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quality post


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I always thought that the one in the middle was a jew



What's this from?




I belive half chan


Praise Jahbulon



Pretty sure all of Soloman;s demons are Jews


Pretty good.




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supreme meme, nice job, but instead of the cat i would've gone for pic related (maybe also partially face swapped with brendan fraser)


Did the old shitposting thread 404 or what? We need to keep all shitposting in one thread. Rule #1…



>implying demonology is shitposting




What does even his name from demonology mean? Cuz Baal is "Lord".

Ba of God?


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its actually the name of an ancient semitic god left unaltered, which means " lord " and was worshipped by the phoenicians and other semitic polytheistic cultures which are less known due to the destruction of their cities and cultures by the invading hebrews during the events if the pentateuch in the old testament, so phoenicia is where we know most about their local gods due to shared pantheons.

baal was worshipped alongside ishtar, meaning " lady " as in how you address a queen ( called ashterteth in the old testament, meaning " shameful " as her hebrew name because monotheists can be dicks ), El and Adon ( both meaning " lord " ), Melquart, Dagon, Tammuz, and others.


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Ah yeah, I know about that. Baal was a Caananite deity. Ishtar Babylonian, as Astarte Phoenician. There was even male Ashtar amongst Ethiopians.

Wasn't Ashtoreth Caananite name of her? Then turned into Astaroth… And you know the rest.

About Baal, I heard it was rather a generic name (aside refering to one specific deity) and each tribe had their own "Baali", of Hebrews it was Jehovah, who told them he was worshipped as El Elyon before (by Caananites?).

But was reading also that real name of supreme deity is Ehyeh/Eheyeh (I am that I am), and those were not correct or even refering to different beings. How that would go with Yehoshua/Jesus I wonder, or his title INRI appearing in the Cross as YHVH in Hebrew I wonder.

Baal, Astaroth and Dagon (why?) were demonised, also heard (I think Jehovah Witnesses) having something against "Tammuz and his Cross" (Tau), hence they use a pale.

I'm not sure if Tammuz wasn't even son of Nimrod and Semiramis, or something, who became deified like Roman Emperors.

You could see Abaddon from Apocalypse being called "Apollyon" by Greeks, which is an obvious nod (some like some Protestants held he is God's angel, I saw used as such in fiction, demonology usually depicts him as evil), or even in Goetia you have those like Amon, Orias suspected to be Osiris, Purson as Horus


I liked how SMT depicted those like Baal and Bael, as gods who felt out of grace from ultimate deity YHVH and thus were punished when he was overthrowing their rule. Astaroth himself was fusion of Ishtar and Ashtar, becoming a hermaphrodite YHVH forced it to.

Pseudoepigrapha Clavicula Solomonis claims those were the spirits summoned by Solomon who was given authority by angel Raziel over them via his ring to help him build the Temple (but like most occult texts and Gnostic gospels, their origin is falsified and way ahead of supposed time), hence I saw claim that those spirits are rather shedim ie daemons or demons, what Muslims know as djinns who they claim did help him build the temple and not "demons". Saw them depicted as such on one website in fact.

There were also reverse cases, Shamshiel whose status is debatable (usually see him potrayed as good) who sounds like Shamash, I once spotted name "Hermaniel" on one angelic list, obvious coming from Hermes.

You're saying about invading Hebrews, them like Abraham going out of Mesopotamia and invading is in line with Biblical story. But scientific studies show they were natives together with other Caananites they evolved from, there are no proof for thing like Exodus (save for Hyksos who were similar to Hebrews). At least that's what one (atheist) Jew told me, who was studying Hebrew history.

I was asking if Bael even have some meaning in Hebrew or Aramaic, from which most names in demonology are derived. Bael is obvious modification of Baal, but as "el" - of God, it must have some meaning.

"El" being generic name for god like Allah (al-Ilah, used as such before Moslems, but also to refer to specific deity who had off-spring in form of Alilat, Manat and Uzza), or slavic bog.


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masons have a super secret name called jah-baal-on look it up. it goes with the hidden hand in the breast pocket gesture



It's actually jah BUL on



>>implying 'baal' and a picture of a meme is the valid start to a conversation



The wire vs sopranos, which one?



The wire cause it has the beautiful aidan gillen

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