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File: 1449174882137.jpg (36.64 KB, 634x357, 634:357, 1410871527838_wps_11_Nasa_….jpg)


Let's discuss global warming. I was a staunch believer in global warming until a friend gave me some convincing arguments on the contrary. But he had not provided any sauce, so I was naturally still skeptical. What does everyone think here and why?

Providing reliable resources is preferred.





Why bump this?

It's not really of importance to this board. However, it is of importance to one's survival.

Typical /fringe/ response: The subterranean cities of Agartha are revving up their crystal olfactory frequencies to subdue the divine interplayers that have disconnected from source in an attempt to bridge consciousness and restore the lost order of Lemuria.

This is a multifaceted subject in all seriousness and I'm not going to disclose anything because the implications are too great.



This site is good.


It debunks the denial site of the discussion and ignores a little bit the real discussion about the importance of various feedback loops. You can choose to look at the explanations in more detail (basic intermediate and advanced, for some topics).

>What does everyone think here and why?

The composition of the atmosphere is changing. CO2 might be a weak greenhouse gas, but the amounts we put into the atmosphere are huge. You can also see that in the CO2 concentration of the ocean and it's acidification.

Does it cause a global warming? It does cause a change in sea surface temperature and thus in streams like la niña that are important for the precipitationpatterns of parts of continents. But as climate is defined as a 30 year period, we can only talk of the past and because the last 10 years were marked by changes in streams do not mean that the next 20 years will follow that trend. Honestly, I don't believe the predictions, there is too much which the models ignore. I think that the models don't matter. Ocean acidification is a big deal (even when it doesn't affect plankton), so is the change in precipitation patterns and concentration of smog particles and melting of glaciers and antarctic land ice (not sea ice). I don't want to come across like a hippie, but there is a slow changing equilibrium in most systems in nature which should be as little disturbed as possible. Just look at heavy metals in soils and how it affects microorganisms, that are adapted to a geological "background contamination". But the things politicians make out of it are absurd.


I belive this is a real issue

The joods lie a lot, but in order to deliver their lies they attached some trues to their lies

The academy may be corrupted, but they don't believe in GOD (mostly ) and they seem to be truly worry about this ,at this point I don't care about money and the like but this planet is beautiful and the killing of the flora and fauna is a tragic, besides what would be the worst if we try to save the planet? We may get a better place to live, I can not see the evil in this.



the evil is when certain countries are blocked from developing their economies to be able to challenge the existing dominant powers, on the pretext/excuse of global warming. everyone knows the western powers who industrialized first and fucked everyone up and the planet are majorly responsible for global warming; yet they enforce the same limits on gas emissions on everyone, rather than taxing themselves more and letting developing countries have their fair share of explosive industrial growth. they don't want that because they want the balance of power and the ability to dictate economic/military terms on a global scale, to remain with them (im talking about US/UK/NATO/UN shill-coalition if it isn't clear)

as far as global warming goes, i don't believe in it as a natural process. the earth is too powerful for us to be able to do much to it. however, chemtrails and other geo-engineering projects can be artificially increasing temperatures according to desired readings. also, the earth is flat.



The ting about the earth being flat i belive is a ting for plebs to

A. Discover what the tinker tinks The prover proves

B. Discover that if in dreams you go to the horizon you will see a lot of stuff

Faith and reason are to be use togueder

We are a very holistic system a being who is being manifest in multiple dimensions ,physical and spiritual,

The earth being round make more sense in the big scale of creation, we're the multiple dimensions converge.

You may be right in the ting about power control of the poor countries

But there's is more than one solution to this , besides burning the petroleum is just plain waste, we could used to make more durable tings and use other stuff for energy like the sun and other ecological sources


You can't have global warming if you're not on a globe.

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