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The rules are simple and only apply to the creation of threads on /fringe/: 1. Don't make duplicate threads of topics that already exist unless the previous thread has hit the bump limit. 2. Don't make threads just to ask questions, actually present substantial information if you're going to make a thread. 3. Don't make a thread purely to shitpost (you will be forgiven if it's a major GET), just shitpost / loosh farm inside of threads that already exist. 4. Post threads that fall under the subject matter of /fringe/ (creepypasta FYI generally does not fall under /fringe/'s very broad subject matter, look at the sticky to see what subjects we discuss on /fringe/)

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I was on /pol/ earlier and of course there is a draconian level law being passed about rape.

Consider me blue pilled when it comes to 4 or 8 chan pol but this idea of meme magic fascinates me.

How do the two tie in?

That rape culture has been meme'd into existence by feminism.

There was also another post about the 3 'true' gods that preceded judaism and how it spawned the catholic and islamic religions. The idea that power is given to these so called 'gods' through the thought that is put into them.

I would like to see another thread based on the history of religion etc.

Also, is meme magic feeding one of the so called 'gods'? if so, which one?


The key to using meme magic is to FOLLOW RULE 2 AND USE THE QUESTION THREAD



Can you link me, like I said I am pretty new.



It's the first thread, it's stickied. I think this board really need a redoing, to make the question thread more obvious and the rules clearer.

I'll try to quickly answer your questions because this threads already made

That law that was just passed doesn't really have anything to do with magick. It's just that england is full of cucks, so it makes sense that they'd pass that law. They don't tie in unless you want to overcomplicate it, and even at that point it doesn't change anything.

>The idea that power is given to these so called 'gods' through the thought that is put into them.

This is somewhat true.

>Also, is meme magic feeding one of the so called 'gods'? if so, which one?

No. It's just putting attention/energy into an idea, which creates a "being". The belief of God by christians gives energy to the being YHWH (this is debatable, but it's what I believe) which makes that being strong. The amount of people that give energy to this being makes it very strong. Ebola-chan is another example of beings powered by attention. People wanted ebola to be stronger, so they made a mascot to make it easier for people unaware of it's workings, and gave it energy. And, as you probably saw, ebola got stronger. But it wasn't strong enough to keep going once attention died down and people stopped finding it funny and caring.



OP's thread does not break rule 2 in this case.


Are there any other threads on Meme Magick active right now? If so this could be a violation of Rule #1 no duplicate threads.


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/pol/ doesn't know what it's doing. It is giving power to the all mighty kikes that control everything. They see kikes as unbeatable and never come up with solutions on how to destroy them, they feel powerless, they fear the kikes. There have been some tries to meme the black sun into existence, but it was in the context of a false flag that something would happen in september, so now /pol/ will say it is a joke. The black sun actually has power, it helps you focus your will on becoming stronger physically and mentally so that you could fight for freedom against the ones who try to enslave or to attach themselves to you/someone else



I belive they are learning

Baby steps

They are true seeker's like you and me

that's why GOD send them meme magic

Is at the same time safe and dangerous

A wild card who will work in a unpredictable way whitaud harming the user , I belive this is the best magic for they they are beginning the magic path.

you got a point there /pol/ belive that the joobs are unbeatable (they are not ,the reason they always win is becose hey always play both sides)

You seem to know a lot know about a simbol for physical strength?



OP here not sure if my IP has changed or not. So essentially they are meme'ing 'jewish people' into positions of power by thinking that they are in power?

Also I know that symbol, if I remember correctly it goes back to the Babylonians. What does the symbol stand for(google/duckduckgo/etc. yields very sub par results)? I am just as interested in the history of religion as the whole meme magic thing but I have a hard time finding decent sources online.



It is not a good thing that /pol/ is learning about this.

>we can manipulate things… lets call it meme magic!

>lets create a meme to kill heretics and heathens and bring back orthodox christianity!

If they ever gain traction, they'll have to be stopped. Luckily, some shill will likely push them off topic or into an argument over if jesus was really jewish or not.


No IDs here, don't worry.



As far as 'meme magic' goes i see it along the same lines of praying. You are putting thought into/towards an 'idea'.

/pol/ does seem pretty easily manipulated but I'm curious about what you meant by if they gain traction they would have to be stopped. Why? What do you think the outcome would be?

Also I am still looking for a succinct and robust summary of what the 'black sun' is as far as that Babylonian symbol goes.



/pol/ has some good ideals, like returning to traditional values and national pride, but they also have some very terrible ones such as the death of "heathens" and "heretics". I'm sure you can see why this would be a bad idea, it is how we almost lost much wisdom before the age of knowledge.

Not to sound like magick is "muh secret club" but it really can't be ruined by mundanes who want to push their political movement. The more people who want to achieve enlightenment and peace, the better. But they do not want that. They want death to "lower" races, and christianity to prosper.

To be honest, it's not really a big issue. If they bring negatives to other people, they will face the effects of their own actions. They likely won't even get far still believing in christianity and "meme magick".


>this shit.



That makes sense, I have noticed a large influx in WarHammer 4k shit. What most don't realize is that although it is a cool story the space marines are essentially the Judge Dredd of the universe. "Innocence proves nothing".

On the topic of negatives, it does seem like they focus solely on the downside of everything and the only solution to anything is either justified violence or chaos.

Pretty stupid IMO.

If anyone here knows more about the '3 gods' I would still like to know more. The focus of my post wasn't supposed to be mainly 'meme magic' but the underlying religion behind most mainstream religions today.


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>but they also have some very terrible ones such as the death of "heathens" and "heretics"

This is utter bullshit. Most of the board falls into the "dead kike on a stick" camp and blames "christcucks" for bringing in immigrants. There are some "Deus vult" LARPers, but mostly in the context of remove kebab. "/pol/ is a Christian board" was a failed attempt at a forced meme.

/pol/ advocates the death of traitors and hostile foreigners. I have never seen any reference to attacking heathens and the only references to heretics have been in 40k pics.

>They want death to "lower" races, and christianity to prosper

At this point I'm going to politely suggest you go back to /leftypol/.



Then you do not browse enough. Even if what you are saying is true, they are still not any better. All they do is argue and fight over which group is better when they are all flawed. There is no rational thought, just hate.

>implying that thinking other races should be allowed to live is leftist

>implying that thinking christianity is a bad thing is leftist

Perhaps you should go back to your containment board instead. I have never browsed leftypol, they are even worse than pol.



>Then you do not browse enough

All of my keks. One of the habits I have broken through occult study was wasting hours a day on /pol/ (all the way back to /new/).

You have no idea what you are talking about. Some posters talk about "killing shitskins", but most of /pol/ just wants foreigners out. Most of /pol/ is against attacking foreign countries. /pol/ is supportive of Iran, Syria and other non-white countries, but want them to stay out of white countries. This is the essence of live and let live.

Have you ever been in SyriaGuy's threads? All that outpouring of genuine support from these "hateful Christians" (lol).

The idea that /pol/ are "genocidal Christians" is pure tumblr. At least half the board is anti-Christian. Do you even know who Varg is?

>there is no rational thought

I don't think you have any idea what rational even means.





But this is the beauty of /pol/

Is hard to convince them to focus their will

If they ever imagine something really dangerous we could trust they will be derail

And if they find a worthy cause nothing will derail them

The chaotic nature of /pol/ is a safevalve

Besides what we can do?they already have the meme magic m, to take it away from they would require the will of several gods


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

There is indeed a connection between /fringe/ and /pol/.

Do you see my flag. The Rope Awaiter flag. It has a very long tradition dating back years to when the /fringe/ board owner posted regularly on 4chon.net's /new/ board.

His legendary posts of punishment and retribution against his enemies–our enemies–garnered so much infamy that the administrator of 4chon, the notorious STI, created the Rope Awaiter flag just for our hero.

In present day, the Rope Awaiter flag represents the ideals of the inner, esoteric vanguard of /fringe/. That the Day of the Rope will at last arrive, and every race traitor and degenerate will hang from lamp posts and telephone poles on every street corner on the North American continent.

As we practice our dark arts and trade craft from the shadows, we await the coming of the Day of the Rope, always ready, always vigilant.

/pol/ wouldn't have gotten as far as it has over the years without our notable contributions in meme magick.


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Stopped? I don't think you understand where you are. You are nothing more than a visitor to this board. I suggest you post carefully, knowing that the inner circle of /fringe/ is the hand guiding /pol/'s actions.



For /pol/ to be stopped, they must succeed first. Nowadays, they are the least of your problems.


That is quite a bold claim. What 'actions' are you talking about, except hating on Jews and Niggers and ranting about Christianity and pagans?


Memes are not magic. Shut the fuck up.


Try again.

Sigils are memes.

Yahweh is a meme.

Where attention goes, energy flows.

Same concept



There are far more superior methods than doodles ("sigils").



Yes, so?

The basic principle still works.



Meme magic is a lie, sadly.

My only example for this is Santa Claus. He doesn't exist.

And if that guy doesn't exist, with all the decades of propaganda and children's blind faith on him, then nothing else can be memed into existence.

My two cents.



>My only example for this is Santa Claus. He doesn't exist

Have you tried invoking santa? Or asking him for protection? Using santa energy for anything?



Well, that'd be one untapped source of energy charged anually by unsuspecting children around the world.

Good idea.




Oh, cool. Id think hed be a bringer of abundance.


Maybe less than usual but if one person has an idea they're certainly not the first




Excuse me then hahaha


But anyway, if meme magic changes reality from one website, then I think the power invested in Santa Claus should be enough to bring the damn fat man and the whole elf factory into physical, tangible existence. Just my opinion.



What about the hundreds of avatars and chanellers who impersonate him Every year ?

my guess is they use a lot of that energy

Some of them are pretty good and honest in his intends of bringing happynes to the kids

I am just saying.


Latest meme magic from /pol/ : Right Wing Death Squads memed into existence: /pol/res/4177452.html



Because such a group is surely and without a doubt meme'd into existence. They weren't around all the time.

To actually meme something like this in earthly existence requires a blasphemous amount of energy: the people, their clothes, their guns, bullets, and everything else needs to be created from scratch.

To answer OP's question: by focussing on an idea or thoughtform with clear intent and rigorous belief, one can 'feed' this thoughtform, thereby making it more 'real' or things on earth alter. That's why people pray, really, even if they are not aware of this.

That particular rape law was not due to meme magic, probably some nagging feminists. If rape culture was actually meme'd into existence, men would rape women more frequently.



But perhaps this energy can only be used for things that share the same nature of the condition that originated it. For example, this Santa energy since it comes from children thinking about Santa, hoping to get the gifts they want, perhaps it could be used to generate "hope" on certain people, but not necessarily to manifest toys in real life.



You can't return to nationalism and traditionalism with a bunch of hostile peoples, cultures, and religions in your country.

/pol/ doesn't care about those people when they're in their own countries. But they have to be driven out if the damage of multiculturalism is to be undone. If it ever does happen (it won't) it'll be violence/suppression against specific groups paired up with the option of a subsidized deportation with the remnants forcibly rounded up and deported when numbers are reduced enough.

It's too difficult to get popular support of a genocide so you need a legitimate way out provided for undesirables who want to leave. It's better if they leave on their own but they won't follow that carrot without a stick on the home front because their home countries are all shitholes.


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>wants to talk about meme magic

>has been worshiping a draco idol

>like a good pleb he thinks it is oc

>using draconian ironically



>you may interfere with a privileged attack

Pepe is the god of checking privilege?

Seriously though, the predictions in that game are getting ever more creepy.



We make it real

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