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Hey, I rather not visit this board often as I think many of you may be batshit insane crazy (no offense), as magic can seriously fuck up your mind and I know it

Hence I rather limit myself to study religion and mysticism within it (also shit like history, mythology, fantasy, revolutionary politics, etc pretty mundane stuff)

But now I have a question, and I think it would be best place to ask it here, as well… It don't fit anywhere else.

What do Satanists (those shilling for it on 8chan at least) mean when they say that "Satan is our creator god"? I thought that's the Demiurge? Or aren't they one and the same (I mean some used Samael and Samiel as his alternative names of Yaldabaoth, but also fem syzygy Ariel)? Thus Demiurge have really fallen and those fringe sects of Gnostics were right (thought only Kasbeel of Archons did?)? But that wouldn't make him YHVH then right?

Funnily enough, with my experience with fantasy I came into similar thesis long before getting internet. In that one game, Disciples I/II series it's said the fallen angel Bethrezen have created the humankind, but they (The Empire) worships and serve the Allfather, who was his creator (and so the Legions of the Damned are under Bethrezen's command)

I recently came unto one "Satanist" (claimed to be some left-hand black majick luciferians, confused those two characters and used as synonyms) website, but surprisingly nothing like that was noted. Rather he was compared to Ahriman of Zoroastrianism, who originally was an equal evil deity, but then became just the lesser adversary much like Satan in Judaism and Xtianity (one heresy claimed both Ahriman and Ohrmazd came from primordial deity Zurvan…), and for some reason - Seth, as any serious egiptologist/coptologist would tell you wasn't really an evil god up until demonisation bring by Romans and comparing with their Dispater. They overall had some errors in doctrine from the historical/mythological point of view.



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I'm not a Satanist, but having spent a lot of time with one, this is my closest estimation;

When they say Satan is a 'creator God', they don't literally mean that he created the world and universe and everything in it, but rather he created 'them as people'. The core principals of a lot of Satanism stress self-interest, self-development, etc, opposing God as a force which only seeks to make Himself more powerful through the worshippers loosh - Satan, as they would have it, saw this and despised it, believing all creations should be free to build themselves as higher entities capable of God-like powers. He was cast down from heaven and seeks to help people reaise themselves as their own God in order to draw less power away from 'the' God.

Bearing in mind that 'Satan' isn't necessarily an actual being, and more of the concept of rebellion and self-interest, in Satanism, you yourself are your own personal God, and Satan is your 'creator' in the sense that you follow 'his' example.

This is just one interpretation drawn from my friend's particular branch of Satanism however, there are many variations, but with research you can probably find them all. Hope this helped.

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