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Esoteric Wizardry


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How often do we get worked up over meaningless details? How often do we see posts with this is shit, here: my views are better!. How often do we cling to our beliefs and ideas while they may not be even helping us?

I have a very simple challenge for you, /fringe/. It's an age old cliche, but it works: silence is golden.

Just listen to somebody you may disagree with, let them speak, and some inspiration may just come to you.

Let others ramble on, let every comment come to you while criticism just glides past you. There are treasures to be found in the manure. Drift in the stream of words and comments on your island of silence and peace.

I can positively recommend keeping a sort of vow of silence for a week or longer. See it as a sort of meditation. You can speak of course, but try to keep it to a minimum. Speak only when spoken to or in need.

Feel free to post your findings afterward!

I'll start


After only two weeks of quasi-silence, I have very little trouble with people that disagree with me. I am not as angry or worked up as usual.

I feel more awake, more energetic. I don't spend loosh on others and meaningless discussions as much. I don't react as quickly, and i don't drain myself as quickly.

Furthermore, everything around me makes more of an impression. Different views start to appear, different perspectives start to make sense. When one wants to exert his mind on others, there is only one way visible: his way of thinking.

Of course, i've broken my silence for this post. Kinda hypocritical, but I'll have a second period of silence soon.

Sage for not selfbumping


I like this idea because I talk a bit too much, but I am also "not social enough" according to me, so I dunno. Maybe I'll try it.

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