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Does anyone know what's going on?

I have been trying to lucid dream for a while now. But the wild technique doesn't work as I fall asleep too soon. But a few times I've had gone 'lucid' and by that I mean I became aware that I am dreaming but I cannot do too much. Like last night I became 'lucid' in that sense again. I tried to fly but I could only jump a certain length. I tried to imagine a cute 2d chick but I couldn't. Iv been suspecting that its maybe a dream within the dream or maybe the dreams plot is to be lucid but that doesn't make me lucid for real. I tried telling my self that I'm in a dream within a dream so I should become double lucid or something but nothing happened. Eventually the dreaming went on and I forgot what else happened.

Does anyone know what's happening?

And if it really is in the plot of the dream for me to be fake lucid how do I make myself real lucid?


>muh rule 2!!!

Im aware of that. But I though we can have long and interesting discussions about false lucid dreams.



I literally have never had a proper lucid dream, just the stuff you are describing.


The best way is constant mindfulness when awake

Then lucid dreaming is a kids game



Does that mean we were never really lucid dreaming?


Meaning reality checks right? I do those



Well, mostly when I regain full consciousness while dreaming I cease to dream and just am in this meditative state, or I try to leave my body and have an astral projection (with small success).

Those false lucid dreams were happening to me some time ago, now I do not try to dream lucidly. I also theorized that it isn't lucid dream proper, but a dream about lucid dreaming, so while it was certainly easier to remember and more vivid, it wasn't a lucid dream.

Mostly I don't try to have a false awakening inside a dream, but I go to bed and retain consciousness by meditation.

Also, I think that >>62744 meant mindfulness meditation. You know, being aware and awake even when doing mundane activities, and I admit that it improves dream recollection and overall dream lucidity.




Yep I am constantly aware and awake , I don't even do reality checks and the like

Also when you get aware that you are dreaming and you feel that you are going to awake just let yourself drop backwards that will make the dream last longer.


YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


On the second thought, I think I had some "proper" lucid dreams.

It's kinda hard to remember as I certainly had far more "false" ones than "proper".

Also, is it a black and white distinction? Either a dream which is a story and I'm just an actor like in a movie or something or a lucid dream experience in which I create consciously everything? I ask because I have had many experiences which seemed to be somewhere in between - more like, say, a game. I have some setting in which I find myself, I regain consciousness and then change some things, fly in this dreamscape or create new elements in it or just follow the story but making dream decisions consciously.



I will have to look into the mindful stuff. Also I remembered I tried astral projecting through the false lucid dream last night. I started levitating, I felt something of me fly out and there was a lot of white noise through my ears like an airplane but lighter. But I just opened my eyes and I was lying in my bed. Though Idk if that was a dream or no.



Each time I try to project the experience is so intense that I abort it because it seems to me it's more than I can handle.

I begin spinning and going up at the same time and it's accelerating very rapidly, I feel energy going through my body like shivers and I hear white noise or just shrieking in my ears too.

Once, after all this stuff I started seeing my room, despite close eyelids, then my point of view started shifting until I found myself hanging just under the ceiling, then it went back and it stopped just next to my head and I felt my body again.

Also, regarding >>62755 it's not that I have full control either - when I try to fly, I may end up just jumping a few meters in the air or I may "jump" and leave Earth's atmosphere (happened to me more than once). So, I guess I'd need to learn to control it.

Posting some book, I didn't finish it, but it seemed very nice.




Mine is similar but not as intense as you described it and there was loud white noise and I felt my body floating and air moving inside of it. But I tried to initiate it but I couldn't. Also thanks for the link is there stuff on there that I can practice while doing things like work?



If you want to practice while doing work or any other mundane activity here's a small technique for you. Always be mindful of your breath. Feel it going in and going out. After 5-10 minutes you will feel more relaxed but more alert at the same time. No matter what you are doing just keep your breath in mind, focus on it. That's what I used to do when I did mundane activities. Now I just recite mantras mentally.



Thanks! I'll try this and will this help with lucid dreaming and future experiences. I want to kill multiple birds with one stone



If what you are trying to alter, create or do in the dream is not working as you want it to, it may not be tied into the lucid/non-lucid problem.

I would say it's more a matter of will and intent. When you create something in a lucid (or even non lucid) dream, it isn't about thinking and focusing on creating something, it is just KNOWING that what you created now exists. It just is, there is no process. If you focus on the process, you will fail. Same with flying. The smallest doubt will clip your wings, and if you are trying to use your MIND instead of your WILL to do these things, then it will not work.



But I did not think of any process I simply said I want to fly, tried it and failed. And I tried to create a person in front of me and that did not work either. Though you could be right, I'll try again the next time it happens and post results


I've been having problems lately as well. I do a ritual every night and it has only worked once. But I know that if it worked once it wasn't a fluke so I continue to do the ritual and record my dreams.

When it did succeed I vividly remember giving my spouse a set of black wings, and at first they were misshapen but with a little effort I was able to make some well formed bat wings that moved , but she did not fly. Also we had sex and it was marvelous.

When I woke up I remember feeling like I just stepped out of one awakening and into another. Neither felt more or less real.

I am constantly trying to levitate things with my mind while I awake, and remembering that levitation can only occur in a Lucid Dream or the Astral. When I became lucid in my dream it was because I levitated some furniture around like it was nothing and it hit me almost immediately that I was dreaming.



Huh, just wait until you start levitating things while awake.


Whenever I become lucid, I cannot control anything.

The dream just continues and I go with it. I don't even think about controlling anything, it's as if I don't even want that.

The vivid dream just continues and at some point I wake up. The most noticeable thing about it is how I awaken soaked in sweat every time after that.

It seems that I'm not aware enough of my subconscious.

Damn, this whole thing makes me feel like a silly Hylic,


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But you can have sex with all of the 2d qts you've ever wanted!

That's my main motivation atleast




Someone is missing the main point of… everything.



Please elaborate



If you don't know what he is talking about then I don't see a bright future in magic for you.



I just want to lucid dream for experiences and a little pleasure right now, maybe astral project in the future too. I am not really looking to be a hardcore magician/occultist or anything.



Its a fad, a gateway Lucid experience. Don't discourage it, just get it out of the way and move on to bigger and better things.

Have all the fantasy sex you want because its just another step to discovering whats really important.



You are right. This holy stuff sounds interesting, but I'm also interested in lucid/astral sex



Well anon every path is diferent, some of us came becose of fear ,others for curiosity, others becose this sounds cool, others for searching the true, or a combination, just be full of understanding and guide them well,eventually all paths lead to the same destination.



It's not about sex being unholy. Anyway why would it be? Not to mention that "holiness" is a meaningless term.

It's about sex being a complete and utter waste of energy.



Would it still be a waste if I had sex in the lucid or astral realm?

I'm a virgin irl just to let you know.



probably even more so than in physical realm. i'm always pissed at myself when i wake up and just wasted a good lucid dream on fucking whatever girl last smiled at me

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