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Esoteric Wizardry


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Despite what ZOG propaganda will tell you alcohol is actually very safe, and in fact good for your health. People who get Alcohol Poisoning are not actually poisoned by the alcohol but all the impurities and additives.

Fluoride, Oestrogen, Vitamin D, Carbohydrates, Chemical Flavouring, This is what is really causing sickness and liver failure. Pure clean alcohol is actually extremely beneficial for your health, both physically and spiritually.

The ancient Persians used alcohol as a way to reach a higher plane of conciousness, as well as an aphrodisiac.

Just remember, ALWAYS drink only the most pure home made spirits. And try to get at least three pints of the stuff in you throughout the week.




There are many different materials that you can use to create alcohol.

One (1) 20 gallon barrel with a lid (don’t use plastic it has oestrogen)

One (1) 10 ounce packet of brewer yeast or distiller yeast

One (1) stirring paddle

Forty (40) pounds of sugar

One (1) still

1.) Mix Your Sugar Solution

The ethanol will begin as a simple solution of sugar and (filtered)water. The water should be roughly 100 degrees Fahrenheit to ensure that all of the sugar melts. Fill the barrel halfway and pour in the sugar at 10 pound intervals until it is all used. This will make the solution easier to mix. Once the sugar is fully dissolved, you can fill up the barrel with hot water until it is nearly to the top. Once the mixture is at roughly 80 or 90 degrees, you can mix in the yeast. Loosely affix the lid of the barrel. If you let the lid sit on the barrel loosely, then it will allow carbon dioxide to escape during the fermentation process without letting in dirt and bugs. Set the mixture in an area that has a consistent temperature of 70 degrees.

2.) Let Nature Take Over

Fermentation will occur over the course of a week. During this time, the yeast is consuming the sugar that you’ve mixed in the water. As the yeast eats the sugar, it produces wastes in the form of alcohol and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide bubbles out of the mixture and needs to be released periodically to keep pressure from building up. This is why you put the lid on so loosely. These bubbles will also function as an indicator of when the fermentation process is complete. Once your mixture stops bubbling up with carbon dioxide, the process is finished.

3.) Filter the Solution

There will be some wastes to filter out after fermentation is complete. Bugs and dirt can sometimes get into the mixture, but you will mostly need to filter out all of the dead yeast.

4.) Distill Your Solution

What you will be left with is a mixture of dead yeast, water, and alcohol. To get the alcohol out of this mixture, you need to use a still to distill it out. There are many different types of alcohol stills and you can even make your own . The distillation of your solution should yield you a rough 3:1 ratio of original solution to finished alcohol.

5.) Dehydrate Your Alcohol

The alcohol that you are left with after the distillation process will still have a minor impurity of water inside of it. To remove this water, you need to use a specialized fuel filter that can filter the water out. These filters are made out of specially-designed fabrics that allow alcohol molecules to pass through while trapping the water.


Not sure if serious or a parody of the pro-tobacco thread. Either way, alcohol does definitely have some health benefits (cardiovascular, etc.) but it also numbs the senses, opposite to nicotine which sharpens them. If you can drink in moderation cool but even that can interfere with your practices. But I'm all for the occasional Bacchanalian festival.


>drink alcohol

>smoke tobacco

This is the new /fringe/…



Everything in moderation

You got to break your links to the world

Them remake it.

Rejecting something is as bad as embracing it . Control over you is the goal.


Doesn't alcohol kill your brain cells though? That doesn't seem like something you would want to do too much if you want to be some sort of wise wizard.



For ALLness sake, someone released a troll in the dungeon.

Is not additives whose metabolism produce formaldehyde, which is the toxic alcohol metabolite; stop making these tryhard shitposting threads.


The cardiovascular benefits are not absolute. Thing goes like this "If you don't drink, stay that way; but if you're going to drink anyway, make it one cup of wine a day, no more". Although I remember seeing some paper comparing the benefits of wine, an equal amount of alcohol, and de-alcoholized wine, in which the wine surpassed the combined benefit of its parts alone. Welp, waiting for solid results.


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If I wanted to read a story about someone who accidentally his life, I just have to google about alcohol. Massive amounts of people fucked their lives because of it.

Once you're deep into the addiction hole, it takes years to recover. Imagine, just watching the years pass waiting for your brain to get better.

The problem with daily drugs is that they give you a reward response that you could've gotten through living. Eventually your brain sees life as inferior to getting drunk.



Even the lowest of lowest tiers of actual initiates can see through this bullshit, don't fret - shame this will retard much progress for many fools.

Btw, so far im into the first hilton hotema book and it's interesting information.


I think this post will hurt more people than help.


The deeper you go the highest you will rise,

I tough that was part of the path of the magus.


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i agree with your opinion from a dionysian ( as in the literal form of the term ) perspective that moderate drinking and occsional overindulgence ( at a ratio of quality over quantity as these moments shouls very much be about the experience and not just habit ) - especially if " dry " periods are included at times as well to keep a healthy balance and avoid addiction or low impulse control.

buuuuut i gotta point out some flaws in your argument though that seem a little glaring. mostly that none of the impurities you mentioned are capable of causing an over dose at levels present in alcohol. in fact some ( such as estrogen and carbohydrates in beer, yeah, i said estrogen. from the hops, which are a flower. the carbohydrates are of course from the wheat and barley and part of why it used to be labelled by some advertizers and breweries as " liquid bread". ) .

any fluoride in beer , wine or alcohol in general can be avoided by making your own. all you gotta do to make sure is carefully select or filter your water for it and only use that unless you like using rain water, which works.

i dont really think theres a conspiracy against people knowing this except the most obvious and openly known one in history, which is simple puritanical viewpoints from certain people about mind altering substances or anything they consider too " decadent ". remember prohibition. the great depression was way more depressing because of it.

btw if you ever want to see another side of the argument in favour of alcohol being beneficial to society ( and not just the usual defensive arguments of simply " well its not bad ") look up the documentary " How Beer Saved the World ". it talks all about how the discovery of alcohol helped spark agriculture and how for more than a thousand years prior to the last century or two it was the only drinkable substance on earth guaranteed to be pure and not make you sick ( unless poisoned. but thatstrue of most things and the point is alcohol is anti-septic to a ridiculous degree ). this is a very reputable source and theres nothing sketchy about it. they stick to proven facts and simply put it into context when it domes to the history of alcohol and its pla e in society.

in short alcohol is clean, purifying in a literal and symbolic sense, it has mind altering properties and arguably " mind expanding " properties if imbibed with intent and proper care to be epicurean about it, its useful for certain rituals, its an excellent offering to any spirit or deity,it has the symbolism of communion from both christianity and several pagan or gnostic sacraments, and it is an excellent alchemical archetype ( fermentation transforming a mundane or earthly substance to a more sacred, perfected, and magickal substance ) and i dould go on.

alcohol of any kind, as well as other drugs of a mind expanding nature can be a double edged sword and for some a bit tricky to use well and wisely. but for those who can they are a god send :3



Heh.. Heh.. Yeah, drink like you are shown in the movies.. If you want to die, that is.

Be sure to think beer is manly, even though it has been mandated to contain estrogen since the 1600's.

And, remember, the higher the alcohol content the more dire.

We like to call it spirits because once you get drunk enough, nearby spirits are easily invited to influence the vessel. Then people wonder why they act so abhorrently..

That all said, I'm going to be brewing some mead for my own enjoyment and to offer guests or seduce (forest) nymphs with. That viking crunk juice goes down like sweet water and makes me want to raid!


>The ancient Persians used alcohol

do you have a single fact to back that up? oh wait this is /fringe/, top kek



No thanks, it's bad enough that I need to drink water, eat food, and breath. I don't want to add a dependence on yet another substance to that list.




In Nova Scotia I met a man who was about 102 and another who was about 99 and they never drank alcohol in their whole life but ate exactly I think it was 6 red grapes every day of their live that grew from a massive vine they had in their own garden.

Stop making up excuses to indulge in degeneracy and just grow some grapes.



Just to clarify, I know the one man was in his 90's and the other for sure had a triple digit age.

They both looked like they were healthy 40/50 year olds btw. The 90 something didn't even have grey/white hair.


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YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Humans were raping, cannibalizing, getting high, smoking, spreading diseases, etc. even longer.



ill just say i agree with this and leave it at that.

except to say Happy Saturnalia, Bitches ( puts on her phrygian cap and goes off to anticipate the more than week long freedom party of enlightened debauchery, love and good will :3 )

P.S: making my own beer soon. then moving on to wine. probably going totake my own advice to keep the fluoride out of it and will definitely consecrating each batch to dionysus with ancient magicks and holy water ( though i will avoid using holy water for the water in the alcohol itself so as not to perform or enable the unfortunate symbolic act of turning holy water into piss through ingestion and digestion )



Real wizards only use drugs to prove they are unaffected if at all.



real wizards use drugs for transcental and consciousness expanding reasons as well as sympathetic connections and medicinal, alchemical, sympathetic, or shamanic reasons if they use them for magick at all.

with that said not every magician keeps it holy to thatpurpose ( holy being defined as " set aside for adivine purpose " as a form of divinity but not full synonym. thus " wholly to that purpose " applies as well ) but some simply use it for other reasons of life affirming qualities, including the odd party, the health benefits of taking a drink of one to three glasses of wine a day to aid heart function or one or a few sessions of marijuana for its relaxing properties ( alcohol and weed often line up on this ), sharing a fouple glasses or smoking the peace pipe with friends, heightening the best parts of the experience of watching good comedies or surrealist media, and many more things. keep a golden mean and youre fine. do or do not so far as partaking. but scolding others unless they have a proven problem is a waste of time for anyone on any magickal, occult, mystical, or enlightening path. its a distraction when you could stick to teaching actual virtues in favour of taboos and restrictions.


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>he still uses drugs at all for things and not just trance + his will



im a girl btw.

i combine old dionysian and orphic theurgy on the grounds that orphism was more bemeficial for what it added than removed ( with the exception of the reform of the omophagy, which i entered into through a barely modified form of while keeping the reat of the practice, symbolism, and metaphysical mechanics intact very carefully for the cathartic communion ).

by working with both polarities of both ( which are by their nature extreme points away from each other in focus ) i keep my resting point at the golden mean and go to either alone or in conjunction for the expanded mind promised by both paths, which dionysus is the embodiment, forcr. governer, practitioner, provider and recipient of.

dionysus is about living outside taboos and breaking down every enemy of freedom. whether inquisition, prohibition, slavery, drug war, institutionalized sexism/ racism / group think / antisemitism / transmisogyny / forced abstinence / forced breeding / forced orientation of sexuality or love / forced belief / being for ed to reincarnate / insert stuff that makes sense along those lines here as hes a god of the spirit of ideals and not the wording.

that said if you keep a golden mean towards drug use and the kind of drugs you do its beneficial even if not all geared towards spirituality. even then spirituality can be added to any otherwise mundane use of it through consecration or mindset. the best at meditation can do it in a crowd without anyone being the wiser. immanent divinity. all reaching. not holy. only holy moments within its own divine experience. iachos



Hey, wench, bring me more mead.

Otherwise GTFO



give me your email and ill show tits like that other chan asks for and pour you a glass of mead over text or wine in the photo. its no skin off my nose if it keeps someone civil in a place where some of the population would or have consider(ed) me an abomination from their viewpoint.

full diclosure: im trans. i have been openly so for over a decade and mostly pass. im an epicurian hedonist ( the most responsible of all hedonists ) and an ascetic in equal and often alternating ( even roughly a third of the time intentionally and carefully conjoined without conflict ) times in my life.

and thats all you get unless you want more convo. you could also decline and save us both the time.

* pours you some mead then goes off to be a freaking maenad *


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I can't hear you over my latest attempt to free myself from the bonds of substance. Inedia calls anon, do you hear it? Soon I will live on the light of akasha only.


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Tell me when you've become an actual woman and not just a mutilated hormonally fucked up eunuch freak.



>wants to breakdown taboos

>does exactly what the jews wants of him

Good Goy. How about you break a real actual fucking taboo and decide to be a racist antisemite shitlord instead?



you mean not shoving them in ghettos or ovens and treating them as human beings? taboos are rules or restrictions without proper reasons based on ethics and morality. i dislike and have major problems with their god. not them. hate is poison to my path. if anything id break the other taboo to try and convert them as their DNA has nothing wrong with it, nor even if somehow did would it matter as their spirit and soul is what matters.

it really makes me sick that people in the occult community go on and on about how in the end we are all just spirit and can be perfected and then toss out entire minority groups based on physical forms within the human species as being impure or irredeemably awful within that paradigm.

ill stick to breaking down and breaking free of a actual taboos. dont think its easier. or think its easier. i am following the ideal of freedom first after all, with other ideals secondary like the social contract, so do as youwill onthat one. whatever



I wish I could use the "treat me like a human bean!" excuse to get away with absolutely fucking anything.

Jews are the worst degenerates to plague this planet ever.

>it really makes me sick that people in the occult community go on and on about how in the end we are all just spirit and can be perfected and then toss out entire minority groups based on physical forms within the human species as being impure or irredeemably awful within that paradigm.

As within; so without. Now fuck off trap-demon!

>ill stick to breaking down and breaking free of a actual taboos

Yeah "taboos" that the establishment wants you breaking down because you're a useful good goy in their plans. You can flaunt your degeneracy in the universities, on youtube, everywhere and only a small persecuted minority of NatSoc will ever object and they will just be banned and silenced.

How about you spit on a nigger's face in public? That's a taboo. A really big and serious one.

Nah, you don't break taboos though unless you have the full approval of society first.



we're at opposite polarities of objected to practices and beliefs. the only thing worse would be combining them so lets just agree to disagree hatebag?



All love is hatred. The only death of love is equality. Then there is just flatness, worthlessness, interchangeability, uniformity, the death of rhythm and life.

A man's hatred is only as intense as love.

You just won't own up to this, you will indulge this and deny it, or you will actually forget that your doublespeak is doublespeak and take it literally and then you will be obliterated by indifference to all things.



i keep anger holy as the emotions are linked to senses, and anger is linked to the instinctive or logical recognition of " this is wrong " from the lowest points of slights or feeling cheated ( in order ) to " this is intentional and evil ". i keep it on a leash as a watchdog but not a ruler if you understand my meaning.

hate is the opposite polarity of the theurgic virtue of Love ( attraction, caring, giving afuck about others well being ). it is is thusthe impulse to harm others profoundly and for both reasons ( as most virtues and vices are simply opposing polarities of each other at a one to one basis ) its a vice, and has often proven throughout historyto be terrible to society if left unchecked.

there is a difference. though hate is toxic anger is enlightening.

i only use hate as a spell component. the way i would use lead. i combine it with the anger and love that birthed it.

tl; dr: yes they're donnected. you hurt someone someone loves they feel anger, hate, or both for you. same if they did it to you. thats where your hate would come from if activated in you. its the shadow to loves light ( because shadows do not exist without light. otherwise it is just darkness ) and birthed by it.

as for everything else

>> calling my thoughts and opinions and articulationsof them doublespeak

>> nothing but doublespeak in your post

pick one



Out of curiosity Spooky. How has your transitional process effected your energy body? I should probably ask before that. Do you perform any bio-enegetic work like qi-gong, chi-kung, tai-chi, yoga, etc?



Point out the supposed doublespeak in my post.

Love is just a creative, attractive, etc. emotion and hatred is just that same emotion with awareness shifted.

Get good and start using the akasha. (Don't actually, you're filth) (implying you can even understand how to use it even though I'm almost straight up saying how).

I know someone who aspires to be everything that you want to be and is not to be fucked with. You can't talk to said individual without his will being done. Doesn't matter the distance or if it's online.

GET GOOD YOU FAKE WOMAN. 15 - 86 - 42 - 33 - 75



it made my physical body come much closer to matching it, within the limits of human anatomy ( my energy body simply has the main difference of arrangements of different spectrums of light and shadow, more visible currents, and the ability to open, close, and expand or contract. ).

i have been working on a lot of soul work lately and using godforms to get closer to henosis, along with a few rites of personal achemy so its still a work in progress though as i continue the right hand path of perfection :3



>implying you are not left-hand-path



i used to do qabalah for a couple years and still like a lot of it but i was concerned about it basically ( from my perspective ) being henosis with the valentinian gnostic demiurge or simply the abrahamamic god as depicted exactly in the bible, torah ( pentateuch especially ) and qoran rather than true oneness with the universe. plus it turned out the parts that most appealed to me ( actually damn near all of them ) were monotheized elements, beliefs, and practices of neoplatonism. so i made the switch to what seemed like my natural path and still does years later.

i still do chakra work which i was doing at the same time and ive unlocked a few connections to working with them more syncretically and seamlessly with my primary magickal path as a lot of it made it into orphism or even as far back as old dionysian and they combine well for the same purposes.

aside from that ive been looking into the egyptian aspects and parts of the spirit and am currently making progress in eorking within the flower of fire ( hypezokos ) and flower of the mind ( hypenous ) of the Chaldean Oracles as well as the Iynges, Synoches, Teletarchs, ( if yourecognize them from crowleys Star Ruby rite that was his primary source of knowledge on them. though not how i work with them ) and other forces, archrtypes, beings and combinations thereof within that and orphic.

hey, werent we talking about beer? :3



Can't say I'm too well read in those areas. But it is interested to get a bit of exposure into it.

Anyway I'll leave you guys to your argument and join the rest of fringe observing in the background.




look beyong the obvious in the letter Y ( Upsilon in greek and imported to Rome for practical but also occult purposes ) and you will see the origin of the Right Hand Path.

if that eludes you through meditation, intuition or logic you can google the Pythagorean Y and its history over much longer than the last two thousand years and how it has influenced and guided the path and objectives ( self improvement, morality, and connections to the divine being the guiding principles in your magickal path ) of every right hand tradition since, including several intereoven ones i follow, all of which i mentioned are within that purview and the rest i wont bore you with.

i follow the right hand path but it has more forks and branches than we think and all lead to the divine.



You do realize carbohydrates are a base chemical component for sustaining life?



Its called "spirits" because if you drink enough your brain shuts down and eventually you black out. Demonic entities use the as an opportunity to inhabit your body and fuck shit up while YOU suffer all the consequences. gj op, letting demons take over your physical body. smh tbh.



Actually long term perturbation of the mind, is what creates simple sages, living with nature

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