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Hello fellow wizards. I currently have a small group of anons who want to use the occult to shift genders. I know you guys dislike this. Hear us out if you can. There is nothing degenerate or wrong with being the opposite sex. We aren't going to be doing the un-natrual way. We think that we can change by going into astral, finding one of our higher selves and merging. Essentially we would already BE the opposite sex to begin with. No degeneracy.

What I'm asking you anons is if its possible in astral to "merge" with an alternate version of yourself. I am also looking for possible experiences where this may have happened before and just more information on this in general. Thank you for your time.


How many threads do we need about this? Just search "gender" and bam, thread.

Yes, you can merge with your astral body and become a girl, at least physically. You can do this with any body, or any change to your body you want to. Go nuts and post pics.



How exactly? You mean just by willing it after achieving an astral projection?



Look at the shapeshifting thread, I believe somebody went into depth there. Here's all the things you can do off the top of my head, I have not done these.

>achieve gnosis and know your body is in the form you want

>change your etheric body and your physical body will conform to it

>evoke a being to guide you through it


There's is also this


Go enjoy your new path as a wich


Fuck you. You're the reason fringe is shit. Changing genders doesn't help anyone but yourself, go fuck yourself STS faggot piece of shit.


Also sort out your psychological issues before using magic.


>We think that we can change by going into astral, finding one of our higher selves and merging.

You guys do know that merging with your higher self is basically the endgame for pretty much all wizards who want to permanently ascend beyond the 3rd dimension, right?

To my knowledge, not a single past poster on /fringe/ has managed this or even came close since the journey takes a lifetime or even more in most cases.

What you'll probably have to settle on is creating a gender swapped astral body and living out your fantasies that way, that's the most realistic path I can think up for you.

Also I think you're 100% degenerate but for professional interest's sake I'd like to see how far you'll manage take this.


See the book Active Dreaming by Robert Balthazaar, there's a whole chapter on modifying your physical body via making changes to the astral one.

Ignore the testimonials put there by the publisher. Or don't, some of them are actually rather entertaining


Using the occult to give yourself a sex change. You guys are the best entertainment I could ever ask for. Godspeed.

Now this is why I teach on fringe and not some other cowardly website hahaha.

Anyway. Go watch episode or section 9 of EA Koetting's soul travel tutorial. There's some base level information to get you started.

I would suggest experimenting with body modification like stigmata or scar symbols. Remember that everything manifests downward. But really I think you guys have all the information required to make it happen. The only problem is the energy requirement and experience.

I've messed around with shapeshifting(energy shields, invisibility, aura intentions) for social reasons. Whatever you project onto your own astral body or turn it into will manifest on a "subconscious" level to other people when you do it. This is why being confident in your mind will make others react accordingly. Same thing with energy shields.

Anyway keep us all updated. To change ones gender is much more than that. It is to manipulate physical reality through energy and the mind. This has infinite possibilities so it is a very worthwhile field of practice.



Koetting is shit





Someone please post video tape of shapeshifting.

Protip, you can't.

Please stop shitposting on /fringe/.



Post proof of any magick.

Protip, you can't.

Please stop shitposting and accept that anything is possible through mind.



Hey I've tried finding this book everywhere, it doesn't exist in pdf format or on any website…..

Active Dreaming by Robert Balthazaar




>tfw that qt 3.14 you've posted is so perfect




Yeah basic subliminal brain wash technique. Nice way to spread degeneracy. As if a sex change would make any man look anywhere near that attractive let a lone just a real girl.



>I don't have proof of magic in general and therefore do not have justify my belief in specific forms of magic



I suspect your idea of magick is convoluted by popular culture you probably indulge in often. Also, you are a slave to language and connotations you have with words. If you asked me for advice I'd say do basic yoga meditation



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