There are many different materials that you can use to create alcohol.
One (1) 20 gallon barrel with a lid (don’t use plastic it has oestrogen)
One (1) 10 ounce packet of brewer yeast or distiller yeast
One (1) stirring paddle
Forty (40) pounds of sugar
One (1) still
1.) Mix Your Sugar Solution
The ethanol will begin as a simple solution of sugar and (filtered)water. The water should be roughly 100 degrees Fahrenheit to ensure that all of the sugar melts. Fill the barrel halfway and pour in the sugar at 10 pound intervals until it is all used. This will make the solution easier to mix. Once the sugar is fully dissolved, you can fill up the barrel with hot water until it is nearly to the top. Once the mixture is at roughly 80 or 90 degrees, you can mix in the yeast. Loosely affix the lid of the barrel. If you let the lid sit on the barrel loosely, then it will allow carbon dioxide to escape during the fermentation process without letting in dirt and bugs. Set the mixture in an area that has a consistent temperature of 70 degrees.
2.) Let Nature Take Over
Fermentation will occur over the course of a week. During this time, the yeast is consuming the sugar that you’ve mixed in the water. As the yeast eats the sugar, it produces wastes in the form of alcohol and carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide bubbles out of the mixture and needs to be released periodically to keep pressure from building up. This is why you put the lid on so loosely. These bubbles will also function as an indicator of when the fermentation process is complete. Once your mixture stops bubbling up with carbon dioxide, the process is finished.
3.) Filter the Solution
There will be some wastes to filter out after fermentation is complete. Bugs and dirt can sometimes get into the mixture, but you will mostly need to filter out all of the dead yeast.
4.) Distill Your Solution
What you will be left with is a mixture of dead yeast, water, and alcohol. To get the alcohol out of this mixture, you need to use a still to distill it out. There are many different types of alcohol stills and you can even make your own . The distillation of your solution should yield you a rough 3:1 ratio of original solution to finished alcohol.
5.) Dehydrate Your Alcohol
The alcohol that you are left with after the distillation process will still have a minor impurity of water inside of it. To remove this water, you need to use a specialized fuel filter that can filter the water out. These filters are made out of specially-designed fabrics that allow alcohol molecules to pass through while trapping the water.