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VIDEO "Leytonstone Terror Attack (FULL): The Religion of Peace Strikes Again"

In response to #YouAintNoMuslimBruv


Spread around. This one hits home.

"On December 5, an act of terror occurred at Leytonstone tube station in East London, UK. As people were coming home from Christmas shopping on Saturday evening, a man wielding a machete slit the throat of an innocent bystander and injured two others. Some witnesses feared the terrorist intended to behead the man. As the 29 year old alleged Muslim man threatened bystanders, he declared "This is for Syria!. Police nearby were able to subdue the man but only after multiple attempts at tasing him.

This video contains multiple eye witness footage accounts synced together to capture the entire event. One bystander declares "You're not a Muslim, bruv" and yet almost all incidents of terror are committed by Muslims. Studies and statistics show that a rather large minority of Muslims sympathize with these acts, especially among male Muslim youth.

Muslims make up 4% of the population in England and Wales but are a staggering 14% of the Prison population. Violent crime has increase by 23% across England and Wales while Rape crime has increased by 50% yearly in London alone since 2008.

While the bystander may feel that that terrorist was not a follower of Islam, it is very clear that there is substantial evidence to suggest there is a direct link between Islam and crime, particularly violent crime. This is not being addressed and as this climate of fear grows, as the UK continues a foreign policy of destabilization in the Middle East, so too will the climbing crime statistics and incidents of terror. Victims deserve an answer and citizens deserve a justification for both the down right dangerous policy of mass immigration and an aggressive, expensive foreign policy which does not suit the interests of the citizenship and certainly not the victims of failed governments in the Middle East. Under the Conservative government, net migration has hit an all time high despite claims to reduce immigration. As our previous video showed, no one in the UK government is willing to address this despite petitions signed by over a half a million British citizens.

As the video shows, multiple Western governments are seeking to ban this discussion and any opposition to Islam. This is a direct attack upon Freedom of Speech which again, the majority of citizens support and were not asked if they wanted prohibited.

Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace. We suggest viewers watch the videos of David Wood who breaks down Quranic texts and exposes the inherent nature of Islam:


Another suggestion would be to watch Bill Warner's video which shows the history of aggressive Islamic expansionism over 1300 years:


This is NOT a video justifying the continued destabilization in the Middle East. We directly oppose any further intervention in an already complicated situation which will only provoke more violence and backlash. It is this very destabilization which has led to the catastrophe of the Migrant Crisis flooding Europe which Europeans neither asked for and certainly do not support.

Governments need to answer for their policies which the vast super majority of citizens do NOT support"


Dice rollRolled 4 (1d7)

I don't get it; what's the point of this?

The only real defense against this is training everyone to defend themselves or convincing a government to not allow that type of thing. Fat chance of either, but isn't barbarism simply a trait of a higher realm's imbalance?

Islam is a divisive religion, as all religions are; divisive.

David Icke seems to advocate for everyone working together and dissolving control structures being able to eradicate conflicts like this, and someone on here said to keep races separate. maybe they should be, who knows. But what can one do about this other than feed an egregore of fear?

Better to feed the universal love energy and connect to that; it'd keep people away from being harmed anyway, or if you die that's according to divine will/maybe you were about to ascend or weren't on the right path if you attracted the vibes of being in a dangerous place. 7


Dice rollRolled 3 (1d7)

It would be awesome if prison worked to rehabilitate and remove structures of faith and division; now THAT is a next-level prison of love. Seems like one could run a prison that freed people's minds. I wonder if that would be destroyed by the world for being too good for it or if would be protected.

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