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I want to deprive myself of all vital energy as an experiment to see how fucked up I can become from doing so.

What are all the sources of vital energy and how do I purge them all?

I plan on carefully observing and mentally noting how the deprivation of vital energy effects me.

I want to do this to understand the true importance of this energy and the effect it has upon me.

I've been freezing and then thawing and cooking in microwave all food in an attempt to make it as dead as possible.

I might be absorbing vital energy from the air as well too though…

…and maybe from other people as well.

I don't know how to remove the vital energy from everything and keep it out of me.

I suspect my thoughts should die down as I purge myself of vital energy and I should slow down and become pretty dead like.

Don't really care btw if this leads to an accidental death.


I have also been generally starving myself, not drinking water, and purging my memories. I can't really remember much of what happens or who I am or who other people are. I still have knowledge, I still know how to speak English and how to do things, but I can't really remember living a day on Earth.

I actually don't know why I am doing any of this. I am just doing it and don't want to stop.



Sleep deprivation and fapping.



Can you explain why sleep deprivation does that and why fapping also would do it?

I mostly want to prevent vital energy getting into me and see what happens.

Purging it rapidly might leave me confused… I want to see what exactly this vital energy is powering, I presume it's the potential energy behind thoughts.



Powers literally everything physical.

Yes, thoughts too, or maybe more accurately, the connection between your brain and thoughts.

You could get rid of thoughts through meditation.

>Don't really care btw if this leads to an accidental death.

probably will. See ya.



fappign is energy draining. depletes jing/life energy.

if you want to drain yourself/die, you'll probably have to drain all your organs of vital energy, or else they'll start replacing your energy naturally when you deplete your chi/jing, in order to keep you running/alive.


op is kill


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We need more of this autism.

He should post his photos in the end of it.


At your lowest point you will either emerge as übermensch or die. Radical but effective.



How does that happen?



he will masturbate too much and then his whole body will turn inside out starting from his dick and ending with his ass transforming him into a titan.


get a freaky girlfriend. girls dont run out of steam. fun and effective.



nice, is this how we ascend?



by gazing into the abyss



It depend, some people start from their dick and end with their nose so it is based on your spiritual maturity.


aka ur mom's ass.



I heard rumors that you need to know how to suck your own dick first, and then you start eating your whole body from the dick and become an ouroboros symbol


Some on you fags I am failing hard right now, I feel more vital than ever, all my efforts to purge are failing or maybe they're succeeding but all it's doing is bringing in a greater influx of energy making me like some kind of river of vital energy. I've probably filled my whole room up with a shitload of vital energy. I keep trying to pass off vital energy to everyone I see and all that's happening is I'm feeling happier and people are treating me nicer. What the fuck am I doing wrong?






yeah man that is secret alchemical meditation.



Food is degenerate. You're recovering.




I'm eating more and more pure foods too right now.



I don't actually know why I said this btw.



yeh kewl whatever

you're a wuss btw

>eating food


I'm not eating more pure food I'm trying to kill myself with microwaved frozen foods.




Thank you for degenerating /fringe/



Sounds like you've just become a humble monk and found happiness that way.


have you tried bleeding a lot


lol. this can actually be an interesting practice if you mix it with sexual desires. it can almost be like a fetish… wherein you completely surrender and empty yourself to a succubus but then the universal energy replenishes you. however until you are restored to full, you will experience a somewhat "zombie consciousness" where you just wonder around empty-headed, acting according to your instincts. now if your nature is pure and good, then you will let forth the light with no hindrance and will emanate before all to see. I find creating blockages to be useful in a way to protect against unwanted energies, somewhat like the tree of life connections that are branched out. You can create enough blockages to also deprive yourself of some energies and you will be forced to auto destruct and then feel the flow freely at it's full capacity. it's another way of experiencing the ON and OFF button. IDK man life is messed up and experimenting seems to be the only thing that makes sense lol.



What's the name of this philosophy?


For 8 months every weekend I'd do a shit ton of meth and jack off for like 3 days straight at a time to all of my favorite porn. the combination drugs and draining of vital energy was sometimes so powerful I experienced a life completely devoid of energy or happyness or anything that makes a brain want to do stuff.

I got to at my lowest point learn who I was on a more instinctual level, and was only going at it to feel good, but I think if you smoked a bunch of meth and jacked off a bunch you will learn a lot about essential energies.

The best part about it is you get to do drugs and those are awesome!


I was reading the Book of Secrets by Osho today and I flipped to a random page and it said pretending you're dead is one of the ways to centering/enlightenment. Lol, op


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sex, talking a lot, thinking a lot, keeping your eyes open(energy leaks out the eyes), masturbation, blowjobs, hand jobs, reading a lot, thinking a lot, listening to a lot of stuff, spending time around people a lot… all this wastes vital energy


Give us an update, OP



Fucking top kek. What'd he do right and how do we do it?


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I don't have time to read all the answers but mainly, this:

>Start breathing like a retard, using only your shoulders and neck to do so, through your mouth, and keeping windows closed so that you rarify the air in your room.

That should be enough to make you sick.




path is different for everyone


Wich is the original text?

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