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Is there any benefits? I'm a semi successful 28 year olds guy with average or slightly below average looks but I'm a virgin.

Many years have passed and I'm not too frustrated over it. I work; chant, better myself, exercise and read.

Is there any pro to remaining a virgin? Any pros to fucking a succubi? Like does sex help with chakras or any such thing? Or is it just a hindrance?


I was under the impression that sex is good for converting energies/spiritual advancement, according to Daoist beliefs.

Sexual alchemy, mantak chia, stuff. But that it can be sex with oneself, too.


abstaining from physical indulgences bring you closer to the divine in general. This includes eating and drinking. There are no pros to fucking succubi in my opinion. There are other astral beings you can have sex with though.


I'm 31 male and I've only had sex twice with women from badoo.com, one-night-stands. At least in one case I wanted to meet her again but she didn't want to. As for having sex within marriage there might be benefits to that, I don't know. I've heard a bit about sex magic, and that's supposed to be within marriage and without ejaculating from what I understand. gnosticteachings.org has some info, I don't know if it's a good site or not, personally I don't like it a lot, I don't find it very educational.

However, I believe fornication is considered a sin for a reason. I think I regret that I had sex those two times. It didn't enrich my life, on the contrary, it left an ulcer in my mind. Also, in the Bible it says Jews are punished 7 times harder than non-Jews, just because most people can fornicate and be happy doesn't necessarily mean you can. You might regret it.


I've been literally thinking this exact same thing. I'm celibate, never masturbated, etc., but seriously questioning lately if my celibacy is actually killing me and if I'd be healthier if I started up a relationship with a succubus.



>started up a relationship with a succubus.

What is that? How do you do that? Can anyone do it? Is it difficult?



Gather about yee the astral light, condense it, shape it vaguely into the form of a woman, then intend/command a spirit take up residence in it and its form assume that of a beautiful woman who is the best match for you (or whatever purpose you want to meet a woman).

That's how.



Sounds like you didn't actually want it that much, but you gave in because society/biology told you to.

It's considered a sin because people are assholes/it can waste energy.

You sound fairly bluepilled. (not that I can be sure)

It also sounds like you weren't very good (either physically or energetically)/didn't read or watch anything about how to please a woman.


Not gonna do that, but I like learning an idea for that.



You sound stupid



>It also sounds like you weren't very good (either physically or energetically)/didn't read or watch anything about how to please a woman.

Wow. It's the man's fault even here? Way to go, /fringe/.



He is right though, you know?



>for a reason

>quoting Bible as if it meant anything



Also Kru, I've got a question for you about that whole twinflame business. I've heard it mentioned on this board a few times and I don't really get it.

I've never felt like I needed someone in my life. Actually the thought that I might meet someone with whom I might fall in love is somewhat unpleasant to me. The only person I want in my life is me. I feel complete and whole as it is and can't imagine how I might benefit from a relationship with anyone. I'm mentally self - sufficient, don't care about sex and actually enjoy being alone. And I'm not some heartless bastard, I care about other people and my family, but I guess twinflame stuff would be on a whole different level than that.

So, what are the pros of having a twinflame?


I recommend you get a girlfriend instead of fucking astral leeches.

It will help you develop your character and catapult you in terms of progress and experience.

Now, obviously the degenerate lifestyle of meet and fuck is bad, but its not worse than masturbating all day long.

To be preferred is to find someone who you click with, your energies match, your auras lock and you feel synced.

Stay with one such as this until the time comes when she is no longer your soulmate and your paths lead to different destinations.



>I recommend you get a girlfriend

Easier said than done, at least for me (and I'd assume the other people who found 8ch)

I don't want to try any magic that helps you find love because I'm a bit worried of meeting "the one" this early in my life because I still desire some mundane experiences.


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>Easier said than done

Look where you are chap. Manifest one. It's not that hard, you put some energy & time into it as you would anything else you desire, you need to project your intention unto the universe.

>I'm a bit worried of meeting "the one" this early in my life because I still desire some mundane experiences.

She does not have to be 'the one' but even if she was, just because you met your eternally soul-bonded mate does not mean you suddenly renounce all worldly things and instantly become an ascended trantric master, you still have to work at it, but your perfect partner would be able help you do that more one who was less perfect could.

Speaking as some one who has met, and married, his soul mate, the path may not always be what you think or expect, but it will allow you to grow in faster and more efficient ways if you go with the flow of your life/destiny. My life is not flawless now, but we work on that every day and in every way, and having a best friend that understands me (and I her) on every level, that can point out and make up for my failings (and I her), but also we help each other with everything including meditation and magical growth, this only only catapults us unto ever higher plateau of consciousness has been nothing but pure awesome since the minute I met her.

Do not be scared of fate or your soul mate, maybe it will be sooner for you, maybe later, but never be afraid to grow or to do something which would help facilitate that. The worst thing you can do is learn the hard way, nothing is every lost or irreparable, FEAR NOT.



To be honest I dont know how it works exactly. I've felt like I was missing something/longing for most of my life, which I think I read somewhere can be a symptom of having one's twin incarnate on the physical plane along with you. I dunno if being a bit screwed up is also common.

So yeah most people's twin is on the other side, so to speak. But there are soul mates too, and that's not so bad.



I'm happy for you, that sounds lovely (:


If you're worried about finding "the one", chances are you aren't ready/won't meet her yet/won't get together right away, or so I think.


Yeah if someone doesn't like another person it's because they don't match well. If it's a sex only relationship it's prob bc it wasn't good. Wew.


Probably the only pro is advancing quickly together. If one is content alone that's fine. I am getting there anyway.


I still don't understand why do most western religions frown upon sexuality. At least in the east you have the energy issue where you waste a lot of valuable energy by fucking lots of girls, but in religions like Christianity it's just "don't fuck because god doesn't like it." Period. There is no explanation as to what is so terrible about being promiscuous that we shouldn't do it. I'm sure if I go to any catholic priest and tell him that I want hotties sucking my dick he'd say that it's a sin, but I just don't understand why. Is hugging a person a sin? What about naked hugs? What about blowjobs? etc etc



>I recommend you get a girlfriend instead of fucking astral leeches.

What's the difference? :^):^):^)



>I recommend you get a girlfriend instead of fucking astral leeches.

What's the difference? :^):^):^)


Honestly I hardly think it matters, even no fap celibacy has very different effects on people as I've found some people are more susceptible to losing loosh than others like myself.

Naturally being addicted to fapping or sex is bad at a point where you go out to seek out one night stands or whores/fap 5+ times every day but if it's something like once a month type of thing the difference in abstaining for longer is minimal.

I'm sure someone is going to post how some monks managed to achieve ebin powers by not fapping their whole lives but from personal experience of not even thinking about fapping for 6 months made no real improvements to my wizardly powers, training, experimenting and practicing did that, just as they did before I started the no fap streak.

In other words it'll only be worth abstaining from things to cultivate your will or if you leak loosh like a broken faucet due to your vices. Seeing as all of us can use a stronger will I recommend everyone should challenge themselves once in a while but don't expect much else from it.


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I definitely think porn and sexuality should be considered in context of its influence on your subconscious. Instead of avoiding it, learn to understand it. With understanding comes control.

You can suppress it all you want now. You'll get your dick sucked in dream anyway. If you can watch porn without it leaving imprint on your subconscious because you know how it all works, then you have the control. Then you can fap to porn all you want, but the thing is, you won't care about porn then because it will be too low for you.

Japanese JAVs are so ridiculous, clever and imaginative that it's fun and productive to dissect it. The director and actresses of top javs themselves are very aware of mechanics of human sexual tendencies they deconstruct and exploit. One of many funny examples are eye bags. The trick is to have a girl with absolutely perfect youthful face and body, and then deliberately create subtle eyebags on her face through make-up or operation. This juxtaposition is gived more and more attention with proper camera work until at some point confusion turns into amusement and then arousal and finally you begin to fetishize this imperfection. You can develop any fetish this way.

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