It's the first thread, it's stickied. I think this board really need a redoing, to make the question thread more obvious and the rules clearer.
I'll try to quickly answer your questions because this threads already made
That law that was just passed doesn't really have anything to do with magick. It's just that england is full of cucks, so it makes sense that they'd pass that law. They don't tie in unless you want to overcomplicate it, and even at that point it doesn't change anything.
>The idea that power is given to these so called 'gods' through the thought that is put into them.
This is somewhat true.
>Also, is meme magic feeding one of the so called 'gods'? if so, which one?
No. It's just putting attention/energy into an idea, which creates a "being". The belief of God by christians gives energy to the being YHWH (this is debatable, but it's what I believe) which makes that being strong. The amount of people that give energy to this being makes it very strong. Ebola-chan is another example of beings powered by attention. People wanted ebola to be stronger, so they made a mascot to make it easier for people unaware of it's workings, and gave it energy. And, as you probably saw, ebola got stronger. But it wasn't strong enough to keep going once attention died down and people stopped finding it funny and caring.