11/24/15 (Tue) 00:50:59 No. 61794
He must have remote viewed me.
12/11/15 (Fri) 02:27:55 No. 63739
Page 105 also has a paragraph touting anal sex as excercise. I would green text it, but I already deleted this price of trash.
12/11/15 (Fri) 04:09:13 No. 63754
12/11/15 (Fri) 14:46:46 No. 63795
This book contains useful information. Thanks.
12/11/15 (Fri) 15:32:46 No. 63799
It also contains some nonsense sadly. The people who disregard it because of some sex practises mentioned are just biased.
It correctly depicts the correlation between OOBes and reality manipulation and gives you straightforward exercises without superstitious nonsense. It can't get more simple.
12/12/15 (Sat) 01:54:37 No. 63865
What you're doing here is you're fighting for your idea of reality, for your truth. You're propagating the meme of magics being pseudopsionics
You're doing the same magic. You're propagating the degeneracy meme, and propagating the idea that girls letting dogs hump them is wrong. Degeneracy meme is magicked into walls of 8chan like fucking Hogwart and it draws all kind of spirits here. In the exact same way spirits that share tumblr notions find themselves on tumblr in their early 20s. Works with any thought bubbles on the Internet and from my astral, these powers interacting with each other look like retarded children making funny noises while sumo wrestling.
I'm also right now propagating the meme of elitist detachment, so natural course of action now is to make myself believe that for example letting dogs hump girls is wrong and degeneracy meme is objective truth. Actually I haven't even started and yet I'm beginning to dislike disgusting smug pepe vibes emanating from my post up to this point. And embracing the degeneracy theory. Why am I even writing this post, what made me want to point fingers at people in the first place? Then calm breeze surged though his body as he remembered it wasn't the feeling of self-importance that sparked the thought chain. Or wa
SAGE! 12/12/15 (Sat) 02:10:46 No. 63870
>propagating the idea that girls letting dogs hump them is wrong
So by saying you're disgusting by wanting girls to fuck dogs, I'm just spreading a meme?
It's truly disgusting what you think, and the fact that you even mention tumblr when you are the one who wants girls to fuck dogs without judgement is laughable.
The rest of that post made no sense to me. What are you on about? Go read some proper books, dogfucker.
Unless you aren't saying that, I honestly can't tell from your post.
To summarize
>"psionics" is edgy shortcuts to actual magick
>involves getting facefucked, accepting people fucking dogs, etc
Disregard this thread and read the /fringe/ essentials. This is only a setback.
12/12/15 (Sat) 05:21:05 No. 63898
Nah he's one of the best posters on /fringe/ right now and a beacon of light and generacy against the tides of mediocrity and degeneracy.
12/12/15 (Sat) 06:00:22 No. 63902
kek I was just lurking through the board saw this, I don't know what this is about but
>You are the worst poster on /fringe/
>mfw this guy masturbates to women getting fucked by dogs
>thinks he is actually better then someone
Kill yourself
12/12/15 (Sat) 14:04:08 No. 63988
This is fun
But down right evil, I love it but I need balance . this guy mention that there's is God guys in psionics , someting that you guys recommend?
12/12/15 (Sat) 14:26:10 No. 63991
I agree there should be a psychic flag, we should probably go for eye symbolism
12/12/15 (Sat) 21:14:09 No. 64011
When dealing with typical modern psychic you need to be fully aware of predictable nature of their thoughts.
- they think in cliches
- their visualizations are uncreative
- they are materialists
- they are predictable
- they look down on you
They are one big walking cliche of self absorbed autist. Their strength is that they magicked themselves to believe they're better than you.
OP 12/13/15 (Sun) 10:05:17 No. 64059
Why the fuck is that not written in standard academic format?
This is literally pure autism.