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File: 1448675778749.jpg (25.97 KB, 500x334, 250:167, 3-excuses-for-smoking-1.jpg)


Sup /fringe/

Planning on ditching the habit, anybody who quit have some inspirational stories?

Maybe some people that quit in order to see the increase in clairvoyance?

Some shit besides just the health benefits. I already know I'm gonna feel a huge weight lifted once I get past the cravings, which should take no more than a month


Here's this:


>Muh smoking causes calm

Actually the addiction is what creates the desire, which creates anxiety when said desire is not fulfilled.


I've been a smoker for 7 to 8 years. I had tried to stop a few times but never really managed to hold it for long until I watch this video :


It's one hour long, sure, you might think "oh it's bullshit, I don't have time, besides I already know everything that's said in there, I'm not dumb". Well you're right, you might know all these things, but actually watching it is still vastly different. You definitely should set aside one hour of your time and watch it all, trust me, it's 100% worth it.

Now to specifically answer your question : not especially mind blowing but beating an addiction will most likely make you understand yourself and your habits much better. With time you'll notice other addictions and other things binding you that you wouldn't have noticed otherwise.

If that's not already the case I would recommend starting meditation.

Good luck.



I meditate on and off. I usually get in at least 5 minutes to 10 minutes a day but some days I'll meditate for like an hour at a time.

I achieved "gnosis" once when I was on the road but like, I noticed that I wasn't smoking cigarettes when I did that, and I haven't had a very clear mind since I started smoking. And the way nicotine affects my brain I notice sort of clouds me too much to be able to go into gnosis. I went into deep trance multiple times easily before I started smoking. I just never really took the time to put it down.

Thanks, though, I'll check the video.


if you feel the urge, beef jerky spikes your brain stimulation and your brain forgets about the need for nicotine. 100% the way i did it

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